Field input/output transformer example

Use the field input/output transformer API as an option to the input/output transformer support in Solr.

Use the field input/output transformer API as an option to the input/output transformer support in Solr. An Introduction to DSE Field Transformers provides details on the transformer classes.

DSE Search includes the released version of a plugin API for Solr updates and a plugin to the CassandraDocumentReader. The plugin API transforms data from the secondary indexing API before data is submitted to Solr. The plugin to the CassandraDocumentReader transforms the results data from Cassandra to Solr.

Using the API, applications can tweak a Solr Document before it is mapped and indexed according to the schema.xml. The API is a counterpart to the input/output transformer support in Solr.

The field input transformer (FIT) requires a trailing Z for date field values.


To use the API:

  1. Define the plugin in the solrconfig.xml for a Cassandra table (Solr core).
    <fieldInputTransformer name="dse" class="
    <fieldOutputTransformer name="dse" class="
  2. Write a transformer class something like this reference implementation to tweak the data in some way.
  3. Export the class to a JAR, and place the JAR in this location:
    • Installer-No Services and Tarball installations: install-location/resources/solr/lib
    • Installer-Services and Package installations: /usr/share/dse/solr/lib
    The JAR is added to the CLASSPATH automatically.
  4. Test your implementation using something like the reference implementation.