Source code for cassandra.connection

# Copyright 2013-2015 DataStax, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import absolute_import  # to enable import io from stdlib
from collections import defaultdict, deque
import errno
from functools import wraps, partial
import io
import logging
import os
import sys
from threading import Thread, Event, RLock
import time

if 'gevent.monkey' in sys.modules:
    from gevent.queue import Queue, Empty
    from six.moves.queue import Queue, Empty  # noqa

import six
from six.moves import range

from cassandra import ConsistencyLevel, AuthenticationFailed, OperationTimedOut
from cassandra.marshal import int32_pack, header_unpack, v3_header_unpack, int32_unpack
from cassandra.protocol import (ReadyMessage, AuthenticateMessage, OptionsMessage,
                                StartupMessage, ErrorMessage, CredentialsMessage,
                                QueryMessage, ResultMessage, decode_response,
                                InvalidRequestException, SupportedMessage,
                                AuthResponseMessage, AuthChallengeMessage,
                                AuthSuccessMessage, ProtocolException)
from cassandra.util import OrderedDict

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# We use an ordered dictionary and specifically add lz4 before
# snappy so that lz4 will be preferred. Changing the order of this
# will change the compression preferences for the driver.
locally_supported_compressions = OrderedDict()

    import lz4
except ImportError:

    # Cassandra writes the uncompressed message length in big endian order,
    # but the lz4 lib requires little endian order, so we wrap these
    # functions to handle that

    def lz4_compress(byts):
        # write length in big-endian instead of little-endian
        return int32_pack(len(byts)) + lz4.compress(byts)[4:]

    def lz4_decompress(byts):
        # flip from big-endian to little-endian
        return lz4.decompress(byts[3::-1] + byts[4:])

    locally_supported_compressions['lz4'] = (lz4_compress, lz4_decompress)

    import snappy
except ImportError:
    # work around apparently buggy snappy decompress
    def decompress(byts):
        if byts == '\x00':
            return ''
        return snappy.decompress(byts)
    locally_supported_compressions['snappy'] = (snappy.compress, decompress)




