OpsCenter 5.1.0 Release Notes

Release notes for the OpsCenter version 5.1.0 release.

New features 

  • Backup Service - The basic backup and restore functions of OpsCenter have been replaced by the Backup Service, which provides more enterprise-class backup and restore functionality.
  • Automatic failover - When all monitored clusters are DSE, failover from the primary OpsCenter instance to the backup OpsCenter instance happens automatically without any manual intervention or downtime.
  • Improved agent user permissions - For package installs, the DataStax agent now runs as the Cassandra user by default, which provides a smoother permissions experience out of the box.
  • Standalone installer - There is now a standalone GUI installer for Mac OS X and a command line installer for Linux that makes installing and uninstalling OpsCenter fast and convenient.

Improved features 

  • Email alerts - The cluster name is now included in email alerts and you can customize the email subject.

Notable changes 

  • The default heap size of the DataStax agent has been increased from 40 MB to 128 MB.
  • For OpsCenter to connect to your cluster, start_native_transport must be set to true on all of your nodes. (OPSC-4219)
  • OpsCenter Authentication now uses sessions in place of HTTP Basic Auth.
    Note: If your application directly accesses the OpsCenter REST APIs, you need to update your code to authenticate using sessions.
  • The hosts option in address.yaml now determines which nodes the agent connects to. For further information on configuration changes and migration paths, see the Upgrade Guide. (OPSC-4567)

Resolved issues 

  • Added support for require_client_auth: true in Cassandra client_encryption_options. (OPSC-3249)
  • Removed support for SSL v3 due to POODLE vulnerability. (OPSC-3775)

Known issues 

  • Backup Service
    • To support uploading sstables larger than 75 GB to Amazon S3, some options will need to be tuned. See Configuring the Backup Service to upload very large files to Amazon S3. (OPSC-4479)
    • Real time progress of S3 backups and restores can be delayed in some cases.
    • Collapsing nodes on an in progress Backup or Restore dialog will automatically expand with updates (that is, collapsing does not work properly). (OPSC-4378)
    • Restoring from a failed backup is not currently possible. (OPSC-4175)
    • During a clone operation (restoring to a different cluster), there is a known UI-only issue where the restore entry in the backup activity log will only show up in the destination cluster of the clone. This issue arises when the restore progress dialog is closed. (OPSC-4304)
    • The Edit Connection Settings permission is required to enable Commit Log Archiving in conjunction with the backup service. (OPSC-4274)
  • OpsCenter is unable to create a local cluster using a public IP address. Current workaround is to use a private IP address. See troubleshooting. (OPSC-3971)
  • The log4j warnings and errors in the agent log when provisioning a node can be safely ignored. (OPSC-3903)
  • The "Error getting version update information" message is displayed when internet access or the DataStax update URL is unavailable. You can ignore the error or disable the latest version check. (OPSC-3247)
  • Agents do not connect automatically if Cassandra is not listening on If the rpc_address property in cassandra.yaml is configured to an IP address other than (localhost) or, you must configure the hosts property in address.yaml for the agent on each node (e.g., hosts: [""]). (OPSC-4833)


To see which versions of OpsCenter are compatible with the various Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise versions, see the OpsCenter Compatibility chart.