Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Compatible source Pulsar Admin API endpoints on DataStax Astra Streaming
allocator required | string |
{- "directArenas": [
- {
- "chunkLists": [
- {
- "chunks": [
- {
- "chunkSize": 0,
- "freeBytes": 0,
- "usage": 0
], - "maxUsage": 0,
- "minUsage": 0
], - "numActiveAllocations": 0,
- "numActiveHugeAllocations": 0,
- "numActiveNormalAllocations": 0,
- "numActiveSmallAllocations": 0,
- "numAllocations": 0,
- "numChunkLists": 0,
- "numDeallocations": 0,
- "numHugeAllocations": 0,
- "numHugeDeallocations": 0,
- "numNormalAllocations": 0,
- "numNormalDeallocations": 0,
- "numSmallAllocations": 0,
- "numSmallDeallocations": 0,
- "numSmallSubpages": 0,
- "smallSubpages": [
- {
- "elementSize": 0,
- "maxNumElements": 0,
- "numAvailable": 0,
- "pageSize": 0
], - "heapArenas": [
- {
- "chunkLists": [
- {
- "chunks": [
- {
- "chunkSize": 0,
- "freeBytes": 0,
- "usage": 0
], - "maxUsage": 0,
- "minUsage": 0
], - "numActiveAllocations": 0,
- "numActiveHugeAllocations": 0,
- "numActiveNormalAllocations": 0,
- "numActiveSmallAllocations": 0,
- "numAllocations": 0,
- "numChunkLists": 0,
- "numDeallocations": 0,
- "numHugeAllocations": 0,
- "numHugeDeallocations": 0,
- "numNormalAllocations": 0,
- "numNormalDeallocations": 0,
- "numSmallAllocations": 0,
- "numSmallDeallocations": 0,
- "numSmallSubpages": 0,
- "smallSubpages": [
- {
- "elementSize": 0,
- "maxNumElements": 0,
- "numAvailable": 0,
- "pageSize": 0
], - "normalCacheSize": 0,
- "numDirectArenas": 0,
- "numHeapArenas": 0,
- "numThreadLocalCaches": 0,
- "smallCacheSize": 0
{- "property1": {
- "cursorLedgerCloseOp": 0,
- "cursorLedgerCreateOp": 0,
- "cursorLedgerDeleteOp": 0,
- "cursorLedgerOpenOp": 0,
- "dataLedgerCloseOp": 0,
- "dataLedgerCreateOp": 0,
- "dataLedgerDeleteOp": 0,
- "dataLedgerOpenOp": 0
}, - "property2": {
- "cursorLedgerCloseOp": 0,
- "cursorLedgerCreateOp": 0,
- "cursorLedgerDeleteOp": 0,
- "cursorLedgerOpenOp": 0,
- "dataLedgerCloseOp": 0,
- "dataLedgerCreateOp": 0,
- "dataLedgerDeleteOp": 0,
- "dataLedgerOpenOp": 0
This API gives the current broker availability in percent, each resource percentage usage is calculated and thensum of all of the resource usage percent is called broker-resource-availability
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
{- "property1": {
- "availableResource": {
- "resourceUsage": {
- "property1": {
- "limit": 0.1,
- "usage": 0.1
}, - "property2": {
- "limit": 0.1,
- "usage": 0.1
}, - "usagePct": 0
}, - "resourceId": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "availableResource": {
- "resourceUsage": {
- "property1": {
- "limit": 0.1,
- "usage": 0.1
}, - "property2": {
- "limit": 0.1,
- "usage": 0.1
}, - "usagePct": 0
}, - "resourceId": "string"
consists of topics stats & systemResourceUsage
{- "allocatedBandwidthIn": 0.1,
- "allocatedBandwidthOut": 0.1,
- "allocatedCPU": 0.1,
- "allocatedMemory": 0.1,
- "allocatedMsgRateIn": 0.1,
- "allocatedMsgRateOut": 0.1,
- "bandwidthIn": {
- "limit": 0.1,
- "usage": 0.1
}, - "bandwidthOut": {
- "limit": 0.1,
- "usage": 0.1
}, - "brokerVersionString": "string",
- "bundleGains": [
- "string"
], - "bundleLosses": [
- "string"
], - "bundleStats": {
- "property1": {
- "cacheSize": 0,
- "consumerCount": 0,
- "msgRateIn": 0.1,
- "msgRateOut": 0.1,
- "msgThroughputIn": 0.1,
- "msgThroughputOut": 0.1,
- "producerCount": 0,
- "topics": 0
}, - "property2": {
