Package com.datastax.astra.client
package com.datastax.astra.client
Entrypoint and core classes for the client.
Usage Logic In a nutshell
// Initialize client DataAPIClient client = new DataAPIClient("token");;
// Database (crud for collections) work with an assigned namespace Database db = client.getDatabase("api_endpoint", "default_keyspace"); db.createCollection("my_collection", 4, SimilarityMetric.cosine);
// Access to the data (crud for documents) Collection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("my_collection"); collection.insertOne(Document.create(1).append("hello", "world")); collection.insertOne(Document.create(2).append("hello", "world"), new float[] {.1f, .1f, .2f, .3f}); collection.findOne(eq(1)).ifPresent(System.out::println); collection.deleteOne(eq(1));
ClassDescriptionServes as the primary entry point to the Data API client, providing an intuitive and streamlined interface for interacting with the Data API.Provides utility methods for initializing and configuring clients to interact with the Data API.Represent the destination of the data API.