Restarting a cluster

Restart an entire cluster. Each node in the cluster restarts in a sequential rolling fashion after a sleep time elapses.

Restart an entire cluster. Each node in the cluster restarts in a sequential rolling fashion after a sleep time elapses. Optionally, drain each node before stopping and restarting each node in the cluster. Some operations such as changing configurations prompt you to perform a rolling restart.

You can override the default value of the rolling_restart_error_threshold configuration option in cluster_name.conf. The threshold value represents the number of errors tolerated during a rolling restart before canceling the restart. The default value is 1. See Cassandra connection properties for more information.


The location of the cluster_name.conf file depends on the type of installation:

  • Installer-Services or package installations: /etc/opscenter/clusters/cluster_name.conf
  • Installer-No Services or tarball installations: install_location/conf/clusters/cluster_name.conf
  • Windows installations: Program Files (x86)\DataStax Community\opscenter\conf\clusters\cluster_name.conf


  1. Click Restart from the Cluster Actions menu.

    The Rolling Restart dialog appears.

  2. Set the amount of time to wait after restarting each node. The default is 60 seconds.
  3. Optional: Select whether to drain the nodes before stopping.
  4. Click Restart Cluster.
    A message at the top of the screen indicates the rolling restart is in progress.
  5. To view the progress, click Show Details in the message, or click Activities in the left navigation pane. The Activities icon reflects the number of operations currently in progress. A cluster restarted successfully message indicates when the restart cluster operation has completed.