Cassandra Data Migrator parameters

Each parameter below offers a different connection. Review each option to determine what is best for your organization.

Common connection parameters for origin and target

Property Default Notes


Hostname/IP address of the cluster. May be a comma-separated list, and can follow the <hostname>:<port> convention.



Port number to use if not specified on

(Not set)

Secure Connect Bundle, used to connect to an Astra DB database. Example: file:///aaa/bbb/



Username (or client_id value) used to authenticate.



Password (or client_secret value) used to authenticate.


Hostname/IP address of the cluster. May be a comma-separated list, and can follow the <hostname>:<port> convention.


Port number to use if not specified on

(Not set)

Secure Connect Bundle, used to connect to an Astra DB database. Default is not set. Example if set: file:///aaa/bbb/


Username (or client_id value) used to authenticate.



Password (or client_secret value) used to authenticate.

Origin schema parameters

Property Default Notes


Required - the <keyspace>.<table_name> of the table to be migrated. Table must exist in the origin cluster.



Default is true, unless spark.cdm.schema.origin.column.ttl.names is specified. When true, determine the Time To Live (TTL) of the target record. Find the maximum TTL of all origin columns that can have TTL set. This excludes partition key, clustering key, collections/UDT/tuple, and frozen columns. When false, and spark.cdm.schema.origin.column.ttl.names is not set, the target record has the target table configuration determine the TTL.


Default is empty, meaning the names are determined automatically if spark.cdm.schema.origin.column.ttl.automatic is set. Specify a subset of eligible columns that are used to calculate the TTL of the target record.



Default is true, unless spark.cdm.schema.origin.column.writetime.names is specified. When true, determine the WRITETIME of the target record. Find the maximum WRITETIME of all origin columns that can have WRITETIME set. This excludes partition key, clustering key, collections/UDT/tuple, and frozen columns. When false, and spark.cdm.schema.origin.column.writetime.names is not set, the target table configuration determines the target record’s WRITETIME.

The spark.cdm.transform.custom.writetime property, if set, overrides spark.cdm.schema.origin.column.writetime.


Default is empty, meaning the names are determined automatically if spark.cdm.schema.origin.column.writetime.automatic is set. Otherwise, specify a subset of eligible columns that are used to calculate the WRITETIME of the target record. Example: data_col1,data_col2,…​

Default is empty. If column names are changed between the origin and target clusters, then this mapped list provides a mechanism to associate the two. The format is <origin_column_name>:<target_column_name>. The list is comma separated. You only need to list renamed columns.

For optimization reasons, Cassandra Data Migrator does not migrate TTL and writetime at the field level. Instead, Cassandra Data Migrator finds the field with the highest TTL and the field with the highest writetime within an origin table row, and uses those values on the entire target table row.

Target schema parameter

Property Default Notes

Equals the value of spark.cdm.schema.origin.keyspaceTable

This parameter is commented out. It’s the <keyspace>.<table_name> of the table to be migrated into the target. Table must exist in the target cluster.

Auto-correction parameters

Auto-correction parameters allow Cassandra Data Migrator to correct data differences found between the origin and target clusters when you run the DiffData program. Typically, these parameters are run-disabled for "what if" migration testing, and generate a list of data discrepancies. The reasons for these discrepancies can then be investigated, and if necessary the parameters below can be enabled.

For information about invoking DiffData in a Cassandra Data Migrator command, see Cassandra Data Migrator steps in validation mode.

Property Default Notes



When true, data that is missing in the target cluster but is found in the origin cluster is re-migrated to the target cluster.



When true, data that is different between the origin and target clusters is reconciled.

The TIMESTAMP of records may have an effect. If the WRITETIME of the origin record that is determined with .writetime.names is earlier than the WRITETIME of the target record, the change does appear in the target cluster. This comparative state may be particularly challenging to troubleshoot if individual columns or cells have been modified in the target cluster.



Commented out. By default, counter tables are not copied when missing, unless explicitly set.



