Module astrapy.collection

Expand source code
# Copyright DataStax, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import json
import logging
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import deprecation

from astrapy import __version__
from astrapy.api_options import CollectionAPIOptions
from astrapy.authentication import coerce_embedding_headers_provider
from astrapy.constants import (
from astrapy.core.db import AstraDBCollection, AsyncAstraDBCollection
from astrapy.core.defaults import DEFAULT_INSERT_NUM_DOCUMENTS
from astrapy.cursors import AsyncCursor, Cursor
from astrapy.database import AsyncDatabase, Database
from astrapy.exceptions import (
from import CollectionInfo, CollectionOptions
from astrapy.meta import check_deprecated_vector_ize
from astrapy.results import (

    from astrapy.authentication import EmbeddingHeadersProvider
    from astrapy.operations import AsyncBaseOperation, BaseOperation

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


def _prepare_update_info(statuses: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    reduced_status = {
        "matchedCount": sum(
            status["matchedCount"] for status in statuses if "matchedCount" in status
        "modifiedCount": sum(
            status["modifiedCount"] for status in statuses if "modifiedCount" in status
        "upsertedId": [
            status["upsertedId"] for status in statuses if "upsertedId" in status
    if reduced_status["upsertedId"]:
        if len(reduced_status["upsertedId"]) == 1:
            ups_dict = {"upserted": reduced_status["upsertedId"][0]}
            ups_dict = {"upserteds": reduced_status["upsertedId"]}
        ups_dict = {}
    return {
            "n": reduced_status["matchedCount"] + len(reduced_status["upsertedId"]),
            "updatedExisting": reduced_status["modifiedCount"] > 0,
            "ok": 1.0,
            "nModified": reduced_status["modifiedCount"],

def _collate_vector_to_sort(
    sort: Optional[SortType],
    vector: Optional[VectorType],
    vectorize: Optional[str],
) -> Optional[SortType]:
    _vsort: Dict[str, Any]
    if vector is None:
        if vectorize is None:
            return sort
            _vsort = {"$vectorize": vectorize}
            if sort is None:
                return _vsort
                raise ValueError(
                    "The `vectorize` and `sort` clauses are mutually exclusive."
        if vectorize is None:
            _vsort = {"$vector": vector}
            if sort is None:
                return _vsort
                raise ValueError(
                    "The `vector` and `sort` clauses are mutually exclusive."
            raise ValueError(
                "The `vector` and `vectorize` parameters cannot be passed at the same time."

def _is_vector_sort(sort: Optional[SortType]) -> bool:
    if sort is None:
        return False
        return "$vector" in sort or "$vectorize" in sort

def _collate_vector_to_document(
    document0: DocumentType, vector: Optional[VectorType], vectorize: Optional[str]
) -> DocumentType:
    if vector is None:
        if vectorize is None:
            return document0
            if "$vectorize" in document0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Cannot specify the `vectorize` separately for a document with "
                    "its '$vectorize' field already."
                return {
                    **{"$vectorize": vectorize},
        if vectorize is None:
            if "$vector" in document0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Cannot specify the `vector` separately for a document with "
                    "its '$vector' field already."
                return {
                    **{"$vector": vector},
            raise ValueError(
                "The `vector` and `vectorize` parameters cannot be passed at the same time."

def _collate_vectors_to_documents(
    documents: Iterable[DocumentType],
    vectors: Optional[Iterable[Optional[VectorType]]],
    vectorize: Optional[Iterable[Optional[str]]],
) -> List[DocumentType]:
    if vectors is None and vectorize is None:
        return list(documents)
        _documents = list(documents)
        _ndocs = len(_documents)
        _vectors = list(vectors) if vectors else [None] * _ndocs
        _vectorize = list(vectorize) if vectorize else [None] * _ndocs
        if _ndocs != len(_vectors):
            raise ValueError(
                "The `documents` and `vectors` parameters must have the same length"
        elif _ndocs != len(_vectorize):
            raise ValueError(
                "The `documents` and `vectorize` parameters must have the same length"
        return [
            _collate_vector_to_document(_doc, _vec, _vecize)
            for _doc, _vec, _vecize in zip(_documents, _vectors, _vectorize)

class Collection:
    A Data API collection, the main object to interact with the Data API,
    especially for DDL operations.
    This class has a synchronous interface.

    A Collection is spawned from a Database object, from which it inherits
    the details on how to reach the API server (endpoint, authentication token).

        database: a Database object, instantiated earlier. This represents
            the database the collection belongs to.
        name: the collection name. This parameter should match an existing
            collection on the database.
        namespace: this is the namespace to which the collection belongs.
            If not specified, the database's working namespace is used.
        api_options: An instance of `astrapy.api_options.CollectionAPIOptions`
            providing the general settings for interacting with the Data API.
        caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
            the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
        caller_version: version of the caller.

        >>> from astrapy import DataAPIClient, Collection
        >>> my_client = astrapy.DataAPIClient("AstraCS:...")
        >>> my_db = my_client.get_database(
        ...    ""
        ... )
        >>> my_coll_1 = Collection(database=my_db, name="my_collection")
        >>> my_coll_2 = my_db.create_collection(
        ...     "my_v_collection",
        ...     dimension=3,
        ...     metric="cosine",
        ... )
        >>> my_coll_3a = my_db.get_collection("my_already_existing_collection")
        >>> my_coll_3b = my_db.my_already_existing_collection
        >>> my_coll_3c = my_db["my_already_existing_collection"]

        creating an instance of Collection does not trigger actual creation
        of the collection on the database. The latter should have been created
        beforehand, e.g. through the `create_collection` method of a Database.

    def __init__(
        database: Database,
        name: str,
        namespace: Optional[str] = None,
        api_options: Optional[CollectionAPIOptions] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        if api_options is None:
            self.api_options = CollectionAPIOptions()
            self.api_options = api_options
        additional_headers = self.api_options.embedding_api_key.get_headers()
        self._astra_db_collection: AstraDBCollection = AstraDBCollection(
        # this comes after the above, lets AstraDBCollection resolve namespace
        self._database = database._copy(

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            f'{self.__class__.__name__}(name="{}", '
            f'namespace="{self.namespace}", database={self.database}, '

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        if isinstance(other, Collection):
            return all(
                    self._astra_db_collection == other._astra_db_collection,
                    self.api_options == other.api_options,
            return False

    def __call__(self, *pargs: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        raise TypeError(
            f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object is not callable. If you "
            f"meant to call the '{}' method on a "
            f"'{self.database.__class__.__name__}' object "
            "it is failing because no such method exists."

    def _copy(
        database: Optional[Database] = None,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        namespace: Optional[str] = None,
        api_options: Optional[CollectionAPIOptions] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Collection:
        return Collection(
            database=database or self.database._copy(),
            name=name or,
            namespace=namespace or self.namespace,
            caller_name=caller_name or self._astra_db_collection.caller_name,
            caller_version=caller_version or self._astra_db_collection.caller_version,

    def with_options(
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None,
        collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Collection:
        Create a clone of this collection with some changed attributes.

            name: the name of the collection. This parameter is useful to
                quickly spawn Collection instances each pointing to a different
                collection existing in the same namespace.
            embedding_api_key: optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection.
                If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None,
                each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers
                as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates
                into the one "embedding api key" header
                (i.e. `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider`).
                For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication,
                specialized subclasses of `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingHeadersProvider`
                should be supplied.
            collection_max_time_ms: a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each
                operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to
                each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value
                being an overall default.
                Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as
                `find`, `delete_many`, `insert_many` and so on), it is strongly suggested
                to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make
                much sense.
            caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
                the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
            caller_version: version of the caller.

            a new Collection instance.

            >>> my_other_coll = my_coll.with_options(
            ...     name="the_other_coll",
            ...     caller_name="caller_identity",
            ... )

        _api_options = CollectionAPIOptions(

        return self._copy(

    def to_async(
        database: Optional[AsyncDatabase] = None,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        namespace: Optional[str] = None,
        embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None,
        collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> AsyncCollection:
        Create an AsyncCollection from this one. Save for the arguments
        explicitly provided as overrides, everything else is kept identical
        to this collection in the copy (the database is converted into
        an async object).

            database: an AsyncDatabase object, instantiated earlier.
                This represents the database the new collection belongs to.
            name: the collection name. This parameter should match an existing
                collection on the database.
            namespace: this is the namespace to which the collection belongs.
                If not specified, the database's working namespace is used.
            embedding_api_key: optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection.
                If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None,
                each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers
                as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates
                into the one "embedding api key" header
                (i.e. `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider`).
                For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication,
                specialized subclasses of `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingHeadersProvider`
                should be supplied.
            collection_max_time_ms: a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each
                operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to
                each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value
                being an overall default.
                Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as
                `find`, `delete_many`, `insert_many` and so on), it is strongly suggested
                to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make
                much sense.
            caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
                the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
            caller_version: version of the caller.

            the new copy, an AsyncCollection instance.


        _api_options = CollectionAPIOptions(

        return AsyncCollection(
            database=database or self.database.to_async(),
            name=name or,
            namespace=namespace or self.namespace,
            caller_name=caller_name or self._astra_db_collection.caller_name,
            caller_version=caller_version or self._astra_db_collection.caller_version,

    def set_caller(
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Set a new identity for the application/framework on behalf of which
        the Data API calls are performed (the "caller").

            caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
                the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
            caller_version: version of the caller.

            >>> my_coll.set_caller(caller_name="the_caller", caller_version="0.1.0")
        """"setting caller to {caller_name}/{caller_version}")

    def options(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> CollectionOptions:
        Get the collection options, i.e. its configuration as read from the database.

        The method issues a request to the Data API each time is invoked,
        without caching mechanisms: this ensures up-to-date information
        for usages such as real-time collection validation by the application.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a CollectionOptions instance describing the collection.
            (See also the database `list_collections` method.)

            >>> my_coll.options()
            CollectionOptions(vector=CollectionVectorOptions(dimension=3, metric='cosine'))
        """"getting collections in search of '{}'")
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        self_descriptors = [
            for coll_desc in self.database.list_collections(max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
            if ==
        ]"finished getting collections in search of '{}'")
        if self_descriptors:
            return self_descriptors[0].options  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            raise CollectionNotFoundException(
                text=f"Collection {self.namespace}.{} not found.",

    def info(self) -> CollectionInfo:
        Information on the collection (name, location, database), in the
        form of a CollectionInfo object.

        Not to be confused with the collection `options` method (related
        to the collection internal configuration).


            the returned CollectionInfo wraps, among other things,
            the database information: as such, calling this method
            triggers the same-named method of a Database object (which, in turn,
            performs a HTTP request to the DevOps API).
            See the documentation for `` for more details.

        return CollectionInfo(

    def database(self) -> Database:
        a Database object, the database this collection belongs to.


        return self._database

    def namespace(self) -> str:
        The namespace this collection is in.

            >>> my_coll.namespace

        _namespace = self.database.namespace
        if _namespace is None:
            raise ValueError("The collection's DB is set with namespace=None")
        return _namespace

    def name(self) -> str:
        The name of this collection.


        # type hint added as for some reason the typechecker gets lost
        return self._astra_db_collection.collection_name  # type: ignore[no-any-return, has-type]

    def full_name(self) -> str:
        The fully-qualified collection name within the database,
        in the form "namespace.collection_name".

            >>> my_coll.full_name

        return f"{self.namespace}.{}"

    def insert_one(
        document: DocumentType,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> InsertOneResult:
        Insert a single document in the collection in an atomic operation.

            document: the dictionary expressing the document to insert.
                The `_id` field of the document can be left out, in which
                case it will be created automatically.
            vector: a vector (a list of numbers appropriate for the collection)
                for the document. Passing this parameter is equivalent to
                providing a `$vector` field within the document itself,
                however the two are mutually exclusive.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the document instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector, if such a service
                is configured for the collection. Passing this parameter is
                equivalent to providing a `$vectorize` field in the document itself,
                however the two are mutually exclusive.
                Moreover, this parameter cannot coexist with `vector`.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the document instead.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            an InsertOneResult object.

            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
            >>> my_coll.insert_one(
            ...     {
            ...         "age": 30,
            ...         "name": "Smith",
            ...         "food": ["pear", "peach"],
            ...         "likes_fruit": True,
            ...     },
            ... )
            InsertOneResult(raw_results=..., inserted_id='ed4587a4-...-...-...')
            >>> my_coll.insert_one({"_id": "user-123", "age": 50, "name": "Maccio"})
            InsertOneResult(raw_results=..., inserted_id='user-123')
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)

            >>> my_coll.insert_one({"tag": "v", "$vector": [10, 11]})

            If an `_id` is explicitly provided, which corresponds to a document
            that exists already in the collection, an error is raised and
            the insertion fails.

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="insert"
        _document = _collate_vector_to_document(document, vector, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"inserting one document in '{}'")
        io_response = self._astra_db_collection.insert_one(
        )"finished inserting one document in '{}'")
        if "insertedIds" in io_response.get("status", {}):
            if io_response["status"]["insertedIds"]:
                inserted_id = io_response["status"]["insertedIds"][0]
                return InsertOneResult(
                raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                    text="Faulty response from insert_one API command.",
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from insert_one API command.",

    def insert_many(
        documents: Iterable[DocumentType],
        vectors: Optional[Iterable[Optional[VectorType]]] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[Iterable[Optional[str]]] = None,
        ordered: bool = False,
        chunk_size: Optional[int] = None,
        concurrency: Optional[int] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> InsertManyResult:
        Insert a list of documents into the collection.
        This is not an atomic operation.

            documents: an iterable of dictionaries, each a document to insert.
                Documents may specify their `_id` field or leave it out, in which
                case it will be added automatically.
            vectors: an optional list of vectors (as many vectors as the provided
                documents) to associate to the documents when inserting.
                Passing vectors this way is indeed equivalent to the "$vector" field
                of the documents, however the two are mutually exclusive.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the documents instead.
            vectorize: an optional list of strings to be made into as many vectors
                (one per document), if such a service is configured for the collection.
                Passing this parameter is equivalent to providing a `$vectorize`
                field in the documents themselves, however the two are mutually exclusive.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the documents instead.
            ordered: if False (default), the insertions can occur in arbitrary order
                and possibly concurrently. If True, they are processed sequentially.
                If there are no specific reasons against it, unordered insertions are to
                be preferred as they complete much faster.
            chunk_size: how many documents to include in a single API request.
                Exceeding the server maximum allowed value results in an error.
                Leave it unspecified (recommended) to use the system default.
            concurrency: maximum number of concurrent requests to the API at
                a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered insertions.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                If many documents are being inserted, this method corresponds
                to several HTTP requests: in such cases one may want to specify
                a more tolerant timeout here.

            an InsertManyResult object.

            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
            >>> my_coll.insert_many(
            ...     [{"a": 10}, {"a": 5}, {"b": [True, False, False]}],
            ...     ordered=True,
            ... )
            InsertManyResult(raw_results=..., inserted_ids=['184bb06f-...', '...', '...'])
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            >>> my_coll.insert_many(
            ...     [{"seq": i} for i in range(50)],
            ...     concurrency=5,
            ... )
            InsertManyResult(raw_results=..., inserted_ids=[... ...])
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            >>> my_coll.insert_many(
            ...     [
            ...         {"tag": "a", "$vector": [1, 2]},
            ...         {"tag": "b", "$vector": [3, 4]},
            ...     ]
            ... )

            Unordered insertions are executed with some degree of concurrency,
            so it is usually better to prefer this mode unless the order in the
            document sequence is important.

            A failure mode for this command is related to certain faulty documents
            found among those to insert: a document may have the an `_id` already
            present on the collection, or its vector dimension may not
            match the collection setting.

            For an ordered insertion, the method will raise an exception at
            the first such faulty document -- nevertheless, all documents processed
            until then will end up being written to the database.

            For unordered insertions, if the error stems from faulty documents
            the insertion proceeds until exhausting the input documents: then,
            an exception is raised -- and all insertable documents will have been
            written to the database, including those "after" the troublesome ones.

            If, on the other hand, there are errors not related to individual
            documents (such as a network connectivity error), the whole
            `insert_many` operation will stop in mid-way, an exception will be raised,
            and only a certain amount of the input documents will
            have made their way to the database.

            vector=None, vectors=vectors, vectorize=vectorize, kind="insert"
        if concurrency is None:
            if ordered:
                _concurrency = 1
                _concurrency = DEFAULT_INSERT_MANY_CONCURRENCY
            _concurrency = concurrency
        if _concurrency > 1 and ordered:
            raise ValueError("Cannot run ordered insert_many concurrently.")
        if chunk_size is None:
            _chunk_size = DEFAULT_INSERT_NUM_DOCUMENTS
            _chunk_size = chunk_size
        _documents = _collate_vectors_to_documents(documents, vectors, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'")
        raw_results: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
        if ordered:
            options = {"ordered": True}
            inserted_ids: List[Any] = []
            for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size):
      "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                chunk_response = self._astra_db_collection.insert_many(
                    documents=_documents[i : i + _chunk_size],
      "finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                # accumulate the results in this call
                chunk_inserted_ids = (chunk_response.get("status") or {}).get(
                    "insertedIds", []
                inserted_ids += chunk_inserted_ids
                raw_results += [chunk_response]
                # if errors, quit early
                if chunk_response.get("errors", []):
                    partial_result = InsertManyResult(
                    raise InsertManyException.from_response(

            # return
            full_result = InsertManyResult(
                f"finished inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'"
            return full_result

            # unordered: concurrent or not, do all of them and parse the results
            options = {"ordered": False}
            if _concurrency > 1:
                with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=_concurrency) as executor:

                    def _chunk_insertor(
                        document_chunk: List[Dict[str, Any]]
                    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
              "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                        im_response = self._astra_db_collection.insert_many(
                            f"finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'"
                        return im_response

                    raw_results = list(
                                _documents[i : i + _chunk_size]
                                for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size)
                for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size):
          "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                            _documents[i : i + _chunk_size],
                        f"finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'"
            # recast raw_results
            inserted_ids = [
                for chunk_response in raw_results
                for inserted_id in (chunk_response.get("status") or {}).get(
                    "insertedIds", []

            # check-raise
            if any(
                [chunk_response.get("errors", []) for chunk_response in raw_results]
                partial_result = InsertManyResult(
                raise InsertManyException.from_responses(
                    commands=[None for _ in raw_results],

            # return
            full_result = InsertManyResult(
                f"finished inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'"
            return full_result

    def find(
        filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        skip: Optional[int] = None,
        limit: Optional[int] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None,
        include_sort_vector: Optional[bool] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Cursor:
        Find documents on the collection, matching a certain provided filter.

        The method returns a Cursor that can then be iterated over. Depending
        on the method call pattern, the iteration over all documents can reflect
        collection mutations occurred since the `find` method was called, or not.
        In cases where the cursor reflects mutations in real-time, it will iterate
        over cursors in an approximate way (i.e. exhibiting occasional skipped
        or duplicate documents). This happens when making use of the `sort`
        option in a non-vector-search manner.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            skip: with this integer parameter, what would be the first `skip`
                documents returned by the query are discarded, and the results
                start from the (skip+1)-th document.
                This parameter can be used only in conjunction with an explicit
                `sort` criterion of the ascending/descending type (i.e. it cannot
                be used when not sorting, nor with vector-based ANN search).
            limit: this (integer) parameter sets a limit over how many documents
                are returned. Once `limit` is reached (or the cursor is exhausted
                for lack of matching documents), nothing more is returned.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search).
                When running similarity search on a collection, no other sorting
                criteria can be specified. Moreover, there is an upper bound
                to the number of documents that can be returned. For details,
                see the Note about upper bounds and the Data API documentation.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to `vector`,
                provided such a service is configured for the collection,
                and achieves the same effect.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            include_similarity: a boolean to request the numeric value of the
                similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in each
                returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e.
                when either `vector` is supplied or the `sort` parameter has the
                shape {"$vector": ...}.
            include_sort_vector: a boolean to request query vector used in this search.
                If set to True (and if the invocation is a vector search), calling
                the `get_sort_vector` method on the returned cursor will yield
                the vector used for the ANN search.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the order
                the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting, as well as
                the one about upper bounds, for details.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for each single one
                of the underlying HTTP requests used to fetch documents as the
                cursor is iterated over.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a Cursor object representing iterations over the matching documents
            (see the Cursor object for how to use it. The simplest thing is to
            run a for loop: `for document in collection.sort(...):`).

            >>> filter = {"seq": {"$exists": True}}
            >>> for doc in my_coll.find(filter, projection={"seq": True}, limit=5):
            ...     print(doc["seq"])
            >>> cursor1 = my_coll.find(
            ...     {},
            ...     limit=4,
            ...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
            ... )
            >>> [doc["_id"] for doc in cursor1]
            ['97e85f81-...', '1581efe4-...', '...', '...']
            >>> cursor2 = my_coll.find({}, limit=3)
            >>> cursor2.distinct("seq")
            [37, 35, 10]

            >>> my_coll.insert_many([
            ...     {"tag": "A", "$vector": [4, 5]},
            ...     {"tag": "B", "$vector": [3, 4]},
            ...     {"tag": "C", "$vector": [3, 2]},
            ...     {"tag": "D", "$vector": [4, 1]},
            ...     {"tag": "E", "$vector": [2, 5]},
            ... ])
            >>> ann_tags = [
            ...     document["tag"]
            ...     for document in my_coll.find(
            ...         {},
            ...         sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
            ...         limit=3,
            ...     )
            ... ]
            >>> ann_tags
            ['A', 'B', 'C']
            >>> # (assuming the collection has metric VectorMetric.COSINE)

            >>> cursor = my_coll.find(
            ...     sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
            ...     limit=3,
            ...     include_sort_vector=True,
            ... )
            >>> cursor.get_sort_vector()
            [3.0, 3.0]
            >>> matches = list(cursor)
            >>> cursor.get_sort_vector()
            [3.0, 3.0]

            The following are example values for the `sort` parameter.
            When no particular order is required:
                sort={}  # (default when parameter not provided)
            When sorting by a certain value in ascending/descending order:
                sort={"field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING}
                sort={"field": SortDocuments.DESCENDING}
            When sorting first by "field" and then by "subfield"
            (while modern Python versions preserve the order of dictionaries,
            it is suggested for clarity to employ a `collections.OrderedDict`
            in these cases):
                    "field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING,
                    "subfield": SortDocuments.ASCENDING,
            When running a vector similarity (ANN) search:
                sort={"$vector": [0.4, 0.15, -0.5]}

            Some combinations of arguments impose an implicit upper bound on the
            number of documents that are returned by the Data API. More specifically:
            (a) Vector ANN searches cannot return more than a number of documents
            that at the time of writing is set to 1000 items.
            (b) When using a sort criterion of the ascending/descending type,
            the Data API will return a smaller number of documents, set to 20
            at the time of writing, and stop there. The returned documents are
            the top results across the whole collection according to the requested
            These provisions should be kept in mind even when subsequently running
            a command such as `.distinct()` on a cursor.

            When not specifying sorting criteria at all (by vector or otherwise),
            the cursor can scroll through an arbitrary number of documents as
            the Data API and the client periodically exchange new chunks of documents.
            It should be noted that the behavior of the cursor in the case documents
            have been added/removed after the `find` was started depends on database
            internals and it is not guaranteed, nor excluded, that such "real-time"
            changes in the data would be picked up by the cursor.

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        if include_similarity is not None and not _is_vector_sort(_sort):
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot use `include_similarity` when not searching through `vector`."
        return (

    def find_one(
        filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Run a search, returning the first document in the collection that matches
        provided filters, if any is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), extracting the most
                similar document in the collection matching the filter.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            include_similarity: a boolean to request the numeric value of the
                similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in the
                returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e.
                when either `vector` is supplied or the `sort` parameter has the
                shape {"$vector": ...}.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the order
                the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting for details.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a dictionary expressing the required document, otherwise None.

            >>> my_coll.find_one({})
            {'_id': '68d1e515-...', 'seq': 37}
            >>> my_coll.find_one({"seq": 10})
            {'_id': 'd560e217-...', 'seq': 10}
            >>> my_coll.find_one({"seq": 1011})
            >>> # (returns None for no matches)
            >>> my_coll.find_one({}, projection={"seq": False})
            {'_id': '68d1e515-...'}
            >>> my_coll.find_one(
            ...     {},
            ...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
            ... )
            {'_id': '97e85f81-...', 'seq': 69}
            >>> my_coll.find_one({}, sort={"$vector": [1, 0]}, projection={"*": True})
            {'_id': '...', 'tag': 'D', '$vector': [4.0, 1.0]}

            See the `find` method for more details on the accepted parameters
            (whereas `skip` and `limit` are not valid parameters for `find_one`).

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        fo_cursor = self.find(
            document = fo_cursor.__next__()
            return document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def distinct(
        key: str,
        filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> List[Any]:
        Return a list of the unique values of `key` across the documents
        in the collection that match the provided filter.

            key: the name of the field whose value is inspected across documents.
                Keys can use dot-notation to descend to deeper document levels.
                Example of acceptable `key` values:
                If lists are encountered and no numeric index is specified,
                all items in the list are visited.
            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, with the same meaning as for `find`.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a list of all different values for `key` found across the documents
            that match the filter. The result list has no repeated items.

            >>> my_coll.insert_many(
            ...     [
            ...         {"name": "Marco", "food": ["apple", "orange"], "city": "Helsinki"},
            ...         {"name": "Emma", "food": {"likes_fruit": True, "allergies": []}},
            ...     ]
            ... )
            InsertManyResult(raw_results=..., inserted_ids=['c5b99f37-...', 'd6416321-...'])
            >>> my_coll.distinct("name")
            ['Marco', 'Emma']
            >>> my_coll.distinct("city")
            >>> my_coll.distinct("food")
            ['apple', 'orange', {'likes_fruit': True, 'allergies': []}]
            >>> my_coll.distinct("food.1")
            >>> my_coll.distinct("food.allergies")
            >>> my_coll.distinct("food.likes_fruit")

            It must be kept in mind that `distinct` is a client-side operation,
            which effectively browses all required documents using the logic
            of the `find` method and collects the unique values found for `key`.
            As such, there may be performance, latency and ultimately
            billing implications if the amount of matching documents is large.

            For details on the behaviour of "distinct" in conjunction with
            real-time changes in the collection contents, see the
            Note of the `find` command.

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        f_cursor = Cursor(
            projection={key: True},
        return f_cursor.distinct(key)  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

    def count_documents(
        filter: FilterType,
        upper_bound: int,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> int:
        Count the documents in the collection matching the specified filter.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            upper_bound: a required ceiling on the result of the count operation.
                If the actual number of documents exceeds this value,
                an exception will be raised.
                Furthermore, if the actual number of documents exceeds the maximum
                count that the Data API can reach (regardless of upper_bound),
                an exception will be raised.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            the exact count of matching documents.

            >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": i} for i in range(20)])
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({"seq":{"$gt": 15}}, upper_bound=100)
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
                ... ...

            Count operations are expensive: for this reason, the best practice
            is to provide a reasonable `upper_bound` according to the caller
            expectations. Moreover, indiscriminate usage of count operations
            for sizeable amounts of documents (i.e. in the thousands and more)
            is discouraged in favor of alternative application-specific solutions.
            Keep in mind that the Data API has a hard upper limit on the amount
            of documents it will count, and that an exception will be thrown
            by this method if this limit is encountered.

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling count_documents")
        cd_response = self._astra_db_collection.count_documents(
        )"finished calling count_documents")
        if "count" in cd_response.get("status", {}):
            count: int = cd_response["status"]["count"]
            if cd_response["status"].get("moreData", False):
                raise TooManyDocumentsToCountException(
                    text=f"Document count exceeds {count}, the maximum allowed by the server",
                if count > upper_bound:
                    raise TooManyDocumentsToCountException(
                        text="Document count exceeds required upper bound",
                    return count
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from count_documents API command.",

    def estimated_document_count(
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> int:
        Query the API server for an estimate of the document count in the collection.

        Contrary to `count_documents`, this method has no filtering parameters.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a server-provided estimate count of the documents in the collection.

            >>> my_coll.estimated_document_count()
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        ed_response = self.command(
            {"estimatedDocumentCount": {}},
        if "count" in ed_response.get("status", {}):
            count: int = ed_response["status"]["count"]
            return count
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from estimated_document_count API command.",

    def find_one_and_replace(
        filter: FilterType,
        replacement: DocumentType,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        return_document: str = ReturnDocument.BEFORE,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Find a document on the collection and replace it entirely with a new one,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            replacement: the new document to write into the collection.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, `replacement` is inserted as a new document
                if no matches are found on the collection. If False,
                the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
            return_document: a flag controlling what document is returned:
                if set to `ReturnDocument.BEFORE`, or the string "before",
                the document found on database is returned; if set to
                `ReturnDocument.AFTER`, or the string "after", the new
                document is returned. The default is "before".
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            A document (or a projection thereof, as required), either the one
            before the replace operation or the one after that.
            Alternatively, the method returns None to represent
            that no matching document was found, or that no replacement
            was inserted (depending on the `return_document` parameter).

            >>> my_coll.insert_one({"_id": "rule1", "text": "all animals are equal"})
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
            ...     {"_id": "rule1"},
            ...     {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
            ... )
            {'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'all animals are equal'}
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
            ...     {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
            ...     {"text": "and the pigs are the rulers"},
            ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ... )
            {'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'and the pigs are the rulers'}
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
            ...     {"_id": "rule2"},
            ...     {"text": "F=ma^2"},
            ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ... )
            >>> # (returns None for no matches)
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
            ...     {"_id": "rule2"},
            ...     {"text": "F=ma"},
            ...     upsert=True,
            ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ...     projection={"_id": False},
            ... )
            {'text': 'F=ma'}

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "returnDocument": return_document,
            "upsert": upsert,
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_replace(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            ret_document = fo_response.get("data", {}).get("document")
            if ret_document is None:
                return None
                return ret_document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_replace API command.",

    def replace_one(
        filter: FilterType,
        replacement: DocumentType,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> UpdateResult:
        Replace a single document on the collection with a new one,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            replacement: the new document to write into the collection.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, `replacement` is inserted as a new document
                if no matches are found on the collection. If False,
                the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the replace operation.

            >>> my_coll.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
            >>> my_coll.replace_one({"Marco": {"$exists": True}}, {"Buda": "Pest"})
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1})
            >>> my_coll.find_one({"Buda": "Pest"})
            {'_id': '8424905a-...', 'Buda': 'Pest'}
            >>> my_coll.replace_one({"Mirco": {"$exists": True}}, {"Oh": "yeah?"})
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
            >>> my_coll.replace_one({"Mirco": {"$exists": True}}, {"Oh": "yeah?"}, upsert=True)
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '931b47d6-...'})

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "upsert": upsert,
        }"calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_replace(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            fo_status = fo_response.get("status") or {}
            _update_info = _prepare_update_info([fo_status])
            return UpdateResult(
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_replace API command.",

    def find_one_and_update(
        filter: FilterType,
        update: Dict[str, Any],
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        return_document: str = ReturnDocument.BEFORE,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Find a document on the collection and update it as requested,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            update: the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed
                as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                    {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                    {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                    {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
                See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, a new document (resulting from applying the `update`
                to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
                the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
                in case of no matches.
            return_document: a flag controlling what document is returned:
                if set to `ReturnDocument.BEFORE`, or the string "before",
                the document found on database is returned; if set to
                `ReturnDocument.AFTER`, or the string "after", the new
                document is returned. The default is "before".
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            A document (or a projection thereof, as required), either the one
            before the replace operation or the one after that.
            Alternatively, the method returns None to represent
            that no matching document was found, or that no update
            was applied (depending on the `return_document` parameter).

            >>> my_coll.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
            ...     {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
            ...     {"$set": {"title": "Mr."}},
            ... )
            {'_id': 'a80106f2-...', 'Marco': 'Polo'}
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
            ...     {"title": "Mr."},
            ...     {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
            ...     projection=["title", "rank"],
            ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ... )
            {'_id': 'a80106f2-...', 'title': 'Mr.', 'rank': 3}
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
            ...     {"name": "Johnny"},
            ...     {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
            ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ... )
            >>> # (returns None for no matches)
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
            ...     {"name": "Johnny"},
            ...     {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
            ...     upsert=True,
            ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ... )
            {'_id': 'cb4ef2ab-...', 'name': 'Johnny', 'rank': 0}

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "returnDocument": return_document,
            "upsert": upsert,
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_update(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            ret_document = fo_response.get("data", {}).get("document")
            if ret_document is None:
                return None
                return ret_document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_update API command.",

    def update_one(
        filter: FilterType,
        update: Dict[str, Any],
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> UpdateResult:
        Update a single document on the collection as requested,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            update: the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed
                as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                    {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                    {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                    {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
                See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, a new document (resulting from applying the `update`
                to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
                the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
                in case of no matches.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.

            >>> my_coll.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
            >>> my_coll.update_one({"Marco": {"$exists": True}}, {"$inc": {"rank": 3}})
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1})
            >>> my_coll.update_one({"Mirko": {"$exists": True}}, {"$inc": {"rank": 3}})
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
            >>> my_coll.update_one({"Mirko": {"$exists": True}}, {"$inc": {"rank": 3}}, upsert=True)
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '2a45ff60-...'})

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "upsert": upsert,
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_update(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            fo_status = fo_response.get("status") or {}
            _update_info = _prepare_update_info([fo_status])
            return UpdateResult(
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_update API command.",

    def update_many(
        filter: FilterType,
        update: Dict[str, Any],
        upsert: bool = False,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> UpdateResult:
        Apply an update operations to all documents matching a condition,
        optionally inserting one documents in absence of matches.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            update: the update prescription to apply to the documents, expressed
                as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                    {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                    {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                    {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
                See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, a single new document (resulting from applying `update`
                to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
                the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
                in case of no matches.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                if a large number of document updates is anticipated, it is suggested
                to specify a larger timeout than in most other operations as the
                update will span several HTTP calls to the API in sequence.

            an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.

            >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"c": "red"}, {"c": "green"}, {"c": "blue"}])
            >>> my_coll.update_many({"c": {"$ne": "green"}}, {"$set": {"nongreen": True}})
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 2, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 2})
            >>> my_coll.update_many({"c": "orange"}, {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}})
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
            >>> my_coll.update_many(
            ...     {"c": "orange"},
            ...     {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}},
            ...     upsert=True,
            ... )
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '46643050-...'})

            Similarly to the case of `find` (see its docstring for more details),
            running this command while, at the same time, another process is
            inserting new documents which match the filter of the `update_many`
            can result in an unpredictable fraction of these documents being updated.
            In other words, it cannot be easily predicted whether a given
            newly-inserted document will be picked up by the update_many command or not.

        api_options = {
            "upsert": upsert,
        page_state_options: Dict[str, str] = {}
        um_responses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        um_statuses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        must_proceed = True
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"starting update_many on '{}'")
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
        while must_proceed:
            options = {**api_options, **page_state_options}
  "calling update_many on '{}'")
            this_um_response = self._astra_db_collection.update_many(
  "finished calling update_many on '{}'")
            this_um_status = this_um_response.get("status") or {}
            # if errors, quit early
            if this_um_response.get("errors", []):
                partial_update_info = _prepare_update_info(um_statuses)
                partial_result = UpdateResult(
                all_um_responses = um_responses + [this_um_response]
                raise UpdateManyException.from_responses(
                    commands=[None for _ in all_um_responses],
                if "status" not in this_um_response:
                    raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                        text="Faulty response from update_many API command.",
                next_page_state = this_um_status.get("nextPageState")
                if next_page_state is not None:
                    must_proceed = True
                    page_state_options = {"pageState": next_page_state}
                    must_proceed = False
                    page_state_options = {}

        update_info = _prepare_update_info(um_statuses)"finished update_many on '{}'")
        return UpdateResult(

    def find_one_and_delete(
        filter: FilterType,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Find a document in the collection and delete it. The deleted document,
        however, is the return value of the method.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                This parameter cannot be used together with `sort`.
                See the `find` method for more details on this parameter.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to `vector`,
                provided such a service is configured for the collection,
                and achieves the same effect.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                deleted one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            Either the document (or a projection thereof, as requested), or None
            if no matches were found in the first place.

            >>> my_coll.insert_many(
            ...     [
            ...         {"species": "swan", "class": "Aves"},
            ...         {"species": "frog", "class": "Amphibia"},
            ...     ],
            ... )
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_delete(
            ...     {"species": {"$ne": "frog"}},
            ...     projection=["species"],
            ... )
            {'_id': '5997fb48-...', 'species': 'swan'}
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_delete({"species": {"$ne": "frog"}})
            >>> # (returns None for no matches)

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        _projection = normalize_optional_projection(projection)"calling find_one_and_delete on '{}'")
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_delete(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_delete on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            document = fo_response["data"]["document"]
            return document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            deleted_count = fo_response.get("status", {}).get("deletedCount")
            if deleted_count == 0:
                return None
                raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                    text="Faulty response from find_one_and_delete API command.",

    def delete_one(
        filter: FilterType,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> DeleteResult:
        Delete one document matching a provided filter.
        This method never deletes more than a single document, regardless
        of the number of matches to the provided filters.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                This parameter cannot be used together with `sort`.
                See the `find` method for more details on this parameter.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to `vector`,
                provided such a service is configured for the collection,
                and achieves the same effect.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                deleted one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.

            >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
            >>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 1})
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
            >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
            [0, 2]
            >>> my_coll.delete_one(
            ...     {"seq": {"$exists": True}},
            ...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
            ... )
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
            >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
            >>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 2})
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=0)

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling delete_one_by_predicate on '{}'")
        do_response = self._astra_db_collection.delete_one_by_predicate(
            filter=filter, timeout_info=base_timeout_info(_max_time_ms), sort=_sort
        )"finished calling delete_one_by_predicate on '{}'")
        if "deletedCount" in do_response.get("status", {}):
            deleted_count = do_response["status"]["deletedCount"]
            if deleted_count == -1:
                return DeleteResult(
                # expected a non-negative integer:
                return DeleteResult(
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from delete_one API command.",

    def delete_many(
        filter: FilterType,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> DeleteResult:
        Delete all documents matching a provided filter.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
                Passing an empty filter, `{}`, completely erases all contents
                of the collection.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                keep in mind that this method entails successive HTTP requests
                to the API, depending on how many documents are to be deleted.
                For this reason, in most cases it is suggested to relax the
                timeout compared to other method calls.

            a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.

            >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
            >>> my_coll.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=2)
            >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
            >>> my_coll.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=0)

            This operation is in general not atomic. Depending on the amount
            of matching documents, it can keep running (in a blocking way)
            for a macroscopic time. In that case, new documents that are
            meanwhile inserted (e.g. from another process/application) will be
            deleted during the execution of this method call until the
            collection is devoid of matches.
            An exception is the `filter={}` case, whereby the operation is atomic.
        dm_responses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        deleted_count = 0
        must_proceed = True
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)"starting delete_many on '{}'")
        while must_proceed:
  "calling delete_many on '{}'")
            this_dm_response = self._astra_db_collection.delete_many(
  "finished calling delete_many on '{}'")
            # if errors, quit early
            if this_dm_response.get("errors", []):
                partial_result = DeleteResult(
                all_dm_responses = dm_responses + [this_dm_response]
                raise DeleteManyException.from_responses(
                    commands=[None for _ in all_dm_responses],
                this_dc = this_dm_response.get("status", {}).get("deletedCount")
                if this_dc is None:
                    raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                        text="Faulty response from delete_many API command.",
                deleted_count += this_dc
                must_proceed = this_dm_response.get("status", {}).get("moreData", False)"finished delete_many on '{}'")
        return DeleteResult(

    @deprecation.deprecated(  # type: ignore[misc]
        details="Use delete_many with filter={} instead.",
    def delete_all(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Delete all documents in a collection.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.

            >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
            [2, 1, 0]
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            >>> my_coll.delete_all()
            {'ok': 1}
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)

            Use with caution.
        dm_result = self.delete_many(filter={}, max_time_ms=max_time_ms)
        if dm_result.deleted_count == -1:
            return {"ok": 1}
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Unexpected response from collection.delete_many({}).",

    def bulk_write(
        requests: Iterable[BaseOperation],
        ordered: bool = False,
        concurrency: Optional[int] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> BulkWriteResult:
        Execute an arbitrary amount of operations such as inserts, updates, deletes
        either sequentially or concurrently.

        This method does not execute atomically, i.e. individual operations are
        each performed in the same way as the corresponding collection method,
        and each one is a different and unrelated database mutation.

            requests: an iterable over concrete subclasses of `BaseOperation`,
                such as `InsertMany` or `ReplaceOne`. Each such object
                represents an operation ready to be executed on a collection,
                and is instantiated by passing the same parameters as one
                would the corresponding collection method.
            ordered: whether to launch the `requests` one after the other or
                in arbitrary order, possibly in a concurrent fashion. For
                performance reasons, False (default) should be preferred
                when compatible with the needs of the application flow.
            concurrency: maximum number of concurrent operations executing at
                a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered bulk writes.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the whole bulk write.
                Remember that, if the method call times out, then there's no
                guarantee about what portion of the bulk write has been received
                and successfully executed by the Data API.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                in most cases, however, one should pass a relaxed timeout
                if longer sequences of operations are to be executed in bulk.

            A single BulkWriteResult summarizing the whole list of requested
            operations. The keys in the map attributes of BulkWriteResult
            (when present) are the integer indices of the corresponding operation
            in the `requests` iterable.

