Changing the copy field value

Steps for changing the value of the copy field.


  1. Change the stored attribute value of a copyField directive from true to false.
    1. Change the values of stored copyField directives to false.
    2. Post the solrconfig.xml and the modified schema.xml.
    3. Reload the Solr core, specifying an in-place re-index.

    Previously stored copies of data are not automatically removed from Cassandra.

  2. Changing the stored attribute value from false to true is not directly supported. The workaround is:
    1. Remove the copyField directives that have stored=false.
    2. Reload the solrconfig.xml and schema.xml. Use the reindex=true option.
    3. Add back the copyField directives you removed to the schema.xml and set stored=true.
    4. Post the solrconfig.xml and the modified schema.xml.
    5. Reload the Solr core, specifying an in-place re-index.
    6. Re-ingest the data.

    Stored values are not automatically removed from Cassandra.