Stargate is a data gateway deployed between client applications and a database. gRPC is a modern, open source remote procedure call (RPC) framework. It enables client and server applications to communicate transparently, and makes it easier to build connected systems. The Stargate gRPC API is implemented to create language-specific queries using CQL with any Cassandra deployment.


If you are looking to just get started, DataStax Astra Database-as-a-Service can get you started with no install steps.

  • Install cURL, a utility for running REST, Document, or GraphQL queries on the command line.

  • [Optional] If you prefer, you can use Postman as a client interface for exploring the APIs

    • You will also find links to downloadable collections and environments in Using Postman

  • [Optional] If you going to use the GraphQL API, you will want to use the GraphQL Playground to deploy schema and execute mutations and queries.

  • [Optional] For the REST and Document APIs, you can use the Swagger UI.

  • Install Docker for Desktop

  • Pull a Stargate Docker image

  • Cassandra 4.0

  • Cassandra 3.x

  • DSE 6.8


For Stargate v2, you’ll need to pull an image for coordinator, plus an image for each API that you wish to run: restapi, graphql, and docsapi. The coordinator image contains a Apache Cassandra backend, the Cassandra Query Language (CQL), and the gRPC API.

The following are the commands for each of those images using the tag v2:

docker pull stargateio/coordinator-4_0:v2
docker pull stargateio/restapi:v2
docker pull stargateio/docsapi:v2
docker pull stargateio/graphqlapi:v2

This image contains the Cassandra Query Language (CQL), REST, Document, GraphQL APIs, and GraphQL Playground, along with an Apache Cassandra 4.0 backend.

docker pull stargateio/stargate-4_0:v1.0.57

For Stargate v2, you’ll need to pull an image for coordinator, plus an image for each API that you wish to run: restapi, graphql, and docsapi. The coordinator image contains a Apache Cassandra backend, the Cassandra Query Language (CQL), and the gRPC API.

The following are the commands for each of those images using the tag v2:

docker pull stargateio/coordinator-3_11:v2
docker pull stargateio/restapi:v2
docker pull stargateio/docsapi:v2
docker pull stargateio/graphqlapi:v2

This image contains the Cassandra Query Language (CQL), REST, Document, GraphQL APIs, and GraphQL Playground, along with an Apache Cassandra 3.11 backend.

docker pull stargateio/stargate-3_11:v1.0.57

For Stargate v2, you’ll need to pull an image for coordinator, plus an image for each API that you wish to run: restapi, graphql, and docsapi. The coordinator image contains a Apache Cassandra backend, the Cassandra Query Language (CQL), and the gRPC API.

The following are the commands for each of those images using the tag v2:

docker pull stargateio/coordinator-68:v2
docker pull stargateio/restapi:v2
docker pull stargateio/docsapi:v2
docker pull stargateio/graphqlapi:v2

This image contains the Cassandra Query Language (CQL), REST, Document, GraphQL APIs, and GraphQL Playground, along with a DataStax Enterprise 6.8 backend.

docker pull stargateio/stargate-dse-68:v1.0.57
  • Run the Stargate Docker image

  • Cassandra 4.0

  • Cassandra 3.x

  • DSE 6.8


Use this docker-compose shell script to start the coordinator and APIs in developer mode. The easiest way to do that is to navigate to the <install_location>/stargate/docker-compose directory, and run the script. You will want to run, for example:


This command will start using the latest available coordinator and API images with the v2 tag.

You may also select a specific image tag using the -t <image_tag> option. A list of the available tags for the coordinator can be found here.


Start the Stargate container in developer mode. Developer mode removes the need to set up a separate Cassandra instance and is meant for development and testing only.

docker run --name stargate \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -p 8081:8081 \
  -p 8082:8082 \
  -p \
  -d \
  -e CLUSTER_NAME=stargate \
  -e DEVELOPER_MODE=true \

Use this docker-compose shell script to start the coordinator and APIs in developer mode. The easiest way to do that is to navigate to the <install_location>/stargate/docker-compose directory, and run the script. You will want to run, for example:


This command will start using the latest available coordinator and API images with the v2 tag.

You may also select a specific image tag using the -t <image_tag> option. A list of the available tags for the coordinator can be found here.


Start the Stargate container in developer mode. Developer mode removes the need to set up a separate Cassandra instance and is meant for development and testing only.

docker run --name stargate \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -p 8081:8081 \
  -p 8082:8082 \
  -p \
  -d \
  -e CLUSTER_NAME=stargate \
  -e DEVELOPER_MODE=true \

Use this docker-compose shell script to start the coordinator and APIs in developer mode. The easiest way to do that is to navigate to the <install_location>/stargate/docker-compose directory, and run the script. You will want to run, for example:


This command will start using the latest available coordinator and API images with the v2 tag.

You may also select a specific image tag using the -t <image_tag> option. A list of the available tags for the coordinator can be found here.


Start the Stargate container in developer mode. Developer mode removes the need to set up a separate DSE instance and is meant for development and testing only.

docker run --name stargate \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -p 8081:8081 \
  -p 8082:8082 \
  -p \
  -d \
  -e CLUSTER_NAME=stargate \
  -e DEVELOPER_MODE=true \

In addition, check out the BloomRPC tool that is useful for working with gRPC queries and data.