            >>> from astrapy.operations import InsertMany, ReplaceOne
            >>> op1 = InsertMany([{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}])
            >>> op2 = ReplaceOne({"z": 9}, replacement={"z": 9, "replaced": True}, upsert=True)
            >>> my_coll.bulk_write([op1, op2])
            BulkWriteResult(bulk_api_results={0: ..., 1: ...}, deleted_count=0, inserted_count=3, matched_count=0, modified_count=0, upserted_count=1, upserted_ids={1: '2addd676-...'})
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            >>> my_coll.distinct("replaced")

        # lazy importing here against circular-import error
        from astrapy.operations import reduce_bulk_write_results

        if concurrency is None:
            if ordered:
                _concurrency = 1
                _concurrency = DEFAULT_BULK_WRITE_CONCURRENCY
            _concurrency = concurrency
        if _concurrency > 1 and ordered:
            raise ValueError("Cannot run ordered bulk_write concurrently.")
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"startng a bulk write on '{}'")
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
        if ordered:
            bulk_write_results: List[BulkWriteResult] = []
            for operation_i, operation in enumerate(requests):
                    this_bw_result = operation.execute(
                except CumulativeOperationException as exc:
                    partial_result = exc.partial_result
                    partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(
                        + [
                    dar_exception = exc.data_api_response_exception()
                    raise BulkWriteException(
                except DataAPIResponseException as exc:
                    # the cumulative exceptions, with their
                    # partially-done-info, are handled above:
                    # here it's just one-shot d.a.r. exceptions
                    partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_results)
                    dar_exception = exc.data_api_response_exception()
                    raise BulkWriteException(
            full_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_results)
  "finished a bulk write on '{}'")
            return full_bw_result

            def _execute_as_either(
                operation: BaseOperation, operation_i: int
            ) -> Tuple[Optional[BulkWriteResult], Optional[DataAPIResponseException]]:
                    ex_result = operation.execute(
                    return (ex_result, None)
                except DataAPIResponseException as exc:
                    return (None, exc)

            with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=_concurrency) as executor:
                bulk_write_either_futures = [
                    for operation_i, operation in enumerate(requests)
                bulk_write_either_results = [
                    for bulk_write_either_future in bulk_write_either_futures
                # regroup
                bulk_write_successes = [
                    bwr for bwr, _ in bulk_write_either_results if bwr
                bulk_write_failures = [
                    bwf for _, bwf in bulk_write_either_results if bwf
                if bulk_write_failures:
                    # extract and cumulate
                    partial_results_from_failures = [
                        for failure in bulk_write_failures
                        if isinstance(failure, CumulativeOperationException)
                    partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(
                        bulk_write_successes + partial_results_from_failures
                    # raise and recast the first exception
                    all_dar_exceptions = [
                        for bw_failure in bulk_write_failures
                    dar_exception = all_dar_exceptions[0]
                    raise BulkWriteException(
          "finished a bulk write on '{}'")
                    return reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_successes)

    def drop(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Drop the collection, i.e. delete it from the database along with
        all the documents it contains.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.
                Remember there is not guarantee that a request that has
                timed out us not in fact honored.

            a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.

            >>> my_coll.find_one({})
            {'_id': '...', 'a': 100}
            >>> my_coll.drop()
            {'ok': 1}
            >>> my_coll.find_one({})
            Traceback (most recent call last):
                ... ...
            astrapy.exceptions.DataAPIResponseException: Collection does not exist, collection name: my_collection

            Use with caution.

            Once the method succeeds, methods on this object can still be invoked:
            however, this hardly makes sense as the underlying actual collection
            is no more.
            It is responsibility of the developer to design a correct flow
            which avoids using a deceased collection any further.

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"dropping collection '{}' (self)")
        drop_result = self.database.drop_collection(self, max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)"finished dropping collection '{}' (self)")
        return drop_result  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

    def command(
        body: Dict[str, Any],
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Send a POST request to the Data API for this collection with
        an arbitrary, caller-provided payload.

            body: a JSON-serializable dictionary, the payload of the request.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a dictionary with the response of the HTTP request.

            >>> my_coll.command({"countDocuments": {}})
            {'status': {'count': 123}}

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling command on '{}'")
        command_result = self.database.command(
        )"finished calling command on '{}'")
        return command_result  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

class AsyncCollection:
    A Data API collection, the main object to interact with the Data API,
    especially for DDL operations.
    This class has a synchronous interface.

    A Collection is spawned from a Database object, from which it inherits
    the details on how to reach the API server (endpoint, authentication token).

        database: a Database object, instantiated earlier. This represents
            the database the collection belongs to.
        name: the collection name. This parameter should match an existing
            collection on the database.
        namespace: this is the namespace to which the collection belongs.
            If not specified, the database's working namespace is used.
        api_options: An instance of `astrapy.api_options.CollectionAPIOptions`
            providing the general settings for interacting with the Data API.
        caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
            the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
        caller_version: version of the caller.

        >>> from astrapy import DataAPIClient, AsyncCollection
        >>> my_client = astrapy.DataAPIClient("AstraCS:...")
        >>> my_async_db = my_client.get_async_database(
        ...    ""
        ... )
        >>> my_async_coll_1 = AsyncCollection(database=my_async_db, name="my_collection")
        >>> my_async coll_2 =
        ...     "my_v_collection",
        ...     dimension=3,
        ...     metric="cosine",
        ... ))
        >>> my_async_coll_3a =
        ...     "my_already_existing_collection",
        ... ))
        >>> my_async_coll_3b = my_async_db.my_already_existing_collection
        >>> my_async_coll_3c = my_async_db["my_already_existing_collection"]

        creating an instance of Collection does not trigger actual creation
        of the collection on the database. The latter should have been created
        beforehand, e.g. through the `create_collection` method of a Database.

    def __init__(
        database: AsyncDatabase,
        name: str,
        namespace: Optional[str] = None,
        api_options: Optional[CollectionAPIOptions] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        if api_options is None:
            self.api_options = CollectionAPIOptions()
            self.api_options = api_options
        additional_headers = self.api_options.embedding_api_key.get_headers()
        self._astra_db_collection: AsyncAstraDBCollection = AsyncAstraDBCollection(
        # this comes after the above, lets AstraDBCollection resolve namespace
        self._database = database._copy(

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            f'{self.__class__.__name__}(name="{}", '
            f'namespace="{self.namespace}", database={self.database}, '

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        if isinstance(other, AsyncCollection):
            return all(
                    self._astra_db_collection == other._astra_db_collection,
                    self.api_options == other.api_options,
            return False

    def __call__(self, *pargs: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        raise TypeError(
            f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object is not callable. If you "
            f"meant to call the '{}' method on a "
            f"'{self.database.__class__.__name__}' object "
            "it is failing because no such method exists."

    def _copy(
        database: Optional[AsyncDatabase] = None,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        namespace: Optional[str] = None,
        api_options: Optional[CollectionAPIOptions] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> AsyncCollection:
        return AsyncCollection(
            database=database or self.database._copy(),
            name=name or,
            namespace=namespace or self.namespace,
            caller_name=caller_name or self._astra_db_collection.caller_name,
            caller_version=caller_version or self._astra_db_collection.caller_version,

    def with_options(
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None,
        collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> AsyncCollection:
        Create a clone of this collection with some changed attributes.

            name: the name of the collection. This parameter is useful to
                quickly spawn AsyncCollection instances each pointing to a different
                collection existing in the same namespace.
            embedding_api_key: optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection.
                If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None,
                each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers
                as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates
                into the one "embedding api key" header
                (i.e. `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider`).
                For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication,
                specialized subclasses of `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingHeadersProvider`
                should be supplied.
            collection_max_time_ms: a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each
                operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to
                each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value
                being an overall default.
                Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as
                `find`, `delete_many`, `insert_many` and so on), it is strongly suggested
                to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make
                much sense.
            caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
                the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
            caller_version: version of the caller.

            a new AsyncCollection instance.

            >>> my_other_async_coll = my_async_coll.with_options(
            ...     name="the_other_coll",
            ...     caller_name="caller_identity",
            ... )

        _api_options = CollectionAPIOptions(

        return self._copy(

    def to_sync(
        database: Optional[Database] = None,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        namespace: Optional[str] = None,
        embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None,
        collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Collection:
        Create a Collection from this one. Save for the arguments
        explicitly provided as overrides, everything else is kept identical
        to this collection in the copy (the database is converted into
        a sync object).

            database: a Database object, instantiated earlier.
                This represents the database the new collection belongs to.
            name: the collection name. This parameter should match an existing
                collection on the database.
            namespace: this is the namespace to which the collection belongs.
                If not specified, the database's working namespace is used.
            embedding_api_key: optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection.
                If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None,
                each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers
                as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates
                into the one "embedding api key" header
                (i.e. `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider`).
                For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication,
                specialized subclasses of `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingHeadersProvider`
                should be supplied.
            collection_max_time_ms: a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each
                operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to
                each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value
                being an overall default.
                Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as
                `find`, `delete_many`, `insert_many` and so on), it is strongly suggested
                to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make
                much sense.
            caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
                the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
            caller_version: version of the caller.

            the new copy, a Collection instance.

            >>> my_async_coll.to_sync().count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)

        _api_options = CollectionAPIOptions(

        return Collection(
            database=database or self.database.to_sync(),
            name=name or,
            namespace=namespace or self.namespace,
            caller_name=caller_name or self._astra_db_collection.caller_name,
            caller_version=caller_version or self._astra_db_collection.caller_version,

    def set_caller(
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Set a new identity for the application/framework on behalf of which
        the Data API calls are performed (the "caller").

            caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
                the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
            caller_version: version of the caller.

            >>> my_coll.set_caller(caller_name="the_caller", caller_version="0.1.0")
        """"setting caller to {caller_name}/{caller_version}")

    async def options(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> CollectionOptions:
        Get the collection options, i.e. its configuration as read from the database.

        The method issues a request to the Data API each time is invoked,
        without caching mechanisms: this ensures up-to-date information
        for usages such as real-time collection validation by the application.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a CollectionOptions instance describing the collection.
            (See also the database `list_collections` method.)

            CollectionOptions(vector=CollectionVectorOptions(dimension=3, metric='cosine'))

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"getting collections in search of '{}'")
        self_descriptors = [
            async for coll_desc in self.database.list_collections(
            if ==
        ]"finished getting collections in search of '{}'")
        if self_descriptors:
            return self_descriptors[0].options  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            raise CollectionNotFoundException(
                text=f"Collection {self.namespace}.{} not found.",

    def info(self) -> CollectionInfo:
        Information on the collection (name, location, database), in the
        form of a CollectionInfo object.

        Not to be confused with the collection `options` method (related
        to the collection internal configuration).


            the returned CollectionInfo wraps, among other things,
            the database information: as such, calling this method
            triggers the same-named method of a Database object (which, in turn,
            performs a HTTP request to the DevOps API).
            See the documentation for `` for more details.

        return CollectionInfo(

    def database(self) -> AsyncDatabase:
        a Database object, the database this collection belongs to.


        return self._database

    def namespace(self) -> str:
        The namespace this collection is in.

            >>> my_async_coll.database.namespace

        _namespace = self.database.namespace
        if _namespace is None:
            raise ValueError("The collection's DB is set with namespace=None")
        return _namespace

    def name(self) -> str:
        The name of this collection.


        # type hint added as for some reason the typechecker gets lost
        return self._astra_db_collection.collection_name  # type: ignore[no-any-return, has-type]

    def full_name(self) -> str:
        The fully-qualified collection name within the database,
        in the form "namespace.collection_name".

            >>> my_async_coll.full_name

        return f"{self.namespace}.{}"

    async def insert_one(
        document: DocumentType,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> InsertOneResult:
        Insert a single document in the collection in an atomic operation.

            document: the dictionary expressing the document to insert.
                The `_id` field of the document can be left out, in which
                case it will be created automatically.
            vector: a vector (a list of numbers appropriate for the collection)
                for the document. Passing this parameter is equivalent to
                providing a `$vector` field within the document itself,
                however the two are mutually exclusive.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the document instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector, if such a service
                is configured for the collection. Passing this parameter is
                equivalent to providing a `$vectorize` field in the document itself,
                however the two are mutually exclusive.
                Moreover, this parameter cannot coexist with `vector`.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the document instead.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            an InsertOneResult object.

            >>> async def write_and_count(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
            ...     print("count0", count0)
            ...     await acol.insert_one(
            ...         {
            ...             "age": 30,
            ...             "name": "Smith",
            ...             "food": ["pear", "peach"],
            ...             "likes_fruit": True,
            ...         },
            ...     )
            ...     await acol.insert_one({"_id": "user-123", "age": 50, "name": "Maccio"})
            ...     count1 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
            ...     print("count1", count1)
            count0 0
            count1 2

            >>>{"tag": v", "$vector": [10, 11]}))

            If an `_id` is explicitly provided, which corresponds to a document
            that exists already in the collection, an error is raised and
            the insertion fails.

        _document = _collate_vector_to_document(document, vector, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"inserting one document in '{}'")
        io_response = await self._astra_db_collection.insert_one(
        )"finished inserting one document in '{}'")
        if "insertedIds" in io_response.get("status", {}):
            if io_response["status"]["insertedIds"]:
                inserted_id = io_response["status"]["insertedIds"][0]
                return InsertOneResult(
                raise ValueError(
                    "Could not complete a insert_one operation. "
                    f"(gotten '${json.dumps(io_response)}')"
            raise ValueError(
                "Could not complete a insert_one operation. "
                f"(gotten '${json.dumps(io_response)}')"

    async def insert_many(
        documents: Iterable[DocumentType],
        vectors: Optional[Iterable[Optional[VectorType]]] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[Iterable[Optional[str]]] = None,
        ordered: bool = False,
        chunk_size: Optional[int] = None,
        concurrency: Optional[int] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> InsertManyResult:
        Insert a list of documents into the collection.
        This is not an atomic operation.

            documents: an iterable of dictionaries, each a document to insert.
                Documents may specify their `_id` field or leave it out, in which
                case it will be added automatically.
            vectors: an optional list of vectors (as many vectors as the provided
                documents) to associate to the documents when inserting.
                Passing vectors this way is indeed equivalent to the "$vector" field
                of the documents, however the two are mutually exclusive.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the documents instead.
            vectorize: an optional list of strings to be made into as many vectors
                (one per document), if such a service is configured for the collection.
                Passing this parameter is equivalent to providing a `$vectorize`
                field in the documents themselves, however the two are mutually exclusive.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the documents instead.
            ordered: if False (default), the insertions can occur in arbitrary order
                and possibly concurrently. If True, they are processed sequentially.
                If there are no specific reasons against it, unordered insertions are to
                be preferred as they complete much faster.
            chunk_size: how many documents to include in a single API request.
                Exceeding the server maximum allowed value results in an error.
                Leave it unspecified (recommended) to use the system default.
            concurrency: maximum number of concurrent requests to the API at
                a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered insertions.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                If many documents are being inserted, this method corresponds
                to several HTTP requests: in such cases one may want to specify
                a more tolerant timeout here.
            an InsertManyResult object.

            >>> async def write_and_count(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...             count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
            ...             print("count0", count0)
            ...             im_result1 = await acol.insert_many(
            ...                 [
            ...                     {"a": 10},
            ...                     {"a": 5},
            ...                     {"b": [True, False, False]},
            ...                 ],
            ...                 ordered=True,
            ...             )
            ...             print("inserted1", im_result1.inserted_ids)
            ...             count1 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            ...             print("count1", count1)
            ...             await acol.insert_many(
            ...                 [{"seq": i} for i in range(50)],
            ...                 concurrency=5,
            ...             )
            ...             count2 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            ...             print("count2", count2)
            count0 0
            inserted1 ['e3c2a684-...', '1de4949f-...', '167dacc3-...']
            count1 3
            count2 53
            ...     [
            ...         {"tag": "a", "$vector": [1, 2]},
            ...         {"tag": "b", "$vector": [3, 4]},
            ...     ]
            ... ))

            Unordered insertions are executed with some degree of concurrency,
            so it is usually better to prefer this mode unless the order in the
            document sequence is important.

            A failure mode for this command is related to certain faulty documents
            found among those to insert: a document may have the an `_id` already
            present on the collection, or its vector dimension may not
            match the collection setting.

            For an ordered insertion, the method will raise an exception at
            the first such faulty document -- nevertheless, all documents processed
            until then will end up being written to the database.

            For unordered insertions, if the error stems from faulty documents
            the insertion proceeds until exhausting the input documents: then,
            an exception is raised -- and all insertable documents will have been
            written to the database, including those "after" the troublesome ones.

            If, on the other hand, there are errors not related to individual
            documents (such as a network connectivity error), the whole
            `insert_many` operation will stop in mid-way, an exception will be raised,
            and only a certain amount of the input documents will
            have made their way to the database.

        if concurrency is None:
            if ordered:
                _concurrency = 1
                _concurrency = DEFAULT_INSERT_MANY_CONCURRENCY
            _concurrency = concurrency
        if _concurrency > 1 and ordered:
            raise ValueError("Cannot run ordered insert_many concurrently.")
        if chunk_size is None:
            _chunk_size = DEFAULT_INSERT_NUM_DOCUMENTS
            _chunk_size = chunk_size
        _documents = _collate_vectors_to_documents(documents, vectors, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'")
        raw_results: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
        if ordered:
            options = {"ordered": True}
            inserted_ids: List[Any] = []
            for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size):
      "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                chunk_response = await self._astra_db_collection.insert_many(
                    documents=_documents[i : i + _chunk_size],
      "finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                # accumulate the results in this call
                chunk_inserted_ids = (chunk_response.get("status") or {}).get(
                    "insertedIds", []
                inserted_ids += chunk_inserted_ids
                raw_results += [chunk_response]
                # if errors, quit early
                if chunk_response.get("errors", []):
                    partial_result = InsertManyResult(
                    raise InsertManyException.from_response(

            # return
            full_result = InsertManyResult(
                f"finished inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'"
            return full_result

            # unordered: concurrent or not, do all of them and parse the results
            options = {"ordered": False}

            sem = asyncio.Semaphore(_concurrency)

            async def concurrent_insert_chunk(
                document_chunk: List[DocumentType],
            ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
                async with sem:
          "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                    im_response = await self._astra_db_collection.insert_many(
                        f"finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'"
                    return im_response

            if _concurrency > 1:
                tasks = [
                        concurrent_insert_chunk(_documents[i : i + _chunk_size])
                    for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size)
                raw_results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
                raw_results = [
                    await concurrent_insert_chunk(_documents[i : i + _chunk_size])
                    for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size)

            # recast raw_results
            inserted_ids = [
                for chunk_response in raw_results
                for inserted_id in (chunk_response.get("status") or {}).get(
                    "insertedIds", []

            # check-raise
            if any(
                [chunk_response.get("errors", []) for chunk_response in raw_results]
                partial_result = InsertManyResult(
                raise InsertManyException.from_responses(
                    commands=[None for _ in raw_results],

            # return
            full_result = InsertManyResult(
                f"finished inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'"
            return full_result

    def find(
        filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        skip: Optional[int] = None,
        limit: Optional[int] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None,
        include_sort_vector: Optional[bool] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> AsyncCursor:
        Find documents on the collection, matching a certain provided filter.

        The method returns a Cursor that can then be iterated over. Depending
        on the method call pattern, the iteration over all documents can reflect
        collection mutations occurred since the `find` method was called, or not.
        In cases where the cursor reflects mutations in real-time, it will iterate
        over cursors in an approximate way (i.e. exhibiting occasional skipped
        or duplicate documents). This happens when making use of the `sort`
        option in a non-vector-search manner.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            skip: with this integer parameter, what would be the first `skip`
                documents returned by the query are discarded, and the results
                start from the (skip+1)-th document.
                This parameter can be used only in conjunction with an explicit
                `sort` criterion of the ascending/descending type (i.e. it cannot
                be used when not sorting, nor with vector-based ANN search).
            limit: this (integer) parameter sets a limit over how many documents
                are returned. Once `limit` is reached (or the cursor is exhausted
                for lack of matching documents), nothing more is returned.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search).
                When running similarity search on a collection, no other sorting
                criteria can be specified. Moreover, there is an upper bound
                to the number of documents that can be returned. For details,
                see the Note about upper bounds and the Data API documentation.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to `vector`,
                provided such a service is configured for the collection,
                and achieves the same effect.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            include_similarity: a boolean to request the numeric value of the
                similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in each
                returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e.
                when either `vector` is supplied or the `sort` parameter has the
                shape {"$vector": ...}.
            include_sort_vector: a boolean to request query vector used in this search.
                If set to True (and if the invocation is a vector search), calling
                the `get_sort_vector` method on the returned cursor will yield
                the vector used for the ANN search.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the order
                the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting, as well as
                the one about upper bounds, for details.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for each single one
                of the underlying HTTP requests used to fetch documents as the
                cursor is iterated over.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            an AsyncCursor object representing iterations over the matching documents
            (see the AsyncCursor object for how to use it. The simplest thing is to
            run a for loop: `for document in collection.sort(...):`).

            >>> async def run_finds(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...             filter = {"seq": {"$exists": True}}
            ...             print("find results 1:")
            ...             async for doc in acol.find(filter, projection={"seq": True}, limit=5):
            ...                 print(doc["seq"])
            ...             async_cursor1 = acol.find(
            ...                 {},
            ...                 limit=4,
            ...                 sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
            ...             )
            ...             ids = [doc["_id"] async for doc in async_cursor1]
            ...             print("find results 2:", ids)
            ...             async_cursor2 = acol.find({}, limit=3)
            ...             seqs = await async_cursor2.distinct("seq")
            ...             print("distinct results 3:", seqs)
            find results 1:
            find results 2: ['d656cd9d-...', '479c7ce8-...', '96dc87fd-...', '83f0a21f-...']
            distinct results 3: [48, 35, 7]

            >>> async def run_vector_finds(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_many([
            ...         {"tag": "A", "$vector": [4, 5]},
            ...         {"tag": "B", "$vector": [3, 4]},
            ...         {"tag": "C", "$vector": [3, 2]},
            ...         {"tag": "D", "$vector": [4, 1]},
            ...         {"tag": "E", "$vector": [2, 5]},
            ...     ])
            ...     ann_tags = [
            ...         document["tag"]
            ...         async for document in acol.find(
            ...             {},
            ...             sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
            ...             limit=3,
            ...         )
            ...     ]
            ...     return ann_tags
            ['A', 'B', 'C']
            >>> # (assuming the collection has metric VectorMetric.COSINE)

            >>> async_cursor = my_async_coll.find(
            ...     sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
            ...     limit=3,
            ...     include_sort_vector=True,
            ... )
            [3.0, 3.0]
            {'_id': 'b13ce177-738e-47ec-bce1-77738ee7ec93', 'tag': 'A'}
            [3.0, 3.0]

            The following are example values for the `sort` parameter.
            When no particular order is required:
            When sorting by a certain value in ascending/descending order:
                sort={"field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING}
                sort={"field": SortDocuments.DESCENDING}
            When sorting first by "field" and then by "subfield"
            (while modern Python versions preserve the order of dictionaries,
            it is suggested for clarity to employ a `collections.OrderedDict`
            in these cases):
                    "field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING,
                    "subfield": SortDocuments.ASCENDING,
            When running a vector similarity (ANN) search:
                sort={"$vector": [0.4, 0.15, -0.5]}

            Some combinations of arguments impose an implicit upper bound on the
            number of documents that are returned by the Data API. More specifically:
            (a) Vector ANN searches cannot return more than a number of documents
            that at the time of writing is set to 1000 items.
            (b) When using a sort criterion of the ascending/descending type,
            the Data API will return a smaller number of documents, set to 20
            at the time of writing, and stop there. The returned documents are
            the top results across the whole collection according to the requested
            These provisions should be kept in mind even when subsequently running
            a command such as `.distinct()` on a cursor.

            When not specifying sorting criteria at all (by vector or otherwise),
            the cursor can scroll through an arbitrary number of documents as
            the Data API and the client periodically exchange new chunks of documents.
            It should be noted that the behavior of the cursor in the case documents
            have been added/removed after the `find` was started depends on database
            internals and it is not guaranteed, nor excluded, that such "real-time"
            changes in the data would be picked up by the cursor.

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        if include_similarity is not None and not _is_vector_sort(_sort):
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot use `include_similarity` when not searching through `vector`."
        return (

    async def find_one(
        filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Run a search, returning the first document in the collection that matches
        provided filters, if any is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), extracting the most
                similar document in the collection matching the filter.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            include_similarity: a boolean to request the numeric value of the
                similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in the
                returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e.
                when either `vector` is supplied or the `sort` parameter has the
                shape {"$vector": ...}.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the order
                the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting for details.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a dictionary expressing the required document, otherwise None.

            >>> async def demo_find_one(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ....    print("Count:", await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100))
            ...     result0 = await acol.find_one({})
            ...     print("result0", result0)
            ...     result1 = await acol.find_one({"seq": 10})
            ...     print("result1", result1)
            ...     result2 = await acol.find_one({"seq": 1011})
            ...     print("result2", result2)
            ...     result3 = await acol.find_one({}, projection={"seq": False})
            ...     print("result3", result3)
            ...     result4 = await acol.find_one(
            ...         {},
            ...         sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result4", result4)
            Count: 50
            result0 {'_id': '479c7ce8-...', 'seq': 48}
            result1 {'_id': '93e992c4-...', 'seq': 10}
            result2 None
            result3 {'_id': '479c7ce8-...'}
            result4 {'_id': 'd656cd9d-...', 'seq': 49}

            ...     {},
            ...     sort={"$vector": [1, 0]},
            ...     projection={"*": True},
            ... ))
            {'_id': '...', 'tag': 'D', '$vector': [4.0, 1.0]}

            See the `find` method for more details on the accepted parameters
            (whereas `skip` and `limit` are not valid parameters for `find_one`).

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        fo_cursor = self.find(
            document = await fo_cursor.__anext__()
            return document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
        except StopAsyncIteration:
            return None

    async def distinct(
        key: str,
        filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> List[Any]:
        Return a list of the unique values of `key` across the documents
        in the collection that match the provided filter.

            key: the name of the field whose value is inspected across documents.
                Keys can use dot-notation to descend to deeper document levels.
                Example of acceptable `key` values:
                If lists are encountered and no numeric index is specified,
                all items in the list are visited.
            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, with the same meaning as for `find`.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a list of all different values for `key` found across the documents
            that match the filter. The result list has no repeated items.

            >>> async def run_distinct(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_many(
            ...         [
            ...             {"name": "Marco", "food": ["apple", "orange"], "city": "Helsinki"},
            ...             {"name": "Emma", "food": {"likes_fruit": True, "allergies": []}},
            ...         ]
            ...     )
            ...     distinct0 = await acol.distinct("name")
            ...     print("distinct('name')", distinct0)
            ...     distinct1 = await acol.distinct("city")
            ...     print("distinct('city')", distinct1)
            ...     distinct2 = await acol.distinct("food")
            ...     print("distinct('food')", distinct2)
            ...     distinct3 = await acol.distinct("food.1")
            ...     print("distinct('food.1')", distinct3)
            ...     distinct4 = await acol.distinct("food.allergies")
            ...     print("distinct('food.allergies')", distinct4)
            ...     distinct5 = await acol.distinct("food.likes_fruit")
            ...     print("distinct('food.likes_fruit')", distinct5)
            distinct('name') ['Emma', 'Marco']
            distinct('city') ['Helsinki']
            distinct('food') [{'likes_fruit': True, 'allergies': []}, 'apple', 'orange']
            distinct('food.1') ['orange']
            distinct('food.allergies') []
            distinct('food.likes_fruit') [True]

            It must be kept in mind that `distinct` is a client-side operation,
            which effectively browses all required documents using the logic
            of the `find` method and collects the unique values found for `key`.
            As such, there may be performance, latency and ultimately
            billing implications if the amount of matching documents is large.

            For details on the behaviour of "distinct" in conjunction with
            real-time changes in the collection contents, see the
            Note of the `find` command.

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        f_cursor = AsyncCursor(
            projection={key: True},
        return await f_cursor.distinct(key)  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

    async def count_documents(
        filter: FilterType,
        upper_bound: int,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> int:
        Count the documents in the collection matching the specified filter.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            upper_bound: a required ceiling on the result of the count operation.
                If the actual number of documents exceeds this value,
                an exception will be raised.
                Furthermore, if the actual number of documents exceeds the maximum
                count that the Data API can reach (regardless of upper_bound),
                an exception will be raised.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            the exact count of matching documents.

            >>> async def do_count_docs(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_many([{"seq": i} for i in range(20)])
            ...     count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            ...     print("count0", count0)
            ...     count1 = await acol.count_documents({"seq":{"$gt": 15}}, upper_bound=100)
            ...     print("count1", count1)
            ...     count2 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
            ...     print("count2", count2)
            count0 20
            count1 4
            Traceback (most recent call last):
                ... ...

            Count operations are expensive: for this reason, the best practice
            is to provide a reasonable `upper_bound` according to the caller
            expectations. Moreover, indiscriminate usage of count operations
            for sizeable amounts of documents (i.e. in the thousands and more)
            is discouraged in favor of alternative application-specific solutions.
            Keep in mind that the Data API has a hard upper limit on the amount
            of documents it will count, and that an exception will be thrown
            by this method if this limit is encountered.

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling count_documents")
        cd_response = await self._astra_db_collection.count_documents(
        )"finished calling count_documents")
        if "count" in cd_response.get("status", {}):
            count: int = cd_response["status"]["count"]
            if cd_response["status"].get("moreData", False):
                raise TooManyDocumentsToCountException(
                    text=f"Document count exceeds {count}, the maximum allowed by the server",
                if count > upper_bound:
                    raise TooManyDocumentsToCountException(
                        text="Document count exceeds required upper bound",
                    return count
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from count_documents API command.",

    async def estimated_document_count(
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> int:
        Query the API server for an estimate of the document count in the collection.

        Contrary to `count_documents`, this method has no filtering parameters.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a server-provided estimate count of the documents in the collection.

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        ed_response = await self.command(
            {"estimatedDocumentCount": {}},
        if "count" in ed_response.get("status", {}):
            count: int = ed_response["status"]["count"]
            return count
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from estimated_document_count API command.",

    async def find_one_and_replace(
        filter: FilterType,
        replacement: DocumentType,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        return_document: str = ReturnDocument.BEFORE,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Find a document on the collection and replace it entirely with a new one,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.


            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            replacement: the new document to write into the collection.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, `replacement` is inserted as a new document
                if no matches are found on the collection. If False,
                the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
            return_document: a flag controlling what document is returned:
                if set to `ReturnDocument.BEFORE`, or the string "before",
                the document found on database is returned; if set to
                `ReturnDocument.AFTER`, or the string "after", the new
                document is returned. The default is "before".
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            A document, either the one before the replace operation or the
            one after that. Alternatively, the method returns None to represent
            that no matching document was found, or that no replacement
            was inserted (depending on the `return_document` parameter).

            >>> async def do_find_one_and_replace(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...             await acol.insert_one({"_id": "rule1", "text": "all animals are equal"})
            ...             result0 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
            ...                 {"_id": "rule1"},
            ...                 {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
            ...             )
            ...             print("result0", result0)
            ...             result1 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
            ...                 {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
            ...                 {"text": "and the pigs are the rulers"},
            ...                 return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ...             )
            ...             print("result1", result1)
            ...             result2 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
            ...                 {"_id": "rule2"},
            ...                 {"text": "F=ma^2"},
            ...                 return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ...             )
            ...             print("result2", result2)
            ...             result3 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
            ...                 {"_id": "rule2"},
            ...                 {"text": "F=ma"},
            ...                 upsert=True,
            ...                 return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ...                 projection={"_id": False},
            ...             )
            ...             print("result3", result3)
            result0 {'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'all animals are equal'}
            result1 {'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'and the pigs are the rulers'}
            result2 None
            result3 {'text': 'F=ma'}

        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "returnDocument": return_document,
            "upsert": upsert,
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_replace(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            ret_document = fo_response.get("data", {}).get("document")
            if ret_document is None:
                return None
                return ret_document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_replace API command.",

    async def replace_one(
        filter: FilterType,
        replacement: DocumentType,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> UpdateResult:
        Replace a single document on the collection with a new one,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            replacement: the new document to write into the collection.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, `replacement` is inserted as a new document
                if no matches are found on the collection. If False,
                the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the replace operation.

            >>> async def do_replace_one(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
            ...     result0 = await acol.replace_one(
            ...         {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
            ...         {"Buda": "Pest"},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result0.update_info", result0.update_info)
            ...     doc1 = await acol.find_one({"Buda": "Pest"})
            ...     print("doc1", doc1)
            ...     result1 = await acol.replace_one(
            ...         {"Mirco": {"$exists": True}},
            ...         {"Oh": "yeah?"},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result1.update_info", result1.update_info)
            ...     result2 = await acol.replace_one(
            ...         {"Mirco": {"$exists": True}},
            ...         {"Oh": "yeah?"},
            ...         upsert=True,
            ...     )
            ...     print("result2.update_info", result2.update_info)
            result0.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1}
            doc1 {'_id': '6e669a5a-...', 'Buda': 'Pest'}
            result1.update_info {'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0}
            result2.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '30e34e00-...'}

        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "upsert": upsert,
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_replace(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            fo_status = fo_response.get("status") or {}
            _update_info = _prepare_update_info([fo_status])
            return UpdateResult(
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_replace API command.",

    async def find_one_and_update(
        filter: FilterType,
        update: Dict[str, Any],
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        return_document: str = ReturnDocument.BEFORE,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Find a document on the collection and update it as requested,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            update: the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed
                as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                    {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                    {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                    {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
                See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, a new document (resulting from applying the `update`
                to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
                the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
                in case of no matches.
            return_document: a flag controlling what document is returned:
                if set to `ReturnDocument.BEFORE`, or the string "before",
                the document found on database is returned; if set to
                `ReturnDocument.AFTER`, or the string "after", the new
                document is returned. The default is "before".
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            A document (or a projection thereof, as required), either the one
            before the replace operation or the one after that.
            Alternatively, the method returns None to represent
            that no matching document was found, or that no update
            was applied (depending on the `return_document` parameter).

            >>> async def do_find_one_and_update(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
            ...     result0 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
            ...         {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
            ...         {"$set": {"title": "Mr."}},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result0", result0)
            ...     result1 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
            ...         {"title": "Mr."},
            ...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
            ...         projection=["title", "rank"],
            ...         return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ...     )
            ...     print("result1", result1)
            ...     result2 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
            ...         {"name": "Johnny"},
            ...         {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
            ...         return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ...     )
            ...     print("result2", result2)
            ...     result3 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
            ...         {"name": "Johnny"},
            ...         {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
            ...         upsert=True,
            ...         return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ...     )
            ...     print("result3", result3)
            result0 {'_id': 'f7c936d3-b0a0-45eb-a676-e2829662a57c', 'Marco': 'Polo'}
            result1 {'_id': 'f7c936d3-b0a0-45eb-a676-e2829662a57c', 'title': 'Mr.', 'rank': 3}
            result2 None
            result3 {'_id': 'db3d678d-14d4-4caa-82d2-d5fb77dab7ec', 'name': 'Johnny', 'rank': 0}

        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "returnDocument": return_document,
            "upsert": upsert,
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_update(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            ret_document = fo_response.get("data", {}).get("document")
            if ret_document is None:
                return None
                return ret_document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_update API command.",

    async def update_one(
        filter: FilterType,
        update: Dict[str, Any],
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> UpdateResult:
        Update a single document on the collection as requested,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            update: the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed
                as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                    {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                    {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                    {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
                See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, a new document (resulting from applying the `update`
                to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
                the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
                in case of no matches.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.

            >>> async def do_update_one(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
            ...     result0 = await acol.update_one(
            ...         {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
            ...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result0.update_info", result0.update_info)
            ...     result1 = await acol.update_one(
            ...         {"Mirko": {"$exists": True}},
            ...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result1.update_info", result1.update_info)
            ...     result2 = await acol.update_one(
            ...         {"Mirko": {"$exists": True}},
            ...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
            ...         upsert=True,
            ...     )
            ...     print("result2.update_info", result2.update_info)
            result0.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1})
            result1.update_info {'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
            result2.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '75748092-...'}

        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "upsert": upsert,
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_update(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            fo_status = fo_response.get("status") or {}
            _update_info = _prepare_update_info([fo_status])
            return UpdateResult(
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_update API command.",

    async def update_many(
        filter: FilterType,
        update: Dict[str, Any],
        upsert: bool = False,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> UpdateResult:
        Apply an update operations to all documents matching a condition,
        optionally inserting one documents in absence of matches.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            update: the update prescription to apply to the documents, expressed
                as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                    {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                    {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                    {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
                See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, a single new document (resulting from applying `update`
                to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
                the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
                in case of no matches.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                if a large number of document updates is anticipated, it is suggested
                to specify a larger timeout than in most other operations as the
                update will span several HTTP calls to the API in sequence.

            an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.

            >>> async def do_update_many(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_many([{"c": "red"}, {"c": "green"}, {"c": "blue"}])
            ...     result0 = await acol.update_many(
            ...         {"c": {"$ne": "green"}},
            ...         {"$set": {"nongreen": True}},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result0.update_info", result0.update_info)
            ...     result1 = await acol.update_many(
            ...         {"c": "orange"},
            ...         {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result1.update_info", result1.update_info)
            ...     result2 = await acol.update_many(
            ...         {"c": "orange"},
            ...         {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}},
            ...         upsert=True,
            ...     )
            ...     print("result2.update_info", result2.update_info)
            result0.update_info {'n': 2, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 2}
            result1.update_info {'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0}
            result2.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '79ffd5a3-ab99-4dff-a2a5-4aaa0e59e854'}

            Similarly to the case of `find` (see its docstring for more details),
            running this command while, at the same time, another process is
            inserting new documents which match the filter of the `update_many`
            can result in an unpredictable fraction of these documents being updated.
            In other words, it cannot be easily predicted whether a given
            newly-inserted document will be picked up by the update_many command or not.

        api_options = {
            "upsert": upsert,
        page_state_options: Dict[str, str] = {}
        um_responses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        um_statuses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        must_proceed = True
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"starting update_many on '{}'")
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
        while must_proceed:
            options = {**api_options, **page_state_options}
  "calling update_many on '{}'")
            this_um_response = await self._astra_db_collection.update_many(
  "finished calling update_many on '{}'")
            this_um_status = this_um_response.get("status") or {}
            # if errors, quit early
            if this_um_response.get("errors", []):
                partial_update_info = _prepare_update_info(um_statuses)
                partial_result = UpdateResult(
                all_um_responses = um_responses + [this_um_response]
                raise UpdateManyException.from_responses(
                    commands=[None for _ in all_um_responses],
                if "status" not in this_um_response:
                    raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                        text="Faulty response from update_many API command.",
                next_page_state = this_um_status.get("nextPageState")
                if next_page_state is not None:
                    must_proceed = True
                    page_state_options = {"pageState": next_page_state}
                    must_proceed = False
                    page_state_options = {}

        update_info = _prepare_update_info(um_statuses)"finished update_many on '{}'")
        return UpdateResult(

    async def find_one_and_delete(
        filter: FilterType,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Find a document in the collection and delete it. The deleted document,
        however, is the return value of the method.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            Either the document (or a projection thereof, as requested), or None
            if no matches were found in the first place.

            >>> async def do_find_one_and_delete(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_many(
            ...         [
            ...             {"species": "swan", "class": "Aves"},
            ...             {"species": "frog", "class": "Amphibia"},
            ...         ],
            ...     )
            ...     delete_result0 = await acol.find_one_and_delete(
            ...         {"species": {"$ne": "frog"}},
            ...         projection=["species"],
            ...     )
            ...     print("delete_result0", delete_result0)
            ...     delete_result1 = await acol.find_one_and_delete(
            ...         {"species": {"$ne": "frog"}},
            ...     )
            ...     print("delete_result1", delete_result1)
            delete_result0 {'_id': 'f335cd0f-...', 'species': 'swan'}
            delete_result1 None

        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        _projection = normalize_optional_projection(projection)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_delete on '{}'")
        fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_delete(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_delete on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            document = fo_response["data"]["document"]
            return document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            deleted_count = fo_response.get("status", {}).get("deletedCount")
            if deleted_count == 0:
                return None
                raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                    text="Faulty response from find_one_and_delete API command.",

    async def delete_one(
        filter: FilterType,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> DeleteResult:
        Delete one document matching a provided filter.
        This method never deletes more than a single document, regardless
        of the number of matches to the provided filters.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.

            >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
            >>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 1})
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
            >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
            [0, 2]
            >>> my_coll.delete_one(
            ...     {"seq": {"$exists": True}},
            ...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
            ... )
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
            >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
            >>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 2})
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=0)

        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling delete_one_by_predicate on '{}'")
        do_response = await self._astra_db_collection.delete_one_by_predicate(
        )"finished calling delete_one_by_predicate on '{}'")
        if "deletedCount" in do_response.get("status", {}):
            deleted_count = do_response["status"]["deletedCount"]
            if deleted_count == -1:
                return DeleteResult(
                # expected a non-negative integer:
                return DeleteResult(
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from delete_one API command.",

    async def delete_many(
        filter: FilterType,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> DeleteResult:
        Delete all documents matching a provided filter.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
                Passing an empty filter, `{}`, completely erases all contents
                of the collection.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                keep in mind that this method entails successive HTTP requests
                to the API, depending on how many documents are to be deleted.
                For this reason, in most cases it is suggested to relax the
                timeout compared to other method calls.

            a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.

            >>> async def do_delete_many(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
            ...     delete_result0 = await acol.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
            ...     print("delete_result0.deleted_count", delete_result0.deleted_count)
            ...     distinct1 = await acol.distinct("seq")
            ...     print("distinct1", distinct1)
            ...     delete_result2 = await acol.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
            ...     print("delete_result2.deleted_count", delete_result2.deleted_count)
            delete_result0.deleted_count 2
            distinct1 [2]
            delete_result2.deleted_count 0

            This operation is in general not atomic. Depending on the amount
            of matching documents, it can keep running (in a blocking way)
            for a macroscopic time. In that case, new documents that are
            meanwhile inserted (e.g. from another process/application) will be
            deleted during the execution of this method call until the
            collection is devoid of matches.
            An exception is the `filter={}` case, whereby the operation is atomic.
        dm_responses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        deleted_count = 0
        must_proceed = True
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)"starting delete_many on '{}'")
        while must_proceed:
  "calling delete_many on '{}'")
            this_dm_response = await self._astra_db_collection.delete_many(
  "finished calling delete_many on '{}'")
            # if errors, quit early
            if this_dm_response.get("errors", []):
                partial_result = DeleteResult(
                all_dm_responses = dm_responses + [this_dm_response]
                raise DeleteManyException.from_responses(
                    commands=[None for _ in all_dm_responses],
                this_dc = this_dm_response.get("status", {}).get("deletedCount")
                if this_dc is None:
                    raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                        text="Faulty response from delete_many API command.",
                deleted_count += this_dc
                must_proceed = this_dm_response.get("status", {}).get("moreData", False)"finished delete_many on '{}'")
        return DeleteResult(

    @deprecation.deprecated(  # type: ignore[misc]
        details="Use delete_many with filter={} instead.",
    async def delete_all(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Delete all documents in a collection.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.