- "cacheSize": 0,
- "consumerCount": 0,
- "msgRateIn": 0.1,
- "msgRateOut": 0.1,
- "msgThroughputIn": 0.1,
- "msgThroughputOut": 0.1,
- "producerCount": 0,
- "topics": 0
}, - "cpu": {
- "limit": 0.1,
- "usage": 0.1
}, - "directMemory": {
- "limit": 0.1,
- "usage": 0.1
}, - "lastUpdate": 0,
- "loadReportType": "string",
- "memory": {
- "limit": 0.1,
- "usage": 0.1
}, - "msgRateIn": 0.1,
- "msgRateOut": 0.1,
- "msgThroughputIn": 0.1,
- "msgThroughputOut": 0.1,
- "name": "string",
- "nonPersistentTopicsEnabled": true,
- "numBundles": 0,
- "numConsumers": 0,
- "numProducers": 0,
- "numTopics": 0,
- "overLoaded": true,
- "persistentTopicsEnabled": true,
- "preAllocatedBandwidthIn": 0.1,
- "preAllocatedBandwidthOut": 0.1,
- "preAllocatedCPU": 0.1,
- "preAllocatedMemory": 0.1,
- "preAllocatedMsgRateIn": 0.1,
- "preAllocatedMsgRateOut": 0.1,
- "protocols": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "pulsarServiceUrl": "string",
- "pulsarServiceUrlTls": "string",
- "systemResourceUsage": {
- "bandwidthIn": {
- "limit": 0.1,
- "usage": 0.1
}, - "bandwidthOut": {
- "limit": 0.1,
- "usage": 0.1
}, - "cpu": {
- "limit": 0.1,
- "usage": 0.1
}, - "directMemory": {
- "limit": 0.1,
- "usage": 0.1
}, - "memory": {
- "limit": 0.1,
- "usage": 0.1
}, - "timestamp": 0,
- "underLoaded": true,
- "webServiceUrl": "string",
- "webServiceUrlTls": "string"
Requested should be executed by Monitoring agent on each broker to fetch the metrics
[- {
- "dimensions": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "metrics": {
- "property1": { },
- "property2": { }
This operation requires Pulsar superuser privileges.
cluster required | string The cluster name |
{- "authenticationParameters": "string",
- "authenticationPlugin": "org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.auth.AuthenticationToken",
- "brokerClientTlsEnabled": true,
- "brokerClientTlsEnabledWithKeyStore": true,
- "brokerClientTlsTrustStore": "string",
- "brokerClientTlsTrustStorePassword": "string",
- "brokerClientTlsTrustStoreType": "JKS",
- "brokerClientTrustCertsFilePath": "string",
- "brokerServiceUrl": "pulsar://",
- "brokerServiceUrlTls": "pulsar+ssl://",
- "listenerName": "string",
- "peerClusterNames": [
- "string"
], - "proxyProtocol": "SNI",
- "proxyServiceUrl": "pulsar+ssl:// or pulsar://",
- "tlsAllowInsecureConnection": true
This operation requires Pulsar superuser privileges.
cluster required | string The cluster name |
{- "property1": {
- "brokers": "[ 'broker-1', 'broker-2' ]"
}, - "property2": {
- "brokers": "[ 'broker-1', 'broker-2' ]"
This operation requires Pulsar superuser privileges.
cluster required | string The cluster name |
domainName required | string The failure domain name |
{- "brokers": "[ 'broker-1', 'broker-2' ]"
This operation requires Pulsar superuser privileges.
cluster required | string The cluster name |
{- "property1": {
- "auto_failover_policy": {
- "parameters": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "policyType": "min_available"
}, - "namespaces": [
- "string"
], - "primary": [
- "string"
], - "secondary": [
- "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "auto_failover_policy": {
- "parameters": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "policyType": "min_available"
}, - "namespaces": [
- "string"
], - "primary": [
- "string"
], - "secondary": [
- "string"
This operation requires Pulsar superuser privileges.