[docs]class ConnectionException(Exception): """ An unrecoverable error was hit when attempting to use a connection, or the connection was already closed or defunct. """ def __init__(self, message, host=None): Exception.__init__(self, message) = host
[docs]class ConnectionShutdown(ConnectionException): """ Raised when a connection has been marked as defunct or has been closed. """ pass
[docs]class ConnectionBusy(Exception): """ An attempt was made to send a message through a :class:`.Connection` that was already at the max number of in-flight operations. """ pass
[docs]class ProtocolError(Exception): """ Communication did not match the protocol that this driver expects. """ pass
def defunct_on_error(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return f(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: self.defunct(exc) return wrapper DEFAULT_CQL_VERSION = '3.0.0' class Connection(object): in_buffer_size = 4096 out_buffer_size = 4096 cql_version = None protocol_version = 2 keyspace = None compression = True compressor = None decompressor = None ssl_options = None last_error = None # The current number of operations that are in flight. More precisely, # the number of request IDs that are currently in use. in_flight = 0 # A set of available request IDs. When using the v3 protocol or higher, # this will not initially include all request IDs in order to save memory, # but the set will grow if it is exhausted. request_ids = None # Tracks the highest used request ID in order to help with growing the # request_ids set highest_request_id = 0 is_defunct = False is_closed = False lock = None user_type_map = None msg_received = False is_control_connection = False _iobuf = None def __init__(self, host='', port=9042, authenticator=None, ssl_options=None, sockopts=None, compression=True, cql_version=None, protocol_version=2, is_control_connection=False, user_type_map=None): = host self.port = port self.authenticator = authenticator self.ssl_options = ssl_options self.sockopts = sockopts self.compression = compression self.cql_version = cql_version self.protocol_version = protocol_version self.is_control_connection = is_control_connection self.user_type_map = user_type_map self._push_watchers = defaultdict(set) self._iobuf = io.BytesIO() if protocol_version >= 3: self._header_unpack = v3_header_unpack self._header_length = 5 self.max_request_id = (2 ** 15) - 1 # Don't fill the deque with 2**15 items right away. Start with 300 and add # more if needed. self.request_ids = deque(range(300)) self.highest_request_id = 299 else: self._header_unpack = header_unpack self._header_length = 4 self.max_request_id = (2 ** 7) - 1 self.request_ids = deque(range(self.max_request_id + 1)) self.highest_request_id = self.max_request_id # 0 8 16 24 32 40 # +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ # | version | flags | stream | opcode | # +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ # | length | # +---------+---------+---------+---------+ # | | # . ... body ... . # . . # . . # +---------------------------------------- self._full_header_length = self._header_length + 4 self.lock = RLock() @classmethod def initialize_reactor(self): """ Called once by Cluster.connect(). This should be used by implementations to set up any resources that will be shared across connections. """ pass @classmethod def handle_fork(self): """ Called after a forking. This should cleanup any remaining reactor state from the parent process. """ pass def close(self): raise NotImplementedError() def defunct(self, exc): with self.lock: if self.is_defunct or self.is_closed: return self.is_defunct = True log.debug("Defuncting connection (%s) to %s:", id(self),, exc_info=exc) self.last_error = exc self.close() self.error_all_callbacks(exc) self.connected_event.set() return exc def error_all_callbacks(self, exc): with self.lock: callbacks = self._callbacks self._callbacks = {} new_exc = ConnectionShutdown(str(exc)) for cb in callbacks.values(): try: cb(new_exc) except Exception: log.warning("Ignoring unhandled exception while erroring callbacks for a " "failed connection (%s) to host %s:", id(self),, exc_info=True) def get_request_id(self): """ This must be called while self.lock is held. """ try: return self.request_ids.popleft() except IndexError: self.highest_request_id += 1 # in_flight checks should guarantee this assert self.highest_request_id <= self.max_request_id return self.highest_request_id def handle_pushed(self, response): log.debug("Message pushed from server: %r", response) for cb in self._push_watchers.get(response.event_type, []): try: cb(response.event_args) except Exception: log.exception("Pushed event handler errored, ignoring:") def send_msg(self, msg, request_id, cb): if self.is_defunct: raise ConnectionShutdown("Connection to %s is defunct" % elif self.is_closed: raise ConnectionShutdown("Connection to %s is closed" % self._callbacks[request_id] = cb self.push(msg.to_binary(request_id, self.protocol_version, compression=self.compressor)) return request_id def wait_for_response(self, msg, timeout=None): return self.wait_for_responses(msg, timeout=timeout)[0] def wait_for_responses(self, *msgs, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of (success, response) tuples. If success is False, response will be an Exception. Otherwise, response will be the normal query response. If fail_on_error was left as True and one of the requests failed, the corresponding Exception will be raised. """ if self.is_closed or self.is_defunct: raise ConnectionShutdown("Connection %s is already closed" % (self, )) timeout = kwargs.get('timeout') fail_on_error = kwargs.get('fail_on_error', True) waiter = ResponseWaiter(self, len(msgs), fail_on_error) # busy wait for sufficient space on the connection messages_sent = 0 while True: needed = len(msgs) - messages_sent with self.lock: available = min(needed, self.max_request_id - self.in_flight) request_ids = [self.get_request_id() for _ in range(available)] self.in_flight += available for i, request_id in enumerate(request_ids): self.send_msg(msgs[messages_sent + i], request_id, partial(waiter.got_response, index=messages_sent + i)) messages_sent += available if messages_sent == len(msgs): break else: if timeout is not None: timeout -= 0.01 if timeout <= 0.0: raise OperationTimedOut() time.sleep(0.01) try: return waiter.deliver(timeout) except OperationTimedOut: raise except Exception as exc: self.defunct(exc) raise def register_watcher(self, event_type, callback): raise NotImplementedError() def register_watchers(self, type_callback_dict): raise NotImplementedError() def control_conn_disposed(self): self.is_control_connection = False self._push_watchers = {} def process_io_buffer(self): while True: pos = self._iobuf.tell() if pos < self._full_header_length or (self._total_reqd_bytes > 0 and pos < self._total_reqd_bytes): # we don't have a complete header yet or we # already saw a header, but we don't have a # complete message yet return else: # have enough for header, read body len from header body_len = int32_unpack( # seek to end to get length of current buffer, os.SEEK_END) pos = self._iobuf.tell() if pos >= body_len + self._full_header_length: # read message header and body msg = + body_len) # leave leftover in current buffer leftover = self._iobuf = io.BytesIO() self._iobuf.write(leftover) self._total_reqd_bytes = 0 self.process_msg(msg, body_len) else: self._total_reqd_bytes = body_len + self._full_header_length return @defunct_on_error def process_msg(self, msg, body_len): version, flags, stream_id, opcode = self._header_unpack(msg[:self._header_length]) if stream_id < 0: callback = None else: callback = self._callbacks.pop(stream_id, None) with self.lock: self.request_ids.append(stream_id) self.msg_received = True body = None try: # check that the protocol version is supported given_version = version & PROTOCOL_VERSION_MASK if given_version != self.protocol_version: msg = "Server protocol version (%d) does not match the specified driver protocol version (%d). " +\ "Consider setting Cluster.protocol_version to %d." raise ProtocolError(msg % (given_version, self.protocol_version, given_version)) # check that the header direction is correct if version & HEADER_DIRECTION_MASK != HEADER_DIRECTION_TO_CLIENT: raise ProtocolError( "Header direction in response is incorrect; opcode %04x, stream id %r" % (opcode, stream_id)) if body_len > 0: body = msg[self._full_header_length:] elif body_len == 0: body = six.binary_type() else: raise ProtocolError("Got negative body length: %r" % body_len) response = decode_response(given_version, self.user_type_map, stream_id, flags, opcode, body, self.decompressor) except Exception as exc: log.exception("Error decoding response from Cassandra. " "opcode: %04x; message contents: %r", opcode, msg) if callback is not None: callback(exc) self.defunct(exc) return try: if stream_id >= 0: if isinstance(response, ProtocolException): log.error("Closing connection %s due to protocol error: %s", self, response.summary_msg()) self.defunct(response) if callback is not None: callback(response) else: self.handle_pushed(response) except Exception: log.exception("Callback handler errored, ignoring:") @defunct_on_error def _send_options_message(self): if self.cql_version is None and (not self.compression or not locally_supported_compressions): log.debug("Not sending options message for new connection(%s) to %s " "because compression is disabled and a cql version was not " "specified", id(self), self._compressor = None self.cql_version = DEFAULT_CQL_VERSION self._send_startup_message() else: log.debug("Sending initial options message for new connection (%s) to %s", id(self), self.send_msg(OptionsMessage(), self.get_request_id(), self._handle_options_response) @defunct_on_error def _handle_options_response(self, options_response): if self.is_defunct: return if not isinstance(options_response, SupportedMessage): if isinstance(options_response, ConnectionException): raise options_response else: log.error("Did not get expected SupportedMessage response; " "instead, got: %s", options_response) raise ConnectionException("Did not get expected SupportedMessage " "response; instead, got: %s" % (options_response,)) log.debug("Received options response on new connection (%s) from %s", id(self), supported_cql_versions = options_response.cql_versions remote_supported_compressions = options_response.options['COMPRESSION'] if self.cql_version: if self.cql_version not in supported_cql_versions: raise ProtocolError( "cql_version %r is not supported by remote (w/ native " "protocol). Supported versions: %r" % (self.cql_version, supported_cql_versions)) else: self.cql_version = supported_cql_versions[0] self._compressor = None compression_type = None if self.compression: overlap = (set(locally_supported_compressions.keys()) & set(remote_supported_compressions)) if len(overlap) == 0: log.debug("No available compression types supported on both ends." " locally supported: %r. remotely supported: %r", locally_supported_compressions.keys(), remote_supported_compressions) else: compression_type = None if isinstance(self.compression, six.string_types): # the user picked a specific compression type ('snappy' or 'lz4') if self.compression not in remote_supported_compressions: raise ProtocolError( "The requested compression type (%s) is not supported by the Cassandra server at %s" % (self.compression, compression_type = self.compression else: # our locally supported compressions are ordered to prefer # lz4, if available for k in locally_supported_compressions.keys(): if k in overlap: compression_type = k break # set the decompressor here, but set the compressor only after # a successful Ready message self._compressor, self.decompressor = \ locally_supported_compressions[compression_type] self._send_startup_message(compression_type) @defunct_on_error def _send_startup_message(self, compression=None): log.debug("Sending StartupMessage on %s", self) opts = {} if compression: opts['COMPRESSION'] = compression sm = StartupMessage(cqlversion=self.cql_version, options=opts) self.send_msg(sm, self.get_request_id(), cb=self._handle_startup_response) log.debug("Sent StartupMessage on %s", self) @defunct_on_error def _handle_startup_response(self, startup_response, did_authenticate=False): if self.is_defunct: return if isinstance(startup_response, ReadyMessage): log.debug("Got ReadyMessage on new connection (%s) from %s", id(self), if self._compressor: self.compressor = self._compressor self.connected_event.set() elif isinstance(startup_response, AuthenticateMessage): log.debug("Got AuthenticateMessage on new connection (%s) from %s: %s", id(self),, startup_response.authenticator) if self.authenticator is None: raise AuthenticationFailed('Remote end requires authentication.') self.authenticator_class = startup_response.authenticator if isinstance(self.authenticator, dict): log.debug("Sending credentials-based auth response on %s", self) cm = CredentialsMessage(creds=self.authenticator) callback = partial(self._handle_startup_response, did_authenticate=True) self.send_msg(cm, self.get_request_id(), cb=callback) else: log.debug("Sending SASL-based auth response on %s", self) initial_response = self.authenticator.initial_response() initial_response = "" if initial_response is None else initial_response self.send_msg(AuthResponseMessage(initial_response), self.get_request_id(), self._handle_auth_response) elif isinstance(startup_response, ErrorMessage): log.debug("Received ErrorMessage on new connection (%s) from %s: %s", id(self),, startup_response.summary_msg()) if did_authenticate: raise AuthenticationFailed( "Failed to authenticate to %s: %s" % (, startup_response.summary_msg())) else: raise ConnectionException( "Failed to initialize new connection to %s: %s" % (, startup_response.summary_msg())) elif isinstance(startup_response, ConnectionShutdown): log.debug("Connection to %s was closed during the startup handshake", ( raise startup_response else: msg = "Unexpected response during Connection setup: %r" log.error(msg, startup_response) raise ProtocolError(msg % (startup_response,)) @defunct_on_error def _handle_auth_response(self, auth_response): if self.is_defunct: return if isinstance(auth_response, AuthSuccessMessage): log.debug("Connection %s successfully authenticated", self) self.authenticator.on_authentication_success(auth_response.token) if self._compressor: self.compressor = self._compressor self.connected_event.set() elif isinstance(auth_response, AuthChallengeMessage): response = self.authenticator.evaluate_challenge(auth_response.challenge) msg = AuthResponseMessage("" if response is None else response) log.debug("Responding to auth challenge on %s", self) self.send_msg(msg, self.get_request_id(), self._handle_auth_response) elif isinstance(auth_response, ErrorMessage): log.debug("Received ErrorMessage on new connection (%s) from %s: %s", id(self),, auth_response.summary_msg()) raise AuthenticationFailed( "Failed to authenticate to %s: %s" % (, auth_response.summary_msg())) elif isinstance(auth_response, ConnectionShutdown): log.debug("Connection to %s was closed during the authentication process", raise auth_response else: msg = "Unexpected response during Connection authentication to %s: %r" log.error(msg,, auth_response) raise ProtocolError(msg % (, auth_response)) def set_keyspace_blocking(self, keyspace): if not keyspace or keyspace == self.keyspace: return query = QueryMessage(query='USE "%s"' % (keyspace,), consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE) try: result = self.wait_for_response(query) except InvalidRequestException as ire: # the keyspace probably doesn't exist raise ire.to_exception() except Exception as exc: conn_exc = ConnectionException( "Problem while setting keyspace: %r" % (exc,), self.defunct(conn_exc) raise conn_exc if isinstance(result, ResultMessage): self.keyspace = keyspace else: conn_exc = ConnectionException( "Problem while setting keyspace: %r" % (result,), self.defunct(conn_exc) raise conn_exc def set_keyspace_async(self, keyspace, callback): """ Use this in order to avoid deadlocking the event loop thread. When the operation completes, `callback` will be called with two arguments: this connection and an Exception if an error occurred, otherwise :const:`None`. """ if not keyspace or keyspace == self.keyspace: callback(self, None) return query = QueryMessage(query='USE "%s"' % (keyspace,), consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE) def