Class ColumnTypeMapper


public class ColumnTypeMapper extends Object
Maps Java types to corresponding Cassandra column types.

The ColumnTypeMapper provides a utility method to determine the appropriate Cassandra column type for a given Java class. Commonly used Java types, such as primitives, wrapper types, collections, and date/time classes, are mapped to their respective Cassandra types.

Example usage:

 ColumnTypes columnType = ColumnTypeMapper.getColumnType(String.class);
 System.out.println(columnType); // Outputs: TEXT

Supported mappings include:

  • Primitives and wrappers (e.g., int -> INT, boolean -> BOOLEAN)
  • Common Java types (e.g., String -> TEXT, UUID -> UUID)
  • Date and time types (e.g., LocalDate -> DATE, Instant -> TIMESTAMP)
  • Collection types (e.g., List -> LIST, Set -> SET, Map -> MAP)
  • Default fallback for unsupported types: UNSUPPORTED
  • Method Details

    • getColumnType

      public static ColumnTypes getColumnType(Class<?> clazz)
      Retrieves the Cassandra column type corresponding to the given Java class. If the type is not explicitly mapped, ColumnTypes.UNSUPPORTED is returned.
      clazz - the Java class to map
      the corresponding ColumnTypes, or UNSUPPORTED if the type is not mapped