Installing DataStax Enterprise 4.7 using Yum repositories

Install DataStax Enterprise, DataStax Agent, and OpsCenter using Yum repositories on RHEL-based systems.

Note: To install on SUSE, use the GUI installer or the binary tarball installation.

For a complete list of supported platforms, see DataStax Enterprise Supported Platforms.

Important: DataStax Enterprise 4.7 uses Cassandra 2.1.


  • DataStax Academy registration email address and password.
  • Yum Package Management application.
  • Root or sudo access to the install machine.
  • Latest version of Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment 7 or 8 or OpenJDK 7 is recommended.
    Note: If using Oracle Java 7, you must use at least 1.7.0_25. If using Oracle Java 8, you must use at least 1.8.0_40. In some cases, using JDK 1.8 causes minor performance degradation compared to JDK 1.7.
  • RedHat-compatible distributions require EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux). For RHEL 5.x, see Installing EPEL on RHEL OS 5.x.
  • If installing on a 64-bit Oracle Linux distribution, first install the 32-bit versions of glibc libraries.
  • Python 2.6 (minimum); 2.7 (recommended).
Hardware requirements
Requirement Minimum Production
CPUs 2 16
Memory 8GB 24GB
Data directory 20GB 200GB
Commit log directory 20GB 200GB
Saved caches directory 20GB 200GB
Logs directory 20GB 200GB

Also see Recommended production settings and the DataStax Enterprise Reference Architecture white paper.

Note: JNA (Java Native Access) is automatically installed.

The packaged releases create a cassandra user. When starting DataStax Enterprise as a service, the Cassandra and Hadoop tracker services run as this user. The service initialization script is located in /etc/init.d/dse. Run levels are not set by the package.


These steps install DataStax Enterprise, the DataStax Agent, and OpsCenter (optional). After installing, you must configure and start DataStax Enterprise.

In a terminal window:

Note: In the following commands, be sure to change X to an actual version number. To view the available versions, see the Release notes. The latest version of DataStax Enterprise 4.7 is 4.7.9.

  1. Verify that a required version of Java is installed:
    $ java -version

    If not Oracle Java 7, Oracle Java 8, or OpenJDK 7, see Installing Oracle JDK or the OpenJDK documentation.

    Important: Package management tools do not install Oracle Java.
  2. Make sure that the EPEL is installed. See Installing EPEL on RHEL OS 5.x.
  3. Add the DataStax Yum repository to a file called /etc/yum.repos.d/datastax.repo.
    Note: Set the gpgcheck=1 to perform a GPG signature check.
    name = DataStax Repo for DataStax Enterprise
    where dsa_email_address and password are the DataStax Academy account credentials you created on the registration page.
    Note: Be sure to use your registration email address, not your username.
  4. If you have enabled signature verification (gpgcheck=1), import the DataStax Enterprise repository key:
    $ rpm --import 
  5. Install the package:
    $ sudo yum install dse-full-4.7.X-1 (Use for all product levels.)

    For production installations, DataStax recommends installing the OpsCenter separate from the cluster. See the OpsCenter documentation.

    Attention: Depending on your environment, you might need to replace @ in your email address with %40 and escape any character in your password that is used in your operating system's command line. Examples: \! and \|.
  6. Optional: Review the installation logs to verify the installation.
    Directories Description
    /usr/share/dse/backups/log_file_dir/copied_config_files.log Show Config File Overwrites
    /usr/share/dse/backups/log_file_dir/bitrock_installer.log View Installation Log
    /usr/share/dse/backups/log_file_dir/install_dependencies.log View Dependency Installation Log
    /usr/share/dse/backups/pfc_results.txt View Configuration Recommendations and Warnings (Preflight Check Results)
    /usr/share/dse View README
    /usr/share/dse Uninstall DataStax Enterprise


DataStax Enterprise is ready for configuration.

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