            >>> async def do_delete_all(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     distinct0 = await acol.distinct("seq")
            ...     print("distinct0", distinct0)
            ...     count1 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            ...     print("count1", count1)
            ...     delete_result2 = await acol.delete_all()
            ...     print("delete_result2", delete_result2)
            ...     count3 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            ...     print("count3", count3)
            distinct0 [4, 2, 3, 0, 1]
            count1 5
            delete_result2 {'ok': 1}
            count3 0

            Use with caution.
        dm_result = await self.delete_many(filter={}, max_time_ms=max_time_ms)
        if dm_result.deleted_count == -1:
            return {"ok": 1}
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Unexpected response from collection.delete_many({}).",

    async def bulk_write(
        requests: Iterable[AsyncBaseOperation],
        ordered: bool = False,
        concurrency: Optional[int] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> BulkWriteResult:
        Execute an arbitrary amount of operations such as inserts, updates, deletes
        either sequentially or concurrently.

        This method does not execute atomically, i.e. individual operations are
        each performed in the same way as the corresponding collection method,
        and each one is a different and unrelated database mutation.

            requests: an iterable over concrete subclasses of `BaseOperation`,
                such as `AsyncInsertMany` or `AsyncReplaceOne`. Each such object
                represents an operation ready to be executed on a collection,
                and is instantiated by passing the same parameters as one
                would the corresponding collection method.
            ordered: whether to launch the `requests` one after the other or
                in arbitrary order, possibly in a concurrent fashion. For
                performance reasons, False (default) should be preferred
                when compatible with the needs of the application flow.
            concurrency: maximum number of concurrent operations executing at
                a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered bulk writes.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the whole bulk write.
                Remember that, if the method call times out, then there's no
                guarantee about what portion of the bulk write has been received
                and successfully executed by the Data API.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                in most cases, however, one should pass a relaxed timeout
                if longer sequences of operations are to be executed in bulk.

            A single BulkWriteResult summarizing the whole list of requested
            operations. The keys in the map attributes of BulkWriteResult
            (when present) are the integer indices of the corresponding operation
            in the `requests` iterable.

            >>> from astrapy.operations import AsyncInsertMany, AsyncReplaceOne, AsyncOperation
            >>> from astrapy.results import BulkWriteResult
            >>> async def do_bulk_write(
            ...     acol: AsyncCollection,
            ...     async_operations: List[AsyncOperation],
            ... ) -> BulkWriteResult:
            ...     bw_result = await acol.bulk_write(async_operations)
            ...     count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            ...     print("count0", count0)
            ...     distinct0 = await acol.distinct("replaced")
            ...     print("distinct0", distinct0)
            ...     return bw_result
            >>> op1 = AsyncInsertMany([{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}])
            >>> op2 = AsyncReplaceOne(
            ...     {"z": 9},
            ...     replacement={"z": 9, "replaced": True},
            ...     upsert=True,
            ... )
            >>> result =, [op1, op2]))
            count0 3
            distinct0 [True]
            >>> print("result", result)
            result BulkWriteResult(bulk_api_results={0: ..., 1: ...}, deleted_count=0, inserted_count=3, matched_count=0, modified_count=0, upserted_count=1, upserted_ids={1: 'ccd0a800-...'})

        # lazy importing here against circular-import error
        from astrapy.operations import reduce_bulk_write_results

        if concurrency is None:
            if ordered:
                _concurrency = 1
                _concurrency = DEFAULT_BULK_WRITE_CONCURRENCY
            _concurrency = concurrency
        if _concurrency > 1 and ordered:
            raise ValueError("Cannot run ordered bulk_write concurrently.")
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"startng a bulk write on '{}'")
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
        if ordered:
            bulk_write_results: List[BulkWriteResult] = []
            for operation_i, operation in enumerate(requests):
                    this_bw_result = await operation.execute(
                except CumulativeOperationException as exc:
                    partial_result = exc.partial_result
                    partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(
                        + [
                    dar_exception = exc.data_api_response_exception()
                    raise BulkWriteException(
                except DataAPIResponseException as exc:
                    # the cumulative exceptions, with their
                    # partially-done-info, are handled above:
                    # here it's just one-shot d.a.r. exceptions
                    partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_results)
                    dar_exception = exc.data_api_response_exception()
                    raise BulkWriteException(
            full_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_results)
  "finished a bulk write on '{}'")
            return full_bw_result

            sem = asyncio.Semaphore(_concurrency)

            async def _concurrent_execute_as_either(
                operation: AsyncBaseOperation, operation_i: int
            ) -> Tuple[Optional[BulkWriteResult], Optional[DataAPIResponseException]]:
                async with sem:
                        ex_result = await operation.execute(
                        return (ex_result, None)
                    except DataAPIResponseException as exc:
                        return (None, exc)

            tasks = [
                    _concurrent_execute_as_either(operation, operation_i)
                for operation_i, operation in enumerate(requests)
            bulk_write_either_results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
            # regroup
            bulk_write_successes = [bwr for bwr, _ in bulk_write_either_results if bwr]
            bulk_write_failures = [bwf for _, bwf in bulk_write_either_results if bwf]
            if bulk_write_failures:
                # extract and cumulate
                partial_results_from_failures = [
                    for failure in bulk_write_failures
                    if isinstance(failure, CumulativeOperationException)
                partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(
                    bulk_write_successes + partial_results_from_failures
                # raise and recast the first exception
                all_dar_exceptions = [
                    for bw_failure in bulk_write_failures
                dar_exception = all_dar_exceptions[0]
                raise BulkWriteException(
      "finished a bulk write on '{}'")
                return reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_successes)

    async def drop(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Drop the collection, i.e. delete it from the database along with
        all the documents it contains.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.
                Remember there is not guarantee that a request that has
                timed out us not in fact honored.

            a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.

            >>> async def drop_and_check(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     doc0 = await acol.find_one({})
            ...     print("doc0", doc0)
            ...     drop_result = await acol.drop()
            ...     print("drop_result", drop_result)
            ...     doc1 = await acol.find_one({})
            doc0 {'_id': '...', 'z': -10}
            drop_result {'ok': 1}
            Traceback (most recent call last):
                ... ...
            astrapy.exceptions.DataAPIResponseException: Collection does not exist, collection name: my_collection

            Use with caution.

            Once the method succeeds, methods on this object can still be invoked:
            however, this hardly makes sense as the underlying actual collection
            is no more.
            It is responsibility of the developer to design a correct flow
            which avoids using a deceased collection any further.

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"dropping collection '{}' (self)")
        drop_result = await self.database.drop_collection(
            self, max_time_ms=_max_time_ms
        )"finished dropping collection '{}' (self)")
        return drop_result  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

    async def command(
        body: Dict[str, Any],
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Send a POST request to the Data API for this collection with
        an arbitrary, caller-provided payload.

            body: a JSON-serializable dictionary, the payload of the request.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a dictionary with the response of the HTTP request.

            >>> asyncio.await(my_async_coll.command({"countDocuments": {}}))
            {'status': {'count': 123}}

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling command on '{}'")
        command_result = await self.database.command(
        )"finished calling command on '{}'")
        return command_result  # type: ignore[no-any-return]


class AsyncCollection (database: AsyncDatabase, name: str, *, namespace: Optional[str] = None, api_options: Optional[CollectionAPIOptions] = None, caller_name: Optional[str] = None, caller_version: Optional[str] = None)

A Data API collection, the main object to interact with the Data API, especially for DDL operations. This class has a synchronous interface.

A Collection is spawned from a Database object, from which it inherits the details on how to reach the API server (endpoint, authentication token).


a Database object, instantiated earlier. This represents the database the collection belongs to.
the collection name. This parameter should match an existing collection on the database.
this is the namespace to which the collection belongs. If not specified, the database's working namespace is used.
An instance of astrapy.api_options.CollectionAPIOptions providing the general settings for interacting with the Data API.
name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
version of the caller.


>>> from astrapy import DataAPIClient, AsyncCollection
>>> my_client = astrapy.DataAPIClient("AstraCS:...")
>>> my_async_db = my_client.get_async_database(
...    ""
... )
>>> my_async_coll_1 = AsyncCollection(database=my_async_db, name="my_collection")
>>> my_async coll_2 =
...     "my_v_collection",
...     dimension=3,
...     metric="cosine",
... ))
>>> my_async_coll_3a =
...     "my_already_existing_collection",
... ))
>>> my_async_coll_3b = my_async_db.my_already_existing_collection
>>> my_async_coll_3c = my_async_db["my_already_existing_collection"]


creating an instance of Collection does not trigger actual creation of the collection on the database. The latter should have been created beforehand, e.g. through the create_collection method of a Database.

Expand source code
class AsyncCollection:
    A Data API collection, the main object to interact with the Data API,
    especially for DDL operations.
    This class has a synchronous interface.

    A Collection is spawned from a Database object, from which it inherits
    the details on how to reach the API server (endpoint, authentication token).

        database: a Database object, instantiated earlier. This represents
            the database the collection belongs to.
        name: the collection name. This parameter should match an existing
            collection on the database.
        namespace: this is the namespace to which the collection belongs.
            If not specified, the database's working namespace is used.
        api_options: An instance of `astrapy.api_options.CollectionAPIOptions`
            providing the general settings for interacting with the Data API.
        caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
            the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
        caller_version: version of the caller.

        >>> from astrapy import DataAPIClient, AsyncCollection
        >>> my_client = astrapy.DataAPIClient("AstraCS:...")
        >>> my_async_db = my_client.get_async_database(
        ...    ""
        ... )
        >>> my_async_coll_1 = AsyncCollection(database=my_async_db, name="my_collection")
        >>> my_async coll_2 =
        ...     "my_v_collection",
        ...     dimension=3,
        ...     metric="cosine",
        ... ))
        >>> my_async_coll_3a =
        ...     "my_already_existing_collection",
        ... ))
        >>> my_async_coll_3b = my_async_db.my_already_existing_collection
        >>> my_async_coll_3c = my_async_db["my_already_existing_collection"]

        creating an instance of Collection does not trigger actual creation
        of the collection on the database. The latter should have been created
        beforehand, e.g. through the `create_collection` method of a Database.

    def __init__(
        database: AsyncDatabase,
        name: str,
        namespace: Optional[str] = None,
        api_options: Optional[CollectionAPIOptions] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        if api_options is None:
            self.api_options = CollectionAPIOptions()
            self.api_options = api_options
        additional_headers = self.api_options.embedding_api_key.get_headers()
        self._astra_db_collection: AsyncAstraDBCollection = AsyncAstraDBCollection(
        # this comes after the above, lets AstraDBCollection resolve namespace
        self._database = database._copy(

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            f'{self.__class__.__name__}(name="{}", '
            f'namespace="{self.namespace}", database={self.database}, '

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        if isinstance(other, AsyncCollection):
            return all(
                    self._astra_db_collection == other._astra_db_collection,
                    self.api_options == other.api_options,
            return False

    def __call__(self, *pargs: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        raise TypeError(
            f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object is not callable. If you "
            f"meant to call the '{}' method on a "
            f"'{self.database.__class__.__name__}' object "
            "it is failing because no such method exists."

    def _copy(
        database: Optional[AsyncDatabase] = None,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        namespace: Optional[str] = None,
        api_options: Optional[CollectionAPIOptions] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> AsyncCollection:
        return AsyncCollection(
            database=database or self.database._copy(),
            name=name or,
            namespace=namespace or self.namespace,
            caller_name=caller_name or self._astra_db_collection.caller_name,
            caller_version=caller_version or self._astra_db_collection.caller_version,

    def with_options(
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None,
        collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> AsyncCollection:
        Create a clone of this collection with some changed attributes.

            name: the name of the collection. This parameter is useful to
                quickly spawn AsyncCollection instances each pointing to a different
                collection existing in the same namespace.
            embedding_api_key: optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection.
                If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None,
                each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers
                as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates
                into the one "embedding api key" header
                (i.e. `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider`).
                For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication,
                specialized subclasses of `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingHeadersProvider`
                should be supplied.
            collection_max_time_ms: a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each
                operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to
                each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value
                being an overall default.
                Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as
                `find`, `delete_many`, `insert_many` and so on), it is strongly suggested
                to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make
                much sense.
            caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
                the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
            caller_version: version of the caller.

            a new AsyncCollection instance.

            >>> my_other_async_coll = my_async_coll.with_options(
            ...     name="the_other_coll",
            ...     caller_name="caller_identity",
            ... )

        _api_options = CollectionAPIOptions(

        return self._copy(

    def to_sync(
        database: Optional[Database] = None,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        namespace: Optional[str] = None,
        embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None,
        collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Collection:
        Create a Collection from this one. Save for the arguments
        explicitly provided as overrides, everything else is kept identical
        to this collection in the copy (the database is converted into
        a sync object).

            database: a Database object, instantiated earlier.
                This represents the database the new collection belongs to.
            name: the collection name. This parameter should match an existing
                collection on the database.
            namespace: this is the namespace to which the collection belongs.
                If not specified, the database's working namespace is used.
            embedding_api_key: optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection.
                If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None,
                each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers
                as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates
                into the one "embedding api key" header
                (i.e. `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider`).
                For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication,
                specialized subclasses of `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingHeadersProvider`
                should be supplied.
            collection_max_time_ms: a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each
                operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to
                each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value
                being an overall default.
                Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as
                `find`, `delete_many`, `insert_many` and so on), it is strongly suggested
                to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make
                much sense.
            caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
                the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
            caller_version: version of the caller.

            the new copy, a Collection instance.

            >>> my_async_coll.to_sync().count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)

        _api_options = CollectionAPIOptions(

        return Collection(
            database=database or self.database.to_sync(),
            name=name or,
            namespace=namespace or self.namespace,
            caller_name=caller_name or self._astra_db_collection.caller_name,
            caller_version=caller_version or self._astra_db_collection.caller_version,

    def set_caller(
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Set a new identity for the application/framework on behalf of which
        the Data API calls are performed (the "caller").

            caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
                the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
            caller_version: version of the caller.

            >>> my_coll.set_caller(caller_name="the_caller", caller_version="0.1.0")
        """"setting caller to {caller_name}/{caller_version}")

    async def options(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> CollectionOptions:
        Get the collection options, i.e. its configuration as read from the database.

        The method issues a request to the Data API each time is invoked,
        without caching mechanisms: this ensures up-to-date information
        for usages such as real-time collection validation by the application.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a CollectionOptions instance describing the collection.
            (See also the database `list_collections` method.)

            CollectionOptions(vector=CollectionVectorOptions(dimension=3, metric='cosine'))

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"getting collections in search of '{}'")
        self_descriptors = [
            async for coll_desc in self.database.list_collections(
            if ==
        ]"finished getting collections in search of '{}'")
        if self_descriptors:
            return self_descriptors[0].options  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            raise CollectionNotFoundException(
                text=f"Collection {self.namespace}.{} not found.",

    def info(self) -> CollectionInfo:
        Information on the collection (name, location, database), in the
        form of a CollectionInfo object.

        Not to be confused with the collection `options` method (related
        to the collection internal configuration).


            the returned CollectionInfo wraps, among other things,
            the database information: as such, calling this method
            triggers the same-named method of a Database object (which, in turn,
            performs a HTTP request to the DevOps API).
            See the documentation for `` for more details.

        return CollectionInfo(

    def database(self) -> AsyncDatabase:
        a Database object, the database this collection belongs to.


        return self._database

    def namespace(self) -> str:
        The namespace this collection is in.

            >>> my_async_coll.database.namespace

        _namespace = self.database.namespace
        if _namespace is None:
            raise ValueError("The collection's DB is set with namespace=None")
        return _namespace

    def name(self) -> str:
        The name of this collection.


        # type hint added as for some reason the typechecker gets lost
        return self._astra_db_collection.collection_name  # type: ignore[no-any-return, has-type]

    def full_name(self) -> str:
        The fully-qualified collection name within the database,
        in the form "namespace.collection_name".

            >>> my_async_coll.full_name

        return f"{self.namespace}.{}"

    async def insert_one(
        document: DocumentType,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> InsertOneResult:
        Insert a single document in the collection in an atomic operation.

            document: the dictionary expressing the document to insert.
                The `_id` field of the document can be left out, in which
                case it will be created automatically.
            vector: a vector (a list of numbers appropriate for the collection)
                for the document. Passing this parameter is equivalent to
                providing a `$vector` field within the document itself,
                however the two are mutually exclusive.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the document instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector, if such a service
                is configured for the collection. Passing this parameter is
                equivalent to providing a `$vectorize` field in the document itself,
                however the two are mutually exclusive.
                Moreover, this parameter cannot coexist with `vector`.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the document instead.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            an InsertOneResult object.

            >>> async def write_and_count(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
            ...     print("count0", count0)
            ...     await acol.insert_one(
            ...         {
            ...             "age": 30,
            ...             "name": "Smith",
            ...             "food": ["pear", "peach"],
            ...             "likes_fruit": True,
            ...         },
            ...     )
            ...     await acol.insert_one({"_id": "user-123", "age": 50, "name": "Maccio"})
            ...     count1 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
            ...     print("count1", count1)
            count0 0
            count1 2

            >>>{"tag": v", "$vector": [10, 11]}))

            If an `_id` is explicitly provided, which corresponds to a document
            that exists already in the collection, an error is raised and
            the insertion fails.

        _document = _collate_vector_to_document(document, vector, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"inserting one document in '{}'")
        io_response = await self._astra_db_collection.insert_one(
        )"finished inserting one document in '{}'")
        if "insertedIds" in io_response.get("status", {}):
            if io_response["status"]["insertedIds"]:
                inserted_id = io_response["status"]["insertedIds"][0]
                return InsertOneResult(
                raise ValueError(
                    "Could not complete a insert_one operation. "
                    f"(gotten '${json.dumps(io_response)}')"
            raise ValueError(
                "Could not complete a insert_one operation. "
                f"(gotten '${json.dumps(io_response)}')"

    async def insert_many(
        documents: Iterable[DocumentType],
        vectors: Optional[Iterable[Optional[VectorType]]] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[Iterable[Optional[str]]] = None,
        ordered: bool = False,
        chunk_size: Optional[int] = None,
        concurrency: Optional[int] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> InsertManyResult:
        Insert a list of documents into the collection.
        This is not an atomic operation.

            documents: an iterable of dictionaries, each a document to insert.
                Documents may specify their `_id` field or leave it out, in which
                case it will be added automatically.
            vectors: an optional list of vectors (as many vectors as the provided
                documents) to associate to the documents when inserting.
                Passing vectors this way is indeed equivalent to the "$vector" field
                of the documents, however the two are mutually exclusive.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the documents instead.
            vectorize: an optional list of strings to be made into as many vectors
                (one per document), if such a service is configured for the collection.
                Passing this parameter is equivalent to providing a `$vectorize`
                field in the documents themselves, however the two are mutually exclusive.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the documents instead.
            ordered: if False (default), the insertions can occur in arbitrary order
                and possibly concurrently. If True, they are processed sequentially.
                If there are no specific reasons against it, unordered insertions are to
                be preferred as they complete much faster.
            chunk_size: how many documents to include in a single API request.
                Exceeding the server maximum allowed value results in an error.
                Leave it unspecified (recommended) to use the system default.
            concurrency: maximum number of concurrent requests to the API at
                a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered insertions.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                If many documents are being inserted, this method corresponds
                to several HTTP requests: in such cases one may want to specify
                a more tolerant timeout here.
            an InsertManyResult object.

            >>> async def write_and_count(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...             count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
            ...             print("count0", count0)
            ...             im_result1 = await acol.insert_many(
            ...                 [
            ...                     {"a": 10},
            ...                     {"a": 5},
            ...                     {"b": [True, False, False]},
            ...                 ],
            ...                 ordered=True,
            ...             )
            ...             print("inserted1", im_result1.inserted_ids)
            ...             count1 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            ...             print("count1", count1)
            ...             await acol.insert_many(
            ...                 [{"seq": i} for i in range(50)],
            ...                 concurrency=5,
            ...             )
            ...             count2 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            ...             print("count2", count2)
            count0 0
            inserted1 ['e3c2a684-...', '1de4949f-...', '167dacc3-...']
            count1 3
            count2 53
            ...     [
            ...         {"tag": "a", "$vector": [1, 2]},
            ...         {"tag": "b", "$vector": [3, 4]},
            ...     ]
            ... ))

            Unordered insertions are executed with some degree of concurrency,
            so it is usually better to prefer this mode unless the order in the
            document sequence is important.

            A failure mode for this command is related to certain faulty documents
            found among those to insert: a document may have the an `_id` already
            present on the collection, or its vector dimension may not
            match the collection setting.

            For an ordered insertion, the method will raise an exception at
            the first such faulty document -- nevertheless, all documents processed
            until then will end up being written to the database.

            For unordered insertions, if the error stems from faulty documents
            the insertion proceeds until exhausting the input documents: then,
            an exception is raised -- and all insertable documents will have been
            written to the database, including those "after" the troublesome ones.

            If, on the other hand, there are errors not related to individual
            documents (such as a network connectivity error), the whole
            `insert_many` operation will stop in mid-way, an exception will be raised,
            and only a certain amount of the input documents will
            have made their way to the database.

        if concurrency is None:
            if ordered:
                _concurrency = 1
                _concurrency = DEFAULT_INSERT_MANY_CONCURRENCY
            _concurrency = concurrency
        if _concurrency > 1 and ordered:
            raise ValueError("Cannot run ordered insert_many concurrently.")
        if chunk_size is None:
            _chunk_size = DEFAULT_INSERT_NUM_DOCUMENTS
            _chunk_size = chunk_size
        _documents = _collate_vectors_to_documents(documents, vectors, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'")
        raw_results: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
        if ordered:
            options = {"ordered": True}
            inserted_ids: List[Any] = []
            for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size):
      "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                chunk_response = await self._astra_db_collection.insert_many(
                    documents=_documents[i : i + _chunk_size],
      "finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                # accumulate the results in this call
                chunk_inserted_ids = (chunk_response.get("status") or {}).get(
                    "insertedIds", []
                inserted_ids += chunk_inserted_ids
                raw_results += [chunk_response]
                # if errors, quit early
                if chunk_response.get("errors", []):
                    partial_result = InsertManyResult(
                    raise InsertManyException.from_response(

            # return
            full_result = InsertManyResult(
                f"finished inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'"
            return full_result

            # unordered: concurrent or not, do all of them and parse the results
            options = {"ordered": False}

            sem = asyncio.Semaphore(_concurrency)

            async def concurrent_insert_chunk(
                document_chunk: List[DocumentType],
            ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
                async with sem:
          "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                    im_response = await self._astra_db_collection.insert_many(
                        f"finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'"
                    return im_response

            if _concurrency > 1:
                tasks = [
                        concurrent_insert_chunk(_documents[i : i + _chunk_size])
                    for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size)
                raw_results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
                raw_results = [
                    await concurrent_insert_chunk(_documents[i : i + _chunk_size])
                    for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size)

            # recast raw_results
            inserted_ids = [
                for chunk_response in raw_results
                for inserted_id in (chunk_response.get("status") or {}).get(
                    "insertedIds", []

            # check-raise
            if any(
                [chunk_response.get("errors", []) for chunk_response in raw_results]
                partial_result = InsertManyResult(
                raise InsertManyException.from_responses(
                    commands=[None for _ in raw_results],

            # return
            full_result = InsertManyResult(
                f"finished inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'"
            return full_result

    def find(
        filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        skip: Optional[int] = None,
        limit: Optional[int] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None,
        include_sort_vector: Optional[bool] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> AsyncCursor:
        Find documents on the collection, matching a certain provided filter.

        The method returns a Cursor that can then be iterated over. Depending
        on the method call pattern, the iteration over all documents can reflect
        collection mutations occurred since the `find` method was called, or not.
        In cases where the cursor reflects mutations in real-time, it will iterate
        over cursors in an approximate way (i.e. exhibiting occasional skipped
        or duplicate documents). This happens when making use of the `sort`
        option in a non-vector-search manner.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            skip: with this integer parameter, what would be the first `skip`
                documents returned by the query are discarded, and the results
                start from the (skip+1)-th document.
                This parameter can be used only in conjunction with an explicit
                `sort` criterion of the ascending/descending type (i.e. it cannot
                be used when not sorting, nor with vector-based ANN search).
            limit: this (integer) parameter sets a limit over how many documents
                are returned. Once `limit` is reached (or the cursor is exhausted
                for lack of matching documents), nothing more is returned.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search).
                When running similarity search on a collection, no other sorting
                criteria can be specified. Moreover, there is an upper bound
                to the number of documents that can be returned. For details,
                see the Note about upper bounds and the Data API documentation.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to `vector`,
                provided such a service is configured for the collection,
                and achieves the same effect.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            include_similarity: a boolean to request the numeric value of the
                similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in each
                returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e.
                when either `vector` is supplied or the `sort` parameter has the
                shape {"$vector": ...}.
            include_sort_vector: a boolean to request query vector used in this search.
                If set to True (and if the invocation is a vector search), calling
                the `get_sort_vector` method on the returned cursor will yield
                the vector used for the ANN search.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the order
                the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting, as well as
                the one about upper bounds, for details.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for each single one
                of the underlying HTTP requests used to fetch documents as the
                cursor is iterated over.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            an AsyncCursor object representing iterations over the matching documents
            (see the AsyncCursor object for how to use it. The simplest thing is to
            run a for loop: `for document in collection.sort(...):`).

            >>> async def run_finds(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...             filter = {"seq": {"$exists": True}}
            ...             print("find results 1:")
            ...             async for doc in acol.find(filter, projection={"seq": True}, limit=5):
            ...                 print(doc["seq"])
            ...             async_cursor1 = acol.find(
            ...                 {},
            ...                 limit=4,
            ...                 sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
            ...             )
            ...             ids = [doc["_id"] async for doc in async_cursor1]
            ...             print("find results 2:", ids)
            ...             async_cursor2 = acol.find({}, limit=3)
            ...             seqs = await async_cursor2.distinct("seq")
            ...             print("distinct results 3:", seqs)
            find results 1:
            find results 2: ['d656cd9d-...', '479c7ce8-...', '96dc87fd-...', '83f0a21f-...']
            distinct results 3: [48, 35, 7]

            >>> async def run_vector_finds(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_many([
            ...         {"tag": "A", "$vector": [4, 5]},
            ...         {"tag": "B", "$vector": [3, 4]},
            ...         {"tag": "C", "$vector": [3, 2]},
            ...         {"tag": "D", "$vector": [4, 1]},
            ...         {"tag": "E", "$vector": [2, 5]},
            ...     ])
            ...     ann_tags = [
            ...         document["tag"]
            ...         async for document in acol.find(
            ...             {},
            ...             sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
            ...             limit=3,
            ...         )
            ...     ]
            ...     return ann_tags
            ['A', 'B', 'C']
            >>> # (assuming the collection has metric VectorMetric.COSINE)

            >>> async_cursor = my_async_coll.find(
            ...     sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
            ...     limit=3,
            ...     include_sort_vector=True,
            ... )
            [3.0, 3.0]
            {'_id': 'b13ce177-738e-47ec-bce1-77738ee7ec93', 'tag': 'A'}
            [3.0, 3.0]

            The following are example values for the `sort` parameter.
            When no particular order is required:
            When sorting by a certain value in ascending/descending order:
                sort={"field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING}
                sort={"field": SortDocuments.DESCENDING}
            When sorting first by "field" and then by "subfield"
            (while modern Python versions preserve the order of dictionaries,
            it is suggested for clarity to employ a `collections.OrderedDict`
            in these cases):
                    "field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING,
                    "subfield": SortDocuments.ASCENDING,
            When running a vector similarity (ANN) search:
                sort={"$vector": [0.4, 0.15, -0.5]}

            Some combinations of arguments impose an implicit upper bound on the
            number of documents that are returned by the Data API. More specifically:
            (a) Vector ANN searches cannot return more than a number of documents
            that at the time of writing is set to 1000 items.
            (b) When using a sort criterion of the ascending/descending type,
            the Data API will return a smaller number of documents, set to 20
            at the time of writing, and stop there. The returned documents are
            the top results across the whole collection according to the requested
            These provisions should be kept in mind even when subsequently running
            a command such as `.distinct()` on a cursor.

            When not specifying sorting criteria at all (by vector or otherwise),
            the cursor can scroll through an arbitrary number of documents as
            the Data API and the client periodically exchange new chunks of documents.
            It should be noted that the behavior of the cursor in the case documents
            have been added/removed after the `find` was started depends on database
            internals and it is not guaranteed, nor excluded, that such "real-time"
            changes in the data would be picked up by the cursor.

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        if include_similarity is not None and not _is_vector_sort(_sort):
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot use `include_similarity` when not searching through `vector`."
        return (

    async def find_one(
        filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Run a search, returning the first document in the collection that matches
        provided filters, if any is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), extracting the most
                similar document in the collection matching the filter.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            include_similarity: a boolean to request the numeric value of the
                similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in the
                returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e.
                when either `vector` is supplied or the `sort` parameter has the
                shape {"$vector": ...}.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the order
                the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting for details.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a dictionary expressing the required document, otherwise None.

            >>> async def demo_find_one(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ....    print("Count:", await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100))
            ...     result0 = await acol.find_one({})
            ...     print("result0", result0)
            ...     result1 = await acol.find_one({"seq": 10})
            ...     print("result1", result1)
            ...     result2 = await acol.find_one({"seq": 1011})
            ...     print("result2", result2)
            ...     result3 = await acol.find_one({}, projection={"seq": False})
            ...     print("result3", result3)
            ...     result4 = await acol.find_one(
            ...         {},
            ...         sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result4", result4)
            Count: 50
            result0 {'_id': '479c7ce8-...', 'seq': 48}
            result1 {'_id': '93e992c4-...', 'seq': 10}
            result2 None
            result3 {'_id': '479c7ce8-...'}
            result4 {'_id': 'd656cd9d-...', 'seq': 49}

            ...     {},
            ...     sort={"$vector": [1, 0]},
            ...     projection={"*": True},
            ... ))
            {'_id': '...', 'tag': 'D', '$vector': [4.0, 1.0]}

            See the `find` method for more details on the accepted parameters
            (whereas `skip` and `limit` are not valid parameters for `find_one`).

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        fo_cursor = self.find(
            document = await fo_cursor.__anext__()
            return document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
        except StopAsyncIteration:
            return None

    async def distinct(
        key: str,
        filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> List[Any]:
        Return a list of the unique values of `key` across the documents
        in the collection that match the provided filter.

            key: the name of the field whose value is inspected across documents.
                Keys can use dot-notation to descend to deeper document levels.
                Example of acceptable `key` values:
                If lists are encountered and no numeric index is specified,
                all items in the list are visited.
            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, with the same meaning as for `find`.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a list of all different values for `key` found across the documents
            that match the filter. The result list has no repeated items.

            >>> async def run_distinct(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_many(
            ...         [
            ...             {"name": "Marco", "food": ["apple", "orange"], "city": "Helsinki"},
            ...             {"name": "Emma", "food": {"likes_fruit": True, "allergies": []}},
            ...         ]
            ...     )
            ...     distinct0 = await acol.distinct("name")
            ...     print("distinct('name')", distinct0)
            ...     distinct1 = await acol.distinct("city")
            ...     print("distinct('city')", distinct1)
            ...     distinct2 = await acol.distinct("food")
            ...     print("distinct('food')", distinct2)
            ...     distinct3 = await acol.distinct("food.1")
            ...     print("distinct('food.1')", distinct3)
            ...     distinct4 = await acol.distinct("food.allergies")
            ...     print("distinct('food.allergies')", distinct4)
            ...     distinct5 = await acol.distinct("food.likes_fruit")
            ...     print("distinct('food.likes_fruit')", distinct5)
            distinct('name') ['Emma', 'Marco']
            distinct('city') ['Helsinki']
            distinct('food') [{'likes_fruit': True, 'allergies': []}, 'apple', 'orange']
            distinct('food.1') ['orange']
            distinct('food.allergies') []
            distinct('food.likes_fruit') [True]

            It must be kept in mind that `distinct` is a client-side operation,
            which effectively browses all required documents using the logic
            of the `find` method and collects the unique values found for `key`.
            As such, there may be performance, latency and ultimately
            billing implications if the amount of matching documents is large.

            For details on the behaviour of "distinct" in conjunction with
            real-time changes in the collection contents, see the
            Note of the `find` command.

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        f_cursor = AsyncCursor(
            projection={key: True},
        return await f_cursor.distinct(key)  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

    async def count_documents(
        filter: FilterType,
        upper_bound: int,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> int:
        Count the documents in the collection matching the specified filter.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            upper_bound: a required ceiling on the result of the count operation.
                If the actual number of documents exceeds this value,
                an exception will be raised.
                Furthermore, if the actual number of documents exceeds the maximum
                count that the Data API can reach (regardless of upper_bound),
                an exception will be raised.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            the exact count of matching documents.

            >>> async def do_count_docs(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_many([{"seq": i} for i in range(20)])
            ...     count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            ...     print("count0", count0)
            ...     count1 = await acol.count_documents({"seq":{"$gt": 15}}, upper_bound=100)
            ...     print("count1", count1)
            ...     count2 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
            ...     print("count2", count2)
            count0 20
            count1 4
            Traceback (most recent call last):
                ... ...

            Count operations are expensive: for this reason, the best practice
            is to provide a reasonable `upper_bound` according to the caller
            expectations. Moreover, indiscriminate usage of count operations
            for sizeable amounts of documents (i.e. in the thousands and more)
            is discouraged in favor of alternative application-specific solutions.
            Keep in mind that the Data API has a hard upper limit on the amount
            of documents it will count, and that an exception will be thrown
            by this method if this limit is encountered.

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling count_documents")
        cd_response = await self._astra_db_collection.count_documents(
        )"finished calling count_documents")
        if "count" in cd_response.get("status", {}):
            count: int = cd_response["status"]["count"]
            if cd_response["status"].get("moreData", False):
                raise TooManyDocumentsToCountException(
                    text=f"Document count exceeds {count}, the maximum allowed by the server",
                if count > upper_bound:
                    raise TooManyDocumentsToCountException(
                        text="Document count exceeds required upper bound",
                    return count
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from count_documents API command.",

    async def estimated_document_count(
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> int:
        Query the API server for an estimate of the document count in the collection.

        Contrary to `count_documents`, this method has no filtering parameters.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a server-provided estimate count of the documents in the collection.

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        ed_response = await self.command(
            {"estimatedDocumentCount": {}},
        if "count" in ed_response.get("status", {}):
            count: int = ed_response["status"]["count"]
            return count
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from estimated_document_count API command.",

    async def find_one_and_replace(
        filter: FilterType,
        replacement: DocumentType,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        return_document: str = ReturnDocument.BEFORE,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Find a document on the collection and replace it entirely with a new one,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.


            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            replacement: the new document to write into the collection.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, `replacement` is inserted as a new document
                if no matches are found on the collection. If False,
                the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
            return_document: a flag controlling what document is returned:
                if set to `ReturnDocument.BEFORE`, or the string "before",
                the document found on database is returned; if set to
                `ReturnDocument.AFTER`, or the string "after", the new
                document is returned. The default is "before".
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            A document, either the one before the replace operation or the
            one after that. Alternatively, the method returns None to represent
            that no matching document was found, or that no replacement
            was inserted (depending on the `return_document` parameter).

            >>> async def do_find_one_and_replace(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...             await acol.insert_one({"_id": "rule1", "text": "all animals are equal"})
            ...             result0 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
            ...                 {"_id": "rule1"},
            ...                 {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
            ...             )
            ...             print("result0", result0)
            ...             result1 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
            ...                 {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
            ...                 {"text": "and the pigs are the rulers"},
            ...                 return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ...             )
            ...             print("result1", result1)
            ...             result2 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
            ...                 {"_id": "rule2"},
            ...                 {"text": "F=ma^2"},
            ...                 return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ...             )
            ...             print("result2", result2)
            ...             result3 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
            ...                 {"_id": "rule2"},
            ...                 {"text": "F=ma"},
            ...                 upsert=True,
            ...                 return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ...                 projection={"_id": False},
            ...             )
            ...             print("result3", result3)
            result0 {'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'all animals are equal'}
            result1 {'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'and the pigs are the rulers'}
            result2 None
            result3 {'text': 'F=ma'}

        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "returnDocument": return_document,
            "upsert": upsert,
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_replace(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            ret_document = fo_response.get("data", {}).get("document")
            if ret_document is None:
                return None
                return ret_document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_replace API command.",

    async def replace_one(
        filter: FilterType,
        replacement: DocumentType,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> UpdateResult:
        Replace a single document on the collection with a new one,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            replacement: the new document to write into the collection.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, `replacement` is inserted as a new document
                if no matches are found on the collection. If False,
                the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the replace operation.

            >>> async def do_replace_one(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
            ...     result0 = await acol.replace_one(
            ...         {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
            ...         {"Buda": "Pest"},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result0.update_info", result0.update_info)
            ...     doc1 = await acol.find_one({"Buda": "Pest"})
            ...     print("doc1", doc1)
            ...     result1 = await acol.replace_one(
            ...         {"Mirco": {"$exists": True}},
            ...         {"Oh": "yeah?"},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result1.update_info", result1.update_info)
            ...     result2 = await acol.replace_one(
            ...         {"Mirco": {"$exists": True}},
            ...         {"Oh": "yeah?"},
            ...         upsert=True,
            ...     )
            ...     print("result2.update_info", result2.update_info)
            result0.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1}
            doc1 {'_id': '6e669a5a-...', 'Buda': 'Pest'}
            result1.update_info {'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0}
            result2.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '30e34e00-...'}

        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "upsert": upsert,
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_replace(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            fo_status = fo_response.get("status") or {}
            _update_info = _prepare_update_info([fo_status])
            return UpdateResult(
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_replace API command.",

    async def find_one_and_update(
        filter: FilterType,
        update: Dict[str, Any],
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        return_document: str = ReturnDocument.BEFORE,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Find a document on the collection and update it as requested,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            update: the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed
                as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                    {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                    {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                    {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
                See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, a new document (resulting from applying the `update`
                to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
                the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
                in case of no matches.
            return_document: a flag controlling what document is returned:
                if set to `ReturnDocument.BEFORE`, or the string "before",
                the document found on database is returned; if set to
                `ReturnDocument.AFTER`, or the string "after", the new
                document is returned. The default is "before".
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            A document (or a projection thereof, as required), either the one
            before the replace operation or the one after that.
            Alternatively, the method returns None to represent
            that no matching document was found, or that no update
            was applied (depending on the `return_document` parameter).

            >>> async def do_find_one_and_update(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
            ...     result0 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
            ...         {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
            ...         {"$set": {"title": "Mr."}},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result0", result0)
            ...     result1 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
            ...         {"title": "Mr."},
            ...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
            ...         projection=["title", "rank"],
            ...         return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ...     )
            ...     print("result1", result1)
            ...     result2 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
            ...         {"name": "Johnny"},
            ...         {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
            ...         return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ...     )
            ...     print("result2", result2)
            ...     result3 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
            ...         {"name": "Johnny"},
            ...         {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
            ...         upsert=True,
            ...         return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ...     )
            ...     print("result3", result3)
            result0 {'_id': 'f7c936d3-b0a0-45eb-a676-e2829662a57c', 'Marco': 'Polo'}
            result1 {'_id': 'f7c936d3-b0a0-45eb-a676-e2829662a57c', 'title': 'Mr.', 'rank': 3}
            result2 None
            result3 {'_id': 'db3d678d-14d4-4caa-82d2-d5fb77dab7ec', 'name': 'Johnny', 'rank': 0}

        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "returnDocument": return_document,
            "upsert": upsert,
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_update(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            ret_document = fo_response.get("data", {}).get("document")
            if ret_document is None:
                return None
                return ret_document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_update API command.",

    async def update_one(
        filter: FilterType,
        update: Dict[str, Any],
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> UpdateResult:
        Update a single document on the collection as requested,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            update: the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed
                as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                    {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                    {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                    {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
                See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, a new document (resulting from applying the `update`
                to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
                the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
                in case of no matches.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.

            >>> async def do_update_one(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
            ...     result0 = await acol.update_one(
            ...         {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
            ...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result0.update_info", result0.update_info)
            ...     result1 = await acol.update_one(
            ...         {"Mirko": {"$exists": True}},
            ...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result1.update_info", result1.update_info)
            ...     result2 = await acol.update_one(
            ...         {"Mirko": {"$exists": True}},
            ...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
            ...         upsert=True,
            ...     )
            ...     print("result2.update_info", result2.update_info)
            result0.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1})
            result1.update_info {'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
            result2.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '75748092-...'}

        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "upsert": upsert,
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_update(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            fo_status = fo_response.get("status") or {}
            _update_info = _prepare_update_info([fo_status])
            return UpdateResult(
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_update API command.",

    async def update_many(
        filter: FilterType,
        update: Dict[str, Any],
        upsert: bool = False,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> UpdateResult:
        Apply an update operations to all documents matching a condition,
        optionally inserting one documents in absence of matches.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            update: the update prescription to apply to the documents, expressed
                as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                    {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                    {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                    {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
                See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, a single new document (resulting from applying `update`
                to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
                the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
                in case of no matches.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                if a large number of document updates is anticipated, it is suggested
                to specify a larger timeout than in most other operations as the
                update will span several HTTP calls to the API in sequence.

            an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.

