Manage private endpoints

You can use private endpoints to create a secure connection between your cloud provider and your Astra DB databases. With a private endpoint, no information is sent over the public network.

Each of your Astra DB databases can connect to one or more private endpoints:

  • Single endpoint: Create a private endpoint in your virtual private cloud (VPC) and use it for one database.

  • Multiple endpoints: Create multiple private endpoints in your VPC and use them for the same database.

Private endpoints have cost implications. For information about private endpoint pricing, see the plan details on the Astra DB pricing page.


  • You have an active Astra DB database.

  • You can access your cloud provider’s console and create network resources.

  • You can create a private endpoint in AWS PrivateLink or Google Cloud Private Service Connect in the same region as your database.

    A database must have the same region and cloud provider as the private endpoint that it uses. For example, a database in AWS us-west-2 can only use AWS PrivateLink private endpoints in us-west-2.

    Check VPC ownership for AWS

    Only VPC owners can create resources such as VPC endpoints, subnets, route tables, and NACLs. Participants can not view, modify, or delete resources that belong to other participants or the VPC owner.

    This means that a user can’t create private endpoints in a shared VPC that is owned by a different AWS account.

    To determine which account owns your VPC, check the Owner ID in the AWS Console.

    Checking the Owner ID in the AWS Console.

    For more information, see Share your VPC subnets with other accounts.

  • You have the Organization Administrator or Database Administrator role.

Enable private endpoints

To use a private endpoint with a database, you must enable private endpoint connectivity for that database.

This page explains how to configure private endpoints in the Astra Portal. You can also use the DevOps API.

  1. In the Astra Portal, go to Databases, and then select your database.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. In the Private Endpoints section, click Configure Region for the region where you want to use a private endpoint.

    • For AWS-based databases, enter your AWS account’s Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in the format arn:aws:iam::*AWS-ACCOUNT-ID*:root, where AWS-ACCOUNT-ID is your AWS account ID.

    • For Google Cloud-based databases, enter your Google Cloud Project ID.

  4. Click Configure Region.

This database can now use a private endpoint from the cloud provider and region that you enabled. For multi-region databases, you must enable private endpoints for each region where you want to use private endpoints.

Next, add the private endpoint.

Add a private endpoint

After enabling private endpoints for a database, create a private endpoint in your cloud provider, and then connect it to the database.

  • AWS

  • Google Cloud

For AWS-based databases, use an AWS PrivateLink private endpoint:

  1. In the Astra Portal, go to Databases, and then select the same database where you enabled private endpoints.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. In the Private Endpoints section, click Add Endpoint.

  4. In the Add Private Endpoint dialog, copy the generated Service Name.

    Keep this dialog open while you create the VPC endpoint in AWS.

  5. In a new tab or window, sign in to the AWS VPC dashboard, and then switch to your database’s region.

  6. Create an endpoint to connect to an endpoint service as the service consumer.

    Use the generated service name from the Astra Portal as the endpoint’s Service name.

  7. After creating the endpoint, copy the VPC Endpoint ID.

  8. Return to the Astra Portal, and then enter the VPC endpoint ID in the Endpoint ID field.

  9. Optional: Enter a description for the endpoint.

  10. Click Add Endpoint.

For Google Cloud-based databases, use a Google Cloud Private Service Connect private endpoint:

  1. In the Astra Portal, go to Databases, and then select the same database where you enabled private endpoints.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. In the Private Endpoints section, click Add Endpoint.

  4. In the Add Private Endpoint dialog, copy the generated Service Name.

    Keep this dialog open while you create the private endpoint in Google Cloud.

  5. In a new tab or window, sign in to the Google Cloud Network Services console.

  6. Create an endpoint to access published services.

    Use the generated service name from the Astra Portal as the endpoint’s Target service.

  7. After creating the endpoint, copy the PSC Connection ID from the endpoint details.

  8. Return to the Astra Portal, and then enter the PSC connection ID in the Endpoint ID field.

  9. Optional: Enter a description for the endpoint.

  10. Click Add Endpoint.

Your database is now connected to a private endpoint.

Next, create a DNS entry for the private endpoint.

Create a DNS entry for a private endpoint

When you create a database, Astra DB Classic automatically sets up a DNS entry so that applications can connect to the database.

When you use private endpoints, you must create a DNS entry as a local version of the * domain to override the name resolution to the public IP address advertised by Astra DB Classic.

When you override the * domain, you must manually manage this configuration for every database you create, whether it uses private endpoints or not.

Alternatively, you can configure custom DNS so that you don’t have to create and manage local zones for every database.

  • AWS

  • Google Cloud

  1. In the Astra Portal, go to Databases, and then select your AWS-based database.

  2. On the Overview tab, copy the API Endpoint.

  3. Remove the https:// scheme so that the endpoint is formatted as

  4. In the AWS console, do the following:

    1. Create a CNAME record that points to your AWS PrivateLink VPC Endpoint’s DNS name.

    2. Create a private zone to route traffic to your virtual IP using Amazon Route 53, and then update the domains to use your database’s API endpoint from the Astra Portal.

      For more information, see the AWS documentation on routing traffic to an Amazon VPC interface endpoint by using your domain name.

  5. Recommended: In the Astra Portal, use the IP Access List to block all public internet traffic to the database. This makes the database available only through private endpoints and allowed IPs.

  1. In the Astra Portal, go to Databases, and then select your Google Cloud-based database.

  2. On the Overview tab, copy the API Endpoint.

  3. Remove the https:// scheme so that the endpoint is formatted as

  4. In the Google Cloud console, do the following:

    1. Create a private zone to route traffic to your Private Service Connect endpoint IP.

    2. Update the domains to use your database’s API endpoint from the Astra Portal.

    3. Add a type A standard record.

      For more information, see the Google Cloud documentation on configuring DNS manually, creating private zones, and adding records.

  5. Recommended: In the Astra Portal, use the IP Access List to block all public internet traffic to the database. This makes the database available only through private endpoints and allowed IPs.

Connect to a database through multiple private endpoints

You can access one database from multiple private endpoints. The private endpoints must have the same region and cloud provider as the database. For multi-region databases, you must create private endpoints in each applicable region.

To connect to one database through multiple private endpoints, Enable private endpoints, Add all private endpoints, and Add a DNS entry for each VPC where you deployed a private endpoint.

Delete a private endpoint

To delete a private endpoint, you must delete the private endpoint from the Astra Portal and your cloud provider:

  1. In the Astra Portal, go to Databases, and then select your database.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. In the Private Endpoints section, click the endpoint that you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete, and then click Delete Endpoint to confirm deletion.

  5. Remove your private endpoint from your cloud provider:

  6. If you configured custom DNS, you might need to modify your custom DNS configuration after removing private endpoints.

When you delete a private endpoint, make sure you delete the connection in both the Astra Portal and your cloud provider.

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