Source code for cassandra.concurrent

# Copyright 2013-2015 DataStax, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import six
import sys

from itertools import count, cycle
import logging
from six.moves import xrange
from threading import Event

from cassandra.cluster import PagedResult

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def execute_concurrent(session, statements_and_parameters, concurrency=100, raise_on_first_error=True): """ Executes a sequence of (statement, parameters) tuples concurrently. Each ``parameters`` item must be a sequence or :const:`None`. A sequence of ``(success, result_or_exc)`` tuples is returned in the same order that the statements were passed in. If ``success`` is :const:`False`, there was an error executing the statement, and ``result_or_exc`` will be an :class:`Exception`. If ``success`` is :const:`True`, ``result_or_exc`` will be the query result. If `raise_on_first_error` is left as :const:`True`, execution will stop after the first failed statement and the corresponding exception will be raised. The `concurrency` parameter controls how many statements will be executed concurrently. When :attr:`.Cluster.protocol_version` is set to 1 or 2, it is recommended that this be kept below 100 times the number of core connections per host times the number of connected hosts (see :meth:`.Cluster.set_core_connections_per_host`). If that amount is exceeded, the event loop thread may attempt to block on new connection creation, substantially impacting throughput. If :attr:`~.Cluster.protocol_version` is 3 or higher, you can safely experiment with higher levels of concurrency. Example usage:: select_statement = session.prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?") statements_and_params = [] for user_id in user_ids: params = (user_id, ) statements_and_params.append((select_statement, params)) results = execute_concurrent( session, statements_and_params, raise_on_first_error=False) for (success, result) in results: if not success: handle_error(result) # result will be an Exception else: process_user(result[0]) # result will be a list of rows """ if concurrency <= 0: raise ValueError("concurrency must be greater than 0") if not statements_and_parameters: return [] # TODO handle iterators and generators naturally without converting the # whole thing to a list. This would require not building a result # list of Nones up front (we don't know how many results there will be), # so a dict keyed by index should be used instead. The tricky part is # knowing when you're the final statement to finish. statements_and_parameters = list(statements_and_parameters) event = Event() first_error = [] if raise_on_first_error else None to_execute = len(statements_and_parameters) results = [None] * to_execute num_finished = count(1) statements = enumerate(iter(statements_and_parameters)) for i in xrange(min(concurrency, len(statements_and_parameters))): _execute_next(_sentinel, i, event, session, statements, results, None, num_finished, to_execute, first_error) event.wait() if first_error: exc = first_error[0] if six.PY2 and isinstance(exc, tuple): (exc_type, value, traceback) = exc six.reraise(exc_type, value, traceback) else: raise exc else: return results
[docs]def execute_concurrent_with_args(session, statement, parameters, *args, **kwargs): """ Like :meth:`~cassandra.concurrent.execute_concurrent()`, but takes a single statement and a sequence of parameters. Each item in ``parameters`` should be a sequence or :const:`None`. Example usage:: statement = session.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (1, ?)") parameters = [(x,) for x in range(1000)] execute_concurrent_with_args(session, statement, parameters, concurrency=50) """ return execute_concurrent(session, list(zip(cycle((statement,)), parameters)), *args, **kwargs)
_sentinel = object() def _handle_error(error, result_index, event, session, statements, results, future, num_finished, to_execute, first_error): if first_error is not None: first_error.append(error) event.set() return else: results[result_index] = (False, error) if next(num_finished) >= to_execute: event.set() return try: (next_index, (statement, params)) = next(statements) except StopIteration: return try: future = session.execute_async(statement, params) args = (next_index, event, session, statements, results, future, num_finished, to_execute, first_error) future.add_callbacks( callback=_execute_next, callback_args=args, errback=_handle_error, errback_args=args) except Exception as exc: if first_error is not None: if six.PY2: first_error.append(sys.exc_info()) else: first_error.append(exc) event.set() return else: results[next_index] = (False, exc) if next(num_finished) >= to_execute: event.set() return def _execute_next(result, result_index, event, session, statements, results, future, num_finished, to_execute, first_error): if result is not _sentinel: if future.has_more_pages: result = PagedResult(future, result) future.clear_callbacks() results[result_index] = (True, result) finished = next(num_finished) if finished >= to_execute: event.set() return try: (next_index, (statement, params)) = next(statements) except StopIteration: return try: future = session.execute_async(statement, params) args = (next_index, event, session, statements, results, future, num_finished, to_execute, first_error) future.add_callbacks( callback=_execute_next, callback_args=args, errback=_handle_error, errback_args=args) except Exception as exc: if first_error is not None: if six.PY2: first_error.append(sys.exc_info()) else: first_error.append(exc) event.set() return else: results[next_index] = (False, exc) if next(num_finished) >= to_execute: event.set() return