            >>> async def do_update_many(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_many([{"c": "red"}, {"c": "green"}, {"c": "blue"}])
            ...     result0 = await acol.update_many(
            ...         {"c": {"$ne": "green"}},
            ...         {"$set": {"nongreen": True}},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result0.update_info", result0.update_info)
            ...     result1 = await acol.update_many(
            ...         {"c": "orange"},
            ...         {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}},
            ...     )
            ...     print("result1.update_info", result1.update_info)
            ...     result2 = await acol.update_many(
            ...         {"c": "orange"},
            ...         {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}},
            ...         upsert=True,
            ...     )
            ...     print("result2.update_info", result2.update_info)
            result0.update_info {'n': 2, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 2}
            result1.update_info {'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0}
            result2.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '79ffd5a3-ab99-4dff-a2a5-4aaa0e59e854'}

            Similarly to the case of `find` (see its docstring for more details),
            running this command while, at the same time, another process is
            inserting new documents which match the filter of the `update_many`
            can result in an unpredictable fraction of these documents being updated.
            In other words, it cannot be easily predicted whether a given
            newly-inserted document will be picked up by the update_many command or not.

        api_options = {
            "upsert": upsert,
        page_state_options: Dict[str, str] = {}
        um_responses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        um_statuses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        must_proceed = True
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"starting update_many on '{}'")
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
        while must_proceed:
            options = {**api_options, **page_state_options}
  "calling update_many on '{}'")
            this_um_response = await self._astra_db_collection.update_many(
  "finished calling update_many on '{}'")
            this_um_status = this_um_response.get("status") or {}
            # if errors, quit early
            if this_um_response.get("errors", []):
                partial_update_info = _prepare_update_info(um_statuses)
                partial_result = UpdateResult(
                all_um_responses = um_responses + [this_um_response]
                raise UpdateManyException.from_responses(
                    commands=[None for _ in all_um_responses],
                if "status" not in this_um_response:
                    raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                        text="Faulty response from update_many API command.",
                next_page_state = this_um_status.get("nextPageState")
                if next_page_state is not None:
                    must_proceed = True
                    page_state_options = {"pageState": next_page_state}
                    must_proceed = False
                    page_state_options = {}

        update_info = _prepare_update_info(um_statuses)"finished update_many on '{}'")
        return UpdateResult(

    async def find_one_and_delete(
        filter: FilterType,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Find a document in the collection and delete it. The deleted document,
        however, is the return value of the method.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            Either the document (or a projection thereof, as requested), or None
            if no matches were found in the first place.

            >>> async def do_find_one_and_delete(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_many(
            ...         [
            ...             {"species": "swan", "class": "Aves"},
            ...             {"species": "frog", "class": "Amphibia"},
            ...         ],
            ...     )
            ...     delete_result0 = await acol.find_one_and_delete(
            ...         {"species": {"$ne": "frog"}},
            ...         projection=["species"],
            ...     )
            ...     print("delete_result0", delete_result0)
            ...     delete_result1 = await acol.find_one_and_delete(
            ...         {"species": {"$ne": "frog"}},
            ...     )
            ...     print("delete_result1", delete_result1)
            delete_result0 {'_id': 'f335cd0f-...', 'species': 'swan'}
            delete_result1 None

        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        _projection = normalize_optional_projection(projection)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_delete on '{}'")
        fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_delete(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_delete on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            document = fo_response["data"]["document"]
            return document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            deleted_count = fo_response.get("status", {}).get("deletedCount")
            if deleted_count == 0:
                return None
                raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                    text="Faulty response from find_one_and_delete API command.",

    async def delete_one(
        filter: FilterType,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> DeleteResult:
        Delete one document matching a provided filter.
        This method never deletes more than a single document, regardless
        of the number of matches to the provided filters.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.

            >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
            >>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 1})
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
            >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
            [0, 2]
            >>> my_coll.delete_one(
            ...     {"seq": {"$exists": True}},
            ...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
            ... )
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
            >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
            >>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 2})
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=0)

        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling delete_one_by_predicate on '{}'")
        do_response = await self._astra_db_collection.delete_one_by_predicate(
        )"finished calling delete_one_by_predicate on '{}'")
        if "deletedCount" in do_response.get("status", {}):
            deleted_count = do_response["status"]["deletedCount"]
            if deleted_count == -1:
                return DeleteResult(
                # expected a non-negative integer:
                return DeleteResult(
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from delete_one API command.",

    async def delete_many(
        filter: FilterType,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> DeleteResult:
        Delete all documents matching a provided filter.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
                Passing an empty filter, `{}`, completely erases all contents
                of the collection.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                keep in mind that this method entails successive HTTP requests
                to the API, depending on how many documents are to be deleted.
                For this reason, in most cases it is suggested to relax the
                timeout compared to other method calls.

            a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.

            >>> async def do_delete_many(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     await acol.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
            ...     delete_result0 = await acol.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
            ...     print("delete_result0.deleted_count", delete_result0.deleted_count)
            ...     distinct1 = await acol.distinct("seq")
            ...     print("distinct1", distinct1)
            ...     delete_result2 = await acol.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
            ...     print("delete_result2.deleted_count", delete_result2.deleted_count)
            delete_result0.deleted_count 2
            distinct1 [2]
            delete_result2.deleted_count 0

            This operation is in general not atomic. Depending on the amount
            of matching documents, it can keep running (in a blocking way)
            for a macroscopic time. In that case, new documents that are
            meanwhile inserted (e.g. from another process/application) will be
            deleted during the execution of this method call until the
            collection is devoid of matches.
            An exception is the `filter={}` case, whereby the operation is atomic.
        dm_responses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        deleted_count = 0
        must_proceed = True
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)"starting delete_many on '{}'")
        while must_proceed:
  "calling delete_many on '{}'")
            this_dm_response = await self._astra_db_collection.delete_many(
  "finished calling delete_many on '{}'")
            # if errors, quit early
            if this_dm_response.get("errors", []):
                partial_result = DeleteResult(
                all_dm_responses = dm_responses + [this_dm_response]
                raise DeleteManyException.from_responses(
                    commands=[None for _ in all_dm_responses],
                this_dc = this_dm_response.get("status", {}).get("deletedCount")
                if this_dc is None:
                    raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                        text="Faulty response from delete_many API command.",
                deleted_count += this_dc
                must_proceed = this_dm_response.get("status", {}).get("moreData", False)"finished delete_many on '{}'")
        return DeleteResult(

    @deprecation.deprecated(  # type: ignore[misc]
        details="Use delete_many with filter={} instead.",
    async def delete_all(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Delete all documents in a collection.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.

            >>> async def do_delete_all(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     distinct0 = await acol.distinct("seq")
            ...     print("distinct0", distinct0)
            ...     count1 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            ...     print("count1", count1)
            ...     delete_result2 = await acol.delete_all()
            ...     print("delete_result2", delete_result2)
            ...     count3 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            ...     print("count3", count3)
            distinct0 [4, 2, 3, 0, 1]
            count1 5
            delete_result2 {'ok': 1}
            count3 0

            Use with caution.
        dm_result = await self.delete_many(filter={}, max_time_ms=max_time_ms)
        if dm_result.deleted_count == -1:
            return {"ok": 1}
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Unexpected response from collection.delete_many({}).",

    async def bulk_write(
        requests: Iterable[AsyncBaseOperation],
        ordered: bool = False,
        concurrency: Optional[int] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> BulkWriteResult:
        Execute an arbitrary amount of operations such as inserts, updates, deletes
        either sequentially or concurrently.

        This method does not execute atomically, i.e. individual operations are
        each performed in the same way as the corresponding collection method,
        and each one is a different and unrelated database mutation.

            requests: an iterable over concrete subclasses of `BaseOperation`,
                such as `AsyncInsertMany` or `AsyncReplaceOne`. Each such object
                represents an operation ready to be executed on a collection,
                and is instantiated by passing the same parameters as one
                would the corresponding collection method.
            ordered: whether to launch the `requests` one after the other or
                in arbitrary order, possibly in a concurrent fashion. For
                performance reasons, False (default) should be preferred
                when compatible with the needs of the application flow.
            concurrency: maximum number of concurrent operations executing at
                a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered bulk writes.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the whole bulk write.
                Remember that, if the method call times out, then there's no
                guarantee about what portion of the bulk write has been received
                and successfully executed by the Data API.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                in most cases, however, one should pass a relaxed timeout
                if longer sequences of operations are to be executed in bulk.

            A single BulkWriteResult summarizing the whole list of requested
            operations. The keys in the map attributes of BulkWriteResult
            (when present) are the integer indices of the corresponding operation
            in the `requests` iterable.

            >>> from astrapy.operations import AsyncInsertMany, AsyncReplaceOne, AsyncOperation
            >>> from astrapy.results import BulkWriteResult
            >>> async def do_bulk_write(
            ...     acol: AsyncCollection,
            ...     async_operations: List[AsyncOperation],
            ... ) -> BulkWriteResult:
            ...     bw_result = await acol.bulk_write(async_operations)
            ...     count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            ...     print("count0", count0)
            ...     distinct0 = await acol.distinct("replaced")
            ...     print("distinct0", distinct0)
            ...     return bw_result
            >>> op1 = AsyncInsertMany([{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}])
            >>> op2 = AsyncReplaceOne(
            ...     {"z": 9},
            ...     replacement={"z": 9, "replaced": True},
            ...     upsert=True,
            ... )
            >>> result =, [op1, op2]))
            count0 3
            distinct0 [True]
            >>> print("result", result)
            result BulkWriteResult(bulk_api_results={0: ..., 1: ...}, deleted_count=0, inserted_count=3, matched_count=0, modified_count=0, upserted_count=1, upserted_ids={1: 'ccd0a800-...'})

        # lazy importing here against circular-import error
        from astrapy.operations import reduce_bulk_write_results

        if concurrency is None:
            if ordered:
                _concurrency = 1
                _concurrency = DEFAULT_BULK_WRITE_CONCURRENCY
            _concurrency = concurrency
        if _concurrency > 1 and ordered:
            raise ValueError("Cannot run ordered bulk_write concurrently.")
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"startng a bulk write on '{}'")
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
        if ordered:
            bulk_write_results: List[BulkWriteResult] = []
            for operation_i, operation in enumerate(requests):
                    this_bw_result = await operation.execute(
                except CumulativeOperationException as exc:
                    partial_result = exc.partial_result
                    partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(
                        + [
                    dar_exception = exc.data_api_response_exception()
                    raise BulkWriteException(
                except DataAPIResponseException as exc:
                    # the cumulative exceptions, with their
                    # partially-done-info, are handled above:
                    # here it's just one-shot d.a.r. exceptions
                    partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_results)
                    dar_exception = exc.data_api_response_exception()
                    raise BulkWriteException(
            full_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_results)
  "finished a bulk write on '{}'")
            return full_bw_result

            sem = asyncio.Semaphore(_concurrency)

            async def _concurrent_execute_as_either(
                operation: AsyncBaseOperation, operation_i: int
            ) -> Tuple[Optional[BulkWriteResult], Optional[DataAPIResponseException]]:
                async with sem:
                        ex_result = await operation.execute(
                        return (ex_result, None)
                    except DataAPIResponseException as exc:
                        return (None, exc)

            tasks = [
                    _concurrent_execute_as_either(operation, operation_i)
                for operation_i, operation in enumerate(requests)
            bulk_write_either_results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
            # regroup
            bulk_write_successes = [bwr for bwr, _ in bulk_write_either_results if bwr]
            bulk_write_failures = [bwf for _, bwf in bulk_write_either_results if bwf]
            if bulk_write_failures:
                # extract and cumulate
                partial_results_from_failures = [
                    for failure in bulk_write_failures
                    if isinstance(failure, CumulativeOperationException)
                partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(
                    bulk_write_successes + partial_results_from_failures
                # raise and recast the first exception
                all_dar_exceptions = [
                    for bw_failure in bulk_write_failures
                dar_exception = all_dar_exceptions[0]
                raise BulkWriteException(
      "finished a bulk write on '{}'")
                return reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_successes)

    async def drop(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Drop the collection, i.e. delete it from the database along with
        all the documents it contains.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.
                Remember there is not guarantee that a request that has
                timed out us not in fact honored.

            a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.

            >>> async def drop_and_check(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
            ...     doc0 = await acol.find_one({})
            ...     print("doc0", doc0)
            ...     drop_result = await acol.drop()
            ...     print("drop_result", drop_result)
            ...     doc1 = await acol.find_one({})
            doc0 {'_id': '...', 'z': -10}
            drop_result {'ok': 1}
            Traceback (most recent call last):
                ... ...
            astrapy.exceptions.DataAPIResponseException: Collection does not exist, collection name: my_collection

            Use with caution.

            Once the method succeeds, methods on this object can still be invoked:
            however, this hardly makes sense as the underlying actual collection
            is no more.
            It is responsibility of the developer to design a correct flow
            which avoids using a deceased collection any further.

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"dropping collection '{}' (self)")
        drop_result = await self.database.drop_collection(
            self, max_time_ms=_max_time_ms
        )"finished dropping collection '{}' (self)")
        return drop_result  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

    async def command(
        body: Dict[str, Any],
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Send a POST request to the Data API for this collection with
        an arbitrary, caller-provided payload.

            body: a JSON-serializable dictionary, the payload of the request.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a dictionary with the response of the HTTP request.

            >>> asyncio.await(my_async_coll.command({"countDocuments": {}}))
            {'status': {'count': 123}}

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling command on '{}'")
        command_result = await self.database.command(
        )"finished calling command on '{}'")
        return command_result  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

Instance variables

var databaseAsyncDatabase

a Database object, the database this collection belongs to.


Expand source code
def database(self) -> AsyncDatabase:
    a Database object, the database this collection belongs to.


    return self._database
var full_name : str

The fully-qualified collection name within the database, in the form "namespace.collection_name".


>>> my_async_coll.full_name
Expand source code
def full_name(self) -> str:
    The fully-qualified collection name within the database,
    in the form "namespace.collection_name".

        >>> my_async_coll.full_name

    return f"{self.namespace}.{}"
var name : str

The name of this collection.


Expand source code
def name(self) -> str:
    The name of this collection.


    # type hint added as for some reason the typechecker gets lost
    return self._astra_db_collection.collection_name  # type: ignore[no-any-return, has-type]
var namespace : str

The namespace this collection is in.


>>> my_async_coll.database.namespace
Expand source code
def namespace(self) -> str:
    The namespace this collection is in.

        >>> my_async_coll.database.namespace

    _namespace = self.database.namespace
    if _namespace is None:
        raise ValueError("The collection's DB is set with namespace=None")
    return _namespace


async def bulk_write(self, requests: Iterable[AsyncBaseOperation], *, ordered: bool = False, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> BulkWriteResult

Execute an arbitrary amount of operations such as inserts, updates, deletes either sequentially or concurrently.

This method does not execute atomically, i.e. individual operations are each performed in the same way as the corresponding collection method, and each one is a different and unrelated database mutation.


an iterable over concrete subclasses of BaseOperation, such as AsyncInsertMany or AsyncReplaceOne. Each such object represents an operation ready to be executed on a collection, and is instantiated by passing the same parameters as one would the corresponding collection method.
whether to launch the requests one after the other or in arbitrary order, possibly in a concurrent fashion. For performance reasons, False (default) should be preferred when compatible with the needs of the application flow.
maximum number of concurrent operations executing at a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered bulk writes.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the whole bulk write. Remember that, if the method call times out, then there's no guarantee about what portion of the bulk write has been received and successfully executed by the Data API. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead: in most cases, however, one should pass a relaxed timeout if longer sequences of operations are to be executed in bulk.


A single BulkWriteResult summarizing the whole list of requested operations. The keys in the map attributes of BulkWriteResult (when present) are the integer indices of the corresponding operation in the requests iterable.


>>> from astrapy.operations import AsyncInsertMany, AsyncReplaceOne, AsyncOperation
>>> from astrapy.results import BulkWriteResult
>>> async def do_bulk_write(
...     acol: AsyncCollection,
...     async_operations: List[AsyncOperation],
... ) -> BulkWriteResult:
...     bw_result = await acol.bulk_write(async_operations)
...     count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
...     print("count0", count0)
...     distinct0 = await acol.distinct("replaced")
...     print("distinct0", distinct0)
...     return bw_result
>>> op1 = AsyncInsertMany([{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}])
>>> op2 = AsyncReplaceOne(
...     {"z": 9},
...     replacement={"z": 9, "replaced": True},
...     upsert=True,
... )
>>> result =, [op1, op2]))
count0 3
distinct0 [True]
>>> print("result", result)
result BulkWriteResult(bulk_api_results={0: ..., 1: ...}, deleted_count=0, inserted_count=3, matched_count=0, modified_count=0, upserted_count=1, upserted_ids={1: 'ccd0a800-...'})
Expand source code
async def bulk_write(
    requests: Iterable[AsyncBaseOperation],
    ordered: bool = False,
    concurrency: Optional[int] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> BulkWriteResult:
    Execute an arbitrary amount of operations such as inserts, updates, deletes
    either sequentially or concurrently.

    This method does not execute atomically, i.e. individual operations are
    each performed in the same way as the corresponding collection method,
    and each one is a different and unrelated database mutation.

        requests: an iterable over concrete subclasses of `BaseOperation`,
            such as `AsyncInsertMany` or `AsyncReplaceOne`. Each such object
            represents an operation ready to be executed on a collection,
            and is instantiated by passing the same parameters as one
            would the corresponding collection method.
        ordered: whether to launch the `requests` one after the other or
            in arbitrary order, possibly in a concurrent fashion. For
            performance reasons, False (default) should be preferred
            when compatible with the needs of the application flow.
        concurrency: maximum number of concurrent operations executing at
            a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered bulk writes.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the whole bulk write.
            Remember that, if the method call times out, then there's no
            guarantee about what portion of the bulk write has been received
            and successfully executed by the Data API.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
            in most cases, however, one should pass a relaxed timeout
            if longer sequences of operations are to be executed in bulk.

        A single BulkWriteResult summarizing the whole list of requested
        operations. The keys in the map attributes of BulkWriteResult
        (when present) are the integer indices of the corresponding operation
        in the `requests` iterable.

        >>> from astrapy.operations import AsyncInsertMany, AsyncReplaceOne, AsyncOperation
        >>> from astrapy.results import BulkWriteResult
        >>> async def do_bulk_write(
        ...     acol: AsyncCollection,
        ...     async_operations: List[AsyncOperation],
        ... ) -> BulkWriteResult:
        ...     bw_result = await acol.bulk_write(async_operations)
        ...     count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
        ...     print("count0", count0)
        ...     distinct0 = await acol.distinct("replaced")
        ...     print("distinct0", distinct0)
        ...     return bw_result
        >>> op1 = AsyncInsertMany([{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}])
        >>> op2 = AsyncReplaceOne(
        ...     {"z": 9},
        ...     replacement={"z": 9, "replaced": True},
        ...     upsert=True,
        ... )
        >>> result =, [op1, op2]))
        count0 3
        distinct0 [True]
        >>> print("result", result)
        result BulkWriteResult(bulk_api_results={0: ..., 1: ...}, deleted_count=0, inserted_count=3, matched_count=0, modified_count=0, upserted_count=1, upserted_ids={1: 'ccd0a800-...'})

    # lazy importing here against circular-import error
    from astrapy.operations import reduce_bulk_write_results

    if concurrency is None:
        if ordered:
            _concurrency = 1
            _concurrency = DEFAULT_BULK_WRITE_CONCURRENCY
        _concurrency = concurrency
    if _concurrency > 1 and ordered:
        raise ValueError("Cannot run ordered bulk_write concurrently.")
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"startng a bulk write on '{}'")
    timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
    if ordered:
        bulk_write_results: List[BulkWriteResult] = []
        for operation_i, operation in enumerate(requests):
                this_bw_result = await operation.execute(
            except CumulativeOperationException as exc:
                partial_result = exc.partial_result
                partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(
                    + [
                dar_exception = exc.data_api_response_exception()
                raise BulkWriteException(
            except DataAPIResponseException as exc:
                # the cumulative exceptions, with their
                # partially-done-info, are handled above:
                # here it's just one-shot d.a.r. exceptions
                partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_results)
                dar_exception = exc.data_api_response_exception()
                raise BulkWriteException(
        full_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_results)"finished a bulk write on '{}'")
        return full_bw_result

        sem = asyncio.Semaphore(_concurrency)

        async def _concurrent_execute_as_either(
            operation: AsyncBaseOperation, operation_i: int
        ) -> Tuple[Optional[BulkWriteResult], Optional[DataAPIResponseException]]:
            async with sem:
                    ex_result = await operation.execute(
                    return (ex_result, None)
                except DataAPIResponseException as exc:
                    return (None, exc)

        tasks = [
                _concurrent_execute_as_either(operation, operation_i)
            for operation_i, operation in enumerate(requests)
        bulk_write_either_results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
        # regroup
        bulk_write_successes = [bwr for bwr, _ in bulk_write_either_results if bwr]
        bulk_write_failures = [bwf for _, bwf in bulk_write_either_results if bwf]
        if bulk_write_failures:
            # extract and cumulate
            partial_results_from_failures = [
                for failure in bulk_write_failures
                if isinstance(failure, CumulativeOperationException)
            partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(
                bulk_write_successes + partial_results_from_failures
            # raise and recast the first exception
            all_dar_exceptions = [
                for bw_failure in bulk_write_failures
            dar_exception = all_dar_exceptions[0]
            raise BulkWriteException(
  "finished a bulk write on '{}'")
            return reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_successes)
async def command(self, body: Dict[str, Any], *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Dict[str, Any]

Send a POST request to the Data API for this collection with an arbitrary, caller-provided payload.


a JSON-serializable dictionary, the payload of the request.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a dictionary with the response of the HTTP request.


>>> asyncio.await(my_async_coll.command({"countDocuments": {}}))
{'status': {'count': 123}}
Expand source code
async def command(
    body: Dict[str, Any],
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Send a POST request to the Data API for this collection with
    an arbitrary, caller-provided payload.

        body: a JSON-serializable dictionary, the payload of the request.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a dictionary with the response of the HTTP request.

        >>> asyncio.await(my_async_coll.command({"countDocuments": {}}))
        {'status': {'count': 123}}

    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling command on '{}'")
    command_result = await self.database.command(
    )"finished calling command on '{}'")
    return command_result  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
async def count_documents(self, filter: FilterType, *, upper_bound: int, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> int

Count the documents in the collection matching the specified filter.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
a required ceiling on the result of the count operation. If the actual number of documents exceeds this value, an exception will be raised. Furthermore, if the actual number of documents exceeds the maximum count that the Data API can reach (regardless of upper_bound), an exception will be raised.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


the exact count of matching documents.


>>> async def do_count_docs(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...     await acol.insert_many([{"seq": i} for i in range(20)])
...     count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
...     print("count0", count0)
...     count1 = await acol.count_documents({"seq":{"$gt": 15}}, upper_bound=100)
...     print("count1", count1)
...     count2 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
...     print("count2", count2)
count0 20
count1 4
Traceback (most recent call last):
    ... ...


Count operations are expensive: for this reason, the best practice is to provide a reasonable upper_bound according to the caller expectations. Moreover, indiscriminate usage of count operations for sizeable amounts of documents (i.e. in the thousands and more) is discouraged in favor of alternative application-specific solutions. Keep in mind that the Data API has a hard upper limit on the amount of documents it will count, and that an exception will be thrown by this method if this limit is encountered.

Expand source code
async def count_documents(
    filter: FilterType,
    upper_bound: int,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> int:
    Count the documents in the collection matching the specified filter.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        upper_bound: a required ceiling on the result of the count operation.
            If the actual number of documents exceeds this value,
            an exception will be raised.
            Furthermore, if the actual number of documents exceeds the maximum
            count that the Data API can reach (regardless of upper_bound),
            an exception will be raised.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        the exact count of matching documents.

        >>> async def do_count_docs(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...     await acol.insert_many([{"seq": i} for i in range(20)])
        ...     count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
        ...     print("count0", count0)
        ...     count1 = await acol.count_documents({"seq":{"$gt": 15}}, upper_bound=100)
        ...     print("count1", count1)
        ...     count2 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
        ...     print("count2", count2)
        count0 20
        count1 4
        Traceback (most recent call last):
            ... ...

        Count operations are expensive: for this reason, the best practice
        is to provide a reasonable `upper_bound` according to the caller
        expectations. Moreover, indiscriminate usage of count operations
        for sizeable amounts of documents (i.e. in the thousands and more)
        is discouraged in favor of alternative application-specific solutions.
        Keep in mind that the Data API has a hard upper limit on the amount
        of documents it will count, and that an exception will be thrown
        by this method if this limit is encountered.

    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling count_documents")
    cd_response = await self._astra_db_collection.count_documents(
    )"finished calling count_documents")
    if "count" in cd_response.get("status", {}):
        count: int = cd_response["status"]["count"]
        if cd_response["status"].get("moreData", False):
            raise TooManyDocumentsToCountException(
                text=f"Document count exceeds {count}, the maximum allowed by the server",
            if count > upper_bound:
                raise TooManyDocumentsToCountException(
                    text="Document count exceeds required upper bound",
                return count
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from count_documents API command.",
async def delete_all(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Dict[str, Any]

Delete all documents in a collection.


a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.


>>> async def do_delete_all(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...     distinct0 = await acol.distinct("seq")
...     print("distinct0", distinct0)
...     count1 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
...     print("count1", count1)
...     delete_result2 = await acol.delete_all()
...     print("delete_result2", delete_result2)
...     count3 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
...     print("count3", count3)
distinct0 [4, 2, 3, 0, 1]
count1 5
delete_result2 {'ok': 1}
count3 0


Use with caution.

Deprecated since version: 1.3.0

This will be removed in 2.0.0. Use delete_many with filter={} instead.

Expand source code
@deprecation.deprecated(  # type: ignore[misc]
    details="Use delete_many with filter={} instead.",
async def delete_all(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Delete all documents in a collection.

        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.

        >>> async def do_delete_all(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...     distinct0 = await acol.distinct("seq")
        ...     print("distinct0", distinct0)
        ...     count1 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
        ...     print("count1", count1)
        ...     delete_result2 = await acol.delete_all()
        ...     print("delete_result2", delete_result2)
        ...     count3 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
        ...     print("count3", count3)
        distinct0 [4, 2, 3, 0, 1]
        count1 5
        delete_result2 {'ok': 1}
        count3 0

        Use with caution.
    dm_result = await self.delete_many(filter={}, max_time_ms=max_time_ms)
    if dm_result.deleted_count == -1:
        return {"ok": 1}
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Unexpected response from collection.delete_many({}).",
async def delete_many(self, filter: FilterType, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> DeleteResult

Delete all documents matching a provided filter.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators. Passing an empty filter, {}, completely erases all contents of the collection.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead: keep in mind that this method entails successive HTTP requests to the API, depending on how many documents are to be deleted. For this reason, in most cases it is suggested to relax the timeout compared to other method calls.


a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.


>>> async def do_delete_many(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...     await acol.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
...     delete_result0 = await acol.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
...     print("delete_result0.deleted_count", delete_result0.deleted_count)
...     distinct1 = await acol.distinct("seq")
...     print("distinct1", distinct1)
...     delete_result2 = await acol.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
...     print("delete_result2.deleted_count", delete_result2.deleted_count)
delete_result0.deleted_count 2
distinct1 [2]
delete_result2.deleted_count 0


This operation is in general not atomic. Depending on the amount of matching documents, it can keep running (in a blocking way) for a macroscopic time. In that case, new documents that are meanwhile inserted (e.g. from another process/application) will be deleted during the execution of this method call until the collection is devoid of matches. An exception is the filter={} case, whereby the operation is atomic.

Expand source code
async def delete_many(
    filter: FilterType,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> DeleteResult:
    Delete all documents matching a provided filter.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            Passing an empty filter, `{}`, completely erases all contents
            of the collection.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
            keep in mind that this method entails successive HTTP requests
            to the API, depending on how many documents are to be deleted.
            For this reason, in most cases it is suggested to relax the
            timeout compared to other method calls.

        a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.

        >>> async def do_delete_many(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...     await acol.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
        ...     delete_result0 = await acol.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
        ...     print("delete_result0.deleted_count", delete_result0.deleted_count)
        ...     distinct1 = await acol.distinct("seq")
        ...     print("distinct1", distinct1)
        ...     delete_result2 = await acol.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
        ...     print("delete_result2.deleted_count", delete_result2.deleted_count)
        delete_result0.deleted_count 2
        distinct1 [2]
        delete_result2.deleted_count 0

        This operation is in general not atomic. Depending on the amount
        of matching documents, it can keep running (in a blocking way)
        for a macroscopic time. In that case, new documents that are
        meanwhile inserted (e.g. from another process/application) will be
        deleted during the execution of this method call until the
        collection is devoid of matches.
        An exception is the `filter={}` case, whereby the operation is atomic.
    dm_responses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
    deleted_count = 0
    must_proceed = True
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
    timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)"starting delete_many on '{}'")
    while must_proceed:"calling delete_many on '{}'")
        this_dm_response = await self._astra_db_collection.delete_many(
        )"finished calling delete_many on '{}'")
        # if errors, quit early
        if this_dm_response.get("errors", []):
            partial_result = DeleteResult(
            all_dm_responses = dm_responses + [this_dm_response]
            raise DeleteManyException.from_responses(
                commands=[None for _ in all_dm_responses],
            this_dc = this_dm_response.get("status", {}).get("deletedCount")
            if this_dc is None:
                raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                    text="Faulty response from delete_many API command.",
            deleted_count += this_dc
            must_proceed = this_dm_response.get("status", {}).get("moreData", False)"finished delete_many on '{}'")
    return DeleteResult(
async def delete_one(self, filter: FilterType, *, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> DeleteResult

Delete one document matching a provided filter. This method never deletes more than a single document, regardless of the number of matches to the provided filters.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion. In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one that is most similar to the provided vector. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting order of the documents matching the filter, effectively determining what document will come first and hence be the replaced one. See the find method for more on sorting. Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector" or a "$vectorize" key in sort.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.


>>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
>>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 1})
DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
>>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
[0, 2]
>>> my_coll.delete_one(
...     {"seq": {"$exists": True}},
...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
... )
DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
>>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
>>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 2})
DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=0)
Expand source code
async def delete_one(
    filter: FilterType,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> DeleteResult:
    Delete one document matching a provided filter.
    This method never deletes more than a single document, regardless
    of the number of matches to the provided filters.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
            In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
            that is most similar to the provided vector.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
            order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
            determining what document will come first and hence be the
            replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
            Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
            or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.

        >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
        >>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 1})
        DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
        >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
        [0, 2]
        >>> my_coll.delete_one(
        ...     {"seq": {"$exists": True}},
        ...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
        ... )
        DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
        >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
        >>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 2})
        DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=0)

    _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling delete_one_by_predicate on '{}'")
    do_response = await self._astra_db_collection.delete_one_by_predicate(
    )"finished calling delete_one_by_predicate on '{}'")
    if "deletedCount" in do_response.get("status", {}):
        deleted_count = do_response["status"]["deletedCount"]
        if deleted_count == -1:
            return DeleteResult(
            # expected a non-negative integer:
            return DeleteResult(
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from delete_one API command.",
async def distinct(self, key: str, *, filter: Optional[FilterType] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> List[Any]

Return a list of the unique values of key across the documents in the collection that match the provided filter.


the name of the field whose value is inspected across documents. Keys can use dot-notation to descend to deeper document levels. Example of acceptable key values: "field" "field.subfield" "field.3" "field.3.subfield" If lists are encountered and no numeric index is specified, all items in the list are visited.
a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
a timeout, in milliseconds, with the same meaning as for find. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a list of all different values for key found across the documents that match the filter. The result list has no repeated items.


>>> async def run_distinct(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...     await acol.insert_many(
...         [
...             {"name": "Marco", "food": ["apple", "orange"], "city": "Helsinki"},
...             {"name": "Emma", "food": {"likes_fruit": True, "allergies": []}},
...         ]
...     )
...     distinct0 = await acol.distinct("name")
...     print("distinct('name')", distinct0)
...     distinct1 = await acol.distinct("city")
...     print("distinct('city')", distinct1)
...     distinct2 = await acol.distinct("food")
...     print("distinct('food')", distinct2)
...     distinct3 = await acol.distinct("food.1")
...     print("distinct('food.1')", distinct3)
...     distinct4 = await acol.distinct("food.allergies")
...     print("distinct('food.allergies')", distinct4)
...     distinct5 = await acol.distinct("food.likes_fruit")
...     print("distinct('food.likes_fruit')", distinct5)
distinct('name') ['Emma', 'Marco']
distinct('city') ['Helsinki']
distinct('food') [{'likes_fruit': True, 'allergies': []}, 'apple', 'orange']
distinct('food.1') ['orange']
distinct('food.allergies') []
distinct('food.likes_fruit') [True]


It must be kept in mind that distinct is a client-side operation, which effectively browses all required documents using the logic of the find method and collects the unique values found for key. As such, there may be performance, latency and ultimately billing implications if the amount of matching documents is large.


For details on the behaviour of "distinct" in conjunction with real-time changes in the collection contents, see the Note of the find command.

Expand source code
async def distinct(
    key: str,
    filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> List[Any]:
    Return a list of the unique values of `key` across the documents
    in the collection that match the provided filter.

        key: the name of the field whose value is inspected across documents.
            Keys can use dot-notation to descend to deeper document levels.
            Example of acceptable `key` values:
            If lists are encountered and no numeric index is specified,
            all items in the list are visited.
        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, with the same meaning as for `find`.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a list of all different values for `key` found across the documents
        that match the filter. The result list has no repeated items.

        >>> async def run_distinct(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...     await acol.insert_many(
        ...         [
        ...             {"name": "Marco", "food": ["apple", "orange"], "city": "Helsinki"},
        ...             {"name": "Emma", "food": {"likes_fruit": True, "allergies": []}},
        ...         ]
        ...     )
        ...     distinct0 = await acol.distinct("name")
        ...     print("distinct('name')", distinct0)
        ...     distinct1 = await acol.distinct("city")
        ...     print("distinct('city')", distinct1)
        ...     distinct2 = await acol.distinct("food")
        ...     print("distinct('food')", distinct2)
        ...     distinct3 = await acol.distinct("food.1")
        ...     print("distinct('food.1')", distinct3)
        ...     distinct4 = await acol.distinct("food.allergies")
        ...     print("distinct('food.allergies')", distinct4)
        ...     distinct5 = await acol.distinct("food.likes_fruit")
        ...     print("distinct('food.likes_fruit')", distinct5)
        distinct('name') ['Emma', 'Marco']
        distinct('city') ['Helsinki']
        distinct('food') [{'likes_fruit': True, 'allergies': []}, 'apple', 'orange']
        distinct('food.1') ['orange']
        distinct('food.allergies') []
        distinct('food.likes_fruit') [True]

        It must be kept in mind that `distinct` is a client-side operation,
        which effectively browses all required documents using the logic
        of the `find` method and collects the unique values found for `key`.
        As such, there may be performance, latency and ultimately
        billing implications if the amount of matching documents is large.

        For details on the behaviour of "distinct" in conjunction with
        real-time changes in the collection contents, see the
        Note of the `find` command.

    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
    f_cursor = AsyncCursor(
        projection={key: True},
    return await f_cursor.distinct(key)  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
async def drop(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Dict[str, Any]

Drop the collection, i.e. delete it from the database along with all the documents it contains.


a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead. Remember there is not guarantee that a request that has timed out us not in fact honored.


a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.


>>> async def drop_and_check(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...     doc0 = await acol.find_one({})
...     print("doc0", doc0)
...     drop_result = await acol.drop()
...     print("drop_result", drop_result)
...     doc1 = await acol.find_one({})
doc0 {'_id': '...', 'z': -10}
drop_result {'ok': 1}
Traceback (most recent call last):
    ... ...
astrapy.exceptions.DataAPIResponseException: Collection does not exist, collection name: my_collection


Use with caution.


Once the method succeeds, methods on this object can still be invoked: however, this hardly makes sense as the underlying actual collection is no more. It is responsibility of the developer to design a correct flow which avoids using a deceased collection any further.

Expand source code
async def drop(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Drop the collection, i.e. delete it from the database along with
    all the documents it contains.

        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.
            Remember there is not guarantee that a request that has
            timed out us not in fact honored.

        a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.

        >>> async def drop_and_check(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...     doc0 = await acol.find_one({})
        ...     print("doc0", doc0)
        ...     drop_result = await acol.drop()
        ...     print("drop_result", drop_result)
        ...     doc1 = await acol.find_one({})
        doc0 {'_id': '...', 'z': -10}
        drop_result {'ok': 1}
        Traceback (most recent call last):
            ... ...
        astrapy.exceptions.DataAPIResponseException: Collection does not exist, collection name: my_collection

        Use with caution.

        Once the method succeeds, methods on this object can still be invoked:
        however, this hardly makes sense as the underlying actual collection
        is no more.
        It is responsibility of the developer to design a correct flow
        which avoids using a deceased collection any further.

    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"dropping collection '{}' (self)")
    drop_result = await self.database.drop_collection(
        self, max_time_ms=_max_time_ms
    )"finished dropping collection '{}' (self)")
    return drop_result  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
async def estimated_document_count(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> int

Query the API server for an estimate of the document count in the collection.

Contrary to count_documents, this method has no filtering parameters.


a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a server-provided estimate count of the documents in the collection.


Expand source code
async def estimated_document_count(
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> int:
    Query the API server for an estimate of the document count in the collection.

    Contrary to `count_documents`, this method has no filtering parameters.

        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a server-provided estimate count of the documents in the collection.

    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
    ed_response = await self.command(
        {"estimatedDocumentCount": {}},
    if "count" in ed_response.get("status", {}):
        count: int = ed_response["status"]["count"]
        return count
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from estimated_document_count API command.",
def find(self, filter: Optional[FilterType] = None, *, projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None, skip: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None, include_sort_vector: Optional[bool] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> AsyncCursor

Find documents on the collection, matching a certain provided filter.

The method returns a Cursor that can then be iterated over. Depending on the method call pattern, the iteration over all documents can reflect collection mutations occurred since the find method was called, or not. In cases where the cursor reflects mutations in real-time, it will iterate over cursors in an approximate way (i.e. exhibiting occasional skipped or duplicate documents). This happens when making use of the sort option in a non-vector-search manner.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
it controls which parts of the document are returned. It can be an allow-list: {"f1": True, "f2": True}, or a deny-list: {"fx": False, "fy": False}, but not a mixture (except for the _id and other special fields, which can be associated to both True or False independently of the rest of the specification). The special star-projections {"*": True} and {"*": False} have the effect of returning the whole document and {} respectively. For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select portions of the list: for instance, {"array": {"$slice": 2}}, {"array": {"$slice": -2}}, {"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}} or {"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}. An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list. The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not necessarily include "special" fields such as $vector or $vectorize. See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
with this integer parameter, what would be the first skip documents returned by the query are discarded, and the results start from the (skip+1)-th document. This parameter can be used only in conjunction with an explicit sort criterion of the ascending/descending type (i.e. it cannot be used when not sorting, nor with vector-based ANN search).
this (integer) parameter sets a limit over how many documents are returned. Once limit is reached (or the cursor is exhausted for lack of matching documents), nothing more is returned.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search). When running similarity search on a collection, no other sorting criteria can be specified. Moreover, there is an upper bound to the number of documents that can be returned. For details, see the Note about upper bounds and the Data API documentation. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to vector, provided such a service is configured for the collection, and achieves the same effect. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
a boolean to request the numeric value of the similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in each returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e. when either vector is supplied or the sort parameter has the shape {"$vector": …}.
a boolean to request query vector used in this search. If set to True (and if the invocation is a vector search), calling the get_sort_vector method on the returned cursor will yield the vector used for the ANN search.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the order the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting, as well as the one about upper bounds, for details. Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector" or a "$vectorize" key in sort.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for each single one of the underlying HTTP requests used to fetch documents as the cursor is iterated over. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


an AsyncCursor object representing iterations over the matching documents
(see the AsyncCursor object for how to use it. The simplest thing is to
run a for loop
for document in collection.sort(...):).


>>> async def run_finds(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...             filter = {"seq": {"$exists": True}}
...             print("find results 1:")
...             async for doc in acol.find(filter, projection={"seq": True}, limit=5):
...                 print(doc["seq"])
...             async_cursor1 = acol.find(
...                 {},
...                 limit=4,
...                 sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
...             )
...             ids = [doc["_id"] async for doc in async_cursor1]
...             print("find results 2:", ids)
...             async_cursor2 = acol.find({}, limit=3)
...             seqs = await async_cursor2.distinct("seq")
...             print("distinct results 3:", seqs)
find results 1:
find results 2: ['d656cd9d-...', '479c7ce8-...', '96dc87fd-...', '83f0a21f-...']
distinct results 3: [48, 35, 7]
>>> async def run_vector_finds(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...     await acol.insert_many([
...         {"tag": "A", "$vector": [4, 5]},
...         {"tag": "B", "$vector": [3, 4]},
...         {"tag": "C", "$vector": [3, 2]},
...         {"tag": "D", "$vector": [4, 1]},
...         {"tag": "E", "$vector": [2, 5]},
...     ])
...     ann_tags = [
...         document["tag"]
...         async for document in acol.find(
...             {},
...             sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
...             limit=3,
...         )
...     ]
...     return ann_tags
['A', 'B', 'C']
>>> # (assuming the collection has metric VectorMetric.COSINE)
>>> async_cursor = my_async_coll.find(
...     sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
...     limit=3,
...     include_sort_vector=True,
... )
[3.0, 3.0]
{'_id': 'b13ce177-738e-47ec-bce1-77738ee7ec93', 'tag': 'A'}
[3.0, 3.0]


The following are example values for the sort parameter. When no particular order is required: sort={} When sorting by a certain value in ascending/descending order: sort={"field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING} sort={"field": SortDocuments.DESCENDING} When sorting first by "field" and then by "subfield" (while modern Python versions preserve the order of dictionaries, it is suggested for clarity to employ a collections.OrderedDict in these cases): sort={ "field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING, "subfield": SortDocuments.ASCENDING, } When running a vector similarity (ANN) search: sort={"$vector": [0.4, 0.15, -0.5]}


Some combinations of arguments impose an implicit upper bound on the number of documents that are returned by the Data API. More specifically: (a) Vector ANN searches cannot return more than a number of documents that at the time of writing is set to 1000 items. (b) When using a sort criterion of the ascending/descending type, the Data API will return a smaller number of documents, set to 20 at the time of writing, and stop there. The returned documents are the top results across the whole collection according to the requested criterion. These provisions should be kept in mind even when subsequently running a command such as .distinct() on a cursor.


When not specifying sorting criteria at all (by vector or otherwise), the cursor can scroll through an arbitrary number of documents as the Data API and the client periodically exchange new chunks of documents. It should be noted that the behavior of the cursor in the case documents have been added/removed after the find was started depends on database internals and it is not guaranteed, nor excluded, that such "real-time" changes in the data would be picked up by the cursor.

Expand source code
def find(
    filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
    projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
    skip: Optional[int] = None,
    limit: Optional[int] = None,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None,
    include_sort_vector: Optional[bool] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> AsyncCursor:
    Find documents on the collection, matching a certain provided filter.

