About DataStax Enterprise

DataStax Enterprise is a big data platform built on Apache Cassandra that manages real-time, analytics, and enterprise search data. DataStax Enterprise leverages Cassandra, Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and Apache Solr to shift your focus from the data infrastructure to using your data strategically.

DataStax Enterprise is a big data platform built on Apache Cassandra that manages real-time, analytics, and enterprise search data. DataStax Enterprise leverages Cassandra, Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and Apache Solr to shift your focus from the data infrastructure to using your data strategically, as described in the DataStax Enterprise overview.

Important: DataStax Enterprise 4.6 uses Cassandra 2.0.

New features  

DataStax Enterprise 4.6 introduces the following new features:

LDAP authentication

DataStax Enterprise supports LDAP authentication support for external LDAP services.

Enhanced audit logging

Audit logging configuration is decoupled from log4j.

Logging to a Cassandra table.

Configurable consistency levels for table logging.

Optional asynchronous logging for better performance when logging to a table.

Spark enhancements

Spark 1.1 integration.

Spark Java API support.

Spark Python API (PySpark) support.

Spark SQL support.

Spark Streaming.

Kerberos support for connecting Spark components to Cassandra.

DSE Search enhancements

Simplified, automatic resource generation.

New dsetool commands for creating, reloading, and managing Solr core resources.

Redesigned implementation of CQL Solr queries for production usage.

Solr performance objects.

Tuning index size and range query speed.

Restricted query routing for experts.

Ability to use virtual nodes (vnodes) in Solr nodes. Recommended range: 32 to 64 (overhead increases by approximately 30%).