Commented out. This CSV file is used as input, as well as output, when applicable. If the file exists, only the partition ranges in this file are migrated or validated. Similarly, if exceptions occur while migrating or validating, partition ranges with exceptions are logged to this file.

Performance and operations parameters

Performance and operations parameters that can affect migration throughput, error handling, and similar concerns.

Property Default Notes



In standard operation, the full token range of -2^63 to 2^63-1 is divided into a number of parts, which are parallel processed. You should aim for each part to comprise a total of ≈1-10GB of data to migrate. During initial testing, you may want this to be a small number, such as 1.



When writing to the target cluster, this comprises the number of records that are put into an UNLOGGED batch. Cassandra Data Migrator tends to work on the same partition at a time. If your partition sizes are larger, this number may be increased. If the spark.cdm.perfops.batchSize would mean that more than 1 partition is often contained in a batch, reduce this parameter’s value. Ideally < 1% of batches have more than 1 partition.



Concurrent number of operations across all parallel threads from the origin cluster. This value may be adjusted up or down, depending on the amount of data and the processing capacity of the origin cluster.


Concurrent number of operations across all parallel threads from the target cluster. This may be adjusted up or down, depending on the amount of data and the processing capacity of the target cluster.


Commented out. Read consistency from the origin cluster and from the target cluster when records are read for comparison purposes. The consistency parameters may be one of: ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE, EACH_QUORUM, LOCAL_QUORUM, SERIAL, LOCAL_SERIAL, ALL.



Commented out. Write consistency to the target cluster. The consistency parameters may be one of: ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE, EACH_QUORUM, LOCAL_QUORUM, SERIAL, LOCAL_SERIAL, ALL.



Commented out. Number of rows of processing after which a progress log entry is made.



Commented out. This parameter affects the frequency of reads from the origin cluster and the frequency of flushes to the target cluster.



Commented out. Controls how many errors a thread may encounter during MigrateData and DiffData operations before failing. Recommendation: set this parameter to a non-zero value only when not doing a mutation-type operation, such as when you’re running DiffData without .autocorrect.

Transformation parameters

Parameters to perform schema transformations between the origin and target clusters.

By default, these parameters are commented out.

Property Default Notes



Timestamp value in milliseconds. Partition and clustering columns cannot have null values. If they are added as part of a schema transformation between the origin and target clusters, it is possible that the origin side is null. In this case, the Migrate data operation fails. This parameter allows a crude constant value to be used in its place that is separate from the constant values feature.



Default is 0 (disabled). Timestamp value in microseconds to use as the WRITETIME for the target record. This is useful when the WRITETIME of the record in the origin cluster cannot be determined. Such an example is when the only non-key columns are collections. This parameter allows a crude constant value to be used in its place and overrides spark.cdm.schema.origin.column.writetime.names.



Default is 0. This is useful when you have a list that is not frozen and you are updating this using the autocorrect feature. Lists are not idempotent, and subsequent UPSERTs add duplicates to the list.


Default is empty. A comma-separated list of additional codecs to enable.

  • INT_STRING : int stored in a string.

  • DOUBLE_STRING : double stored in a string.

  • BIGINT_STRING : bigint stored in a string.

  • DECIMAL_STRING : decimal stored in a string.

  • TIMESTAMP_STRING_MILLIS : timestamp stored in a string, as Epoch milliseconds.

  • TIMESTAMP_STRING_FORMAT : timestamp stored in a string with a custom format.

Where there are multiple type pair options, such as with TIMESTAMP_STRING_*, only one can be configured at a time with the spark.cdm.transform.codecs parameter.



Configuration for CQL_TIMESTAMP_TO_STRING_FORMAT codec. Default format is yyyyMMddHHmmss; DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(formatString)


Default is UTC. Must be in ZoneRulesProvider.getAvailableZoneIds().

Cassandra filter parameters

Cassandra filters are applied on the coordinator node. Depending on the filter, the coordinator node may need to do a lot more work than is normal, notably because Cassandra Data Migrator specifies ALLOW FILTERING.

By default, these parameters are commented out.