    The method returns a Cursor that can then be iterated over. Depending
    on the method call pattern, the iteration over all documents can reflect
    collection mutations occurred since the `find` method was called, or not.
    In cases where the cursor reflects mutations in real-time, it will iterate
    over cursors in an approximate way (i.e. exhibiting occasional skipped
    or duplicate documents). This happens when making use of the `sort`
    option in a non-vector-search manner.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
            It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
            or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
            (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
            associated to both True or False independently of the rest
            of the specification).
            The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
            have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
            For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
            portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
            `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
            `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
            An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
            The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
            necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
            See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
        skip: with this integer parameter, what would be the first `skip`
            documents returned by the query are discarded, and the results
            start from the (skip+1)-th document.
            This parameter can be used only in conjunction with an explicit
            `sort` criterion of the ascending/descending type (i.e. it cannot
            be used when not sorting, nor with vector-based ANN search).
        limit: this (integer) parameter sets a limit over how many documents
            are returned. Once `limit` is reached (or the cursor is exhausted
            for lack of matching documents), nothing more is returned.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search).
            When running similarity search on a collection, no other sorting
            criteria can be specified. Moreover, there is an upper bound
            to the number of documents that can be returned. For details,
            see the Note about upper bounds and the Data API documentation.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to `vector`,
            provided such a service is configured for the collection,
            and achieves the same effect.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        include_similarity: a boolean to request the numeric value of the
            similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in each
            returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e.
            when either `vector` is supplied or the `sort` parameter has the
            shape {"$vector": ...}.
        include_sort_vector: a boolean to request query vector used in this search.
            If set to True (and if the invocation is a vector search), calling
            the `get_sort_vector` method on the returned cursor will yield
            the vector used for the ANN search.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the order
            the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting, as well as
            the one about upper bounds, for details.
            Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
            or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for each single one
            of the underlying HTTP requests used to fetch documents as the
            cursor is iterated over.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        an AsyncCursor object representing iterations over the matching documents
        (see the AsyncCursor object for how to use it. The simplest thing is to
        run a for loop: `for document in collection.sort(...):`).

        >>> async def run_finds(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...             filter = {"seq": {"$exists": True}}
        ...             print("find results 1:")
        ...             async for doc in acol.find(filter, projection={"seq": True}, limit=5):
        ...                 print(doc["seq"])
        ...             async_cursor1 = acol.find(
        ...                 {},
        ...                 limit=4,
        ...                 sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
        ...             )
        ...             ids = [doc["_id"] async for doc in async_cursor1]
        ...             print("find results 2:", ids)
        ...             async_cursor2 = acol.find({}, limit=3)
        ...             seqs = await async_cursor2.distinct("seq")
        ...             print("distinct results 3:", seqs)
        find results 1:
        find results 2: ['d656cd9d-...', '479c7ce8-...', '96dc87fd-...', '83f0a21f-...']
        distinct results 3: [48, 35, 7]

        >>> async def run_vector_finds(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...     await acol.insert_many([
        ...         {"tag": "A", "$vector": [4, 5]},
        ...         {"tag": "B", "$vector": [3, 4]},
        ...         {"tag": "C", "$vector": [3, 2]},
        ...         {"tag": "D", "$vector": [4, 1]},
        ...         {"tag": "E", "$vector": [2, 5]},
        ...     ])
        ...     ann_tags = [
        ...         document["tag"]
        ...         async for document in acol.find(
        ...             {},
        ...             sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
        ...             limit=3,
        ...         )
        ...     ]
        ...     return ann_tags
        ['A', 'B', 'C']
        >>> # (assuming the collection has metric VectorMetric.COSINE)

        >>> async_cursor = my_async_coll.find(
        ...     sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
        ...     limit=3,
        ...     include_sort_vector=True,
        ... )
        [3.0, 3.0]
        {'_id': 'b13ce177-738e-47ec-bce1-77738ee7ec93', 'tag': 'A'}
        [3.0, 3.0]

        The following are example values for the `sort` parameter.
        When no particular order is required:
        When sorting by a certain value in ascending/descending order:
            sort={"field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING}
            sort={"field": SortDocuments.DESCENDING}
        When sorting first by "field" and then by "subfield"
        (while modern Python versions preserve the order of dictionaries,
        it is suggested for clarity to employ a `collections.OrderedDict`
        in these cases):
                "field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING,
                "subfield": SortDocuments.ASCENDING,
        When running a vector similarity (ANN) search:
            sort={"$vector": [0.4, 0.15, -0.5]}

        Some combinations of arguments impose an implicit upper bound on the
        number of documents that are returned by the Data API. More specifically:
        (a) Vector ANN searches cannot return more than a number of documents
        that at the time of writing is set to 1000 items.
        (b) When using a sort criterion of the ascending/descending type,
        the Data API will return a smaller number of documents, set to 20
        at the time of writing, and stop there. The returned documents are
        the top results across the whole collection according to the requested
        These provisions should be kept in mind even when subsequently running
        a command such as `.distinct()` on a cursor.

        When not specifying sorting criteria at all (by vector or otherwise),
        the cursor can scroll through an arbitrary number of documents as
        the Data API and the client periodically exchange new chunks of documents.
        It should be noted that the behavior of the cursor in the case documents
        have been added/removed after the `find` was started depends on database
        internals and it is not guaranteed, nor excluded, that such "real-time"
        changes in the data would be picked up by the cursor.

        vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
    _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
    if include_similarity is not None and not _is_vector_sort(_sort):
        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot use `include_similarity` when not searching through `vector`."
    return (
async def find_one(self, filter: Optional[FilterType] = None, *, projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Run a search, returning the first document in the collection that matches provided filters, if any is found.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
it controls which parts of the document are returned. It can be an allow-list: {"f1": True, "f2": True}, or a deny-list: {"fx": False, "fy": False}, but not a mixture (except for the _id and other special fields, which can be associated to both True or False independently of the rest of the specification). The special star-projections {"*": True} and {"*": False} have the effect of returning the whole document and {} respectively. For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select portions of the list: for instance, {"array": {"$slice": 2}}, {"array": {"$slice": -2}}, {"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}} or {"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}. An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list. The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not necessarily include "special" fields such as $vector or $vectorize. See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), extracting the most similar document in the collection matching the filter. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
a boolean to request the numeric value of the similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in the returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e. when either vector is supplied or the sort parameter has the shape {"$vector": …}.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the order the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting for details. Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector" or a "$vectorize" key in sort.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a dictionary expressing the required document, otherwise None.


>>> async def demo_find_one(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
....    print("Count:", await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100))
...     result0 = await acol.find_one({})
...     print("result0", result0)
...     result1 = await acol.find_one({"seq": 10})
...     print("result1", result1)
...     result2 = await acol.find_one({"seq": 1011})
...     print("result2", result2)
...     result3 = await acol.find_one({}, projection={"seq": False})
...     print("result3", result3)
...     result4 = await acol.find_one(
...         {},
...         sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
...     )
...     print("result4", result4)
Count: 50
result0 {'_id': '479c7ce8-...', 'seq': 48}
result1 {'_id': '93e992c4-...', 'seq': 10}
result2 None
result3 {'_id': '479c7ce8-...'}
result4 {'_id': 'd656cd9d-...', 'seq': 49}
...     {},
...     sort={"$vector": [1, 0]},
...     projection={"*": True},
... ))
{'_id': '...', 'tag': 'D', '$vector': [4.0, 1.0]}


See the find method for more details on the accepted parameters (whereas skip and limit are not valid parameters for find_one).

Expand source code
async def find_one(
    filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
    projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
    Run a search, returning the first document in the collection that matches
    provided filters, if any is found.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
            It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
            or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
            (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
            associated to both True or False independently of the rest
            of the specification).
            The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
            have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
            For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
            portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
            `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
            `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
            An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
            The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
            necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
            See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), extracting the most
            similar document in the collection matching the filter.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        include_similarity: a boolean to request the numeric value of the
            similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in the
            returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e.
            when either `vector` is supplied or the `sort` parameter has the
            shape {"$vector": ...}.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the order
            the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting for details.
            Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
            or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a dictionary expressing the required document, otherwise None.

        >>> async def demo_find_one(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ....    print("Count:", await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100))
        ...     result0 = await acol.find_one({})
        ...     print("result0", result0)
        ...     result1 = await acol.find_one({"seq": 10})
        ...     print("result1", result1)
        ...     result2 = await acol.find_one({"seq": 1011})
        ...     print("result2", result2)
        ...     result3 = await acol.find_one({}, projection={"seq": False})
        ...     print("result3", result3)
        ...     result4 = await acol.find_one(
        ...         {},
        ...         sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
        ...     )
        ...     print("result4", result4)
        Count: 50
        result0 {'_id': '479c7ce8-...', 'seq': 48}
        result1 {'_id': '93e992c4-...', 'seq': 10}
        result2 None
        result3 {'_id': '479c7ce8-...'}
        result4 {'_id': 'd656cd9d-...', 'seq': 49}

        ...     {},
        ...     sort={"$vector": [1, 0]},
        ...     projection={"*": True},
        ... ))
        {'_id': '...', 'tag': 'D', '$vector': [4.0, 1.0]}

        See the `find` method for more details on the accepted parameters
        (whereas `skip` and `limit` are not valid parameters for `find_one`).

    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
    fo_cursor = self.find(
        document = await fo_cursor.__anext__()
        return document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
    except StopAsyncIteration:
        return None
async def find_one_and_delete(self, filter: FilterType, *, projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Find a document in the collection and delete it. The deleted document, however, is the return value of the method.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
it controls which parts of the document are returned. It can be an allow-list: {"f1": True, "f2": True}, or a deny-list: {"fx": False, "fy": False}, but not a mixture (except for the _id and other special fields, which can be associated to both True or False independently of the rest of the specification). The special star-projections {"*": True} and {"*": False} have the effect of returning the whole document and {} respectively. For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select portions of the list: for instance, {"array": {"$slice": 2}}, {"array": {"$slice": -2}}, {"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}} or {"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}. An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list. The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not necessarily include "special" fields such as $vector or $vectorize. See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion. In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one that is most similar to the provided vector. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting order of the documents matching the filter, effectively determining what document will come first and hence be the replaced one. See the find method for more on sorting. Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector" or a "$vectorize" key in sort.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


Either the document (or a projection thereof, as requested), or None if no matches were found in the first place.


>>> async def do_find_one_and_delete(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...     await acol.insert_many(
...         [
...             {"species": "swan", "class": "Aves"},
...             {"species": "frog", "class": "Amphibia"},
...         ],
...     )
...     delete_result0 = await acol.find_one_and_delete(
...         {"species": {"$ne": "frog"}},
...         projection=["species"],
...     )
...     print("delete_result0", delete_result0)
...     delete_result1 = await acol.find_one_and_delete(
...         {"species": {"$ne": "frog"}},
...     )
...     print("delete_result1", delete_result1)
delete_result0 {'_id': 'f335cd0f-...', 'species': 'swan'}
delete_result1 None
Expand source code
async def find_one_and_delete(
    filter: FilterType,
    projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
    Find a document in the collection and delete it. The deleted document,
    however, is the return value of the method.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
            It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
            or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
            (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
            associated to both True or False independently of the rest
            of the specification).
            The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
            have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
            For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
            portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
            `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
            `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
            An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
            The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
            necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
            See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
            In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
            that is most similar to the provided vector.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
            order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
            determining what document will come first and hence be the
            replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
            Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
            or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        Either the document (or a projection thereof, as requested), or None
        if no matches were found in the first place.

        >>> async def do_find_one_and_delete(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...     await acol.insert_many(
        ...         [
        ...             {"species": "swan", "class": "Aves"},
        ...             {"species": "frog", "class": "Amphibia"},
        ...         ],
        ...     )
        ...     delete_result0 = await acol.find_one_and_delete(
        ...         {"species": {"$ne": "frog"}},
        ...         projection=["species"],
        ...     )
        ...     print("delete_result0", delete_result0)
        ...     delete_result1 = await acol.find_one_and_delete(
        ...         {"species": {"$ne": "frog"}},
        ...     )
        ...     print("delete_result1", delete_result1)
        delete_result0 {'_id': 'f335cd0f-...', 'species': 'swan'}
        delete_result1 None

    _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
    _projection = normalize_optional_projection(projection)
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_delete on '{}'")
    fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_delete(
    )"finished calling find_one_and_delete on '{}'")
    if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
        document = fo_response["data"]["document"]
        return document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
        deleted_count = fo_response.get("status", {}).get("deletedCount")
        if deleted_count == 0:
            return None
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_delete API command.",
async def find_one_and_replace(self, filter: FilterType, replacement: DocumentType, *, projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, upsert: bool = False, return_document: str = 'before', max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Find a document on the collection and replace it entirely with a new one, optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
the new document to write into the collection.
it controls which parts of the document are returned. It can be an allow-list: {"f1": True, "f2": True}, or a deny-list: {"fx": False, "fy": False}, but not a mixture (except for the _id and other special fields, which can be associated to both True or False independently of the rest of the specification). The special star-projections {"*": True} and {"*": False} have the effect of returning the whole document and {} respectively. For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select portions of the list: for instance, {"array": {"$slice": 2}}, {"array": {"$slice": -2}}, {"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}} or {"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}. An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list. The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not necessarily include "special" fields such as $vector or $vectorize. See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion. In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one that is most similar to the provided vector. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting order of the documents matching the filter, effectively determining what document will come first and hence be the replaced one. See the find method for more on sorting. Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector" or a "$vectorize" key in sort.
this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches. If True, replacement is inserted as a new document if no matches are found on the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
a flag controlling what document is returned: if set to ReturnDocument.BEFORE, or the string "before", the document found on database is returned; if set to ReturnDocument.AFTER, or the string "after", the new document is returned. The default is "before".
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


A document, either the one before the replace operation or the one after that. Alternatively, the method returns None to represent that no matching document was found, or that no replacement was inserted (depending on the return_document parameter).


>>> async def do_find_one_and_replace(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...             await acol.insert_one({"_id": "rule1", "text": "all animals are equal"})
...             result0 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
...                 {"_id": "rule1"},
...                 {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
...             )
...             print("result0", result0)
...             result1 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
...                 {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
...                 {"text": "and the pigs are the rulers"},
...                 return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
...             )
...             print("result1", result1)
...             result2 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
...                 {"_id": "rule2"},
...                 {"text": "F=ma^2"},
...                 return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
...             )
...             print("result2", result2)
...             result3 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
...                 {"_id": "rule2"},
...                 {"text": "F=ma"},
...                 upsert=True,
...                 return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
...                 projection={"_id": False},
...             )
...             print("result3", result3)
result0 {'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'all animals are equal'}
result1 {'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'and the pigs are the rulers'}
result2 None
result3 {'text': 'F=ma'}
Expand source code
async def find_one_and_replace(
    filter: FilterType,
    replacement: DocumentType,
    projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    upsert: bool = False,
    return_document: str = ReturnDocument.BEFORE,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
    Find a document on the collection and replace it entirely with a new one,
    optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.


        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        replacement: the new document to write into the collection.
        projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
            It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
            or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
            (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
            associated to both True or False independently of the rest
            of the specification).
            The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
            have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
            For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
            portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
            `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
            `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
            An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
            The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
            necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
            See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
            In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
            that is most similar to the provided vector.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
            order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
            determining what document will come first and hence be the
            replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
            Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
            or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
        upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
            If True, `replacement` is inserted as a new document
            if no matches are found on the collection. If False,
            the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
        return_document: a flag controlling what document is returned:
            if set to `ReturnDocument.BEFORE`, or the string "before",
            the document found on database is returned; if set to
            `ReturnDocument.AFTER`, or the string "after", the new
            document is returned. The default is "before".
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        A document, either the one before the replace operation or the
        one after that. Alternatively, the method returns None to represent
        that no matching document was found, or that no replacement
        was inserted (depending on the `return_document` parameter).

        >>> async def do_find_one_and_replace(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...             await acol.insert_one({"_id": "rule1", "text": "all animals are equal"})
        ...             result0 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
        ...                 {"_id": "rule1"},
        ...                 {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
        ...             )
        ...             print("result0", result0)
        ...             result1 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
        ...                 {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
        ...                 {"text": "and the pigs are the rulers"},
        ...                 return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
        ...             )
        ...             print("result1", result1)
        ...             result2 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
        ...                 {"_id": "rule2"},
        ...                 {"text": "F=ma^2"},
        ...                 return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
        ...             )
        ...             print("result2", result2)
        ...             result3 = await acol.find_one_and_replace(
        ...                 {"_id": "rule2"},
        ...                 {"text": "F=ma"},
        ...                 upsert=True,
        ...                 return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
        ...                 projection={"_id": False},
        ...             )
        ...             print("result3", result3)
        result0 {'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'all animals are equal'}
        result1 {'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'and the pigs are the rulers'}
        result2 None
        result3 {'text': 'F=ma'}

    _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
    options = {
        "returnDocument": return_document,
        "upsert": upsert,
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
    fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_replace(
    )"finished calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
    if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
        ret_document = fo_response.get("data", {}).get("document")
        if ret_document is None:
            return None
            return ret_document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from find_one_and_replace API command.",
async def find_one_and_update(self, filter: FilterType, update: Dict[str, Any], *, projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, upsert: bool = False, return_document: str = 'before', max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Find a document on the collection and update it as requested, optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are: {"$set": {"field": "value}} {"$inc": {"counter": 10}} {"$unset": {"field": ""}} See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
it controls which parts of the document are returned. It can be an allow-list: {"f1": True, "f2": True}, or a deny-list: {"fx": False, "fy": False}, but not a mixture (except for the _id and other special fields, which can be associated to both True or False independently of the rest of the specification). The special star-projections {"*": True} and {"*": False} have the effect of returning the whole document and {} respectively. For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select portions of the list: for instance, {"array": {"$slice": 2}}, {"array": {"$slice": -2}}, {"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}} or {"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}. An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list. The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not necessarily include "special" fields such as $vector or $vectorize. See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion. In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one that is most similar to the provided vector. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting order of the documents matching the filter, effectively determining what document will come first and hence be the replaced one. See the find method for more on sorting. Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector" or a "$vectorize" key in sort.
this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches. If True, a new document (resulting from applying the update to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
a flag controlling what document is returned: if set to ReturnDocument.BEFORE, or the string "before", the document found on database is returned; if set to ReturnDocument.AFTER, or the string "after", the new document is returned. The default is "before".
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


A document (or a projection thereof, as required), either the one before the replace operation or the one after that. Alternatively, the method returns None to represent that no matching document was found, or that no update was applied (depending on the return_document parameter).


>>> async def do_find_one_and_update(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...     await acol.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
...     result0 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
...         {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
...         {"$set": {"title": "Mr."}},
...     )
...     print("result0", result0)
...     result1 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
...         {"title": "Mr."},
...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
...         projection=["title", "rank"],
...         return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
...     )
...     print("result1", result1)
...     result2 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
...         {"name": "Johnny"},
...         {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
...         return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
...     )
...     print("result2", result2)
...     result3 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
...         {"name": "Johnny"},
...         {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
...         upsert=True,
...         return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
...     )
...     print("result3", result3)
result0 {'_id': 'f7c936d3-b0a0-45eb-a676-e2829662a57c', 'Marco': 'Polo'}
result1 {'_id': 'f7c936d3-b0a0-45eb-a676-e2829662a57c', 'title': 'Mr.', 'rank': 3}
result2 None
result3 {'_id': 'db3d678d-14d4-4caa-82d2-d5fb77dab7ec', 'name': 'Johnny', 'rank': 0}
Expand source code
async def find_one_and_update(
    filter: FilterType,
    update: Dict[str, Any],
    projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    upsert: bool = False,
    return_document: str = ReturnDocument.BEFORE,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
    Find a document on the collection and update it as requested,
    optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        update: the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed
            as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
            See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
        projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
            It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
            or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
            (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
            associated to both True or False independently of the rest
            of the specification).
            The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
            have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
            For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
            portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
            `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
            `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
            An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
            The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
            necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
            See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
            In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
            that is most similar to the provided vector.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
            order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
            determining what document will come first and hence be the
            replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
            Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
            or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
        upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
            If True, a new document (resulting from applying the `update`
            to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
            the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
            in case of no matches.
        return_document: a flag controlling what document is returned:
            if set to `ReturnDocument.BEFORE`, or the string "before",
            the document found on database is returned; if set to
            `ReturnDocument.AFTER`, or the string "after", the new
            document is returned. The default is "before".
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        A document (or a projection thereof, as required), either the one
        before the replace operation or the one after that.
        Alternatively, the method returns None to represent
        that no matching document was found, or that no update
        was applied (depending on the `return_document` parameter).

        >>> async def do_find_one_and_update(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...     await acol.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
        ...     result0 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
        ...         {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
        ...         {"$set": {"title": "Mr."}},
        ...     )
        ...     print("result0", result0)
        ...     result1 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
        ...         {"title": "Mr."},
        ...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
        ...         projection=["title", "rank"],
        ...         return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
        ...     )
        ...     print("result1", result1)
        ...     result2 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
        ...         {"name": "Johnny"},
        ...         {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
        ...         return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
        ...     )
        ...     print("result2", result2)
        ...     result3 = await acol.find_one_and_update(
        ...         {"name": "Johnny"},
        ...         {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
        ...         upsert=True,
        ...         return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
        ...     )
        ...     print("result3", result3)
        result0 {'_id': 'f7c936d3-b0a0-45eb-a676-e2829662a57c', 'Marco': 'Polo'}
        result1 {'_id': 'f7c936d3-b0a0-45eb-a676-e2829662a57c', 'title': 'Mr.', 'rank': 3}
        result2 None
        result3 {'_id': 'db3d678d-14d4-4caa-82d2-d5fb77dab7ec', 'name': 'Johnny', 'rank': 0}

    _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
    options = {
        "returnDocument": return_document,
        "upsert": upsert,
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
    fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_update(
    )"finished calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
    if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
        ret_document = fo_response.get("data", {}).get("document")
        if ret_document is None:
            return None
            return ret_document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from find_one_and_update API command.",
def info(self) ‑> CollectionInfo

Information on the collection (name, location, database), in the form of a CollectionInfo object.

Not to be confused with the collection options method (related to the collection internal configuration).




the returned CollectionInfo wraps, among other things, the database information: as such, calling this method triggers the same-named method of a Database object (which, in turn, performs a HTTP request to the DevOps API). See the documentation for for more details.

Expand source code
def info(self) -> CollectionInfo:
    Information on the collection (name, location, database), in the
    form of a CollectionInfo object.

    Not to be confused with the collection `options` method (related
    to the collection internal configuration).


        the returned CollectionInfo wraps, among other things,
        the database information: as such, calling this method
        triggers the same-named method of a Database object (which, in turn,
        performs a HTTP request to the DevOps API).
        See the documentation for `` for more details.

    return CollectionInfo(,
async def insert_many(self, documents: Iterable[DocumentType], *, vectors: Optional[Iterable[Optional[VectorType]]] = None, vectorize: Optional[Iterable[Optional[str]]] = None, ordered: bool = False, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> InsertManyResult

Insert a list of documents into the collection. This is not an atomic operation.


an iterable of dictionaries, each a document to insert. Documents may specify their _id field or leave it out, in which case it will be added automatically.
an optional list of vectors (as many vectors as the provided documents) to associate to the documents when inserting. Passing vectors this way is indeed equivalent to the "$vector" field of the documents, however the two are mutually exclusive. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the documents instead.
an optional list of strings to be made into as many vectors (one per document), if such a service is configured for the collection. Passing this parameter is equivalent to providing a $vectorize field in the documents themselves, however the two are mutually exclusive. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the documents instead.
if False (default), the insertions can occur in arbitrary order and possibly concurrently. If True, they are processed sequentially. If there are no specific reasons against it, unordered insertions are to be preferred as they complete much faster.
how many documents to include in a single API request. Exceeding the server maximum allowed value results in an error. Leave it unspecified (recommended) to use the system default.
maximum number of concurrent requests to the API at a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered insertions.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead: If many documents are being inserted, this method corresponds to several HTTP requests: in such cases one may want to specify a more tolerant timeout here.


an InsertManyResult object.


>>> async def write_and_count(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...             count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
...             print("count0", count0)
...             im_result1 = await acol.insert_many(
...                 [
...                     {"a": 10},
...                     {"a": 5},
...                     {"b": [True, False, False]},
...                 ],
...                 ordered=True,
...             )
...             print("inserted1", im_result1.inserted_ids)
...             count1 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
...             print("count1", count1)
...             await acol.insert_many(
...                 [{"seq": i} for i in range(50)],
...                 concurrency=5,
...             )
...             count2 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
...             print("count2", count2)
count0 0
inserted1 ['e3c2a684-...', '1de4949f-...', '167dacc3-...']
count1 3
count2 53
...     [
...         {"tag": "a", "$vector": [1, 2]},
...         {"tag": "b", "$vector": [3, 4]},
...     ]
... ))


Unordered insertions are executed with some degree of concurrency, so it is usually better to prefer this mode unless the order in the document sequence is important.


A failure mode for this command is related to certain faulty documents found among those to insert: a document may have the an _id already present on the collection, or its vector dimension may not match the collection setting.

For an ordered insertion, the method will raise an exception at the first such faulty document – nevertheless, all documents processed until then will end up being written to the database.

For unordered insertions, if the error stems from faulty documents the insertion proceeds until exhausting the input documents: then, an exception is raised – and all insertable documents will have been written to the database, including those "after" the troublesome ones.

If, on the other hand, there are errors not related to individual documents (such as a network connectivity error), the whole insert_many operation will stop in mid-way, an exception will be raised, and only a certain amount of the input documents will have made their way to the database.

Expand source code
async def insert_many(
    documents: Iterable[DocumentType],
    vectors: Optional[Iterable[Optional[VectorType]]] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[Iterable[Optional[str]]] = None,
    ordered: bool = False,
    chunk_size: Optional[int] = None,
    concurrency: Optional[int] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> InsertManyResult:
    Insert a list of documents into the collection.
    This is not an atomic operation.

        documents: an iterable of dictionaries, each a document to insert.
            Documents may specify their `_id` field or leave it out, in which
            case it will be added automatically.
        vectors: an optional list of vectors (as many vectors as the provided
            documents) to associate to the documents when inserting.
            Passing vectors this way is indeed equivalent to the "$vector" field
            of the documents, however the two are mutually exclusive.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the documents instead.
        vectorize: an optional list of strings to be made into as many vectors
            (one per document), if such a service is configured for the collection.
            Passing this parameter is equivalent to providing a `$vectorize`
            field in the documents themselves, however the two are mutually exclusive.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the documents instead.
        ordered: if False (default), the insertions can occur in arbitrary order
            and possibly concurrently. If True, they are processed sequentially.
            If there are no specific reasons against it, unordered insertions are to
            be preferred as they complete much faster.
        chunk_size: how many documents to include in a single API request.
            Exceeding the server maximum allowed value results in an error.
            Leave it unspecified (recommended) to use the system default.
        concurrency: maximum number of concurrent requests to the API at
            a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered insertions.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
            If many documents are being inserted, this method corresponds
            to several HTTP requests: in such cases one may want to specify
            a more tolerant timeout here.
        an InsertManyResult object.

        >>> async def write_and_count(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...             count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
        ...             print("count0", count0)
        ...             im_result1 = await acol.insert_many(
        ...                 [
        ...                     {"a": 10},
        ...                     {"a": 5},
        ...                     {"b": [True, False, False]},
        ...                 ],
        ...                 ordered=True,
        ...             )
        ...             print("inserted1", im_result1.inserted_ids)
        ...             count1 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
        ...             print("count1", count1)
        ...             await acol.insert_many(
        ...                 [{"seq": i} for i in range(50)],
        ...                 concurrency=5,
        ...             )
        ...             count2 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
        ...             print("count2", count2)
        count0 0
        inserted1 ['e3c2a684-...', '1de4949f-...', '167dacc3-...']
        count1 3
        count2 53
        ...     [
        ...         {"tag": "a", "$vector": [1, 2]},
        ...         {"tag": "b", "$vector": [3, 4]},
        ...     ]
        ... ))

        Unordered insertions are executed with some degree of concurrency,
        so it is usually better to prefer this mode unless the order in the
        document sequence is important.

        A failure mode for this command is related to certain faulty documents
        found among those to insert: a document may have the an `_id` already
        present on the collection, or its vector dimension may not
        match the collection setting.

        For an ordered insertion, the method will raise an exception at
        the first such faulty document -- nevertheless, all documents processed
        until then will end up being written to the database.

        For unordered insertions, if the error stems from faulty documents
        the insertion proceeds until exhausting the input documents: then,
        an exception is raised -- and all insertable documents will have been
        written to the database, including those "after" the troublesome ones.

        If, on the other hand, there are errors not related to individual
        documents (such as a network connectivity error), the whole
        `insert_many` operation will stop in mid-way, an exception will be raised,
        and only a certain amount of the input documents will
        have made their way to the database.

    if concurrency is None:
        if ordered:
            _concurrency = 1
            _concurrency = DEFAULT_INSERT_MANY_CONCURRENCY
        _concurrency = concurrency
    if _concurrency > 1 and ordered:
        raise ValueError("Cannot run ordered insert_many concurrently.")
    if chunk_size is None:
        _chunk_size = DEFAULT_INSERT_NUM_DOCUMENTS
        _chunk_size = chunk_size
    _documents = _collate_vectors_to_documents(documents, vectors, vectorize)
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'")
    raw_results: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
    timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
    if ordered:
        options = {"ordered": True}
        inserted_ids: List[Any] = []
        for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size):
  "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
            chunk_response = await self._astra_db_collection.insert_many(
                documents=_documents[i : i + _chunk_size],
  "finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
            # accumulate the results in this call
            chunk_inserted_ids = (chunk_response.get("status") or {}).get(
                "insertedIds", []
            inserted_ids += chunk_inserted_ids
            raw_results += [chunk_response]
            # if errors, quit early
            if chunk_response.get("errors", []):
                partial_result = InsertManyResult(
                raise InsertManyException.from_response(

        # return
        full_result = InsertManyResult(
            f"finished inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'"
        return full_result

        # unordered: concurrent or not, do all of them and parse the results
        options = {"ordered": False}

        sem = asyncio.Semaphore(_concurrency)

        async def concurrent_insert_chunk(
            document_chunk: List[DocumentType],
        ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
            async with sem:
      "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                im_response = await self._astra_db_collection.insert_many(
                    f"finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'"
                return im_response

        if _concurrency > 1:
            tasks = [
                    concurrent_insert_chunk(_documents[i : i + _chunk_size])
                for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size)
            raw_results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
            raw_results = [
                await concurrent_insert_chunk(_documents[i : i + _chunk_size])
                for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size)

        # recast raw_results
        inserted_ids = [
            for chunk_response in raw_results
            for inserted_id in (chunk_response.get("status") or {}).get(
                "insertedIds", []

        # check-raise
        if any(
            [chunk_response.get("errors", []) for chunk_response in raw_results]
            partial_result = InsertManyResult(
            raise InsertManyException.from_responses(
                commands=[None for _ in raw_results],

        # return
        full_result = InsertManyResult(
            f"finished inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'"
        return full_result
async def insert_one(self, document: DocumentType, *, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> InsertOneResult

Insert a single document in the collection in an atomic operation.


the dictionary expressing the document to insert. The _id field of the document can be left out, in which case it will be created automatically.
a vector (a list of numbers appropriate for the collection) for the document. Passing this parameter is equivalent to providing a $vector field within the document itself, however the two are mutually exclusive. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the document instead.
a string to be made into a vector, if such a service is configured for the collection. Passing this parameter is equivalent to providing a $vectorize field in the document itself, however the two are mutually exclusive. Moreover, this parameter cannot coexist with vector. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the document instead.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


an InsertOneResult object.


>>> async def write_and_count(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...     count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
...     print("count0", count0)
...     await acol.insert_one(
...         {
...             "age": 30,
...             "name": "Smith",
...             "food": ["pear", "peach"],
...             "likes_fruit": True,
...         },
...     )
...     await acol.insert_one({"_id": "user-123", "age": 50, "name": "Maccio"})
...     count1 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
...     print("count1", count1)
count0 0
count1 2
>>>{"tag": v", "$vector": [10, 11]}))


If an _id is explicitly provided, which corresponds to a document that exists already in the collection, an error is raised and the insertion fails.

Expand source code
async def insert_one(
    document: DocumentType,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> InsertOneResult:
    Insert a single document in the collection in an atomic operation.

        document: the dictionary expressing the document to insert.
            The `_id` field of the document can be left out, in which
            case it will be created automatically.
        vector: a vector (a list of numbers appropriate for the collection)
            for the document. Passing this parameter is equivalent to
            providing a `$vector` field within the document itself,
            however the two are mutually exclusive.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the document instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector, if such a service
            is configured for the collection. Passing this parameter is
            equivalent to providing a `$vectorize` field in the document itself,
            however the two are mutually exclusive.
            Moreover, this parameter cannot coexist with `vector`.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the document instead.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        an InsertOneResult object.

        >>> async def write_and_count(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...     count0 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
        ...     print("count0", count0)
        ...     await acol.insert_one(
        ...         {
        ...             "age": 30,
        ...             "name": "Smith",
        ...             "food": ["pear", "peach"],
        ...             "likes_fruit": True,
        ...         },
        ...     )
        ...     await acol.insert_one({"_id": "user-123", "age": 50, "name": "Maccio"})
        ...     count1 = await acol.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
        ...     print("count1", count1)
        count0 0
        count1 2

        >>>{"tag": v", "$vector": [10, 11]}))

        If an `_id` is explicitly provided, which corresponds to a document
        that exists already in the collection, an error is raised and
        the insertion fails.

    _document = _collate_vector_to_document(document, vector, vectorize)
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"inserting one document in '{}'")
    io_response = await self._astra_db_collection.insert_one(
    )"finished inserting one document in '{}'")
    if "insertedIds" in io_response.get("status", {}):
        if io_response["status"]["insertedIds"]:
            inserted_id = io_response["status"]["insertedIds"][0]
            return InsertOneResult(
            raise ValueError(
                "Could not complete a insert_one operation. "
                f"(gotten '${json.dumps(io_response)}')"
        raise ValueError(
            "Could not complete a insert_one operation. "
            f"(gotten '${json.dumps(io_response)}')"
async def options(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> CollectionOptions

Get the collection options, i.e. its configuration as read from the database.

The method issues a request to the Data API each time is invoked, without caching mechanisms: this ensures up-to-date information for usages such as real-time collection validation by the application.


a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a CollectionOptions instance describing the collection. (See also the database list_collections method.)


CollectionOptions(vector=CollectionVectorOptions(dimension=3, metric='cosine'))
Expand source code
async def options(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> CollectionOptions:
    Get the collection options, i.e. its configuration as read from the database.

    The method issues a request to the Data API each time is invoked,
    without caching mechanisms: this ensures up-to-date information
    for usages such as real-time collection validation by the application.

        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a CollectionOptions instance describing the collection.
        (See also the database `list_collections` method.)

        CollectionOptions(vector=CollectionVectorOptions(dimension=3, metric='cosine'))

    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"getting collections in search of '{}'")
    self_descriptors = [
        async for coll_desc in self.database.list_collections(
        if ==
    ]"finished getting collections in search of '{}'")
    if self_descriptors:
        return self_descriptors[0].options  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
        raise CollectionNotFoundException(
            text=f"Collection {self.namespace}.{} not found.",
async def replace_one(self, filter: FilterType, replacement: DocumentType, *, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, upsert: bool = False, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> UpdateResult

Replace a single document on the collection with a new one, optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
the new document to write into the collection.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion. In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one that is most similar to the provided vector. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting order of the documents matching the filter, effectively determining what document will come first and hence be the replaced one. See the find method for more on sorting. Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector" or a "$vectorize" key in sort.
this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches. If True, replacement is inserted as a new document if no matches are found on the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the replace operation.


>>> async def do_replace_one(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...     await acol.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
...     result0 = await acol.replace_one(
...         {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
...         {"Buda": "Pest"},
...     )
...     print("result0.update_info", result0.update_info)
...     doc1 = await acol.find_one({"Buda": "Pest"})
...     print("doc1", doc1)
...     result1 = await acol.replace_one(
...         {"Mirco": {"$exists": True}},
...         {"Oh": "yeah?"},
...     )
...     print("result1.update_info", result1.update_info)
...     result2 = await acol.replace_one(
...         {"Mirco": {"$exists": True}},
...         {"Oh": "yeah?"},
...         upsert=True,
...     )
...     print("result2.update_info", result2.update_info)
result0.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1}
doc1 {'_id': '6e669a5a-...', 'Buda': 'Pest'}
result1.update_info {'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0}
result2.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '30e34e00-...'}
Expand source code
async def replace_one(
    filter: FilterType,
    replacement: DocumentType,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    upsert: bool = False,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> UpdateResult:
    Replace a single document on the collection with a new one,
    optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        replacement: the new document to write into the collection.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
            In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
            that is most similar to the provided vector.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
            order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
            determining what document will come first and hence be the
            replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
            Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
            or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
        upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
            If True, `replacement` is inserted as a new document
            if no matches are found on the collection. If False,
            the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the replace operation.

        >>> async def do_replace_one(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...     await acol.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
        ...     result0 = await acol.replace_one(
        ...         {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
        ...         {"Buda": "Pest"},
        ...     )
        ...     print("result0.update_info", result0.update_info)
        ...     doc1 = await acol.find_one({"Buda": "Pest"})
        ...     print("doc1", doc1)
        ...     result1 = await acol.replace_one(
        ...         {"Mirco": {"$exists": True}},
        ...         {"Oh": "yeah?"},
        ...     )
        ...     print("result1.update_info", result1.update_info)
        ...     result2 = await acol.replace_one(
        ...         {"Mirco": {"$exists": True}},
        ...         {"Oh": "yeah?"},
        ...         upsert=True,
        ...     )
        ...     print("result2.update_info", result2.update_info)
        result0.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1}
        doc1 {'_id': '6e669a5a-...', 'Buda': 'Pest'}
        result1.update_info {'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0}
        result2.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '30e34e00-...'}

    _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
    options = {
        "upsert": upsert,
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
    fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_replace(
    )"finished calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
    if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
        fo_status = fo_response.get("status") or {}
        _update_info = _prepare_update_info([fo_status])
        return UpdateResult(
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from find_one_and_replace API command.",
def set_caller(self, caller_name: Optional[str] = None, caller_version: Optional[str] = None) ‑> None

Set a new identity for the application/framework on behalf of which the Data API calls are performed (the "caller").


name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
version of the caller.


>>> my_coll.set_caller(caller_name="the_caller", caller_version="0.1.0")
Expand source code
def set_caller(
    caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
    caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
    Set a new identity for the application/framework on behalf of which
    the Data API calls are performed (the "caller").

        caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
            the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
        caller_version: version of the caller.

        >>> my_coll.set_caller(caller_name="the_caller", caller_version="0.1.0")
    """"setting caller to {caller_name}/{caller_version}")
def to_sync(self, *, database: Optional[Database] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None, collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None, caller_name: Optional[str] = None, caller_version: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Collection

Create a Collection from this one. Save for the arguments explicitly provided as overrides, everything else is kept identical to this collection in the copy (the database is converted into a sync object).


a Database object, instantiated earlier. This represents the database the new collection belongs to.
the collection name. This parameter should match an existing collection on the database.
this is the namespace to which the collection belongs. If not specified, the database's working namespace is used.
optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection. If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None, each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates into the one "embedding api key" header (i.e. EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider). For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication, specialized subclasses of EmbeddingHeadersProvider should be supplied.
a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value being an overall default. Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as find, delete_many, insert_many and so on), it is strongly suggested to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make much sense.
name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
version of the caller.


the new copy, a Collection instance.


>>> my_async_coll.to_sync().count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
Expand source code
def to_sync(
    database: Optional[Database] = None,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    namespace: Optional[str] = None,
    embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None,
    collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
    caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Collection:
    Create a Collection from this one. Save for the arguments
    explicitly provided as overrides, everything else is kept identical
    to this collection in the copy (the database is converted into
    a sync object).

        database: a Database object, instantiated earlier.
            This represents the database the new collection belongs to.
        name: the collection name. This parameter should match an existing
            collection on the database.
        namespace: this is the namespace to which the collection belongs.
            If not specified, the database's working namespace is used.
        embedding_api_key: optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection.
            If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None,
            each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers
            as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates
            into the one "embedding api key" header
            (i.e. `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider`).
            For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication,
            specialized subclasses of `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingHeadersProvider`
            should be supplied.
        collection_max_time_ms: a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each
            operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to
            each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value
            being an overall default.
            Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as
            `find`, `delete_many`, `insert_many` and so on), it is strongly suggested
            to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make
            much sense.
        caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
            the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
        caller_version: version of the caller.

        the new copy, a Collection instance.

        >>> my_async_coll.to_sync().count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)

    _api_options = CollectionAPIOptions(

    return Collection(
        database=database or self.database.to_sync(),
        name=name or,
        namespace=namespace or self.namespace,
        caller_name=caller_name or self._astra_db_collection.caller_name,
        caller_version=caller_version or self._astra_db_collection.caller_version,
async def update_many(self, filter: FilterType, update: Dict[str, Any], *, upsert: bool = False, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> UpdateResult

Apply an update operations to all documents matching a condition, optionally inserting one documents in absence of matches.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
the update prescription to apply to the documents, expressed as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are: {"$set": {"field": "value}} {"$inc": {"counter": 10}} {"$unset": {"field": ""}} See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches. If True, a single new document (resulting from applying update to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead: if a large number of document updates is anticipated, it is suggested to specify a larger timeout than in most other operations as the update will span several HTTP calls to the API in sequence.


an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.


>>> async def do_update_many(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...     await acol.insert_many([{"c": "red"}, {"c": "green"}, {"c": "blue"}])
...     result0 = await acol.update_many(
...         {"c": {"$ne": "green"}},
...         {"$set": {"nongreen": True}},
...     )
...     print("result0.update_info", result0.update_info)
...     result1 = await acol.update_many(
...         {"c": "orange"},
...         {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}},
...     )
...     print("result1.update_info", result1.update_info)
...     result2 = await acol.update_many(
...         {"c": "orange"},
...         {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}},
...         upsert=True,
...     )
...     print("result2.update_info", result2.update_info)
result0.update_info {'n': 2, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 2}
result1.update_info {'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0}
result2.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '79ffd5a3-ab99-4dff-a2a5-4aaa0e59e854'}


Similarly to the case of find (see its docstring for more details), running this command while, at the same time, another process is inserting new documents which match the filter of the update_many can result in an unpredictable fraction of these documents being updated. In other words, it cannot be easily predicted whether a given newly-inserted document will be picked up by the update_many command or not.

