Interface | Description |
AggregateMetadata |
A CQL aggregate in the schema metadata.
ColumnMetadata |
A column in the schema metadata.
Describable |
A schema element that can be described in terms of CQL
CREATE statements. |
FunctionMetadata |
A CQL function in the schema metadata.
IndexMetadata |
A secondary index in the schema metadata.
KeyspaceMetadata |
A keyspace in the schema metadata.
RelationMetadata |
A table or materialized view in the schema metadata.
SchemaChangeListener |
Tracks schema changes.
TableMetadata |
A table in the schema metadata.
ViewMetadata |
A materialized view in the schema metadata.
Class | Description |
FunctionSignature |
The signature that uniquely identifies a CQL function or aggregate in a keyspace.
SchemaChangeListenerBase |
Convenience class for listener implementations that that don't need to override all methods (all
methods in this class are empty).
Enum | Description |
ClusteringOrder |
The order of a clustering column in a table or materialized view.
IndexKind |
A kind of index in the schema.
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