Property Default Notes



Default is 0 when using RandomPartitioner and -9223372036854775808 or -2^63 otherwise. Lower partition bound of the range is inclusive.



Default is 2^127-1 when using RandomPartitioner and 9223372036854775807 or 2^63-1 otherwise. Upper partition bound of the range is inclusive.


CQL added to the WHERE clause of SELECT statements from the origin cluster.

Java filter parameters

Java filters are applied on the client node. Data must be pulled from the origin cluster and then filtered. However, this option may have a lower impact on the production cluster than Cassandra filters. Java filters put a load onto the Cassandra Data Migrator processing node. They send more data from Cassandra. Cassandra filters put a load on the Cassandra nodes because Cassandra Data Migrator specifies ALLOW FILTERING, which could cause the coordinator node to perform a lot more work.

By default, these parameters are commented out.

Property Default Notes


Between 1 and 100 percent of the token in each split that is migrated. This property is used to do a wide and random sampling of the data. The percentage value is applied to each split. Invalid percentages are treated as 100.


The lowest (inclusive) writetime values to be migrated. Using the and thresholds, Cassandra Data Migrator can filter records based on their writetimes. The maximum writetime of the columns configured at spark.cdm.schema.origin.column.writetime.names are compared to the .min and .max thresholds, which must be in microseconds since the epoch. If the spark.cdm.schema.origin.column.writetime.names are not specified or the thresholds are null or otherwise invalid, the filter is ignored. Note that spark.cdm.s.perfops.batchSize is ignored when this filter is in place; a value of 1 is used instead.


The highest (inclusive) writetime values to be migrated. The spark.cdm.schema.origin.column.writetime.names specifies the maximum timestamp of the columns. If that property is not specified or is for some reason null, the filter is ignored.

Filter rows based on matching a configured value. With, specify the column name against which the is compared. Must be on the column list specified at spark.cdm.schema.origin.column.names. The column value is converted to a string, trimmed of whitespace on both ends, and compared.

String value to use as comparison. The whitespace on the ends of is trimmed.

Constant column feature parameters

The constant columns feature allows you to add constant columns to the target table. If used, the spark.cdm.feature.constantColumns.names, spark.cdm.feature.constantColumns.types, and spark.cdm.feature.constantColumns.values lists must all be the same length.

By default, these parameters are commented out.

Property Default Notes


A comma-separated list of column names, such as const1,const2.


A comma-separated list of column types.


A comma-separated list of hard-coded values. Each value should be provided as you would use on the CQLSH command line. Examples: 'abcd' for a string; 1234 for an int, and so on.



Defaults to comma, but can be any regex character that works with String.split(regex). This option is needed because some data values contain commas, such as in lists, maps, and sets.

Explode map feature parameters

The explode map feature allows you convert an origin table map into multiple target table records.

By default, these parameters are commented out.

Property Notes

The name of the map column, such as my_map. Must be defined on spark.cdm.schema.origin.column.names, and the corresponding type on spark.cdm.schema.origin.column.types must be a map.

The name of the column on the target table that holds the map key, such as my_map_key. This key must be present on the target primary key


The name of the column on the target table that holds the map value, such as my_map_value.

Guardrail feature parameter

The guardrail feature manages records that exceed guardrail checks. The guardrail job generates a report; other jobs skip records that exceed the guardrail limit.

By default, these parameters are commented out.

Property Default Notes



The 0 default means the guardrail check is not done. If set, table records with one or more fields that exceed the column size in kB are flagged. Note this is kB which is base 10, not kiB which is base 2.

TLS (SSL) connection parameters

These are TLS (SSL) connection parameters, if configured, for the origin and target clusters. Note that a secure connect bundle (SCB) embeds these details.

By default, these parameters are commented out.

Property Default Notes



If TLS is used, set to true.


Path to the Java truststore file.


Password needed to open the truststore.




Path to the Java keystore file.


Password needed to open the keystore.




If TLS is used, set to true.

Path to the Java truststore file.

Password needed to open the truststore.


Path to the Java keystore file.

Password needed to open the keystore.


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