Expand source code
async def update_many(
    filter: FilterType,
    update: Dict[str, Any],
    upsert: bool = False,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> UpdateResult:
    Apply an update operations to all documents matching a condition,
    optionally inserting one documents in absence of matches.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        update: the update prescription to apply to the documents, expressed
            as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
            See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
        upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
            If True, a single new document (resulting from applying `update`
            to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
            the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
            in case of no matches.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
            if a large number of document updates is anticipated, it is suggested
            to specify a larger timeout than in most other operations as the
            update will span several HTTP calls to the API in sequence.

        an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.

        >>> async def do_update_many(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...     await acol.insert_many([{"c": "red"}, {"c": "green"}, {"c": "blue"}])
        ...     result0 = await acol.update_many(
        ...         {"c": {"$ne": "green"}},
        ...         {"$set": {"nongreen": True}},
        ...     )
        ...     print("result0.update_info", result0.update_info)
        ...     result1 = await acol.update_many(
        ...         {"c": "orange"},
        ...         {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}},
        ...     )
        ...     print("result1.update_info", result1.update_info)
        ...     result2 = await acol.update_many(
        ...         {"c": "orange"},
        ...         {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}},
        ...         upsert=True,
        ...     )
        ...     print("result2.update_info", result2.update_info)
        result0.update_info {'n': 2, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 2}
        result1.update_info {'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0}
        result2.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '79ffd5a3-ab99-4dff-a2a5-4aaa0e59e854'}

        Similarly to the case of `find` (see its docstring for more details),
        running this command while, at the same time, another process is
        inserting new documents which match the filter of the `update_many`
        can result in an unpredictable fraction of these documents being updated.
        In other words, it cannot be easily predicted whether a given
        newly-inserted document will be picked up by the update_many command or not.

    api_options = {
        "upsert": upsert,
    page_state_options: Dict[str, str] = {}
    um_responses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
    um_statuses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
    must_proceed = True
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"starting update_many on '{}'")
    timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
    while must_proceed:
        options = {**api_options, **page_state_options}"calling update_many on '{}'")
        this_um_response = await self._astra_db_collection.update_many(
        )"finished calling update_many on '{}'")
        this_um_status = this_um_response.get("status") or {}
        # if errors, quit early
        if this_um_response.get("errors", []):
            partial_update_info = _prepare_update_info(um_statuses)
            partial_result = UpdateResult(
            all_um_responses = um_responses + [this_um_response]
            raise UpdateManyException.from_responses(
                commands=[None for _ in all_um_responses],
            if "status" not in this_um_response:
                raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                    text="Faulty response from update_many API command.",
            next_page_state = this_um_status.get("nextPageState")
            if next_page_state is not None:
                must_proceed = True
                page_state_options = {"pageState": next_page_state}
                must_proceed = False
                page_state_options = {}

    update_info = _prepare_update_info(um_statuses)"finished update_many on '{}'")
    return UpdateResult(
async def update_one(self, filter: FilterType, update: Dict[str, Any], *, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, upsert: bool = False, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> UpdateResult

Update a single document on the collection as requested, optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are: {"$set": {"field": "value}} {"$inc": {"counter": 10}} {"$unset": {"field": ""}} See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion. In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one that is most similar to the provided vector. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting order of the documents matching the filter, effectively determining what document will come first and hence be the replaced one. See the find method for more on sorting. Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector" or a "$vectorize" key in sort.
this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches. If True, a new document (resulting from applying the update to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.


>>> async def do_update_one(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
...     await acol.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
...     result0 = await acol.update_one(
...         {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
...     )
...     print("result0.update_info", result0.update_info)
...     result1 = await acol.update_one(
...         {"Mirko": {"$exists": True}},
...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
...     )
...     print("result1.update_info", result1.update_info)
...     result2 = await acol.update_one(
...         {"Mirko": {"$exists": True}},
...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
...         upsert=True,
...     )
...     print("result2.update_info", result2.update_info)
result0.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1})
result1.update_info {'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
result2.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '75748092-...'}
Expand source code
async def update_one(
    filter: FilterType,
    update: Dict[str, Any],
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    upsert: bool = False,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> UpdateResult:
    Update a single document on the collection as requested,
    optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        update: the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed
            as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
            See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
            In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
            that is most similar to the provided vector.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
            order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
            determining what document will come first and hence be the
            replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
            Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
            or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
        upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
            If True, a new document (resulting from applying the `update`
            to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
            the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
            in case of no matches.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.

        >>> async def do_update_one(acol: AsyncCollection) -> None:
        ...     await acol.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
        ...     result0 = await acol.update_one(
        ...         {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
        ...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
        ...     )
        ...     print("result0.update_info", result0.update_info)
        ...     result1 = await acol.update_one(
        ...         {"Mirko": {"$exists": True}},
        ...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
        ...     )
        ...     print("result1.update_info", result1.update_info)
        ...     result2 = await acol.update_one(
        ...         {"Mirko": {"$exists": True}},
        ...         {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
        ...         upsert=True,
        ...     )
        ...     print("result2.update_info", result2.update_info)
        result0.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1})
        result1.update_info {'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
        result2.update_info {'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '75748092-...'}

    _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
    options = {
        "upsert": upsert,
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
    fo_response = await self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_update(
    )"finished calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
    if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
        fo_status = fo_response.get("status") or {}
        _update_info = _prepare_update_info([fo_status])
        return UpdateResult(
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from find_one_and_update API command.",
def with_options(self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None, collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None, caller_name: Optional[str] = None, caller_version: Optional[str] = None) ‑> AsyncCollection

Create a clone of this collection with some changed attributes.


the name of the collection. This parameter is useful to quickly spawn AsyncCollection instances each pointing to a different collection existing in the same namespace.
optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection. If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None, each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates into the one "embedding api key" header (i.e. EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider). For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication, specialized subclasses of EmbeddingHeadersProvider should be supplied.
a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value being an overall default. Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as find, delete_many, insert_many and so on), it is strongly suggested to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make much sense.
name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
version of the caller.


a new AsyncCollection instance.


>>> my_other_async_coll = my_async_coll.with_options(
...     name="the_other_coll",
...     caller_name="caller_identity",
... )
Expand source code
def with_options(
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None,
    collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
    caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
) -> AsyncCollection:
    Create a clone of this collection with some changed attributes.

        name: the name of the collection. This parameter is useful to
            quickly spawn AsyncCollection instances each pointing to a different
            collection existing in the same namespace.
        embedding_api_key: optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection.
            If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None,
            each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers
            as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates
            into the one "embedding api key" header
            (i.e. `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider`).
            For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication,
            specialized subclasses of `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingHeadersProvider`
            should be supplied.
        collection_max_time_ms: a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each
            operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to
            each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value
            being an overall default.
            Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as
            `find`, `delete_many`, `insert_many` and so on), it is strongly suggested
            to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make
            much sense.
        caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
            the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
        caller_version: version of the caller.

        a new AsyncCollection instance.

        >>> my_other_async_coll = my_async_coll.with_options(
        ...     name="the_other_coll",
        ...     caller_name="caller_identity",
        ... )

    _api_options = CollectionAPIOptions(

    return self._copy(
class Collection (database: Database, name: str, *, namespace: Optional[str] = None, api_options: Optional[CollectionAPIOptions] = None, caller_name: Optional[str] = None, caller_version: Optional[str] = None)

A Data API collection, the main object to interact with the Data API, especially for DDL operations. This class has a synchronous interface.

A Collection is spawned from a Database object, from which it inherits the details on how to reach the API server (endpoint, authentication token).


a Database object, instantiated earlier. This represents the database the collection belongs to.
the collection name. This parameter should match an existing collection on the database.
this is the namespace to which the collection belongs. If not specified, the database's working namespace is used.
An instance of astrapy.api_options.CollectionAPIOptions providing the general settings for interacting with the Data API.
name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
version of the caller.


>>> from astrapy import DataAPIClient, Collection
>>> my_client = astrapy.DataAPIClient("AstraCS:...")
>>> my_db = my_client.get_database(
...    ""
... )
>>> my_coll_1 = Collection(database=my_db, name="my_collection")
>>> my_coll_2 = my_db.create_collection(
...     "my_v_collection",
...     dimension=3,
...     metric="cosine",
... )
>>> my_coll_3a = my_db.get_collection("my_already_existing_collection")
>>> my_coll_3b = my_db.my_already_existing_collection
>>> my_coll_3c = my_db["my_already_existing_collection"]


creating an instance of Collection does not trigger actual creation of the collection on the database. The latter should have been created beforehand, e.g. through the create_collection method of a Database.

Expand source code
class Collection:
    A Data API collection, the main object to interact with the Data API,
    especially for DDL operations.
    This class has a synchronous interface.

    A Collection is spawned from a Database object, from which it inherits
    the details on how to reach the API server (endpoint, authentication token).

        database: a Database object, instantiated earlier. This represents
            the database the collection belongs to.
        name: the collection name. This parameter should match an existing
            collection on the database.
        namespace: this is the namespace to which the collection belongs.
            If not specified, the database's working namespace is used.
        api_options: An instance of `astrapy.api_options.CollectionAPIOptions`
            providing the general settings for interacting with the Data API.
        caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
            the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
        caller_version: version of the caller.

        >>> from astrapy import DataAPIClient, Collection
        >>> my_client = astrapy.DataAPIClient("AstraCS:...")
        >>> my_db = my_client.get_database(
        ...    ""
        ... )
        >>> my_coll_1 = Collection(database=my_db, name="my_collection")
        >>> my_coll_2 = my_db.create_collection(
        ...     "my_v_collection",
        ...     dimension=3,
        ...     metric="cosine",
        ... )
        >>> my_coll_3a = my_db.get_collection("my_already_existing_collection")
        >>> my_coll_3b = my_db.my_already_existing_collection
        >>> my_coll_3c = my_db["my_already_existing_collection"]

        creating an instance of Collection does not trigger actual creation
        of the collection on the database. The latter should have been created
        beforehand, e.g. through the `create_collection` method of a Database.

    def __init__(
        database: Database,
        name: str,
        namespace: Optional[str] = None,
        api_options: Optional[CollectionAPIOptions] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        if api_options is None:
            self.api_options = CollectionAPIOptions()
            self.api_options = api_options
        additional_headers = self.api_options.embedding_api_key.get_headers()
        self._astra_db_collection: AstraDBCollection = AstraDBCollection(
        # this comes after the above, lets AstraDBCollection resolve namespace
        self._database = database._copy(

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            f'{self.__class__.__name__}(name="{}", '
            f'namespace="{self.namespace}", database={self.database}, '

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        if isinstance(other, Collection):
            return all(
                    self._astra_db_collection == other._astra_db_collection,
                    self.api_options == other.api_options,
            return False

    def __call__(self, *pargs: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        raise TypeError(
            f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object is not callable. If you "
            f"meant to call the '{}' method on a "
            f"'{self.database.__class__.__name__}' object "
            "it is failing because no such method exists."

    def _copy(
        database: Optional[Database] = None,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        namespace: Optional[str] = None,
        api_options: Optional[CollectionAPIOptions] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Collection:
        return Collection(
            database=database or self.database._copy(),
            name=name or,
            namespace=namespace or self.namespace,
            caller_name=caller_name or self._astra_db_collection.caller_name,
            caller_version=caller_version or self._astra_db_collection.caller_version,

    def with_options(
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None,
        collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Collection:
        Create a clone of this collection with some changed attributes.

            name: the name of the collection. This parameter is useful to
                quickly spawn Collection instances each pointing to a different
                collection existing in the same namespace.
            embedding_api_key: optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection.
                If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None,
                each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers
                as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates
                into the one "embedding api key" header
                (i.e. `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider`).
                For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication,
                specialized subclasses of `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingHeadersProvider`
                should be supplied.
            collection_max_time_ms: a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each
                operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to
                each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value
                being an overall default.
                Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as
                `find`, `delete_many`, `insert_many` and so on), it is strongly suggested
                to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make
                much sense.
            caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
                the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
            caller_version: version of the caller.

            a new Collection instance.

            >>> my_other_coll = my_coll.with_options(
            ...     name="the_other_coll",
            ...     caller_name="caller_identity",
            ... )

        _api_options = CollectionAPIOptions(

        return self._copy(

    def to_async(
        database: Optional[AsyncDatabase] = None,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        namespace: Optional[str] = None,
        embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None,
        collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> AsyncCollection:
        Create an AsyncCollection from this one. Save for the arguments
        explicitly provided as overrides, everything else is kept identical
        to this collection in the copy (the database is converted into
        an async object).

            database: an AsyncDatabase object, instantiated earlier.
                This represents the database the new collection belongs to.
            name: the collection name. This parameter should match an existing
                collection on the database.
            namespace: this is the namespace to which the collection belongs.
                If not specified, the database's working namespace is used.
            embedding_api_key: optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection.
                If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None,
                each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers
                as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates
                into the one "embedding api key" header
                (i.e. `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider`).
                For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication,
                specialized subclasses of `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingHeadersProvider`
                should be supplied.
            collection_max_time_ms: a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each
                operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to
                each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value
                being an overall default.
                Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as
                `find`, `delete_many`, `insert_many` and so on), it is strongly suggested
                to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make
                much sense.
            caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
                the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
            caller_version: version of the caller.

            the new copy, an AsyncCollection instance.


        _api_options = CollectionAPIOptions(

        return AsyncCollection(
            database=database or self.database.to_async(),
            name=name or,
            namespace=namespace or self.namespace,
            caller_name=caller_name or self._astra_db_collection.caller_name,
            caller_version=caller_version or self._astra_db_collection.caller_version,

    def set_caller(
        caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
        caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Set a new identity for the application/framework on behalf of which
        the Data API calls are performed (the "caller").

            caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
                the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
            caller_version: version of the caller.

            >>> my_coll.set_caller(caller_name="the_caller", caller_version="0.1.0")
        """"setting caller to {caller_name}/{caller_version}")

    def options(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> CollectionOptions:
        Get the collection options, i.e. its configuration as read from the database.

        The method issues a request to the Data API each time is invoked,
        without caching mechanisms: this ensures up-to-date information
        for usages such as real-time collection validation by the application.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a CollectionOptions instance describing the collection.
            (See also the database `list_collections` method.)

            >>> my_coll.options()
            CollectionOptions(vector=CollectionVectorOptions(dimension=3, metric='cosine'))
        """"getting collections in search of '{}'")
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        self_descriptors = [
            for coll_desc in self.database.list_collections(max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
            if ==
        ]"finished getting collections in search of '{}'")
        if self_descriptors:
            return self_descriptors[0].options  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            raise CollectionNotFoundException(
                text=f"Collection {self.namespace}.{} not found.",

    def info(self) -> CollectionInfo:
        Information on the collection (name, location, database), in the
        form of a CollectionInfo object.

        Not to be confused with the collection `options` method (related
        to the collection internal configuration).


            the returned CollectionInfo wraps, among other things,
            the database information: as such, calling this method
            triggers the same-named method of a Database object (which, in turn,
            performs a HTTP request to the DevOps API).
            See the documentation for `` for more details.

        return CollectionInfo(

    def database(self) -> Database:
        a Database object, the database this collection belongs to.


        return self._database

    def namespace(self) -> str:
        The namespace this collection is in.

            >>> my_coll.namespace

        _namespace = self.database.namespace
        if _namespace is None:
            raise ValueError("The collection's DB is set with namespace=None")
        return _namespace

    def name(self) -> str:
        The name of this collection.


        # type hint added as for some reason the typechecker gets lost
        return self._astra_db_collection.collection_name  # type: ignore[no-any-return, has-type]

    def full_name(self) -> str:
        The fully-qualified collection name within the database,
        in the form "namespace.collection_name".

            >>> my_coll.full_name

        return f"{self.namespace}.{}"

    def insert_one(
        document: DocumentType,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> InsertOneResult:
        Insert a single document in the collection in an atomic operation.

            document: the dictionary expressing the document to insert.
                The `_id` field of the document can be left out, in which
                case it will be created automatically.
            vector: a vector (a list of numbers appropriate for the collection)
                for the document. Passing this parameter is equivalent to
                providing a `$vector` field within the document itself,
                however the two are mutually exclusive.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the document instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector, if such a service
                is configured for the collection. Passing this parameter is
                equivalent to providing a `$vectorize` field in the document itself,
                however the two are mutually exclusive.
                Moreover, this parameter cannot coexist with `vector`.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the document instead.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            an InsertOneResult object.

            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
            >>> my_coll.insert_one(
            ...     {
            ...         "age": 30,
            ...         "name": "Smith",
            ...         "food": ["pear", "peach"],
            ...         "likes_fruit": True,
            ...     },
            ... )
            InsertOneResult(raw_results=..., inserted_id='ed4587a4-...-...-...')
            >>> my_coll.insert_one({"_id": "user-123", "age": 50, "name": "Maccio"})
            InsertOneResult(raw_results=..., inserted_id='user-123')
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)

            >>> my_coll.insert_one({"tag": "v", "$vector": [10, 11]})

            If an `_id` is explicitly provided, which corresponds to a document
            that exists already in the collection, an error is raised and
            the insertion fails.

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="insert"
        _document = _collate_vector_to_document(document, vector, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"inserting one document in '{}'")
        io_response = self._astra_db_collection.insert_one(
        )"finished inserting one document in '{}'")
        if "insertedIds" in io_response.get("status", {}):
            if io_response["status"]["insertedIds"]:
                inserted_id = io_response["status"]["insertedIds"][0]
                return InsertOneResult(
                raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                    text="Faulty response from insert_one API command.",
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from insert_one API command.",

    def insert_many(
        documents: Iterable[DocumentType],
        vectors: Optional[Iterable[Optional[VectorType]]] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[Iterable[Optional[str]]] = None,
        ordered: bool = False,
        chunk_size: Optional[int] = None,
        concurrency: Optional[int] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> InsertManyResult:
        Insert a list of documents into the collection.
        This is not an atomic operation.

            documents: an iterable of dictionaries, each a document to insert.
                Documents may specify their `_id` field or leave it out, in which
                case it will be added automatically.
            vectors: an optional list of vectors (as many vectors as the provided
                documents) to associate to the documents when inserting.
                Passing vectors this way is indeed equivalent to the "$vector" field
                of the documents, however the two are mutually exclusive.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the documents instead.
            vectorize: an optional list of strings to be made into as many vectors
                (one per document), if such a service is configured for the collection.
                Passing this parameter is equivalent to providing a `$vectorize`
                field in the documents themselves, however the two are mutually exclusive.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the documents instead.
            ordered: if False (default), the insertions can occur in arbitrary order
                and possibly concurrently. If True, they are processed sequentially.
                If there are no specific reasons against it, unordered insertions are to
                be preferred as they complete much faster.
            chunk_size: how many documents to include in a single API request.
                Exceeding the server maximum allowed value results in an error.
                Leave it unspecified (recommended) to use the system default.
            concurrency: maximum number of concurrent requests to the API at
                a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered insertions.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                If many documents are being inserted, this method corresponds
                to several HTTP requests: in such cases one may want to specify
                a more tolerant timeout here.

            an InsertManyResult object.

            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
            >>> my_coll.insert_many(
            ...     [{"a": 10}, {"a": 5}, {"b": [True, False, False]}],
            ...     ordered=True,
            ... )
            InsertManyResult(raw_results=..., inserted_ids=['184bb06f-...', '...', '...'])
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            >>> my_coll.insert_many(
            ...     [{"seq": i} for i in range(50)],
            ...     concurrency=5,
            ... )
            InsertManyResult(raw_results=..., inserted_ids=[... ...])
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            >>> my_coll.insert_many(
            ...     [
            ...         {"tag": "a", "$vector": [1, 2]},
            ...         {"tag": "b", "$vector": [3, 4]},
            ...     ]
            ... )

            Unordered insertions are executed with some degree of concurrency,
            so it is usually better to prefer this mode unless the order in the
            document sequence is important.

            A failure mode for this command is related to certain faulty documents
            found among those to insert: a document may have the an `_id` already
            present on the collection, or its vector dimension may not
            match the collection setting.

            For an ordered insertion, the method will raise an exception at
            the first such faulty document -- nevertheless, all documents processed
            until then will end up being written to the database.

            For unordered insertions, if the error stems from faulty documents
            the insertion proceeds until exhausting the input documents: then,
            an exception is raised -- and all insertable documents will have been
            written to the database, including those "after" the troublesome ones.

            If, on the other hand, there are errors not related to individual
            documents (such as a network connectivity error), the whole
            `insert_many` operation will stop in mid-way, an exception will be raised,
            and only a certain amount of the input documents will
            have made their way to the database.

            vector=None, vectors=vectors, vectorize=vectorize, kind="insert"
        if concurrency is None:
            if ordered:
                _concurrency = 1
                _concurrency = DEFAULT_INSERT_MANY_CONCURRENCY
            _concurrency = concurrency
        if _concurrency > 1 and ordered:
            raise ValueError("Cannot run ordered insert_many concurrently.")
        if chunk_size is None:
            _chunk_size = DEFAULT_INSERT_NUM_DOCUMENTS
            _chunk_size = chunk_size
        _documents = _collate_vectors_to_documents(documents, vectors, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'")
        raw_results: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
        if ordered:
            options = {"ordered": True}
            inserted_ids: List[Any] = []
            for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size):
      "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                chunk_response = self._astra_db_collection.insert_many(
                    documents=_documents[i : i + _chunk_size],
      "finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                # accumulate the results in this call
                chunk_inserted_ids = (chunk_response.get("status") or {}).get(
                    "insertedIds", []
                inserted_ids += chunk_inserted_ids
                raw_results += [chunk_response]
                # if errors, quit early
                if chunk_response.get("errors", []):
                    partial_result = InsertManyResult(
                    raise InsertManyException.from_response(

            # return
            full_result = InsertManyResult(
                f"finished inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'"
            return full_result

            # unordered: concurrent or not, do all of them and parse the results
            options = {"ordered": False}
            if _concurrency > 1:
                with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=_concurrency) as executor:

                    def _chunk_insertor(
                        document_chunk: List[Dict[str, Any]]
                    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
              "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                        im_response = self._astra_db_collection.insert_many(
                            f"finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'"
                        return im_response

                    raw_results = list(
                                _documents[i : i + _chunk_size]
                                for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size)
                for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size):
          "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                            _documents[i : i + _chunk_size],
                        f"finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'"
            # recast raw_results
            inserted_ids = [
                for chunk_response in raw_results
                for inserted_id in (chunk_response.get("status") or {}).get(
                    "insertedIds", []

            # check-raise
            if any(
                [chunk_response.get("errors", []) for chunk_response in raw_results]
                partial_result = InsertManyResult(
                raise InsertManyException.from_responses(
                    commands=[None for _ in raw_results],

            # return
            full_result = InsertManyResult(
                f"finished inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'"
            return full_result

    def find(
        filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        skip: Optional[int] = None,
        limit: Optional[int] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None,
        include_sort_vector: Optional[bool] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Cursor:
        Find documents on the collection, matching a certain provided filter.

        The method returns a Cursor that can then be iterated over. Depending
        on the method call pattern, the iteration over all documents can reflect
        collection mutations occurred since the `find` method was called, or not.
        In cases where the cursor reflects mutations in real-time, it will iterate
        over cursors in an approximate way (i.e. exhibiting occasional skipped
        or duplicate documents). This happens when making use of the `sort`
        option in a non-vector-search manner.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            skip: with this integer parameter, what would be the first `skip`
                documents returned by the query are discarded, and the results
                start from the (skip+1)-th document.
                This parameter can be used only in conjunction with an explicit
                `sort` criterion of the ascending/descending type (i.e. it cannot
                be used when not sorting, nor with vector-based ANN search).
            limit: this (integer) parameter sets a limit over how many documents
                are returned. Once `limit` is reached (or the cursor is exhausted
                for lack of matching documents), nothing more is returned.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search).
                When running similarity search on a collection, no other sorting
                criteria can be specified. Moreover, there is an upper bound
                to the number of documents that can be returned. For details,
                see the Note about upper bounds and the Data API documentation.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to `vector`,
                provided such a service is configured for the collection,
                and achieves the same effect.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            include_similarity: a boolean to request the numeric value of the
                similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in each
                returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e.
                when either `vector` is supplied or the `sort` parameter has the
                shape {"$vector": ...}.
            include_sort_vector: a boolean to request query vector used in this search.
                If set to True (and if the invocation is a vector search), calling
                the `get_sort_vector` method on the returned cursor will yield
                the vector used for the ANN search.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the order
                the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting, as well as
                the one about upper bounds, for details.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for each single one
                of the underlying HTTP requests used to fetch documents as the
                cursor is iterated over.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a Cursor object representing iterations over the matching documents
            (see the Cursor object for how to use it. The simplest thing is to
            run a for loop: `for document in collection.sort(...):`).

            >>> filter = {"seq": {"$exists": True}}
            >>> for doc in my_coll.find(filter, projection={"seq": True}, limit=5):
            ...     print(doc["seq"])
            >>> cursor1 = my_coll.find(
            ...     {},
            ...     limit=4,
            ...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
            ... )
            >>> [doc["_id"] for doc in cursor1]
            ['97e85f81-...', '1581efe4-...', '...', '...']
            >>> cursor2 = my_coll.find({}, limit=3)
            >>> cursor2.distinct("seq")
            [37, 35, 10]

            >>> my_coll.insert_many([
            ...     {"tag": "A", "$vector": [4, 5]},
            ...     {"tag": "B", "$vector": [3, 4]},
            ...     {"tag": "C", "$vector": [3, 2]},
            ...     {"tag": "D", "$vector": [4, 1]},
            ...     {"tag": "E", "$vector": [2, 5]},
            ... ])
            >>> ann_tags = [
            ...     document["tag"]
            ...     for document in my_coll.find(
            ...         {},
            ...         sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
            ...         limit=3,
            ...     )
            ... ]
            >>> ann_tags
            ['A', 'B', 'C']
            >>> # (assuming the collection has metric VectorMetric.COSINE)

            >>> cursor = my_coll.find(
            ...     sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
            ...     limit=3,
            ...     include_sort_vector=True,
            ... )
            >>> cursor.get_sort_vector()
            [3.0, 3.0]
            >>> matches = list(cursor)
            >>> cursor.get_sort_vector()
            [3.0, 3.0]

            The following are example values for the `sort` parameter.
            When no particular order is required:
                sort={}  # (default when parameter not provided)
            When sorting by a certain value in ascending/descending order:
                sort={"field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING}
                sort={"field": SortDocuments.DESCENDING}
            When sorting first by "field" and then by "subfield"
            (while modern Python versions preserve the order of dictionaries,
            it is suggested for clarity to employ a `collections.OrderedDict`
            in these cases):
                    "field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING,
                    "subfield": SortDocuments.ASCENDING,
            When running a vector similarity (ANN) search:
                sort={"$vector": [0.4, 0.15, -0.5]}

            Some combinations of arguments impose an implicit upper bound on the
            number of documents that are returned by the Data API. More specifically:
            (a) Vector ANN searches cannot return more than a number of documents
            that at the time of writing is set to 1000 items.
            (b) When using a sort criterion of the ascending/descending type,
            the Data API will return a smaller number of documents, set to 20
            at the time of writing, and stop there. The returned documents are
            the top results across the whole collection according to the requested
            These provisions should be kept in mind even when subsequently running
            a command such as `.distinct()` on a cursor.

            When not specifying sorting criteria at all (by vector or otherwise),
            the cursor can scroll through an arbitrary number of documents as
            the Data API and the client periodically exchange new chunks of documents.
            It should be noted that the behavior of the cursor in the case documents
            have been added/removed after the `find` was started depends on database
            internals and it is not guaranteed, nor excluded, that such "real-time"
            changes in the data would be picked up by the cursor.

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        if include_similarity is not None and not _is_vector_sort(_sort):
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot use `include_similarity` when not searching through `vector`."
        return (

    def find_one(
        filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Run a search, returning the first document in the collection that matches
        provided filters, if any is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), extracting the most
                similar document in the collection matching the filter.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            include_similarity: a boolean to request the numeric value of the
                similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in the
                returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e.
                when either `vector` is supplied or the `sort` parameter has the
                shape {"$vector": ...}.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the order
                the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting for details.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a dictionary expressing the required document, otherwise None.

            >>> my_coll.find_one({})
            {'_id': '68d1e515-...', 'seq': 37}
            >>> my_coll.find_one({"seq": 10})
            {'_id': 'd560e217-...', 'seq': 10}
            >>> my_coll.find_one({"seq": 1011})
            >>> # (returns None for no matches)
            >>> my_coll.find_one({}, projection={"seq": False})
            {'_id': '68d1e515-...'}
            >>> my_coll.find_one(
            ...     {},
            ...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
            ... )
            {'_id': '97e85f81-...', 'seq': 69}
            >>> my_coll.find_one({}, sort={"$vector": [1, 0]}, projection={"*": True})
            {'_id': '...', 'tag': 'D', '$vector': [4.0, 1.0]}

            See the `find` method for more details on the accepted parameters
            (whereas `skip` and `limit` are not valid parameters for `find_one`).

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        fo_cursor = self.find(
            document = fo_cursor.__next__()
            return document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def distinct(
        key: str,
        filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> List[Any]:
        Return a list of the unique values of `key` across the documents
        in the collection that match the provided filter.

            key: the name of the field whose value is inspected across documents.
                Keys can use dot-notation to descend to deeper document levels.
                Example of acceptable `key` values:
                If lists are encountered and no numeric index is specified,
                all items in the list are visited.
            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, with the same meaning as for `find`.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a list of all different values for `key` found across the documents
            that match the filter. The result list has no repeated items.

            >>> my_coll.insert_many(
            ...     [
            ...         {"name": "Marco", "food": ["apple", "orange"], "city": "Helsinki"},
            ...         {"name": "Emma", "food": {"likes_fruit": True, "allergies": []}},
            ...     ]
            ... )
            InsertManyResult(raw_results=..., inserted_ids=['c5b99f37-...', 'd6416321-...'])
            >>> my_coll.distinct("name")
            ['Marco', 'Emma']
            >>> my_coll.distinct("city")
            >>> my_coll.distinct("food")
            ['apple', 'orange', {'likes_fruit': True, 'allergies': []}]
            >>> my_coll.distinct("food.1")
            >>> my_coll.distinct("food.allergies")
            >>> my_coll.distinct("food.likes_fruit")

            It must be kept in mind that `distinct` is a client-side operation,
            which effectively browses all required documents using the logic
            of the `find` method and collects the unique values found for `key`.
            As such, there may be performance, latency and ultimately
            billing implications if the amount of matching documents is large.

            For details on the behaviour of "distinct" in conjunction with
            real-time changes in the collection contents, see the
            Note of the `find` command.

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        f_cursor = Cursor(
            projection={key: True},
        return f_cursor.distinct(key)  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

    def count_documents(
        filter: FilterType,
        upper_bound: int,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> int:
        Count the documents in the collection matching the specified filter.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            upper_bound: a required ceiling on the result of the count operation.
                If the actual number of documents exceeds this value,
                an exception will be raised.
                Furthermore, if the actual number of documents exceeds the maximum
                count that the Data API can reach (regardless of upper_bound),
                an exception will be raised.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            the exact count of matching documents.

            >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": i} for i in range(20)])
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({"seq":{"$gt": 15}}, upper_bound=100)
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
                ... ...

            Count operations are expensive: for this reason, the best practice
            is to provide a reasonable `upper_bound` according to the caller
            expectations. Moreover, indiscriminate usage of count operations
            for sizeable amounts of documents (i.e. in the thousands and more)
            is discouraged in favor of alternative application-specific solutions.
            Keep in mind that the Data API has a hard upper limit on the amount
            of documents it will count, and that an exception will be thrown
            by this method if this limit is encountered.

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling count_documents")
        cd_response = self._astra_db_collection.count_documents(
        )"finished calling count_documents")
        if "count" in cd_response.get("status", {}):
            count: int = cd_response["status"]["count"]
            if cd_response["status"].get("moreData", False):
                raise TooManyDocumentsToCountException(
                    text=f"Document count exceeds {count}, the maximum allowed by the server",
                if count > upper_bound:
                    raise TooManyDocumentsToCountException(
                        text="Document count exceeds required upper bound",
                    return count
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from count_documents API command.",

    def estimated_document_count(
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> int:
        Query the API server for an estimate of the document count in the collection.

        Contrary to `count_documents`, this method has no filtering parameters.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a server-provided estimate count of the documents in the collection.

            >>> my_coll.estimated_document_count()
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        ed_response = self.command(
            {"estimatedDocumentCount": {}},
        if "count" in ed_response.get("status", {}):
            count: int = ed_response["status"]["count"]
            return count
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from estimated_document_count API command.",

    def find_one_and_replace(
        filter: FilterType,
        replacement: DocumentType,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        return_document: str = ReturnDocument.BEFORE,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Find a document on the collection and replace it entirely with a new one,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            replacement: the new document to write into the collection.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, `replacement` is inserted as a new document
                if no matches are found on the collection. If False,
                the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
            return_document: a flag controlling what document is returned:
                if set to `ReturnDocument.BEFORE`, or the string "before",
                the document found on database is returned; if set to
                `ReturnDocument.AFTER`, or the string "after", the new
                document is returned. The default is "before".
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            A document (or a projection thereof, as required), either the one
            before the replace operation or the one after that.
            Alternatively, the method returns None to represent
            that no matching document was found, or that no replacement
            was inserted (depending on the `return_document` parameter).

            >>> my_coll.insert_one({"_id": "rule1", "text": "all animals are equal"})
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
            ...     {"_id": "rule1"},
            ...     {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
            ... )
            {'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'all animals are equal'}
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
            ...     {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
            ...     {"text": "and the pigs are the rulers"},
            ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ... )
            {'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'and the pigs are the rulers'}
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
            ...     {"_id": "rule2"},
            ...     {"text": "F=ma^2"},
            ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ... )
            >>> # (returns None for no matches)
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
            ...     {"_id": "rule2"},
            ...     {"text": "F=ma"},
            ...     upsert=True,
            ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ...     projection={"_id": False},
            ... )
            {'text': 'F=ma'}

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "returnDocument": return_document,
            "upsert": upsert,
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_replace(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            ret_document = fo_response.get("data", {}).get("document")
            if ret_document is None:
                return None
                return ret_document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_replace API command.",

    def replace_one(
        filter: FilterType,
        replacement: DocumentType,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> UpdateResult:
        Replace a single document on the collection with a new one,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            replacement: the new document to write into the collection.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, `replacement` is inserted as a new document
                if no matches are found on the collection. If False,
                the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the replace operation.

            >>> my_coll.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
            >>> my_coll.replace_one({"Marco": {"$exists": True}}, {"Buda": "Pest"})
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1})
            >>> my_coll.find_one({"Buda": "Pest"})
            {'_id': '8424905a-...', 'Buda': 'Pest'}
            >>> my_coll.replace_one({"Mirco": {"$exists": True}}, {"Oh": "yeah?"})
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
            >>> my_coll.replace_one({"Mirco": {"$exists": True}}, {"Oh": "yeah?"}, upsert=True)
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '931b47d6-...'})

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "upsert": upsert,
        }"calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_replace(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            fo_status = fo_response.get("status") or {}
            _update_info = _prepare_update_info([fo_status])
            return UpdateResult(
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_replace API command.",

    def find_one_and_update(
        filter: FilterType,
        update: Dict[str, Any],
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        return_document: str = ReturnDocument.BEFORE,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Find a document on the collection and update it as requested,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            update: the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed
                as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                    {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                    {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                    {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
                See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, a new document (resulting from applying the `update`
                to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
                the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
                in case of no matches.
            return_document: a flag controlling what document is returned:
                if set to `ReturnDocument.BEFORE`, or the string "before",
                the document found on database is returned; if set to
                `ReturnDocument.AFTER`, or the string "after", the new
                document is returned. The default is "before".
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            A document (or a projection thereof, as required), either the one
            before the replace operation or the one after that.
            Alternatively, the method returns None to represent
            that no matching document was found, or that no update
            was applied (depending on the `return_document` parameter).

            >>> my_coll.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
            ...     {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
            ...     {"$set": {"title": "Mr."}},
            ... )
            {'_id': 'a80106f2-...', 'Marco': 'Polo'}
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
            ...     {"title": "Mr."},
            ...     {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
            ...     projection=["title", "rank"],
            ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ... )
            {'_id': 'a80106f2-...', 'title': 'Mr.', 'rank': 3}
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
            ...     {"name": "Johnny"},
            ...     {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
            ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ... )
            >>> # (returns None for no matches)
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
            ...     {"name": "Johnny"},
            ...     {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
            ...     upsert=True,
            ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
            ... )
            {'_id': 'cb4ef2ab-...', 'name': 'Johnny', 'rank': 0}

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "returnDocument": return_document,
            "upsert": upsert,
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_update(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            ret_document = fo_response.get("data", {}).get("document")
            if ret_document is None:
                return None
                return ret_document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_update API command.",

    def update_one(
        filter: FilterType,
        update: Dict[str, Any],
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        upsert: bool = False,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> UpdateResult:
        Update a single document on the collection as requested,
        optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            update: the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed
                as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                    {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                    {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                    {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
                See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
                Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
                or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, a new document (resulting from applying the `update`
                to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
                the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
                in case of no matches.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.

            >>> my_coll.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
            >>> my_coll.update_one({"Marco": {"$exists": True}}, {"$inc": {"rank": 3}})
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1})
            >>> my_coll.update_one({"Mirko": {"$exists": True}}, {"$inc": {"rank": 3}})
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
            >>> my_coll.update_one({"Mirko": {"$exists": True}}, {"$inc": {"rank": 3}}, upsert=True)
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '2a45ff60-...'})

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        options = {
            "upsert": upsert,
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_update(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            fo_status = fo_response.get("status") or {}
            _update_info = _prepare_update_info([fo_status])
            return UpdateResult(
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_update API command.",

    def update_many(
        filter: FilterType,
        update: Dict[str, Any],
        upsert: bool = False,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> UpdateResult:
        Apply an update operations to all documents matching a condition,
        optionally inserting one documents in absence of matches.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            update: the update prescription to apply to the documents, expressed
                as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                    {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                    {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                    {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
                See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
            upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
                If True, a single new document (resulting from applying `update`
                to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
                the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
                in case of no matches.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                if a large number of document updates is anticipated, it is suggested
                to specify a larger timeout than in most other operations as the
                update will span several HTTP calls to the API in sequence.

            an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.

            >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"c": "red"}, {"c": "green"}, {"c": "blue"}])
            >>> my_coll.update_many({"c": {"$ne": "green"}}, {"$set": {"nongreen": True}})
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 2, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 2})
            >>> my_coll.update_many({"c": "orange"}, {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}})
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
            >>> my_coll.update_many(
            ...     {"c": "orange"},
            ...     {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}},
            ...     upsert=True,
            ... )
            UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '46643050-...'})

            Similarly to the case of `find` (see its docstring for more details),
            running this command while, at the same time, another process is
            inserting new documents which match the filter of the `update_many`
            can result in an unpredictable fraction of these documents being updated.
            In other words, it cannot be easily predicted whether a given
            newly-inserted document will be picked up by the update_many command or not.

        api_options = {
            "upsert": upsert,
        page_state_options: Dict[str, str] = {}
        um_responses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        um_statuses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        must_proceed = True
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"starting update_many on '{}'")
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
        while must_proceed:
            options = {**api_options, **page_state_options}
  "calling update_many on '{}'")
            this_um_response = self._astra_db_collection.update_many(
  "finished calling update_many on '{}'")
            this_um_status = this_um_response.get("status") or {}
            # if errors, quit early
            if this_um_response.get("errors", []):
                partial_update_info = _prepare_update_info(um_statuses)
                partial_result = UpdateResult(
                all_um_responses = um_responses + [this_um_response]
                raise UpdateManyException.from_responses(
                    commands=[None for _ in all_um_responses],
                if "status" not in this_um_response:
                    raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                        text="Faulty response from update_many API command.",
                next_page_state = this_um_status.get("nextPageState")
                if next_page_state is not None:
                    must_proceed = True
                    page_state_options = {"pageState": next_page_state}
                    must_proceed = False
                    page_state_options = {}

        update_info = _prepare_update_info(um_statuses)"finished update_many on '{}'")
        return UpdateResult(

    def find_one_and_delete(
        filter: FilterType,
        projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
        Find a document in the collection and delete it. The deleted document,
        however, is the return value of the method.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
                It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
                or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
                (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
                associated to both True or False independently of the rest
                of the specification).
                The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
                have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
                For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
                portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
                `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
                `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
                An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
                The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
                necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
                See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                This parameter cannot be used together with `sort`.
                See the `find` method for more details on this parameter.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to `vector`,
                provided such a service is configured for the collection,
                and achieves the same effect.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                deleted one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            Either the document (or a projection thereof, as requested), or None
            if no matches were found in the first place.

            >>> my_coll.insert_many(
            ...     [
            ...         {"species": "swan", "class": "Aves"},
            ...         {"species": "frog", "class": "Amphibia"},
            ...     ],
            ... )
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_delete(
            ...     {"species": {"$ne": "frog"}},
            ...     projection=["species"],
            ... )
            {'_id': '5997fb48-...', 'species': 'swan'}
            >>> my_coll.find_one_and_delete({"species": {"$ne": "frog"}})
            >>> # (returns None for no matches)

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        _projection = normalize_optional_projection(projection)"calling find_one_and_delete on '{}'")
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_delete(
        )"finished calling find_one_and_delete on '{}'")
        if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
            document = fo_response["data"]["document"]
            return document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            deleted_count = fo_response.get("status", {}).get("deletedCount")
            if deleted_count == 0:
                return None
                raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                    text="Faulty response from find_one_and_delete API command.",

    def delete_one(
        filter: FilterType,
        vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
        vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
        sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> DeleteResult:
        Delete one document matching a provided filter.
        This method never deletes more than a single document, regardless
        of the number of matches to the provided filters.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
                dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
                or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
                In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
                that is most similar to the provided vector.
                This parameter cannot be used together with `sort`.
                See the `find` method for more details on this parameter.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
                This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to `vector`,
                provided such a service is configured for the collection,
                and achieves the same effect.
                *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
                sort clause dict instead.
            sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
                order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
                determining what document will come first and hence be the
                deleted one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.

