Installing DataStax Community on RHEL-based systems

Install using Yum repositories on RHEL, CentOS, and Oracle Linux.

DataStax no longer provides the DataStax Community version of Apache Cassandra™ or the DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra. See DataStax support for Apache Cassandra.
To download and install the latest version of open-source Cassandra, see

Use these steps to install Cassandra using Yum repositories on RHEL, CentOS, and Oracle Linux.

Note: To install on SUSE, use the Cassandra binary tarball distribution.

For a complete list of supported platforms, see Apache Cassandra.


  • Yum Package Management application installed.
  • Root or sudo access to the install machine.
  • Latest version of Oracle Java Platform, Standard Edition 8 (JDK) is recommended or OpenJDK 7.
    Note: The JDK is recommended for development and production systems. It provides tools that are not in the JRE, such as jstack, jmap, jps, and jstat, that are useful for troubleshooting.
  • Python 2.6+ (needed if installing OpsCenter).
  • Java Native Access (JNA) is required for production installations (latest version recommended). See Installing the JNA on RHEL-based systems.

The packaged releases create a cassandra user. When starting Cassandra as a service, the service runs as this user.


In a terminal window:

  1. Check which version of Java is installed by running the following command:
    $ java -version
    Note: It is recommended to use the latest version of Oracle Java 8 on all nodes. (Oracle Java 7 is also supported.)

    See Installing the JDK on RHEL-based systems.

  2. Add the DataStax Community repository to the /etc/yum.repos.d/datastax.repo:
    name = DataStax Repo for Apache Cassandra
    baseurl =
    enabled = 1
    gpgcheck = 0
  3. Install the packages:
    $ sudo yum install dsc20-2.0.x-1 cassandra2.0.x-1
    For example, to install DataStax Community 2.0.11:
    $ sudo yum install dsc20-2.0.11-1 cassandra20-2.0.11-1

    Check Download DataStax Community Edition for the latest version.

    The DataStax Community distribution of Cassandra is ready for configuration.

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