cluster required | string The cluster name |
[- {
- "brokerName": "broker1:8080",
- "namespaceRegex": [
- "string"
], - "policyName": "my-policy",
- "primary": true
This operation requires Pulsar superuser privileges.
cluster required | string The cluster name |
broker required | string Example: broker1:8080 The broker name ( |
{- "brokerName": "broker1:8080",
- "namespaceRegex": [
- "string"
], - "policyName": "my-policy",
- "primary": true
This operation requires Pulsar superuser privileges.
cluster required | string The cluster name |
policyName required | string The name of the namespace isolation policy |
{- "auto_failover_policy": {
- "parameters": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "policyType": "min_available"
}, - "namespaces": [
- "string"
], - "primary": [
- "string"
], - "secondary": [
- "string"
cluster required | string |
group required | string |
tenant | string |
[- "string"
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
{- "auth_policies": {
- "namespaceAuthentication": {
- "property1": [
- "produce"
], - "property2": [
- "produce"
}, - "subscriptionAuthentication": {
- "property1": [
- "string"
], - "property2": [
- "string"
}, - "topicAuthentication": {
- "property1": {
- "property1": [
- "produce"
], - "property2": [
- "produce"
}, - "property2": {
- "property1": [
- "produce"
], - "property2": [
- "produce"
}, - "autoSubscriptionCreationOverride": {
- "allowAutoSubscriptionCreation": true
}, - "autoTopicCreationOverride": {
- "allowAutoTopicCreation": true,
- "defaultNumPartitions": 0,
- "topicType": "string"
}, - "backlog_quota_map": {
- "property1": {
- "limit": 0,
- "limitSize": 0,
- "limitTime": 0,
- "policy": "producer_request_hold"
}, - "property2": {
- "limit": 0,
- "limitSize": 0,
- "limitTime": 0,
- "policy": "producer_request_hold"
}, - "bundles": {
- "boundaries": [
- "string"
], - "numBundles": 0
}, - "clusterDispatchRate": {
- "property1": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
}, - "property2": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
}, - "clusterSubscribeRate": {
- "property1": {
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "subscribeThrottlingRatePerConsumer": 0
}, - "property2": {
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "subscribeThrottlingRatePerConsumer": 0
}, - "compaction_threshold": 0,
- "deduplicationEnabled": true,
- "deduplicationSnapshotIntervalSeconds": 0,
- "delayed_delivery_policies": {
- "active": true,
- "tickTime": 0
}, - "deleted": true,
- "encryption_required": true,
- "inactive_topic_policies": {
- "deleteWhileInactive": true,
- "inactiveTopicDeleteMode": "delete_when_no_subscriptions",
- "maxInactiveDurationSeconds": 0
}, - "is_allow_auto_update_schema": true,
- "latency_stats_sample_rate": {
- "property1": 0,
- "property2": 0
}, - "max_consumers_per_subscription": 0,
- "max_consumers_per_topic": 0,
- "max_producers_per_topic": 0,
- "max_subscriptions_per_topic": 0,
- "max_topics_per_namespace": 0,
- "max_unacked_messages_per_consumer": 0,
- "max_unacked_messages_per_subscription": 0,
- "message_ttl_in_seconds": 0,
- "offload_deletion_lag_ms": 0,
- "offload_policies": {
- "fileSystemProfilePath": "string",
- "fileSystemURI": "string",
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadBucket": "string",
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadMaxBlockSizeInBytes": 0,
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadReadBufferSizeInBytes": 0,
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadRegion": "string",
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadServiceAccountKeyFile": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadBucket": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadDeletionLagInMillis": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadDriver": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadMaxBlockSizeInBytes": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadMaxThreads": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadPrefetchRounds": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadReadBufferSizeInBytes": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadRegion": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadServiceEndpoint": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadThresholdInBytes": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadedReadPriority": "BOOKKEEPER_FIRST",
- "offloadersDirectory": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadBucket": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadCredentialId": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadCredentialSecret": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadMaxBlockSizeInBytes": 0,
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadReadBufferSizeInBytes": 0,
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadRegion": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadRole": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadRoleSessionName": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadServiceEndpoint": "string"
}, - "offload_threshold": 0,
- "persistence": {
- "bookkeeperAckQuorum": 0,
- "bookkeeperEnsemble": 0,
- "bookkeeperWriteQuorum": 0,
- "managedLedgerMaxMarkDeleteRate": 0.1