            >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
            >>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 1})
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
            >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
            [0, 2]
            >>> my_coll.delete_one(
            ...     {"seq": {"$exists": True}},
            ...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
            ... )
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
            >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
            >>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 2})
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=0)

            vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
        _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling delete_one_by_predicate on '{}'")
        do_response = self._astra_db_collection.delete_one_by_predicate(
            filter=filter, timeout_info=base_timeout_info(_max_time_ms), sort=_sort
        )"finished calling delete_one_by_predicate on '{}'")
        if "deletedCount" in do_response.get("status", {}):
            deleted_count = do_response["status"]["deletedCount"]
            if deleted_count == -1:
                return DeleteResult(
                # expected a non-negative integer:
                return DeleteResult(
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from delete_one API command.",

    def delete_many(
        filter: FilterType,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> DeleteResult:
        Delete all documents matching a provided filter.

            filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
                Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                    {"name": "John"}
                    {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                    {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
                See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
                Passing an empty filter, `{}`, completely erases all contents
                of the collection.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                keep in mind that this method entails successive HTTP requests
                to the API, depending on how many documents are to be deleted.
                For this reason, in most cases it is suggested to relax the
                timeout compared to other method calls.

            a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.

            >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
            >>> my_coll.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=2)
            >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
            >>> my_coll.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
            DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=0)

            This operation is in general not atomic. Depending on the amount
            of matching documents, it can keep running (in a blocking way)
            for a macroscopic time. In that case, new documents that are
            meanwhile inserted (e.g. from another process/application) will be
            deleted during the execution of this method call until the
            collection is devoid of matches.
            An exception is the `filter={}` case, whereby the operation is atomic.
        dm_responses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        deleted_count = 0
        must_proceed = True
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)"starting delete_many on '{}'")
        while must_proceed:
  "calling delete_many on '{}'")
            this_dm_response = self._astra_db_collection.delete_many(
  "finished calling delete_many on '{}'")
            # if errors, quit early
            if this_dm_response.get("errors", []):
                partial_result = DeleteResult(
                all_dm_responses = dm_responses + [this_dm_response]
                raise DeleteManyException.from_responses(
                    commands=[None for _ in all_dm_responses],
                this_dc = this_dm_response.get("status", {}).get("deletedCount")
                if this_dc is None:
                    raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                        text="Faulty response from delete_many API command.",
                deleted_count += this_dc
                must_proceed = this_dm_response.get("status", {}).get("moreData", False)"finished delete_many on '{}'")
        return DeleteResult(

    @deprecation.deprecated(  # type: ignore[misc]
        details="Use delete_many with filter={} instead.",
    def delete_all(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Delete all documents in a collection.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.

            >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
            [2, 1, 0]
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            >>> my_coll.delete_all()
            {'ok': 1}
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)

            Use with caution.
        dm_result = self.delete_many(filter={}, max_time_ms=max_time_ms)
        if dm_result.deleted_count == -1:
            return {"ok": 1}
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Unexpected response from collection.delete_many({}).",

    def bulk_write(
        requests: Iterable[BaseOperation],
        ordered: bool = False,
        concurrency: Optional[int] = None,
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> BulkWriteResult:
        Execute an arbitrary amount of operations such as inserts, updates, deletes
        either sequentially or concurrently.

        This method does not execute atomically, i.e. individual operations are
        each performed in the same way as the corresponding collection method,
        and each one is a different and unrelated database mutation.

            requests: an iterable over concrete subclasses of `BaseOperation`,
                such as `InsertMany` or `ReplaceOne`. Each such object
                represents an operation ready to be executed on a collection,
                and is instantiated by passing the same parameters as one
                would the corresponding collection method.
            ordered: whether to launch the `requests` one after the other or
                in arbitrary order, possibly in a concurrent fashion. For
                performance reasons, False (default) should be preferred
                when compatible with the needs of the application flow.
            concurrency: maximum number of concurrent operations executing at
                a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered bulk writes.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the whole bulk write.
                Remember that, if the method call times out, then there's no
                guarantee about what portion of the bulk write has been received
                and successfully executed by the Data API.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
                in most cases, however, one should pass a relaxed timeout
                if longer sequences of operations are to be executed in bulk.

            A single BulkWriteResult summarizing the whole list of requested
            operations. The keys in the map attributes of BulkWriteResult
            (when present) are the integer indices of the corresponding operation
            in the `requests` iterable.

            >>> from astrapy.operations import InsertMany, ReplaceOne
            >>> op1 = InsertMany([{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}])
            >>> op2 = ReplaceOne({"z": 9}, replacement={"z": 9, "replaced": True}, upsert=True)
            >>> my_coll.bulk_write([op1, op2])
            BulkWriteResult(bulk_api_results={0: ..., 1: ...}, deleted_count=0, inserted_count=3, matched_count=0, modified_count=0, upserted_count=1, upserted_ids={1: '2addd676-...'})
            >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
            >>> my_coll.distinct("replaced")

        # lazy importing here against circular-import error
        from astrapy.operations import reduce_bulk_write_results

        if concurrency is None:
            if ordered:
                _concurrency = 1
                _concurrency = DEFAULT_BULK_WRITE_CONCURRENCY
            _concurrency = concurrency
        if _concurrency > 1 and ordered:
            raise ValueError("Cannot run ordered bulk_write concurrently.")
        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"startng a bulk write on '{}'")
        timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
        if ordered:
            bulk_write_results: List[BulkWriteResult] = []
            for operation_i, operation in enumerate(requests):
                    this_bw_result = operation.execute(
                except CumulativeOperationException as exc:
                    partial_result = exc.partial_result
                    partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(
                        + [
                    dar_exception = exc.data_api_response_exception()
                    raise BulkWriteException(
                except DataAPIResponseException as exc:
                    # the cumulative exceptions, with their
                    # partially-done-info, are handled above:
                    # here it's just one-shot d.a.r. exceptions
                    partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_results)
                    dar_exception = exc.data_api_response_exception()
                    raise BulkWriteException(
            full_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_results)
  "finished a bulk write on '{}'")
            return full_bw_result

            def _execute_as_either(
                operation: BaseOperation, operation_i: int
            ) -> Tuple[Optional[BulkWriteResult], Optional[DataAPIResponseException]]:
                    ex_result = operation.execute(
                    return (ex_result, None)
                except DataAPIResponseException as exc:
                    return (None, exc)

            with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=_concurrency) as executor:
                bulk_write_either_futures = [
                    for operation_i, operation in enumerate(requests)
                bulk_write_either_results = [
                    for bulk_write_either_future in bulk_write_either_futures
                # regroup
                bulk_write_successes = [
                    bwr for bwr, _ in bulk_write_either_results if bwr
                bulk_write_failures = [
                    bwf for _, bwf in bulk_write_either_results if bwf
                if bulk_write_failures:
                    # extract and cumulate
                    partial_results_from_failures = [
                        for failure in bulk_write_failures
                        if isinstance(failure, CumulativeOperationException)
                    partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(
                        bulk_write_successes + partial_results_from_failures
                    # raise and recast the first exception
                    all_dar_exceptions = [
                        for bw_failure in bulk_write_failures
                    dar_exception = all_dar_exceptions[0]
                    raise BulkWriteException(
          "finished a bulk write on '{}'")
                    return reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_successes)

    def drop(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Drop the collection, i.e. delete it from the database along with
        all the documents it contains.

            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.
                Remember there is not guarantee that a request that has
                timed out us not in fact honored.

            a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.

            >>> my_coll.find_one({})
            {'_id': '...', 'a': 100}
            >>> my_coll.drop()
            {'ok': 1}
            >>> my_coll.find_one({})
            Traceback (most recent call last):
                ... ...
            astrapy.exceptions.DataAPIResponseException: Collection does not exist, collection name: my_collection

            Use with caution.

            Once the method succeeds, methods on this object can still be invoked:
            however, this hardly makes sense as the underlying actual collection
            is no more.
            It is responsibility of the developer to design a correct flow
            which avoids using a deceased collection any further.

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"dropping collection '{}' (self)")
        drop_result = self.database.drop_collection(self, max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)"finished dropping collection '{}' (self)")
        return drop_result  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

    def command(
        body: Dict[str, Any],
        max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Send a POST request to the Data API for this collection with
        an arbitrary, caller-provided payload.

            body: a JSON-serializable dictionary, the payload of the request.
            max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
                If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

            a dictionary with the response of the HTTP request.

            >>> my_coll.command({"countDocuments": {}})
            {'status': {'count': 123}}

        _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling command on '{}'")
        command_result = self.database.command(
        )"finished calling command on '{}'")
        return command_result  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

Instance variables

var databaseDatabase

a Database object, the database this collection belongs to.


Expand source code
def database(self) -> Database:
    a Database object, the database this collection belongs to.


    return self._database
var full_name : str

The fully-qualified collection name within the database, in the form "namespace.collection_name".


>>> my_coll.full_name
Expand source code
def full_name(self) -> str:
    The fully-qualified collection name within the database,
    in the form "namespace.collection_name".

        >>> my_coll.full_name

    return f"{self.namespace}.{}"
var name : str

The name of this collection.


Expand source code
def name(self) -> str:
    The name of this collection.


    # type hint added as for some reason the typechecker gets lost
    return self._astra_db_collection.collection_name  # type: ignore[no-any-return, has-type]
var namespace : str

The namespace this collection is in.


>>> my_coll.namespace
Expand source code
def namespace(self) -> str:
    The namespace this collection is in.

        >>> my_coll.namespace

    _namespace = self.database.namespace
    if _namespace is None:
        raise ValueError("The collection's DB is set with namespace=None")
    return _namespace


def bulk_write(self, requests: Iterable[BaseOperation], *, ordered: bool = False, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> BulkWriteResult

Execute an arbitrary amount of operations such as inserts, updates, deletes either sequentially or concurrently.

This method does not execute atomically, i.e. individual operations are each performed in the same way as the corresponding collection method, and each one is a different and unrelated database mutation.


an iterable over concrete subclasses of BaseOperation, such as InsertMany or ReplaceOne. Each such object represents an operation ready to be executed on a collection, and is instantiated by passing the same parameters as one would the corresponding collection method.
whether to launch the requests one after the other or in arbitrary order, possibly in a concurrent fashion. For performance reasons, False (default) should be preferred when compatible with the needs of the application flow.
maximum number of concurrent operations executing at a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered bulk writes.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the whole bulk write. Remember that, if the method call times out, then there's no guarantee about what portion of the bulk write has been received and successfully executed by the Data API. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead: in most cases, however, one should pass a relaxed timeout if longer sequences of operations are to be executed in bulk.


A single BulkWriteResult summarizing the whole list of requested operations. The keys in the map attributes of BulkWriteResult (when present) are the integer indices of the corresponding operation in the requests iterable.


>>> from astrapy.operations import InsertMany, ReplaceOne
>>> op1 = InsertMany([{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}])
>>> op2 = ReplaceOne({"z": 9}, replacement={"z": 9, "replaced": True}, upsert=True)
>>> my_coll.bulk_write([op1, op2])
BulkWriteResult(bulk_api_results={0: ..., 1: ...}, deleted_count=0, inserted_count=3, matched_count=0, modified_count=0, upserted_count=1, upserted_ids={1: '2addd676-...'})
>>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
>>> my_coll.distinct("replaced")
Expand source code
def bulk_write(
    requests: Iterable[BaseOperation],
    ordered: bool = False,
    concurrency: Optional[int] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> BulkWriteResult:
    Execute an arbitrary amount of operations such as inserts, updates, deletes
    either sequentially or concurrently.

    This method does not execute atomically, i.e. individual operations are
    each performed in the same way as the corresponding collection method,
    and each one is a different and unrelated database mutation.

        requests: an iterable over concrete subclasses of `BaseOperation`,
            such as `InsertMany` or `ReplaceOne`. Each such object
            represents an operation ready to be executed on a collection,
            and is instantiated by passing the same parameters as one
            would the corresponding collection method.
        ordered: whether to launch the `requests` one after the other or
            in arbitrary order, possibly in a concurrent fashion. For
            performance reasons, False (default) should be preferred
            when compatible with the needs of the application flow.
        concurrency: maximum number of concurrent operations executing at
            a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered bulk writes.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the whole bulk write.
            Remember that, if the method call times out, then there's no
            guarantee about what portion of the bulk write has been received
            and successfully executed by the Data API.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
            in most cases, however, one should pass a relaxed timeout
            if longer sequences of operations are to be executed in bulk.

        A single BulkWriteResult summarizing the whole list of requested
        operations. The keys in the map attributes of BulkWriteResult
        (when present) are the integer indices of the corresponding operation
        in the `requests` iterable.

        >>> from astrapy.operations import InsertMany, ReplaceOne
        >>> op1 = InsertMany([{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}])
        >>> op2 = ReplaceOne({"z": 9}, replacement={"z": 9, "replaced": True}, upsert=True)
        >>> my_coll.bulk_write([op1, op2])
        BulkWriteResult(bulk_api_results={0: ..., 1: ...}, deleted_count=0, inserted_count=3, matched_count=0, modified_count=0, upserted_count=1, upserted_ids={1: '2addd676-...'})
        >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
        >>> my_coll.distinct("replaced")

    # lazy importing here against circular-import error
    from astrapy.operations import reduce_bulk_write_results

    if concurrency is None:
        if ordered:
            _concurrency = 1
            _concurrency = DEFAULT_BULK_WRITE_CONCURRENCY
        _concurrency = concurrency
    if _concurrency > 1 and ordered:
        raise ValueError("Cannot run ordered bulk_write concurrently.")
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"startng a bulk write on '{}'")
    timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
    if ordered:
        bulk_write_results: List[BulkWriteResult] = []
        for operation_i, operation in enumerate(requests):
                this_bw_result = operation.execute(
            except CumulativeOperationException as exc:
                partial_result = exc.partial_result
                partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(
                    + [
                dar_exception = exc.data_api_response_exception()
                raise BulkWriteException(
            except DataAPIResponseException as exc:
                # the cumulative exceptions, with their
                # partially-done-info, are handled above:
                # here it's just one-shot d.a.r. exceptions
                partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_results)
                dar_exception = exc.data_api_response_exception()
                raise BulkWriteException(
        full_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_results)"finished a bulk write on '{}'")
        return full_bw_result

        def _execute_as_either(
            operation: BaseOperation, operation_i: int
        ) -> Tuple[Optional[BulkWriteResult], Optional[DataAPIResponseException]]:
                ex_result = operation.execute(
                return (ex_result, None)
            except DataAPIResponseException as exc:
                return (None, exc)

        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=_concurrency) as executor:
            bulk_write_either_futures = [
                for operation_i, operation in enumerate(requests)
            bulk_write_either_results = [
                for bulk_write_either_future in bulk_write_either_futures
            # regroup
            bulk_write_successes = [
                bwr for bwr, _ in bulk_write_either_results if bwr
            bulk_write_failures = [
                bwf for _, bwf in bulk_write_either_results if bwf
            if bulk_write_failures:
                # extract and cumulate
                partial_results_from_failures = [
                    for failure in bulk_write_failures
                    if isinstance(failure, CumulativeOperationException)
                partial_bw_result = reduce_bulk_write_results(
                    bulk_write_successes + partial_results_from_failures
                # raise and recast the first exception
                all_dar_exceptions = [
                    for bw_failure in bulk_write_failures
                dar_exception = all_dar_exceptions[0]
                raise BulkWriteException(
      "finished a bulk write on '{}'")
                return reduce_bulk_write_results(bulk_write_successes)
def command(self, body: Dict[str, Any], *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Dict[str, Any]

Send a POST request to the Data API for this collection with an arbitrary, caller-provided payload.


a JSON-serializable dictionary, the payload of the request.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a dictionary with the response of the HTTP request.


>>> my_coll.command({"countDocuments": {}})
{'status': {'count': 123}}
Expand source code
def command(
    body: Dict[str, Any],
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Send a POST request to the Data API for this collection with
    an arbitrary, caller-provided payload.

        body: a JSON-serializable dictionary, the payload of the request.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a dictionary with the response of the HTTP request.

        >>> my_coll.command({"countDocuments": {}})
        {'status': {'count': 123}}

    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling command on '{}'")
    command_result = self.database.command(
    )"finished calling command on '{}'")
    return command_result  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
def count_documents(self, filter: FilterType, *, upper_bound: int, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> int

Count the documents in the collection matching the specified filter.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
a required ceiling on the result of the count operation. If the actual number of documents exceeds this value, an exception will be raised. Furthermore, if the actual number of documents exceeds the maximum count that the Data API can reach (regardless of upper_bound), an exception will be raised.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


the exact count of matching documents.


>>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": i} for i in range(20)])
>>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
>>> my_coll.count_documents({"seq":{"$gt": 15}}, upper_bound=100)
>>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
    ... ...


Count operations are expensive: for this reason, the best practice is to provide a reasonable upper_bound according to the caller expectations. Moreover, indiscriminate usage of count operations for sizeable amounts of documents (i.e. in the thousands and more) is discouraged in favor of alternative application-specific solutions. Keep in mind that the Data API has a hard upper limit on the amount of documents it will count, and that an exception will be thrown by this method if this limit is encountered.

Expand source code
def count_documents(
    filter: FilterType,
    upper_bound: int,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> int:
    Count the documents in the collection matching the specified filter.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        upper_bound: a required ceiling on the result of the count operation.
            If the actual number of documents exceeds this value,
            an exception will be raised.
            Furthermore, if the actual number of documents exceeds the maximum
            count that the Data API can reach (regardless of upper_bound),
            an exception will be raised.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        the exact count of matching documents.

        >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": i} for i in range(20)])
        >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
        >>> my_coll.count_documents({"seq":{"$gt": 15}}, upper_bound=100)
        >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
            ... ...

        Count operations are expensive: for this reason, the best practice
        is to provide a reasonable `upper_bound` according to the caller
        expectations. Moreover, indiscriminate usage of count operations
        for sizeable amounts of documents (i.e. in the thousands and more)
        is discouraged in favor of alternative application-specific solutions.
        Keep in mind that the Data API has a hard upper limit on the amount
        of documents it will count, and that an exception will be thrown
        by this method if this limit is encountered.

    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling count_documents")
    cd_response = self._astra_db_collection.count_documents(
    )"finished calling count_documents")
    if "count" in cd_response.get("status", {}):
        count: int = cd_response["status"]["count"]
        if cd_response["status"].get("moreData", False):
            raise TooManyDocumentsToCountException(
                text=f"Document count exceeds {count}, the maximum allowed by the server",
            if count > upper_bound:
                raise TooManyDocumentsToCountException(
                    text="Document count exceeds required upper bound",
                return count
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from count_documents API command.",
def delete_all(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Dict[str, Any]

Delete all documents in a collection.


a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.


>>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
[2, 1, 0]
>>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
>>> my_coll.delete_all()
{'ok': 1}
>>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)


Use with caution.

Deprecated since version: 1.3.0

This will be removed in 2.0.0. Use delete_many with filter={} instead.

Expand source code
@deprecation.deprecated(  # type: ignore[misc]
    details="Use delete_many with filter={} instead.",
def delete_all(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Delete all documents in a collection.

        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.

        >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
        [2, 1, 0]
        >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
        >>> my_coll.delete_all()
        {'ok': 1}
        >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)

        Use with caution.
    dm_result = self.delete_many(filter={}, max_time_ms=max_time_ms)
    if dm_result.deleted_count == -1:
        return {"ok": 1}
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Unexpected response from collection.delete_many({}).",
def delete_many(self, filter: FilterType, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> DeleteResult

Delete all documents matching a provided filter.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators. Passing an empty filter, {}, completely erases all contents of the collection.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead: keep in mind that this method entails successive HTTP requests to the API, depending on how many documents are to be deleted. For this reason, in most cases it is suggested to relax the timeout compared to other method calls.


a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.


>>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
>>> my_coll.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=2)
>>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
>>> my_coll.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=0)


This operation is in general not atomic. Depending on the amount of matching documents, it can keep running (in a blocking way) for a macroscopic time. In that case, new documents that are meanwhile inserted (e.g. from another process/application) will be deleted during the execution of this method call until the collection is devoid of matches. An exception is the filter={} case, whereby the operation is atomic.

Expand source code
def delete_many(
    filter: FilterType,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> DeleteResult:
    Delete all documents matching a provided filter.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
            Passing an empty filter, `{}`, completely erases all contents
            of the collection.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
            keep in mind that this method entails successive HTTP requests
            to the API, depending on how many documents are to be deleted.
            For this reason, in most cases it is suggested to relax the
            timeout compared to other method calls.

        a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.

        >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
        >>> my_coll.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
        DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=2)
        >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
        >>> my_coll.delete_many({"seq": {"$lte": 1}})
        DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=0)

        This operation is in general not atomic. Depending on the amount
        of matching documents, it can keep running (in a blocking way)
        for a macroscopic time. In that case, new documents that are
        meanwhile inserted (e.g. from another process/application) will be
        deleted during the execution of this method call until the
        collection is devoid of matches.
        An exception is the `filter={}` case, whereby the operation is atomic.
    dm_responses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
    deleted_count = 0
    must_proceed = True
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
    timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)"starting delete_many on '{}'")
    while must_proceed:"calling delete_many on '{}'")
        this_dm_response = self._astra_db_collection.delete_many(
        )"finished calling delete_many on '{}'")
        # if errors, quit early
        if this_dm_response.get("errors", []):
            partial_result = DeleteResult(
            all_dm_responses = dm_responses + [this_dm_response]
            raise DeleteManyException.from_responses(
                commands=[None for _ in all_dm_responses],
            this_dc = this_dm_response.get("status", {}).get("deletedCount")
            if this_dc is None:
                raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                    text="Faulty response from delete_many API command.",
            deleted_count += this_dc
            must_proceed = this_dm_response.get("status", {}).get("moreData", False)"finished delete_many on '{}'")
    return DeleteResult(
def delete_one(self, filter: FilterType, *, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> DeleteResult

Delete one document matching a provided filter. This method never deletes more than a single document, regardless of the number of matches to the provided filters.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion. In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one that is most similar to the provided vector. This parameter cannot be used together with sort. See the find method for more details on this parameter. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to vector, provided such a service is configured for the collection, and achieves the same effect. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting order of the documents matching the filter, effectively determining what document will come first and hence be the deleted one. See the find method for more on sorting.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.


>>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
>>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 1})
DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
>>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
[0, 2]
>>> my_coll.delete_one(
...     {"seq": {"$exists": True}},
...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
... )
DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
>>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
>>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 2})
DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=0)
Expand source code
def delete_one(
    filter: FilterType,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> DeleteResult:
    Delete one document matching a provided filter.
    This method never deletes more than a single document, regardless
    of the number of matches to the provided filters.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
            In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
            that is most similar to the provided vector.
            This parameter cannot be used together with `sort`.
            See the `find` method for more details on this parameter.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to `vector`,
            provided such a service is configured for the collection,
            and achieves the same effect.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
            order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
            determining what document will come first and hence be the
            deleted one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a DeleteResult object summarizing the outcome of the delete operation.

        >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"seq": 1}, {"seq": 0}, {"seq": 2}])
        >>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 1})
        DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
        >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
        [0, 2]
        >>> my_coll.delete_one(
        ...     {"seq": {"$exists": True}},
        ...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
        ... )
        DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=1)
        >>> my_coll.distinct("seq")
        >>> my_coll.delete_one({"seq": 2})
        DeleteResult(raw_results=..., deleted_count=0)

        vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
    _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling delete_one_by_predicate on '{}'")
    do_response = self._astra_db_collection.delete_one_by_predicate(
        filter=filter, timeout_info=base_timeout_info(_max_time_ms), sort=_sort
    )"finished calling delete_one_by_predicate on '{}'")
    if "deletedCount" in do_response.get("status", {}):
        deleted_count = do_response["status"]["deletedCount"]
        if deleted_count == -1:
            return DeleteResult(
            # expected a non-negative integer:
            return DeleteResult(
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from delete_one API command.",
def distinct(self, key: str, *, filter: Optional[FilterType] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> List[Any]

Return a list of the unique values of key across the documents in the collection that match the provided filter.


the name of the field whose value is inspected across documents. Keys can use dot-notation to descend to deeper document levels. Example of acceptable key values: "field" "field.subfield" "field.3" "field.3.subfield" If lists are encountered and no numeric index is specified, all items in the list are visited.
a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
a timeout, in milliseconds, with the same meaning as for find. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a list of all different values for key found across the documents that match the filter. The result list has no repeated items.


>>> my_coll.insert_many(
...     [
...         {"name": "Marco", "food": ["apple", "orange"], "city": "Helsinki"},
...         {"name": "Emma", "food": {"likes_fruit": True, "allergies": []}},
...     ]
... )
InsertManyResult(raw_results=..., inserted_ids=['c5b99f37-...', 'd6416321-...'])
>>> my_coll.distinct("name")
['Marco', 'Emma']
>>> my_coll.distinct("city")
>>> my_coll.distinct("food")
['apple', 'orange', {'likes_fruit': True, 'allergies': []}]
>>> my_coll.distinct("food.1")
>>> my_coll.distinct("food.allergies")
>>> my_coll.distinct("food.likes_fruit")


It must be kept in mind that distinct is a client-side operation, which effectively browses all required documents using the logic of the find method and collects the unique values found for key. As such, there may be performance, latency and ultimately billing implications if the amount of matching documents is large.


For details on the behaviour of "distinct" in conjunction with real-time changes in the collection contents, see the Note of the find command.

Expand source code
def distinct(
    key: str,
    filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> List[Any]:
    Return a list of the unique values of `key` across the documents
    in the collection that match the provided filter.

        key: the name of the field whose value is inspected across documents.
            Keys can use dot-notation to descend to deeper document levels.
            Example of acceptable `key` values:
            If lists are encountered and no numeric index is specified,
            all items in the list are visited.
        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, with the same meaning as for `find`.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a list of all different values for `key` found across the documents
        that match the filter. The result list has no repeated items.

        >>> my_coll.insert_many(
        ...     [
        ...         {"name": "Marco", "food": ["apple", "orange"], "city": "Helsinki"},
        ...         {"name": "Emma", "food": {"likes_fruit": True, "allergies": []}},
        ...     ]
        ... )
        InsertManyResult(raw_results=..., inserted_ids=['c5b99f37-...', 'd6416321-...'])
        >>> my_coll.distinct("name")
        ['Marco', 'Emma']
        >>> my_coll.distinct("city")
        >>> my_coll.distinct("food")
        ['apple', 'orange', {'likes_fruit': True, 'allergies': []}]
        >>> my_coll.distinct("food.1")
        >>> my_coll.distinct("food.allergies")
        >>> my_coll.distinct("food.likes_fruit")

        It must be kept in mind that `distinct` is a client-side operation,
        which effectively browses all required documents using the logic
        of the `find` method and collects the unique values found for `key`.
        As such, there may be performance, latency and ultimately
        billing implications if the amount of matching documents is large.

        For details on the behaviour of "distinct" in conjunction with
        real-time changes in the collection contents, see the
        Note of the `find` command.

    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
    f_cursor = Cursor(
        projection={key: True},
    return f_cursor.distinct(key)  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
def drop(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Dict[str, Any]

Drop the collection, i.e. delete it from the database along with all the documents it contains.


a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead. Remember there is not guarantee that a request that has timed out us not in fact honored.


a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.


>>> my_coll.find_one({})
{'_id': '...', 'a': 100}
>>> my_coll.drop()
{'ok': 1}
>>> my_coll.find_one({})
Traceback (most recent call last):
    ... ...
astrapy.exceptions.DataAPIResponseException: Collection does not exist, collection name: my_collection


Use with caution.


Once the method succeeds, methods on this object can still be invoked: however, this hardly makes sense as the underlying actual collection is no more. It is responsibility of the developer to design a correct flow which avoids using a deceased collection any further.

Expand source code
def drop(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Drop the collection, i.e. delete it from the database along with
    all the documents it contains.

        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.
            Remember there is not guarantee that a request that has
            timed out us not in fact honored.

        a dictionary of the form {"ok": 1} to signal successful deletion.

        >>> my_coll.find_one({})
        {'_id': '...', 'a': 100}
        >>> my_coll.drop()
        {'ok': 1}
        >>> my_coll.find_one({})
        Traceback (most recent call last):
            ... ...
        astrapy.exceptions.DataAPIResponseException: Collection does not exist, collection name: my_collection

        Use with caution.

        Once the method succeeds, methods on this object can still be invoked:
        however, this hardly makes sense as the underlying actual collection
        is no more.
        It is responsibility of the developer to design a correct flow
        which avoids using a deceased collection any further.

    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"dropping collection '{}' (self)")
    drop_result = self.database.drop_collection(self, max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)"finished dropping collection '{}' (self)")
    return drop_result  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
def estimated_document_count(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> int

Query the API server for an estimate of the document count in the collection.

Contrary to count_documents, this method has no filtering parameters.


a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a server-provided estimate count of the documents in the collection.


>>> my_coll.estimated_document_count()
Expand source code
def estimated_document_count(
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> int:
    Query the API server for an estimate of the document count in the collection.

    Contrary to `count_documents`, this method has no filtering parameters.

        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a server-provided estimate count of the documents in the collection.

        >>> my_coll.estimated_document_count()
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
    ed_response = self.command(
        {"estimatedDocumentCount": {}},
    if "count" in ed_response.get("status", {}):
        count: int = ed_response["status"]["count"]
        return count
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from estimated_document_count API command.",
def find(self, filter: Optional[FilterType] = None, *, projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None, skip: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None, include_sort_vector: Optional[bool] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Cursor

Find documents on the collection, matching a certain provided filter.

The method returns a Cursor that can then be iterated over. Depending on the method call pattern, the iteration over all documents can reflect collection mutations occurred since the find method was called, or not. In cases where the cursor reflects mutations in real-time, it will iterate over cursors in an approximate way (i.e. exhibiting occasional skipped or duplicate documents). This happens when making use of the sort option in a non-vector-search manner.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
it controls which parts of the document are returned. It can be an allow-list: {"f1": True, "f2": True}, or a deny-list: {"fx": False, "fy": False}, but not a mixture (except for the _id and other special fields, which can be associated to both True or False independently of the rest of the specification). The special star-projections {"*": True} and {"*": False} have the effect of returning the whole document and {} respectively. For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select portions of the list: for instance, {"array": {"$slice": 2}}, {"array": {"$slice": -2}}, {"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}} or {"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}. An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list. The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not necessarily include "special" fields such as $vector or $vectorize. See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
with this integer parameter, what would be the first skip documents returned by the query are discarded, and the results start from the (skip+1)-th document. This parameter can be used only in conjunction with an explicit sort criterion of the ascending/descending type (i.e. it cannot be used when not sorting, nor with vector-based ANN search).
this (integer) parameter sets a limit over how many documents are returned. Once limit is reached (or the cursor is exhausted for lack of matching documents), nothing more is returned.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search). When running similarity search on a collection, no other sorting criteria can be specified. Moreover, there is an upper bound to the number of documents that can be returned. For details, see the Note about upper bounds and the Data API documentation. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to vector, provided such a service is configured for the collection, and achieves the same effect. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
a boolean to request the numeric value of the similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in each returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e. when either vector is supplied or the sort parameter has the shape {"$vector": …}.
a boolean to request query vector used in this search. If set to True (and if the invocation is a vector search), calling the get_sort_vector method on the returned cursor will yield the vector used for the ANN search.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the order the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting, as well as the one about upper bounds, for details. Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector" or a "$vectorize" key in sort.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for each single one of the underlying HTTP requests used to fetch documents as the cursor is iterated over. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a Cursor object representing iterations over the matching documents
(see the Cursor object for how to use it. The simplest thing is to
run a for loop
for document in collection.sort(...):).


>>> filter = {"seq": {"$exists": True}}
>>> for doc in my_coll.find(filter, projection={"seq": True}, limit=5):
...     print(doc["seq"])
>>> cursor1 = my_coll.find(
...     {},
...     limit=4,
...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
... )
>>> [doc["_id"] for doc in cursor1]
['97e85f81-...', '1581efe4-...', '...', '...']
>>> cursor2 = my_coll.find({}, limit=3)
>>> cursor2.distinct("seq")
[37, 35, 10]
>>> my_coll.insert_many([
...     {"tag": "A", "$vector": [4, 5]},
...     {"tag": "B", "$vector": [3, 4]},
...     {"tag": "C", "$vector": [3, 2]},
...     {"tag": "D", "$vector": [4, 1]},
...     {"tag": "E", "$vector": [2, 5]},
... ])
>>> ann_tags = [
...     document["tag"]
...     for document in my_coll.find(
...         {},
...         sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
...         limit=3,
...     )
... ]
>>> ann_tags
['A', 'B', 'C']
>>> # (assuming the collection has metric VectorMetric.COSINE)
>>> cursor = my_coll.find(
...     sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
...     limit=3,
...     include_sort_vector=True,
... )
>>> cursor.get_sort_vector()
[3.0, 3.0]
>>> matches = list(cursor)
>>> cursor.get_sort_vector()
[3.0, 3.0]


The following are example values for the sort parameter. When no particular order is required: sort={} # (default when parameter not provided) When sorting by a certain value in ascending/descending order: sort={"field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING} sort={"field": SortDocuments.DESCENDING} When sorting first by "field" and then by "subfield" (while modern Python versions preserve the order of dictionaries, it is suggested for clarity to employ a collections.OrderedDict in these cases): sort={ "field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING, "subfield": SortDocuments.ASCENDING, } When running a vector similarity (ANN) search: sort={"$vector": [0.4, 0.15, -0.5]}


Some combinations of arguments impose an implicit upper bound on the number of documents that are returned by the Data API. More specifically: (a) Vector ANN searches cannot return more than a number of documents that at the time of writing is set to 1000 items. (b) When using a sort criterion of the ascending/descending type, the Data API will return a smaller number of documents, set to 20 at the time of writing, and stop there. The returned documents are the top results across the whole collection according to the requested criterion. These provisions should be kept in mind even when subsequently running a command such as .distinct() on a cursor.


When not specifying sorting criteria at all (by vector or otherwise), the cursor can scroll through an arbitrary number of documents as the Data API and the client periodically exchange new chunks of documents. It should be noted that the behavior of the cursor in the case documents have been added/removed after the find was started depends on database internals and it is not guaranteed, nor excluded, that such "real-time" changes in the data would be picked up by the cursor.

Expand source code
def find(
    filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
    projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
    skip: Optional[int] = None,
    limit: Optional[int] = None,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None,
    include_sort_vector: Optional[bool] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Cursor:
    Find documents on the collection, matching a certain provided filter.

    The method returns a Cursor that can then be iterated over. Depending
    on the method call pattern, the iteration over all documents can reflect
    collection mutations occurred since the `find` method was called, or not.
    In cases where the cursor reflects mutations in real-time, it will iterate
    over cursors in an approximate way (i.e. exhibiting occasional skipped
    or duplicate documents). This happens when making use of the `sort`
    option in a non-vector-search manner.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
            It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
            or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
            (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
            associated to both True or False independently of the rest
            of the specification).
            The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
            have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
            For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
            portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
            `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
            `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
            An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
            The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
            necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
            See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
        skip: with this integer parameter, what would be the first `skip`
            documents returned by the query are discarded, and the results
            start from the (skip+1)-th document.
            This parameter can be used only in conjunction with an explicit
            `sort` criterion of the ascending/descending type (i.e. it cannot
            be used when not sorting, nor with vector-based ANN search).
        limit: this (integer) parameter sets a limit over how many documents
            are returned. Once `limit` is reached (or the cursor is exhausted
            for lack of matching documents), nothing more is returned.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search).
            When running similarity search on a collection, no other sorting
            criteria can be specified. Moreover, there is an upper bound
            to the number of documents that can be returned. For details,
            see the Note about upper bounds and the Data API documentation.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to `vector`,
            provided such a service is configured for the collection,
            and achieves the same effect.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        include_similarity: a boolean to request the numeric value of the
            similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in each
            returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e.
            when either `vector` is supplied or the `sort` parameter has the
            shape {"$vector": ...}.
        include_sort_vector: a boolean to request query vector used in this search.
            If set to True (and if the invocation is a vector search), calling
            the `get_sort_vector` method on the returned cursor will yield
            the vector used for the ANN search.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the order
            the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting, as well as
            the one about upper bounds, for details.
            Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
            or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for each single one
            of the underlying HTTP requests used to fetch documents as the
            cursor is iterated over.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a Cursor object representing iterations over the matching documents
        (see the Cursor object for how to use it. The simplest thing is to
        run a for loop: `for document in collection.sort(...):`).

        >>> filter = {"seq": {"$exists": True}}
        >>> for doc in my_coll.find(filter, projection={"seq": True}, limit=5):
        ...     print(doc["seq"])
        >>> cursor1 = my_coll.find(
        ...     {},
        ...     limit=4,
        ...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
        ... )
        >>> [doc["_id"] for doc in cursor1]
        ['97e85f81-...', '1581efe4-...', '...', '...']
        >>> cursor2 = my_coll.find({}, limit=3)
        >>> cursor2.distinct("seq")
        [37, 35, 10]

        >>> my_coll.insert_many([
        ...     {"tag": "A", "$vector": [4, 5]},
        ...     {"tag": "B", "$vector": [3, 4]},
        ...     {"tag": "C", "$vector": [3, 2]},
        ...     {"tag": "D", "$vector": [4, 1]},
        ...     {"tag": "E", "$vector": [2, 5]},
        ... ])
        >>> ann_tags = [
        ...     document["tag"]
        ...     for document in my_coll.find(
        ...         {},
        ...         sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
        ...         limit=3,
        ...     )
        ... ]
        >>> ann_tags
        ['A', 'B', 'C']
        >>> # (assuming the collection has metric VectorMetric.COSINE)

        >>> cursor = my_coll.find(
        ...     sort={"$vector": [3, 3]},
        ...     limit=3,
        ...     include_sort_vector=True,
        ... )
        >>> cursor.get_sort_vector()
        [3.0, 3.0]
        >>> matches = list(cursor)
        >>> cursor.get_sort_vector()
        [3.0, 3.0]

        The following are example values for the `sort` parameter.
        When no particular order is required:
            sort={}  # (default when parameter not provided)
        When sorting by a certain value in ascending/descending order:
            sort={"field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING}
            sort={"field": SortDocuments.DESCENDING}
        When sorting first by "field" and then by "subfield"
        (while modern Python versions preserve the order of dictionaries,
        it is suggested for clarity to employ a `collections.OrderedDict`
        in these cases):
                "field": SortDocuments.ASCENDING,
                "subfield": SortDocuments.ASCENDING,
        When running a vector similarity (ANN) search:
            sort={"$vector": [0.4, 0.15, -0.5]}

        Some combinations of arguments impose an implicit upper bound on the
        number of documents that are returned by the Data API. More specifically:
        (a) Vector ANN searches cannot return more than a number of documents
        that at the time of writing is set to 1000 items.
        (b) When using a sort criterion of the ascending/descending type,
        the Data API will return a smaller number of documents, set to 20
        at the time of writing, and stop there. The returned documents are
        the top results across the whole collection according to the requested
        These provisions should be kept in mind even when subsequently running
        a command such as `.distinct()` on a cursor.

        When not specifying sorting criteria at all (by vector or otherwise),
        the cursor can scroll through an arbitrary number of documents as
        the Data API and the client periodically exchange new chunks of documents.
        It should be noted that the behavior of the cursor in the case documents
        have been added/removed after the `find` was started depends on database
        internals and it is not guaranteed, nor excluded, that such "real-time"
        changes in the data would be picked up by the cursor.

        vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
    _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
    if include_similarity is not None and not _is_vector_sort(_sort):
        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot use `include_similarity` when not searching through `vector`."
    return (
def find_one(self, filter: Optional[FilterType] = None, *, projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Run a search, returning the first document in the collection that matches provided filters, if any is found.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
it controls which parts of the document are returned. It can be an allow-list: {"f1": True, "f2": True}, or a deny-list: {"fx": False, "fy": False}, but not a mixture (except for the _id and other special fields, which can be associated to both True or False independently of the rest of the specification). The special star-projections {"*": True} and {"*": False} have the effect of returning the whole document and {} respectively. For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select portions of the list: for instance, {"array": {"$slice": 2}}, {"array": {"$slice": -2}}, {"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}} or {"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}. An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list. The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not necessarily include "special" fields such as $vector or $vectorize. See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), extracting the most similar document in the collection matching the filter. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
a boolean to request the numeric value of the similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in the returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e. when either vector is supplied or the sort parameter has the shape {"$vector": …}.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the order the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting for details. Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector" or a "$vectorize" key in sort.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a dictionary expressing the required document, otherwise None.


>>> my_coll.find_one({})
{'_id': '68d1e515-...', 'seq': 37}
>>> my_coll.find_one({"seq": 10})
{'_id': 'd560e217-...', 'seq': 10}
>>> my_coll.find_one({"seq": 1011})
>>> # (returns None for no matches)
>>> my_coll.find_one({}, projection={"seq": False})
{'_id': '68d1e515-...'}
>>> my_coll.find_one(
...     {},
...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
... )
{'_id': '97e85f81-...', 'seq': 69}
>>> my_coll.find_one({}, sort={"$vector": [1, 0]}, projection={"*": True})
{'_id': '...', 'tag': 'D', '$vector': [4.0, 1.0]}


See the find method for more details on the accepted parameters (whereas skip and limit are not valid parameters for find_one).

Expand source code
def find_one(
    filter: Optional[FilterType] = None,
    projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    include_similarity: Optional[bool] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
    Run a search, returning the first document in the collection that matches
    provided filters, if any is found.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
            It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
            or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
            (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
            associated to both True or False independently of the rest
            of the specification).
            The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
            have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
            For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
            portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
            `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
            `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
            An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
            The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
            necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
            See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to perform vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), extracting the most
            similar document in the collection matching the filter.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        include_similarity: a boolean to request the numeric value of the
            similarity to be returned as an added "$similarity" key in the
            returned document. Can only be used for vector ANN search, i.e.
            when either `vector` is supplied or the `sort` parameter has the
            shape {"$vector": ...}.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the order
            the documents are returned. See the Note about sorting for details.
            Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
            or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a dictionary expressing the required document, otherwise None.

