Using the Solr HTTP API

Using the Solr HTTP API to query data indexed in DSE Search/Solr.

You can use the Solr HTTP API to query data indexed in DSE Search/Solr just as you would search for data indexed in OSS.

Solr HTTP API example

Assuming you performed the example of using a collection set, to find the titles in the mykeyspace.mysolr table that begin with the letters Succ in XML, use this URL:
The response is:
 <lst name="responseHeader">
   <int name="status">0</int>
   <int name="QTime">2</int>
   <lst name="params">
     <str name="fl">title</str>
     <str name="q">title:Succ*</str>
 <result name="response" numFound="2" start="0">
     <str name="title">Success</str>
     <str name="title">Success</str>

Using the Solr HTTP API is faster than using CQL. Using the Solr HTTP API, the read request goes directly to Cassandra. Using CQL, the read request first goes to Solr. A document ID, an unordered bit set, is returned. Next, the request goes to Cassandra.

Delete by query 

After you issue a delete by query, documents start getting deleted immediately and deletions continue until all documents are removed. For example you can delete the data that you inserted using this command on the operating system command line:

$ curl http://localhost:8983/solr/mykeyspace.mysolr/update --data
  '<delete><query>*:*</query></delete>' -H
   'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8'