}, - "properties": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "publishMaxMessageRate": {
- "property1": {
- "publishThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "publishThrottlingRateInMsg": 0
}, - "property2": {
- "publishThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "publishThrottlingRateInMsg": 0
}, - "replication_clusters": [
- "string"
], - "replicatorDispatchRate": {
- "property1": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
}, - "property2": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
}, - "resource_group_name": "string",
- "retention_policies": {
- "retentionSizeInMB": 0,
- "retentionTimeInMinutes": 0
}, - "schema_auto_update_compatibility_strategy": "AutoUpdateDisabled",
- "schema_compatibility_strategy": "UNDEFINED",
- "schema_validation_enforced": true,
- "subscriptionDispatchRate": {
- "property1": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
}, - "property2": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
}, - "subscription_auth_mode": "None",
- "subscription_expiration_time_minutes": 0,
- "subscription_types_enabled": [
- "string"
], - "topicDispatchRate": {
- "property1": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
}, - "property2": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Policies for the namespace
object (AuthPolicies) | |
object (AutoSubscriptionCreationOverride) | |
object (AutoTopicCreationOverride) | |
object | |
object (BundlesData) | |
object | |
object | |
compaction_threshold | integer <int64> |
deduplicationEnabled | boolean |
deduplicationSnapshotIntervalSeconds | integer <int32> |
object (DelayedDeliveryPolicies) | |
deleted | boolean |
encryption_required | boolean |
object (InactiveTopicPolicies) | |
is_allow_auto_update_schema | boolean |
object | |
max_consumers_per_subscription | integer <int32> |
max_consumers_per_topic | integer <int32> |
max_producers_per_topic | integer <int32> |
max_subscriptions_per_topic | integer <int32> |
max_topics_per_namespace | integer <int32> |
max_unacked_messages_per_consumer | integer <int32> |
max_unacked_messages_per_subscription | integer <int32> |
message_ttl_in_seconds | integer <int32> |
offload_deletion_lag_ms | integer <int64> |
object (OffloadPolicies) | |
offload_threshold | integer <int64> |
object (PersistencePolicies) | |
object | |
object | |
replication_clusters | Array of strings unique |
object | |
resource_group_name | string |
object (RetentionPolicies) | |
schema_auto_update_compatibility_strategy | string Enum: "AutoUpdateDisabled" "Backward" "Forward" "Full" "AlwaysCompatible" "BackwardTransitive" "ForwardTransitive" "FullTransitive" |
schema_validation_enforced | boolean |
object | |
subscription_auth_mode | string Enum: "None" "Prefix" |
subscription_expiration_time_minutes | integer <int32> |
subscription_types_enabled | Array of strings unique |
object |
{- "auth_policies": {
- "namespaceAuthentication": {
- "property1": [
- "produce"
], - "property2": [
- "produce"
}, - "subscriptionAuthentication": {
- "property1": [
- "string"
], - "property2": [
- "string"
}, - "topicAuthentication": {
- "property1": {
- "property1": [
- "produce"
], - "property2": [
- "produce"
}, - "property2": {
- "property1": [
- "produce"
], - "property2": [
- "produce"
}, - "autoSubscriptionCreationOverride": {
- "allowAutoSubscriptionCreation": true
}, - "autoTopicCreationOverride": {
- "allowAutoTopicCreation": true,
- "defaultNumPartitions": 0,
- "topicType": "string"
}, - "backlog_quota_map": {
- "property1": {
- "limit": 0,
- "limitSize": 0,
- "limitTime": 0,
- "policy": "producer_request_hold"
}, - "property2": {
- "limit": 0,
- "limitSize": 0,
- "limitTime": 0,
- "policy": "producer_request_hold"
}, - "bundles": {
- "boundaries": [
- "string"
], - "numBundles": 0
}, - "clusterDispatchRate": {
- "property1": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
}, - "property2": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
}, - "clusterSubscribeRate": {
- "property1": {
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "subscribeThrottlingRatePerConsumer": 0
}, - "property2": {
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "subscribeThrottlingRatePerConsumer": 0
}, - "compaction_threshold": 0,
- "deduplicationEnabled": true,
- "deduplicationSnapshotIntervalSeconds": 0,
- "delayed_delivery_policies": {
- "active": true,
- "tickTime": 0
}, - "deleted": true,
- "encryption_required": true,
- "inactive_topic_policies": {
- "deleteWhileInactive": true,
- "inactiveTopicDeleteMode": "delete_when_no_subscriptions",
- "maxInactiveDurationSeconds": 0
}, - "is_allow_auto_update_schema": true,
- "latency_stats_sample_rate": {
- "property1": 0,
- "property2": 0
}, - "max_consumers_per_subscription": 0,
- "max_consumers_per_topic": 0,
- "max_producers_per_topic": 0,
- "max_subscriptions_per_topic": 0,
- "max_topics_per_namespace": 0,
- "max_unacked_messages_per_consumer": 0,
- "max_unacked_messages_per_subscription": 0,
- "message_ttl_in_seconds": 0,
- "offload_deletion_lag_ms": 0,
- "offload_policies": {
- "fileSystemProfilePath": "string",
- "fileSystemURI": "string",
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadBucket": "string",
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadMaxBlockSizeInBytes": 0,
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadReadBufferSizeInBytes": 0,
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadRegion": "string",
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadServiceAccountKeyFile": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadBucket": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadDeletionLagInMillis": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadDriver": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadMaxBlockSizeInBytes": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadMaxThreads": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadPrefetchRounds": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadReadBufferSizeInBytes": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadRegion": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadServiceEndpoint": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadThresholdInBytes": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadedReadPriority": "BOOKKEEPER_FIRST",
- "offloadersDirectory": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadBucket": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadCredentialId": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadCredentialSecret": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadMaxBlockSizeInBytes": 0,
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadReadBufferSizeInBytes": 0,
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadRegion": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadRole": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadRoleSessionName": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadServiceEndpoint": "string"
}, - "offload_threshold": 0,
- "persistence": {
- "bookkeeperAckQuorum": 0,
- "bookkeeperEnsemble": 0,
- "bookkeeperWriteQuorum": 0,
- "managedLedgerMaxMarkDeleteRate": 0.1
}, - "properties": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "publishMaxMessageRate": {
- "property1": {
- "publishThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "publishThrottlingRateInMsg": 0
}, - "property2": {
- "publishThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "publishThrottlingRateInMsg": 0
}, - "replication_clusters": [
- "string"
], - "replicatorDispatchRate": {
- "property1": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
}, - "property2": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
}, - "resource_group_name": "string",
- "retention_policies": {
- "retentionSizeInMB": 0,
- "retentionTimeInMinutes": 0
}, - "schema_auto_update_compatibility_strategy": "AutoUpdateDisabled",
- "schema_compatibility_strategy": "UNDEFINED",
- "schema_validation_enforced": true,
- "subscriptionDispatchRate": {
- "property1": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
}, - "property2": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
}, - "subscription_auth_mode": "None",
- "subscription_expiration_time_minutes": 0,
- "subscription_types_enabled": [
- "string"
], - "topicDispatchRate": {
- "property1": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
}, - "property2": {
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Settings for automatic subscription creation
allowAutoSubscriptionCreation | boolean |
{- "allowAutoSubscriptionCreation": true
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Settings for automatic topic creation
allowAutoTopicCreation | boolean |
defaultNumPartitions | integer <int32> |
topicType | string |
{- "allowAutoTopicCreation": true,
- "defaultNumPartitions": 0,
- "topicType": "string"
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
backlogQuotaType | string Enum: "destination_storage" "message_age" |
Backlog quota for all topics of the specified namespace
limit | integer <int64> |
limitSize | integer <int64> |
limitTime | integer <int32> |
policy | string Enum: "producer_request_hold" "producer_exception" "consumer_backlog_eviction" |
{- "limit": 0,
- "limitSize": 0,
- "limitTime": 0,
- "policy": "producer_request_hold"
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
{- "property1": {
- "limit": 0,
- "limitSize": 0,
- "limitTime": 0,
- "policy": "producer_request_hold"
}, - "property2": {
- "limit": 0,
- "limitSize": 0,
- "limitTime": 0,
- "policy": "producer_request_hold"
The backlog size is compared to the threshold periodically. A threshold of 0 disabled automatic compaction
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
The backlog size is compared to the threshold periodically. A threshold of 0 disabled automatic compaction
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Maximum number of uncompacted bytes in a topic of the specified namespace
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Flag for disabling or enabling broker side deduplication for all topics in the specified namespace
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Interval to take deduplication snapshot per topic
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Delayed delivery policies for the specified namespace
active | boolean |
tickTime | integer <int64> |
{- "active": true,
- "tickTime": 0
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
{- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Flag defining if message encryption is required