        >>> my_coll.find_one({})
        {'_id': '68d1e515-...', 'seq': 37}
        >>> my_coll.find_one({"seq": 10})
        {'_id': 'd560e217-...', 'seq': 10}
        >>> my_coll.find_one({"seq": 1011})
        >>> # (returns None for no matches)
        >>> my_coll.find_one({}, projection={"seq": False})
        {'_id': '68d1e515-...'}
        >>> my_coll.find_one(
        ...     {},
        ...     sort={"seq": astrapy.constants.SortDocuments.DESCENDING},
        ... )
        {'_id': '97e85f81-...', 'seq': 69}
        >>> my_coll.find_one({}, sort={"$vector": [1, 0]}, projection={"*": True})
        {'_id': '...', 'tag': 'D', '$vector': [4.0, 1.0]}

        See the `find` method for more details on the accepted parameters
        (whereas `skip` and `limit` are not valid parameters for `find_one`).

        vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
    fo_cursor = self.find(
        document = fo_cursor.__next__()
        return document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
    except StopIteration:
        return None
def find_one_and_delete(self, filter: FilterType, *, projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Find a document in the collection and delete it. The deleted document, however, is the return value of the method.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
it controls which parts of the document are returned. It can be an allow-list: {"f1": True, "f2": True}, or a deny-list: {"fx": False, "fy": False}, but not a mixture (except for the _id and other special fields, which can be associated to both True or False independently of the rest of the specification). The special star-projections {"*": True} and {"*": False} have the effect of returning the whole document and {} respectively. For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select portions of the list: for instance, {"array": {"$slice": 2}}, {"array": {"$slice": -2}}, {"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}} or {"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}. An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list. The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not necessarily include "special" fields such as $vector or $vectorize. See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion. In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one that is most similar to the provided vector. This parameter cannot be used together with sort. See the find method for more details on this parameter. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to vector, provided such a service is configured for the collection, and achieves the same effect. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting order of the documents matching the filter, effectively determining what document will come first and hence be the deleted one. See the find method for more on sorting.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


Either the document (or a projection thereof, as requested), or None if no matches were found in the first place.


>>> my_coll.insert_many(
...     [
...         {"species": "swan", "class": "Aves"},
...         {"species": "frog", "class": "Amphibia"},
...     ],
... )
>>> my_coll.find_one_and_delete(
...     {"species": {"$ne": "frog"}},
...     projection=["species"],
... )
{'_id': '5997fb48-...', 'species': 'swan'}
>>> my_coll.find_one_and_delete({"species": {"$ne": "frog"}})
>>> # (returns None for no matches)
Expand source code
def find_one_and_delete(
    filter: FilterType,
    projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
    Find a document in the collection and delete it. The deleted document,
    however, is the return value of the method.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
            It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
            or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
            (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
            associated to both True or False independently of the rest
            of the specification).
            The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
            have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
            For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
            portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
            `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
            `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
            An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
            The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
            necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
            See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
            In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
            that is most similar to the provided vector.
            This parameter cannot be used together with `sort`.
            See the `find` method for more details on this parameter.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            This can be supplied in (exclusive) alternative to `vector`,
            provided such a service is configured for the collection,
            and achieves the same effect.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
            order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
            determining what document will come first and hence be the
            deleted one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        Either the document (or a projection thereof, as requested), or None
        if no matches were found in the first place.

        >>> my_coll.insert_many(
        ...     [
        ...         {"species": "swan", "class": "Aves"},
        ...         {"species": "frog", "class": "Amphibia"},
        ...     ],
        ... )
        >>> my_coll.find_one_and_delete(
        ...     {"species": {"$ne": "frog"}},
        ...     projection=["species"],
        ... )
        {'_id': '5997fb48-...', 'species': 'swan'}
        >>> my_coll.find_one_and_delete({"species": {"$ne": "frog"}})
        >>> # (returns None for no matches)

        vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
    _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
    _projection = normalize_optional_projection(projection)"calling find_one_and_delete on '{}'")
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
    fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_delete(
    )"finished calling find_one_and_delete on '{}'")
    if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
        document = fo_response["data"]["document"]
        return document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
        deleted_count = fo_response.get("status", {}).get("deletedCount")
        if deleted_count == 0:
            return None
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from find_one_and_delete API command.",
def find_one_and_replace(self, filter: FilterType, replacement: DocumentType, *, projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, upsert: bool = False, return_document: str = 'before', max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Find a document on the collection and replace it entirely with a new one, optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
the new document to write into the collection.
it controls which parts of the document are returned. It can be an allow-list: {"f1": True, "f2": True}, or a deny-list: {"fx": False, "fy": False}, but not a mixture (except for the _id and other special fields, which can be associated to both True or False independently of the rest of the specification). The special star-projections {"*": True} and {"*": False} have the effect of returning the whole document and {} respectively. For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select portions of the list: for instance, {"array": {"$slice": 2}}, {"array": {"$slice": -2}}, {"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}} or {"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}. An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list. The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not necessarily include "special" fields such as $vector or $vectorize. See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion. In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one that is most similar to the provided vector. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting order of the documents matching the filter, effectively determining what document will come first and hence be the replaced one. See the find method for more on sorting. Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector" or a "$vectorize" key in sort.
this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches. If True, replacement is inserted as a new document if no matches are found on the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
a flag controlling what document is returned: if set to ReturnDocument.BEFORE, or the string "before", the document found on database is returned; if set to ReturnDocument.AFTER, or the string "after", the new document is returned. The default is "before".
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


A document (or a projection thereof, as required), either the one before the replace operation or the one after that. Alternatively, the method returns None to represent that no matching document was found, or that no replacement was inserted (depending on the return_document parameter).


>>> my_coll.insert_one({"_id": "rule1", "text": "all animals are equal"})
>>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
...     {"_id": "rule1"},
...     {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
... )
{'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'all animals are equal'}
>>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
...     {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
...     {"text": "and the pigs are the rulers"},
...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
... )
{'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'and the pigs are the rulers'}
>>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
...     {"_id": "rule2"},
...     {"text": "F=ma^2"},
...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
... )
>>> # (returns None for no matches)
>>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
...     {"_id": "rule2"},
...     {"text": "F=ma"},
...     upsert=True,
...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
...     projection={"_id": False},
... )
{'text': 'F=ma'}
Expand source code
def find_one_and_replace(
    filter: FilterType,
    replacement: DocumentType,
    projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    upsert: bool = False,
    return_document: str = ReturnDocument.BEFORE,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
    Find a document on the collection and replace it entirely with a new one,
    optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        replacement: the new document to write into the collection.
        projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
            It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
            or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
            (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
            associated to both True or False independently of the rest
            of the specification).
            The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
            have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
            For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
            portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
            `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
            `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
            An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
            The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
            necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
            See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
            In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
            that is most similar to the provided vector.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
            order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
            determining what document will come first and hence be the
            replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
            Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
            or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
        upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
            If True, `replacement` is inserted as a new document
            if no matches are found on the collection. If False,
            the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
        return_document: a flag controlling what document is returned:
            if set to `ReturnDocument.BEFORE`, or the string "before",
            the document found on database is returned; if set to
            `ReturnDocument.AFTER`, or the string "after", the new
            document is returned. The default is "before".
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        A document (or a projection thereof, as required), either the one
        before the replace operation or the one after that.
        Alternatively, the method returns None to represent
        that no matching document was found, or that no replacement
        was inserted (depending on the `return_document` parameter).

        >>> my_coll.insert_one({"_id": "rule1", "text": "all animals are equal"})
        >>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
        ...     {"_id": "rule1"},
        ...     {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
        ... )
        {'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'all animals are equal'}
        >>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
        ...     {"text": "some animals are more equal!"},
        ...     {"text": "and the pigs are the rulers"},
        ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
        ... )
        {'_id': 'rule1', 'text': 'and the pigs are the rulers'}
        >>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
        ...     {"_id": "rule2"},
        ...     {"text": "F=ma^2"},
        ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
        ... )
        >>> # (returns None for no matches)
        >>> my_coll.find_one_and_replace(
        ...     {"_id": "rule2"},
        ...     {"text": "F=ma"},
        ...     upsert=True,
        ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
        ...     projection={"_id": False},
        ... )
        {'text': 'F=ma'}

        vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
    _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
    options = {
        "returnDocument": return_document,
        "upsert": upsert,
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
    fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_replace(
    )"finished calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
    if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
        ret_document = fo_response.get("data", {}).get("document")
        if ret_document is None:
            return None
            return ret_document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from find_one_and_replace API command.",
def find_one_and_update(self, filter: FilterType, update: Dict[str, Any], *, projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, upsert: bool = False, return_document: str = 'before', max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Find a document on the collection and update it as requested, optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are: {"$set": {"field": "value}} {"$inc": {"counter": 10}} {"$unset": {"field": ""}} See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
it controls which parts of the document are returned. It can be an allow-list: {"f1": True, "f2": True}, or a deny-list: {"fx": False, "fy": False}, but not a mixture (except for the _id and other special fields, which can be associated to both True or False independently of the rest of the specification). The special star-projections {"*": True} and {"*": False} have the effect of returning the whole document and {} respectively. For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select portions of the list: for instance, {"array": {"$slice": 2}}, {"array": {"$slice": -2}}, {"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}} or {"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}. An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list. The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not necessarily include "special" fields such as $vector or $vectorize. See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion. In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one that is most similar to the provided vector. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting order of the documents matching the filter, effectively determining what document will come first and hence be the replaced one. See the find method for more on sorting. Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector" or a "$vectorize" key in sort.
this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches. If True, a new document (resulting from applying the update to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
a flag controlling what document is returned: if set to ReturnDocument.BEFORE, or the string "before", the document found on database is returned; if set to ReturnDocument.AFTER, or the string "after", the new document is returned. The default is "before".
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


A document (or a projection thereof, as required), either the one before the replace operation or the one after that. Alternatively, the method returns None to represent that no matching document was found, or that no update was applied (depending on the return_document parameter).


>>> my_coll.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
>>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
...     {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
...     {"$set": {"title": "Mr."}},
... )
{'_id': 'a80106f2-...', 'Marco': 'Polo'}
>>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
...     {"title": "Mr."},
...     {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
...     projection=["title", "rank"],
...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
... )
{'_id': 'a80106f2-...', 'title': 'Mr.', 'rank': 3}
>>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
...     {"name": "Johnny"},
...     {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
... )
>>> # (returns None for no matches)
>>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
...     {"name": "Johnny"},
...     {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
...     upsert=True,
...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
... )
{'_id': 'cb4ef2ab-...', 'name': 'Johnny', 'rank': 0}
Expand source code
def find_one_and_update(
    filter: FilterType,
    update: Dict[str, Any],
    projection: Optional[ProjectionType] = None,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    upsert: bool = False,
    return_document: str = ReturnDocument.BEFORE,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[DocumentType, None]:
    Find a document on the collection and update it as requested,
    optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        update: the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed
            as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
            See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
        projection: it controls which parts of the document are returned.
            It can be an allow-list: `{"f1": True, "f2": True}`,
            or a deny-list: `{"fx": False, "fy": False}`, but not a mixture
            (except for the `_id` and other special fields, which can be
            associated to both True or False independently of the rest
            of the specification).
            The special star-projections `{"*": True}` and `{"*": False}`
            have the effect of returning the whole document and `{}` respectively.
            For lists in documents, slice directives can be passed to select
            portions of the list: for instance, `{"array": {"$slice": 2}}`,
            `{"array": {"$slice": -2}}`, `{"array": {"$slice": [4, 2]}}` or
            `{"array": {"$slice": [-4, 2]}}`.
            An iterable over strings will be treated implicitly as an allow-list.
            The default projection (used if this parameter is not passed) does not
            necessarily include "special" fields such as `$vector` or `$vectorize`.
            See the Data API documentation for more on projections.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
            In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
            that is most similar to the provided vector.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
            order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
            determining what document will come first and hence be the
            replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
            Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
            or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
        upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
            If True, a new document (resulting from applying the `update`
            to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
            the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
            in case of no matches.
        return_document: a flag controlling what document is returned:
            if set to `ReturnDocument.BEFORE`, or the string "before",
            the document found on database is returned; if set to
            `ReturnDocument.AFTER`, or the string "after", the new
            document is returned. The default is "before".
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        A document (or a projection thereof, as required), either the one
        before the replace operation or the one after that.
        Alternatively, the method returns None to represent
        that no matching document was found, or that no update
        was applied (depending on the `return_document` parameter).

        >>> my_coll.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
        >>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
        ...     {"Marco": {"$exists": True}},
        ...     {"$set": {"title": "Mr."}},
        ... )
        {'_id': 'a80106f2-...', 'Marco': 'Polo'}
        >>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
        ...     {"title": "Mr."},
        ...     {"$inc": {"rank": 3}},
        ...     projection=["title", "rank"],
        ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
        ... )
        {'_id': 'a80106f2-...', 'title': 'Mr.', 'rank': 3}
        >>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
        ...     {"name": "Johnny"},
        ...     {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
        ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
        ... )
        >>> # (returns None for no matches)
        >>> my_coll.find_one_and_update(
        ...     {"name": "Johnny"},
        ...     {"$set": {"rank": 0}},
        ...     upsert=True,
        ...     return_document=astrapy.constants.ReturnDocument.AFTER,
        ... )
        {'_id': 'cb4ef2ab-...', 'name': 'Johnny', 'rank': 0}

        vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
    _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
    options = {
        "returnDocument": return_document,
        "upsert": upsert,
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
    fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_update(
    )"finished calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
    if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
        ret_document = fo_response.get("data", {}).get("document")
        if ret_document is None:
            return None
            return ret_document  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from find_one_and_update API command.",
def info(self) ‑> CollectionInfo

Information on the collection (name, location, database), in the form of a CollectionInfo object.

Not to be confused with the collection options method (related to the collection internal configuration).




the returned CollectionInfo wraps, among other things, the database information: as such, calling this method triggers the same-named method of a Database object (which, in turn, performs a HTTP request to the DevOps API). See the documentation for for more details.

Expand source code
def info(self) -> CollectionInfo:
    Information on the collection (name, location, database), in the
    form of a CollectionInfo object.

    Not to be confused with the collection `options` method (related
    to the collection internal configuration).


        the returned CollectionInfo wraps, among other things,
        the database information: as such, calling this method
        triggers the same-named method of a Database object (which, in turn,
        performs a HTTP request to the DevOps API).
        See the documentation for `` for more details.

    return CollectionInfo(,
def insert_many(self, documents: Iterable[DocumentType], *, vectors: Optional[Iterable[Optional[VectorType]]] = None, vectorize: Optional[Iterable[Optional[str]]] = None, ordered: bool = False, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> InsertManyResult

Insert a list of documents into the collection. This is not an atomic operation.


an iterable of dictionaries, each a document to insert. Documents may specify their _id field or leave it out, in which case it will be added automatically.
an optional list of vectors (as many vectors as the provided documents) to associate to the documents when inserting. Passing vectors this way is indeed equivalent to the "$vector" field of the documents, however the two are mutually exclusive. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the documents instead.
an optional list of strings to be made into as many vectors (one per document), if such a service is configured for the collection. Passing this parameter is equivalent to providing a $vectorize field in the documents themselves, however the two are mutually exclusive. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the documents instead.
if False (default), the insertions can occur in arbitrary order and possibly concurrently. If True, they are processed sequentially. If there are no specific reasons against it, unordered insertions are to be preferred as they complete much faster.
how many documents to include in a single API request. Exceeding the server maximum allowed value results in an error. Leave it unspecified (recommended) to use the system default.
maximum number of concurrent requests to the API at a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered insertions.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead: If many documents are being inserted, this method corresponds to several HTTP requests: in such cases one may want to specify a more tolerant timeout here.


an InsertManyResult object.


>>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
>>> my_coll.insert_many(
...     [{"a": 10}, {"a": 5}, {"b": [True, False, False]}],
...     ordered=True,
... )
InsertManyResult(raw_results=..., inserted_ids=['184bb06f-...', '...', '...'])
>>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
>>> my_coll.insert_many(
...     [{"seq": i} for i in range(50)],
...     concurrency=5,
... )
InsertManyResult(raw_results=..., inserted_ids=[... ...])
>>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
>>> my_coll.insert_many(
...     [
...         {"tag": "a", "$vector": [1, 2]},
...         {"tag": "b", "$vector": [3, 4]},
...     ]
... )


Unordered insertions are executed with some degree of concurrency, so it is usually better to prefer this mode unless the order in the document sequence is important.


A failure mode for this command is related to certain faulty documents found among those to insert: a document may have the an _id already present on the collection, or its vector dimension may not match the collection setting.

For an ordered insertion, the method will raise an exception at the first such faulty document – nevertheless, all documents processed until then will end up being written to the database.

For unordered insertions, if the error stems from faulty documents the insertion proceeds until exhausting the input documents: then, an exception is raised – and all insertable documents will have been written to the database, including those "after" the troublesome ones.

If, on the other hand, there are errors not related to individual documents (such as a network connectivity error), the whole insert_many operation will stop in mid-way, an exception will be raised, and only a certain amount of the input documents will have made their way to the database.

Expand source code
def insert_many(
    documents: Iterable[DocumentType],
    vectors: Optional[Iterable[Optional[VectorType]]] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[Iterable[Optional[str]]] = None,
    ordered: bool = False,
    chunk_size: Optional[int] = None,
    concurrency: Optional[int] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> InsertManyResult:
    Insert a list of documents into the collection.
    This is not an atomic operation.

        documents: an iterable of dictionaries, each a document to insert.
            Documents may specify their `_id` field or leave it out, in which
            case it will be added automatically.
        vectors: an optional list of vectors (as many vectors as the provided
            documents) to associate to the documents when inserting.
            Passing vectors this way is indeed equivalent to the "$vector" field
            of the documents, however the two are mutually exclusive.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the documents instead.
        vectorize: an optional list of strings to be made into as many vectors
            (one per document), if such a service is configured for the collection.
            Passing this parameter is equivalent to providing a `$vectorize`
            field in the documents themselves, however the two are mutually exclusive.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the documents instead.
        ordered: if False (default), the insertions can occur in arbitrary order
            and possibly concurrently. If True, they are processed sequentially.
            If there are no specific reasons against it, unordered insertions are to
            be preferred as they complete much faster.
        chunk_size: how many documents to include in a single API request.
            Exceeding the server maximum allowed value results in an error.
            Leave it unspecified (recommended) to use the system default.
        concurrency: maximum number of concurrent requests to the API at
            a given time. It cannot be more than one for ordered insertions.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
            If many documents are being inserted, this method corresponds
            to several HTTP requests: in such cases one may want to specify
            a more tolerant timeout here.

        an InsertManyResult object.

        >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
        >>> my_coll.insert_many(
        ...     [{"a": 10}, {"a": 5}, {"b": [True, False, False]}],
        ...     ordered=True,
        ... )
        InsertManyResult(raw_results=..., inserted_ids=['184bb06f-...', '...', '...'])
        >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
        >>> my_coll.insert_many(
        ...     [{"seq": i} for i in range(50)],
        ...     concurrency=5,
        ... )
        InsertManyResult(raw_results=..., inserted_ids=[... ...])
        >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=100)
        >>> my_coll.insert_many(
        ...     [
        ...         {"tag": "a", "$vector": [1, 2]},
        ...         {"tag": "b", "$vector": [3, 4]},
        ...     ]
        ... )

        Unordered insertions are executed with some degree of concurrency,
        so it is usually better to prefer this mode unless the order in the
        document sequence is important.

        A failure mode for this command is related to certain faulty documents
        found among those to insert: a document may have the an `_id` already
        present on the collection, or its vector dimension may not
        match the collection setting.

        For an ordered insertion, the method will raise an exception at
        the first such faulty document -- nevertheless, all documents processed
        until then will end up being written to the database.

        For unordered insertions, if the error stems from faulty documents
        the insertion proceeds until exhausting the input documents: then,
        an exception is raised -- and all insertable documents will have been
        written to the database, including those "after" the troublesome ones.

        If, on the other hand, there are errors not related to individual
        documents (such as a network connectivity error), the whole
        `insert_many` operation will stop in mid-way, an exception will be raised,
        and only a certain amount of the input documents will
        have made their way to the database.

        vector=None, vectors=vectors, vectorize=vectorize, kind="insert"
    if concurrency is None:
        if ordered:
            _concurrency = 1
            _concurrency = DEFAULT_INSERT_MANY_CONCURRENCY
        _concurrency = concurrency
    if _concurrency > 1 and ordered:
        raise ValueError("Cannot run ordered insert_many concurrently.")
    if chunk_size is None:
        _chunk_size = DEFAULT_INSERT_NUM_DOCUMENTS
        _chunk_size = chunk_size
    _documents = _collate_vectors_to_documents(documents, vectors, vectorize)
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'")
    raw_results: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
    timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
    if ordered:
        options = {"ordered": True}
        inserted_ids: List[Any] = []
        for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size):
  "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
            chunk_response = self._astra_db_collection.insert_many(
                documents=_documents[i : i + _chunk_size],
  "finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
            # accumulate the results in this call
            chunk_inserted_ids = (chunk_response.get("status") or {}).get(
                "insertedIds", []
            inserted_ids += chunk_inserted_ids
            raw_results += [chunk_response]
            # if errors, quit early
            if chunk_response.get("errors", []):
                partial_result = InsertManyResult(
                raise InsertManyException.from_response(

        # return
        full_result = InsertManyResult(
            f"finished inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'"
        return full_result

        # unordered: concurrent or not, do all of them and parse the results
        options = {"ordered": False}
        if _concurrency > 1:
            with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=_concurrency) as executor:

                def _chunk_insertor(
                    document_chunk: List[Dict[str, Any]]
                ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
          "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                    im_response = self._astra_db_collection.insert_many(
                        f"finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'"
                    return im_response

                raw_results = list(
                            _documents[i : i + _chunk_size]
                            for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size)
            for i in range(0, len(_documents), _chunk_size):
      "inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'")
                        _documents[i : i + _chunk_size],
                    f"finished inserting a chunk of documents in '{}'"
        # recast raw_results
        inserted_ids = [
            for chunk_response in raw_results
            for inserted_id in (chunk_response.get("status") or {}).get(
                "insertedIds", []

        # check-raise
        if any(
            [chunk_response.get("errors", []) for chunk_response in raw_results]
            partial_result = InsertManyResult(
            raise InsertManyException.from_responses(
                commands=[None for _ in raw_results],

        # return
        full_result = InsertManyResult(
            f"finished inserting {len(_documents)} documents in '{}'"
        return full_result
def insert_one(self, document: DocumentType, *, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> InsertOneResult

Insert a single document in the collection in an atomic operation.


the dictionary expressing the document to insert. The _id field of the document can be left out, in which case it will be created automatically.
a vector (a list of numbers appropriate for the collection) for the document. Passing this parameter is equivalent to providing a $vector field within the document itself, however the two are mutually exclusive. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the document instead.
a string to be made into a vector, if such a service is configured for the collection. Passing this parameter is equivalent to providing a $vectorize field in the document itself, however the two are mutually exclusive. Moreover, this parameter cannot coexist with vector. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the document instead.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


an InsertOneResult object.


>>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
>>> my_coll.insert_one(
...     {
...         "age": 30,
...         "name": "Smith",
...         "food": ["pear", "peach"],
...         "likes_fruit": True,
...     },
... )
InsertOneResult(raw_results=..., inserted_id='ed4587a4-...-...-...')
>>> my_coll.insert_one({"_id": "user-123", "age": 50, "name": "Maccio"})
InsertOneResult(raw_results=..., inserted_id='user-123')
>>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
>>> my_coll.insert_one({"tag": "v", "$vector": [10, 11]})


If an _id is explicitly provided, which corresponds to a document that exists already in the collection, an error is raised and the insertion fails.

Expand source code
def insert_one(
    document: DocumentType,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> InsertOneResult:
    Insert a single document in the collection in an atomic operation.

        document: the dictionary expressing the document to insert.
            The `_id` field of the document can be left out, in which
            case it will be created automatically.
        vector: a vector (a list of numbers appropriate for the collection)
            for the document. Passing this parameter is equivalent to
            providing a `$vector` field within the document itself,
            however the two are mutually exclusive.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the document instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector, if such a service
            is configured for the collection. Passing this parameter is
            equivalent to providing a `$vectorize` field in the document itself,
            however the two are mutually exclusive.
            Moreover, this parameter cannot coexist with `vector`.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the document instead.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        an InsertOneResult object.

        >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)
        >>> my_coll.insert_one(
        ...     {
        ...         "age": 30,
        ...         "name": "Smith",
        ...         "food": ["pear", "peach"],
        ...         "likes_fruit": True,
        ...     },
        ... )
        InsertOneResult(raw_results=..., inserted_id='ed4587a4-...-...-...')
        >>> my_coll.insert_one({"_id": "user-123", "age": 50, "name": "Maccio"})
        InsertOneResult(raw_results=..., inserted_id='user-123')
        >>> my_coll.count_documents({}, upper_bound=10)

        >>> my_coll.insert_one({"tag": "v", "$vector": [10, 11]})

        If an `_id` is explicitly provided, which corresponds to a document
        that exists already in the collection, an error is raised and
        the insertion fails.

        vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="insert"
    _document = _collate_vector_to_document(document, vector, vectorize)
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"inserting one document in '{}'")
    io_response = self._astra_db_collection.insert_one(
    )"finished inserting one document in '{}'")
    if "insertedIds" in io_response.get("status", {}):
        if io_response["status"]["insertedIds"]:
            inserted_id = io_response["status"]["insertedIds"][0]
            return InsertOneResult(
            raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                text="Faulty response from insert_one API command.",
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from insert_one API command.",
def options(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> CollectionOptions

Get the collection options, i.e. its configuration as read from the database.

The method issues a request to the Data API each time is invoked, without caching mechanisms: this ensures up-to-date information for usages such as real-time collection validation by the application.


a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


a CollectionOptions instance describing the collection. (See also the database list_collections method.)


>>> my_coll.options()
CollectionOptions(vector=CollectionVectorOptions(dimension=3, metric='cosine'))
Expand source code
def options(self, *, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) -> CollectionOptions:
    Get the collection options, i.e. its configuration as read from the database.

    The method issues a request to the Data API each time is invoked,
    without caching mechanisms: this ensures up-to-date information
    for usages such as real-time collection validation by the application.

        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        a CollectionOptions instance describing the collection.
        (See also the database `list_collections` method.)

        >>> my_coll.options()
        CollectionOptions(vector=CollectionVectorOptions(dimension=3, metric='cosine'))
    """"getting collections in search of '{}'")
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
    self_descriptors = [
        for coll_desc in self.database.list_collections(max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
        if ==
    ]"finished getting collections in search of '{}'")
    if self_descriptors:
        return self_descriptors[0].options  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
        raise CollectionNotFoundException(
            text=f"Collection {self.namespace}.{} not found.",
def replace_one(self, filter: FilterType, replacement: DocumentType, *, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, upsert: bool = False, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> UpdateResult

Replace a single document on the collection with a new one, optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
the new document to write into the collection.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion. In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one that is most similar to the provided vector. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting order of the documents matching the filter, effectively determining what document will come first and hence be the replaced one. See the find method for more on sorting. Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector" or a "$vectorize" key in sort.
this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches. If True, replacement is inserted as a new document if no matches are found on the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the replace operation.


>>> my_coll.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
>>> my_coll.replace_one({"Marco": {"$exists": True}}, {"Buda": "Pest"})
UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1})
>>> my_coll.find_one({"Buda": "Pest"})
{'_id': '8424905a-...', 'Buda': 'Pest'}
>>> my_coll.replace_one({"Mirco": {"$exists": True}}, {"Oh": "yeah?"})
UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
>>> my_coll.replace_one({"Mirco": {"$exists": True}}, {"Oh": "yeah?"}, upsert=True)
UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '931b47d6-...'})
Expand source code
def replace_one(
    filter: FilterType,
    replacement: DocumentType,
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    upsert: bool = False,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> UpdateResult:
    Replace a single document on the collection with a new one,
    optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        replacement: the new document to write into the collection.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
            In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
            that is most similar to the provided vector.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
            order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
            determining what document will come first and hence be the
            replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
            Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
            or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
        upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
            If True, `replacement` is inserted as a new document
            if no matches are found on the collection. If False,
            the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the replace operation.

        >>> my_coll.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
        >>> my_coll.replace_one({"Marco": {"$exists": True}}, {"Buda": "Pest"})
        UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1})
        >>> my_coll.find_one({"Buda": "Pest"})
        {'_id': '8424905a-...', 'Buda': 'Pest'}
        >>> my_coll.replace_one({"Mirco": {"$exists": True}}, {"Oh": "yeah?"})
        UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
        >>> my_coll.replace_one({"Mirco": {"$exists": True}}, {"Oh": "yeah?"}, upsert=True)
        UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '931b47d6-...'})

        vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
    _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
    options = {
        "upsert": upsert,
    }"calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms
    fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_replace(
    )"finished calling find_one_and_replace on '{}'")
    if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
        fo_status = fo_response.get("status") or {}
        _update_info = _prepare_update_info([fo_status])
        return UpdateResult(
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from find_one_and_replace API command.",
def set_caller(self, caller_name: Optional[str] = None, caller_version: Optional[str] = None) ‑> None

Set a new identity for the application/framework on behalf of which the Data API calls are performed (the "caller").


name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
version of the caller.


>>> my_coll.set_caller(caller_name="the_caller", caller_version="0.1.0")
Expand source code
def set_caller(
    caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
    caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
    Set a new identity for the application/framework on behalf of which
    the Data API calls are performed (the "caller").

        caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
            the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
        caller_version: version of the caller.

        >>> my_coll.set_caller(caller_name="the_caller", caller_version="0.1.0")
    """"setting caller to {caller_name}/{caller_version}")
def to_async(self, *, database: Optional[AsyncDatabase] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None, collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None, caller_name: Optional[str] = None, caller_version: Optional[str] = None) ‑> AsyncCollection

Create an AsyncCollection from this one. Save for the arguments explicitly provided as overrides, everything else is kept identical to this collection in the copy (the database is converted into an async object).


an AsyncDatabase object, instantiated earlier. This represents the database the new collection belongs to.
the collection name. This parameter should match an existing collection on the database.
this is the namespace to which the collection belongs. If not specified, the database's working namespace is used.
optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection. If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None, each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates into the one "embedding api key" header (i.e. EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider). For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication, specialized subclasses of EmbeddingHeadersProvider should be supplied.
a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value being an overall default. Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as find, delete_many, insert_many and so on), it is strongly suggested to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make much sense.
name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
version of the caller.


the new copy, an AsyncCollection instance.


Expand source code
def to_async(
    database: Optional[AsyncDatabase] = None,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    namespace: Optional[str] = None,
    embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None,
    collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
    caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
) -> AsyncCollection:
    Create an AsyncCollection from this one. Save for the arguments
    explicitly provided as overrides, everything else is kept identical
    to this collection in the copy (the database is converted into
    an async object).

        database: an AsyncDatabase object, instantiated earlier.
            This represents the database the new collection belongs to.
        name: the collection name. This parameter should match an existing
            collection on the database.
        namespace: this is the namespace to which the collection belongs.
            If not specified, the database's working namespace is used.
        embedding_api_key: optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection.
            If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None,
            each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers
            as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates
            into the one "embedding api key" header
            (i.e. `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider`).
            For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication,
            specialized subclasses of `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingHeadersProvider`
            should be supplied.
        collection_max_time_ms: a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each
            operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to
            each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value
            being an overall default.
            Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as
            `find`, `delete_many`, `insert_many` and so on), it is strongly suggested
            to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make
            much sense.
        caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
            the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
        caller_version: version of the caller.

        the new copy, an AsyncCollection instance.


    _api_options = CollectionAPIOptions(

    return AsyncCollection(
        database=database or self.database.to_async(),
        name=name or,
        namespace=namespace or self.namespace,
        caller_name=caller_name or self._astra_db_collection.caller_name,
        caller_version=caller_version or self._astra_db_collection.caller_version,
def update_many(self, filter: FilterType, update: Dict[str, Any], *, upsert: bool = False, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> UpdateResult

Apply an update operations to all documents matching a condition, optionally inserting one documents in absence of matches.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
the update prescription to apply to the documents, expressed as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are: {"$set": {"field": "value}} {"$inc": {"counter": 10}} {"$unset": {"field": ""}} See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches. If True, a single new document (resulting from applying update to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead: if a large number of document updates is anticipated, it is suggested to specify a larger timeout than in most other operations as the update will span several HTTP calls to the API in sequence.


an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.


>>> my_coll.insert_many([{"c": "red"}, {"c": "green"}, {"c": "blue"}])
>>> my_coll.update_many({"c": {"$ne": "green"}}, {"$set": {"nongreen": True}})
UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 2, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 2})
>>> my_coll.update_many({"c": "orange"}, {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}})
UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
>>> my_coll.update_many(
...     {"c": "orange"},
...     {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}},
...     upsert=True,
... )
UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '46643050-...'})


Similarly to the case of find (see its docstring for more details), running this command while, at the same time, another process is inserting new documents which match the filter of the update_many can result in an unpredictable fraction of these documents being updated. In other words, it cannot be easily predicted whether a given newly-inserted document will be picked up by the update_many command or not.

Expand source code
def update_many(
    filter: FilterType,
    update: Dict[str, Any],
    upsert: bool = False,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> UpdateResult:
    Apply an update operations to all documents matching a condition,
    optionally inserting one documents in absence of matches.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        update: the update prescription to apply to the documents, expressed
            as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
            See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
        upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
            If True, a single new document (resulting from applying `update`
            to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
            the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
            in case of no matches.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the operation.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead:
            if a large number of document updates is anticipated, it is suggested
            to specify a larger timeout than in most other operations as the
            update will span several HTTP calls to the API in sequence.

        an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.

        >>> my_coll.insert_many([{"c": "red"}, {"c": "green"}, {"c": "blue"}])
        >>> my_coll.update_many({"c": {"$ne": "green"}}, {"$set": {"nongreen": True}})
        UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 2, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 2})
        >>> my_coll.update_many({"c": "orange"}, {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}})
        UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
        >>> my_coll.update_many(
        ...     {"c": "orange"},
        ...     {"$set": {"is_also_fruit": True}},
        ...     upsert=True,
        ... )
        UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '46643050-...'})

        Similarly to the case of `find` (see its docstring for more details),
        running this command while, at the same time, another process is
        inserting new documents which match the filter of the `update_many`
        can result in an unpredictable fraction of these documents being updated.
        In other words, it cannot be easily predicted whether a given
        newly-inserted document will be picked up by the update_many command or not.

    api_options = {
        "upsert": upsert,
    page_state_options: Dict[str, str] = {}
    um_responses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
    um_statuses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
    must_proceed = True
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"starting update_many on '{}'")
    timeout_manager = MultiCallTimeoutManager(overall_max_time_ms=_max_time_ms)
    while must_proceed:
        options = {**api_options, **page_state_options}"calling update_many on '{}'")
        this_um_response = self._astra_db_collection.update_many(
        )"finished calling update_many on '{}'")
        this_um_status = this_um_response.get("status") or {}
        # if errors, quit early
        if this_um_response.get("errors", []):
            partial_update_info = _prepare_update_info(um_statuses)
            partial_result = UpdateResult(
            all_um_responses = um_responses + [this_um_response]
            raise UpdateManyException.from_responses(
                commands=[None for _ in all_um_responses],
            if "status" not in this_um_response:
                raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
                    text="Faulty response from update_many API command.",
            next_page_state = this_um_status.get("nextPageState")
            if next_page_state is not None:
                must_proceed = True
                page_state_options = {"pageState": next_page_state}
                must_proceed = False
                page_state_options = {}

    update_info = _prepare_update_info(um_statuses)"finished update_many on '{}'")
    return UpdateResult(
def update_one(self, filter: FilterType, update: Dict[str, Any], *, vector: Optional[VectorType] = None, vectorize: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[SortType] = None, upsert: bool = False, max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None) ‑> UpdateResult

Update a single document on the collection as requested, optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.


a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the Data API filter syntax. Examples are: {} {"name": "John"} {"price": {"$lt": 100}} {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]} See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are: {"$set": {"field": "value}} {"$inc": {"counter": 10}} {"$unset": {"field": ""}} See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN, or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion. In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one that is most similar to the provided vector. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vector key in the sort clause dict instead.
a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search. Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection. DEPRECATED (removal in 2.0). Use a $vectorize key in the sort clause dict instead.
with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting order of the documents matching the filter, effectively determining what document will come first and hence be the replaced one. See the find method for more on sorting. Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector" or a "$vectorize" key in sort.
this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches. If True, a new document (resulting from applying the update to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing in case of no matches.
a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request. If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.


an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.


>>> my_coll.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
>>> my_coll.update_one({"Marco": {"$exists": True}}, {"$inc": {"rank": 3}})
UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1})
>>> my_coll.update_one({"Mirko": {"$exists": True}}, {"$inc": {"rank": 3}})
UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
>>> my_coll.update_one({"Mirko": {"$exists": True}}, {"$inc": {"rank": 3}}, upsert=True)
UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '2a45ff60-...'})
Expand source code
def update_one(
    filter: FilterType,
    update: Dict[str, Any],
    vector: Optional[VectorType] = None,
    vectorize: Optional[str] = None,
    sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
    upsert: bool = False,
    max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> UpdateResult:
    Update a single document on the collection as requested,
    optionally inserting a new one if no match is found.

        filter: a predicate expressed as a dictionary according to the
            Data API filter syntax. Examples are:
                {"name": "John"}
                {"price": {"$lt": 100}}
                {"$and": [{"name": "John"}, {"price": {"$lt": 100}}]}
            See the Data API documentation for the full set of operators.
        update: the update prescription to apply to the document, expressed
            as a dictionary as per Data API syntax. Examples are:
                {"$set": {"field": "value}}
                {"$inc": {"counter": 10}}
                {"$unset": {"field": ""}}
            See the Data API documentation for the full syntax.
        vector: a suitable vector, i.e. a list of float numbers of the appropriate
            dimensionality, to use vector search (i.e. ANN,
            or "approximate nearest-neighbours" search), as the sorting criterion.
            In this way, the matched document (if any) will be the one
            that is most similar to the provided vector.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vector` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        vectorize: a string to be made into a vector to perform vector search.
            Using vectorize assumes a suitable service is configured for the collection.
            *DEPRECATED* (removal in 2.0). Use a `$vectorize` key in the
            sort clause dict instead.
        sort: with this dictionary parameter one can control the sorting
            order of the documents matching the filter, effectively
            determining what document will come first and hence be the
            replaced one. See the `find` method for more on sorting.
            Vector-based ANN sorting is achieved by providing a "$vector"
            or a "$vectorize" key in `sort`.
        upsert: this parameter controls the behavior in absence of matches.
            If True, a new document (resulting from applying the `update`
            to an empty document) is inserted if no matches are found on
            the collection. If False, the operation silently does nothing
            in case of no matches.
        max_time_ms: a timeout, in milliseconds, for the underlying HTTP request.
            If not passed, the collection-level setting is used instead.

        an UpdateResult object summarizing the outcome of the update operation.

        >>> my_coll.insert_one({"Marco": "Polo"})
        >>> my_coll.update_one({"Marco": {"$exists": True}}, {"$inc": {"rank": 3}})
        UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': True, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 1})
        >>> my_coll.update_one({"Mirko": {"$exists": True}}, {"$inc": {"rank": 3}})
        UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 0, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0})
        >>> my_coll.update_one({"Mirko": {"$exists": True}}, {"$inc": {"rank": 3}}, upsert=True)
        UpdateResult(raw_results=..., update_info={'n': 1, 'updatedExisting': False, 'ok': 1.0, 'nModified': 0, 'upserted': '2a45ff60-...'})

        vector=vector, vectors=None, vectorize=vectorize, kind="find"
    _sort = _collate_vector_to_sort(sort, vector, vectorize)
    options = {
        "upsert": upsert,
    _max_time_ms = max_time_ms or self.api_options.max_time_ms"calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
    fo_response = self._astra_db_collection.find_one_and_update(
    )"finished calling find_one_and_update on '{}'")
    if "document" in fo_response.get("data", {}):
        fo_status = fo_response.get("status") or {}
        _update_info = _prepare_update_info([fo_status])
        return UpdateResult(
        raise DataAPIFaultyResponseException(
            text="Faulty response from find_one_and_update API command.",
def with_options(self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None, collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None, caller_name: Optional[str] = None, caller_version: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Collection

Create a clone of this collection with some changed attributes.


the name of the collection. This parameter is useful to quickly spawn Collection instances each pointing to a different collection existing in the same namespace.
optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection. If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None, each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates into the one "embedding api key" header (i.e. EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider). For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication, specialized subclasses of EmbeddingHeadersProvider should be supplied.
a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value being an overall default. Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as find, delete_many, insert_many and so on), it is strongly suggested to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make much sense.
name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
version of the caller.


a new Collection instance.


>>> my_other_coll = my_coll.with_options(
...     name="the_other_coll",
...     caller_name="caller_identity",
... )
Expand source code
def with_options(
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    embedding_api_key: Optional[Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider]] = None,
    collection_max_time_ms: Optional[int] = None,
    caller_name: Optional[str] = None,
    caller_version: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Collection:
    Create a clone of this collection with some changed attributes.

        name: the name of the collection. This parameter is useful to
            quickly spawn Collection instances each pointing to a different
            collection existing in the same namespace.
        embedding_api_key: optional API key(s) for interacting with the collection.
            If an embedding service is configured, and this parameter is not None,
            each Data API call will include the necessary embedding-related headers
            as specified by this parameter. If a string is passed, it translates
            into the one "embedding api key" header
            (i.e. `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingAPIKeyHeaderProvider`).
            For some vectorize providers/models, if using header-based authentication,
            specialized subclasses of `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingHeadersProvider`
            should be supplied.
        collection_max_time_ms: a default timeout, in millisecond, for the duration of each
            operation on the collection. Individual timeouts can be provided to
            each collection method call and will take precedence, with this value
            being an overall default.
            Note that for some methods involving multiple API calls (such as
            `find`, `delete_many`, `insert_many` and so on), it is strongly suggested
            to provide a specific timeout as the default one likely wouldn't make
            much sense.
        caller_name: name of the application, or framework, on behalf of which
            the Data API calls are performed. This ends up in the request user-agent.
        caller_version: version of the caller.

        a new Collection instance.

        >>> my_other_coll = my_coll.with_options(
        ...     name="the_other_coll",
        ...     caller_name="caller_identity",
        ... )

    _api_options = CollectionAPIOptions(

    return self._copy(