OpsCenter 6.0.6 Release Notes

Release notes for the OpsCenter version 6.0.6 release.


To see which versions of DataStax Enterprise are supported with OpsCenter 6.0, see the OpsCenter Compatibility chart.

For upgrade instructions, see the DataStax OpsCenter Upgrade Guide.

Known Issues

Important: Please be sure to review the list of Known Issues in OpsCenter 6.0 before running on a production cluster.


  • Added support for Debian 8 (Jessie). (OPSC-9345)
  • Improved Repair dialog keyspace picker. (OPSC-8157)
  • Added a check during opscenterd startup that checks the permissions on the system temp directory and displays an error if opscenterd does not have access. The old behavior was to store the temporary files in /tmp but if opscenterd did not have permissions to write, read, or execute on that directory, then opscenterd would not start and would fail to log any errors. (OPSC-9446)
  • Improved logging if there is an error when connecting to the DSE cluster. (OPSC-10725)
  • The ldap truststore_pass config property will now be encrypted properly. (OPSC-10655)
  • OpsCenter will now properly redirect to its login page when an unauthenticated user tries to view the spark master url through OpsCenter. (OPSC-10418)
  • OpsCenter now properly decrypts the LDAP search_pass parameter for LDAP connections. (OPSC-10700)
  • Fixed OpsCenter post-install script for Debian version 8, Jessie. (OPSC-10564)
  • Fixed an issue where the /logout endpoint did not expire the server-side session. (OPSC-5945)
  • Fixed an issue where OpsCenter would incorrectly log that a node has moved when the cluster was using vnodes. (OPSC-7620)
  • Fixed an issue which prevented some config overrides (including CASSANDRA_CONF) from being respected in some cases. (OPSC-10511)
  • Fixed an issue where a rolling restart would not complete in OpsCenter if client-to-node encryption was enabled on the cluster and there was a separate storage cluster. (OPSC-10687)
  • Fixed an issue where OpsCenter failed to retrieve the diagnostic tarballs from the agents if SSL was enabled between OpsCenter and the agents. (OPSC-10701)
  • Fixed an issue where if a Cassandra query failed in OpsCenter or the DataStax Agent, it would not be retried. This issue could cause the DataStax Agent to fail to respond to any http requests and eventually lead to high CPU on the process. (OPSC-10868)
  • Fixed editing of keyspace settings. (OPSC-10793)

Lifecycle Manager (LCM) 

  • After modifying the Config Profile of an existing cluster in LCM, the Cluster Connection Settings in OpsCenter are now automatically updated after running a configure job. (OPSC-8544)
  • LCM errors quickly and with a clear message in cases where custom directories and mount-points are missing. (OPSC-9148)
  • LCM now includes tooltips that describe the purpose of each workspace. (OPSC-9760)
  • Updated LCM definitions to add DSE 5.0.3 support. (OPSC-10448)
  • LCM now warns the user when adding a seed node to an existing datacenter. Such nodes will fail to bootstrap and will require a manual repair immediately after installation is complete. (OPSC-10478)
  • LCM now properly formats job event stacktraces with line breaks. (OPSC-9190)
  • LCM prompt widgets now properly escape html tags on cluster, datacenter, and node model names. (OPSC-9279)
  • Added missing configuration variables to LCM definitions for dse-spark-env.sh. (OPSC-10605)
  • LCM now uses broadcast_rpc_address (instead of rpc_address) to change the Cassandra password. This fixes the password change feature for public/private IP cloud installations. (OPSC-10801)
  • The truststore and truststore_password fields for client_encryption_options are now included in the Config Profile in LCM regardless of the value of require_client_auth. Omitting the truststore_password field would cause DSE to crash on startup when config_encryption was enabled. (OPSC-10807)
  • Clicks to the right of a checkbox will no longer toggle the checkbox in Config Profiles. (OPSC-10830)
  • Fixed an issue where LCM failed to install DSE 4.x packages on apt-based systems. (OPSC-10330)
  • Fixed an issue where some attributes displayed out-of-date values in LCM cluster, datacenter, and node details pages. (OPSC-10439)
  • Fixed an issue where DSE would fail to start, but LCM would report the job as successful. (OPSC-10520)
  • Fixed bug in how config profile lists are rendered. (OPSC-10533)

Monitoring and Best Practice Service 

  • OpsCenter now supports using an http/https proxy in its posturl plugins. (OPSC-10644)
  • Added hover text to subtitles in zoomed graph dialog. (OPSC-3391)
  • Dashboard widget text is now selectable. (OPSC-4585)
  • Changed the way we calculate heap size for the Solr heap best practice rule to use GiB to be consistent with how Java reports its heap information. (OPSC-10726)
  • Best Practices list now maintains scroll position during a refresh. (OPSC-7433)
  • Updated the Best Practice Service rule for Solr heap size to be aware of garbage collector type when determining recommended heap size. (OPSC-10300)
  • Updated the Best Practice Service rule for vnodes on search nodes to recommend the correct number of vnodes based on the version of DSE running on the search node. (OPSC-10365)
  • Fix an issue when a histogram overflows causes serialization to fail. (OPSC-10335)

Backup Service 

  • The API now checks the keyspace and destination parameters when creating or updating backup jobs. Any specified keyspaces and destinations must exist before the job change. (OPSC-9639)
  • Improved error messages when a restore fails because nodes are down. (OPSC-10204)
  • Improved the error message when an Amazon S3 bucket name is too short. (OPSC-10760)
  • All Keyspace backup jobs that include empty keyspaces will now show the correct status instead of always reporting an error. (OPSC-8894)
  • Removing the throttle option from cluster config file now results in using the unthrottled_default value instead of throwing an exception. (OPSC-10576)
  • Added support for unicode character in solr config files. (OPSC-10632)
  • Improved the View Details dialog for backup and restore errors. (OPSC-10727)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented pit restore precheck errors from appearing in the backup history. (OPSC-6638)
  • Fixed a bug where the status dialog for a point in time restore would not display information while running a restore containing multiple keyspaces. (OPSC-7325)
  • Fixed an issue where users may observe a large number of log messages about requests to /pit-cleanup if there are a large number of existing commitlogs in the staging directory. (OPSC-8349)
  • Fixed an issue where the DataStax Agent could run out of memory during transfers to Amazon S3 when using compression. (OPSC-10235)
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause enabling PIT restore to fail. (OPSC-10268)

Repair Service 

  • Improved handling around error conditions for JMX notifications. (OPSC-10390)
  • If repairing a range is postponed because of a downed node, the downed node is now included in the log message. (OPSC-10513)