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
{- "deleteWhileInactive": true,
- "inactiveTopicDeleteMode": "delete_when_no_subscriptions",
- "maxInactiveDurationSeconds": 0
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Inactive topic policies for the specified namespace
deleteWhileInactive | boolean |
inactiveTopicDeleteMode | string Enum: "delete_when_no_subscriptions" "delete_when_subscriptions_caught_up" |
maxInactiveDurationSeconds | integer <int32> |
{- "deleteWhileInactive": true,
- "inactiveTopicDeleteMode": "delete_when_no_subscriptions",
- "maxInactiveDurationSeconds": 0
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Number of maximum consumers per subscription
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Number of maximum subscriptions per topic
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Number of maximum topics for specific namespace
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Number of maximum unacked messages per consumer
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Number of maximum unacked messages per subscription
A negative value denotes that deletion has been completely disabled. 'null' denotes that the topics in the namespace will fall back to the broker default for deletion lag.
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
{- "fileSystemDriver": true,
- "fileSystemProfilePath": "string",
- "fileSystemURI": "string",
- "gcsDriver": true,
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadBucket": "string",
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadMaxBlockSizeInBytes": 0,
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadReadBufferSizeInBytes": 0,
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadRegion": "string",
- "gcsManagedLedgerOffloadServiceAccountKeyFile": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadBucket": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadDeletionLagInMillis": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadDriver": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadMaxBlockSizeInBytes": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadMaxThreads": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadPrefetchRounds": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadReadBufferSizeInBytes": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadRegion": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadServiceEndpoint": "string",
- "managedLedgerOffloadThresholdInBytes": 0,
- "managedLedgerOffloadedReadPriority": "BOOKKEEPER_FIRST",
- "offloadersDirectory": "string",
- "s3Driver": true,
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadBucket": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadCredentialId": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadCredentialSecret": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadMaxBlockSizeInBytes": 0,
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadReadBufferSizeInBytes": 0,
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadRegion": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadRole": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadRoleSessionName": "string",
- "s3ManagedLedgerOffloadServiceEndpoint": "string"
A negative value disables automatic offloading
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
-1 will revert to using the cluster default. A negative value disables automatic offloading.
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Maximum number of bytes stored on the pulsar cluster for a topic of the specified namespace
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
role required | string |
List of permissions for the specified role
[- "produce"
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
{- "bookkeeperAckQuorum": 0,
- "bookkeeperEnsemble": 0,
- "bookkeeperWriteQuorum": 0,
- "managedLedgerMaxMarkDeleteRate": 0.1
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Key value pair properties for the namespace
property name* additional property | string |
{- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
{- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Retention policies for the specified namespace
retentionSizeInMB | integer <int64> |
retentionTimeInMinutes | integer <int32> |
{- "retentionSizeInMB": 0,
- "retentionTimeInMinutes": 0
The value AutoUpdateDisabled prevents producers from updating the schema. If set to AutoUpdateDisabled, schemas must be updated through the REST api
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
The value AutoUpdateDisabled prevents producers from updating the schema. If set to AutoUpdateDisabled, schemas must be updated through the REST api
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Strategy used to check the compatibility of new schemas
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Strategy used to check the compatibility of new schema
If the flag is set to true, when a producer without a schema attempts to produce to a topic with schema in this namespace, the producer will be failed to connect. PLEASE be carefully on using this, since non-java clients don't support schema.if you enable this setting, it will cause non-java clients failed to produce.