process_result(result): if isinstance(result, ResultMessage): self.keyspace = keyspace callback(self, None) elif isinstance(result, InvalidRequestException): callback(self, result.to_exception()) else: callback(self, self.defunct(ConnectionException( "Problem while setting keyspace: %r" % (result,), request_id = None # we use a busy wait on the lock here because: # - we'll only spin if the connection is at max capacity, which is very # unlikely for a set_keyspace call # - it allows us to avoid signaling a condition every time a request completes while True: with self.lock: if self.in_flight < self.max_request_id: request_id = self.get_request_id() self.in_flight += 1 break time.sleep(0.001) self.send_msg(query, request_id, process_result) @property def is_idle(self): return not self.msg_received def reset_idle(self): self.msg_received = False def __str__(self): status = "" if self.is_defunct: status = " (defunct)" elif self.is_closed: status = " (closed)" return "<%s(%r) %s:%d%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self),, self.port, status) __repr__ = __str__ class ResponseWaiter(object): def __init__(self, connection, num_responses, fail_on_error): self.connection = connection self.pending = num_responses self.fail_on_error = fail_on_error self.error = None self.responses = [None] * num_responses self.event = Event() def got_response(self, response, index): with self.connection.lock: self.connection.in_flight -= 1 if isinstance(response, Exception): if hasattr(response, 'to_exception'): response = response.to_exception() if self.fail_on_error: self.error = response self.event.set() else: self.responses[index] = (False, response) else: if not self.fail_on_error: self.responses[index] = (True, response) else: self.responses[index] = response self.pending -= 1 if not self.pending: self.event.set() def deliver(self, timeout=None): """ If fail_on_error was set to False, a list of (success, response) tuples will be returned. If success is False, response will be an Exception. Otherwise, response will be the normal query response. If fail_on_error was left as True and one of the requests failed, the corresponding Exception will be raised. Otherwise, the normal response will be returned. """ self.event.wait(timeout) if self.error: raise self.error elif not self.event.is_set(): raise OperationTimedOut() else: return self.responses class HeartbeatFuture(object): def __init__(self, connection, owner): self._exception = None self._event = Event() self.connection = connection self.owner = owner log.debug("Sending options message heartbeat on idle connection (%s) %s", id(connection), with connection.lock: if connection.in_flight < connection.max_request_id: connection.in_flight += 1 connection.send_msg(OptionsMessage(), connection.get_request_id(), self._options_callback) else: self._exception = Exception("Failed to send heartbeat because connection 'in_flight' exceeds threshold") self._event.set() def wait(self, timeout): self._event.wait(timeout) if self._event.is_set(): if self._exception: raise self._exception else: raise OperationTimedOut() def _options_callback(self, response): if not isinstance(response, SupportedMessage): if isinstance(response, ConnectionException): self._exception = response else: self._exception = ConnectionException("Received unexpected response to OptionsMessage: %s" % (response,)) log.debug("Received options response on connection (%s) from %s", id(self.connection), self._event.set() class ConnectionHeartbeat(Thread): def __init__(self, interval_sec, get_connection_holders): Thread.__init__(self, name="Connection heartbeat") self._interval = interval_sec self._get_connection_holders = get_connection_holders self._shutdown_event = Event() self.daemon = True self.start() class ShutdownException(Exception): pass def run(self): self._shutdown_event.wait(self._interval) while not self._shutdown_event.is_set(): start_time = time.time() futures = [] failed_connections = [] try: for connections, owner in [(o.get_connections(), o) for o in self._get_connection_holders()]: for connection in connections: self._raise_if_stopped() if not (connection.is_defunct or connection.is_closed): if connection.is_idle: try: futures.append(HeartbeatFuture(connection, owner)) except Exception: log.warning("Failed sending heartbeat message on connection (%s) to %s", id(connection),, exc_info=True) failed_connections.append((connection, owner)) else: connection.reset_idle() else: # make sure the owner sees this defunt/closed connection owner.return_connection(connection) self._raise_if_stopped() for f in futures: self._raise_if_stopped() connection = f.connection try: f.wait(self._interval) # TODO: move this, along with connection locks in pool, down into Connection with connection.lock: connection.in_flight -= 1 connection.reset_idle() except Exception: log.warning("Heartbeat failed for connection (%s) to %s", id(connection),, exc_info=True) failed_connections.append((f.connection, f.owner)) for connection, owner in failed_connections: self._raise_if_stopped() connection.defunct(Exception('Connection heartbeat failure')) owner.return_connection(connection) except self.ShutdownException: pass except Exception: log.error("Failed connection heartbeat", exc_info=True) elapsed = time.time() - start_time self._shutdown_event.wait(max(self._interval - elapsed, 0.01)) def stop(self): self._shutdown_event.set() self.join() def _raise_if_stopped(self): if self._shutdown_event.is_set(): raise self.ShutdownException()