Installing DataStax Enterprise on Debian-based systems

Install DataStax Enterprise and OpsCenter using APT repositories on Debian-based systems.

For a complete list of supported platforms, see DataStax Enterprise Supported Platforms.


  • DataStax Academy registration email address and password.
  • Aptitude Package Management (APT) application installed.
  • Root or sudo access to the install machine.
  • Latest version of Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment 7. See Installing Oracle JDK.
  • Python 2.6+ (needed if installing OpsCenter).
  • Java Native Access (JNA) is required for production installations. See Installing the JNA.
  • If you are using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, you must update to JNA 3.4, as described in Installing the JNA on Debian or Ubuntu systems.

Also see Recommended production settings and the DataStax Enterprise Reference Architecture white paper.

The packaged releases create a cassandra user. When starting DataStax Enterprise as a service, the Cassandra and Hadoop tracker services run as this user. The service initialization script is located in /etc/init.d/dse. Run levels are not set by the package.


These steps install DataStax Enterprise. After installing, you must configure and start DataStax Enterprise.

In a terminal window:

  1. Check which version of Java is installed:
    $ java -version
    Use the latest version of Oracle Java 7 on all nodes.
  2. Add a DataStax repository file called /etc/apt/sources.list.d/datastax.sources.list:
    $ echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/datastax.sources.list
    where dsa_email_address and password are the credentials you created on the registration page.
    Note: Be sure to use your registration email address, not your username.
  3. Add the DataStax repository key:
    $ curl -L | sudo apt-key add -
    Note: If you have trouble adding the key, use http instead of https.
  4. Install DataStax Enterprise:
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install dse-full=version-1 dse=version-1 dse-hive=version-1 dse-pig=version-1 dse-demos=version-1 dse-libsolr=version-1 dse-libtomcat=version-1 dse-libsqoop=version-1 dse-liblog4j=version-1 dse-libmahout=version-1 dse-libhadoop-native=version-1 dse-libcassandra=version-1 dse-libhive=version-1 dse-libpig=version-1 dse-libhadoop=version-1

    dse-full installs DataStax Enterprise and the DataStax Agent.

    dse-full opscenter installs DataStax Enterprise, DataStax Agent, and OpsCenter (Optional)

    For example:

    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install dse-full=4.0.3-1 dse=4.0.3-1 dse-hive=4.0.3-1 dse-pig=4.0.3-1 dse-demos=4.0.3-1 dse-libsolr=4.0.3-1 dse-libtomcat=4.0.3-1 dse-libsqoop=4.0.3-1 dse-liblog4j=4.0.3-1 dse-libmahout=4.0.3-1 dse-libhadoop-native=4.0.3-1 dse-libcassandra=4.0.3-1 dse-libhive=4.0.3-1 dse-libpig=4.0.3-1 dse-libhadoop=4.0.3-1

    For production installations, DataStax recommends installing the OpsCenter separate from the cluster. See the OpsCenter documentation.

    Removing the datastax-agent package also removes the DataStax Enterprise package.


DataStax Enterprise is ready for configuration.

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