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
applied | boolean Default: false |
If the flag is set to true, when a producer without a schema attempts to produce to a topic with schema in this namespace, the producer will be failed to connect. PLEASE be carefully on using this, since non-java clients don't support schema.if you enable this setting, it will cause non-java clients failed to produce.
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Flag of whether validation is enforced on the specified namespace
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
{- "dispatchThrottlingRateInByte": 0,
- "dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg": 0,
- "ratePeriodInSecond": 0,
- "relativeToPublishRate": true
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Expiration time in minutes for the specified namespace
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
Set of whether allow subscription types
[- "Exclusive"
Unload an active namespace from the current broker serving it. Performing this operation will let the brokerremoves all producers, consumers, and connections using this namespace, and close all topics (includingtheir persistent store). During that operation, the namespace is marked as tentatively unavailable until thebroker completes the unloading action. This operation requires strictly super user privileges, since it wouldresult in non-persistent message loss and unexpected connection closure to the clients.
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
tenant required | string Specify the tenant |
namespace required | string Specify the namespace |
bundle | string Specify the bundle name |
[- "string"
The topic cannot be deleted if delete is not forcefully and there's any active subscription or producer connected to the it. Force delete ignores connected clients and deletes topic by explicitly closing them.
tenant required | string Specify the tenant |
namespace required | string Specify the namespace |
topic required | string Specify topic name |
force | boolean Default: false Stop all producer/consumer/replicator and delete topic forcefully |
authoritative | boolean Default: false Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use. |
deleteSchema | boolean Default: false Delete the topic's schema storage |
This is the only REST endpoint from which non-partitioned topics could be created.
tenant required | string Specify the tenant |
namespace required | string Specify the namespace |
topic required | string Specify topic name |
authoritative | boolean Default: false Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use. |
Key value pair properties for the topic metadata
property name* additional property | string |
{- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
tenant required | string Specify the tenant |
namespace required | string Specify the namespace |
topic required | string Specify topic name |
expireTimeInSeconds required | integer <int32> Default: 0 Expires beyond the specified number of seconds |
authoritative | boolean Default: false Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use. |
tenant required | string Specify the tenant |
namespace required | string Specify the namespace |
topic required | string Specify topic name |
authoritative | boolean Default: false Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use. |
{- "brokerName": "string",
- "cursorDetails": {
- "property1": {
- "cursorBacklog": 0,
- "cursorLedgerId": 0
}, - "property2": {
- "cursorBacklog": 0,
- "cursorLedgerId": 0
}, - "dataLedgerDetails": [
- {
- "entries": 0,
- "ledgerId": 0,
- "size": 0,
- "timestamp": 0
], - "messageBacklog": 0,
- "statGeneratedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "storageSize": 0,
- "topicName": "string",
- "totalMessages": 0
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
topic required | string |
applied | boolean Default: false |
authoritative | boolean Default: false Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use. |
isGlobal | boolean Default: false |
tenant required | string Specify the tenant |
namespace required | string Specify the namespace |
topic required | string Specify topic name |
authoritative | boolean Default: false Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use. |
tenant required | string Specify the tenant |
namespace required | string Specify the namespace |
topic required | string Specify topic name |
authoritative | boolean Default: false Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use. |
{- "lastError": "string",
- "status": "NOT_RUN"
tenant required | string Specify the tenant |
namespace required | string Specify the namespace |
topic required | string Specify topic name |
authoritative | boolean Default: false Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use. |
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
topic required | string |
applied | boolean Default: false |
isGlobal | boolean Default: false |
authoritative | boolean Default: false Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use. |
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
topic required | string |
isGlobal | boolean Default: false Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use. |
authoritative | boolean Default: false |
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
topic required | string |
applied | boolean Default: false |
isGlobal | boolean Default: false |
authoritative | boolean Default: false Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use. |
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
topic required | string |
isGlobal | boolean Default: false |
authoritative | boolean Default: false Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use. |
DeduplicationEnabled policies for the specified topic
tenant required | string |
namespace required | string |
topic required | string |
isGlobal | boolean Default: false |
authoritative | boolean Default: false Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use. |