Source code for cassandra.cqlengine.columns

# Copyright 2015 DataStax, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from copy import deepcopy, copy
from datetime import date, datetime
import logging
import re
import six
import warnings

from cassandra.cqltypes import DateType
from cassandra.encoder import cql_quote

from cassandra.cqlengine import ValidationError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BaseValueManager(object):

    def __init__(self, instance, column, value):
        self.instance = instance
        self.column = column
        self.previous_value = deepcopy(value)
        self.value = value
        self.explicit = False

    def deleted(self):
        return self.value is None and self.previous_value is not None

    def changed(self):
        Indicates whether or not this value has changed.

        :rtype: boolean

        return self.value != self.previous_value

    def reset_previous_value(self):
        self.previous_value = copy(self.value)

    def getval(self):
        return self.value

    def setval(self, val):
        self.value = val

    def delval(self):
        self.value = None

    def get_property(self):
        _get = lambda slf: self.getval()
        _set = lambda slf, val: self.setval(val)
        _del = lambda slf: self.delval()

        if self.column.can_delete:
            return property(_get, _set, _del)
            return property(_get, _set)

class ValueQuoter(object):
    contains a single value, which will quote itself for CQL insertion statements
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def __str__(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return self.value == other.value
        return False

[docs]class Column(object): # the cassandra type this column maps to db_type = None value_manager = BaseValueManager instance_counter = 0 primary_key = False """ bool flag, indicates this column is a primary key. The first primary key defined on a model is the partition key (unless partition keys are set), all others are cluster keys """ partition_key = False """ indicates that this column should be the partition key, defining more than one partition key column creates a compound partition key """ index = False """ bool flag, indicates an index should be created for this column """ db_field = None """ the fieldname this field will map to in the database """ default = None """ the default value, can be a value or a callable (no args) """ required = False """ boolean, is the field required? Model validation will raise and exception if required is set to True and there is a None value assigned """ clustering_order = None """ only applicable on clustering keys (primary keys that are not partition keys) determines the order that the clustering keys are sorted on disk """ polymorphic_key = False """ *Deprecated* see :attr:`~.discriminator_column` """ discriminator_column = False """ boolean, if set to True, this column will be used for discriminating records of inherited models. Should only be set on a column of an abstract model being used for inheritance. There may only be one discriminator column per model. See :attr:`~.__discriminator_value__` for how to specify the value of this column on specialized models. """ static = False """ boolean, if set to True, this is a static column, with a single value per partition """ def __init__(self, primary_key=False, partition_key=False, index=False, db_field=None, default=None, required=False, clustering_order=None, polymorphic_key=False, discriminator_column=False, static=False): self.partition_key = partition_key self.primary_key = partition_key or primary_key self.index = index self.db_field = db_field self.default = default self.required = required self.clustering_order = clustering_order if polymorphic_key: msg = "polymorphic_key is deprecated. Use discriminator_column instead." warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) log.warning(msg) self.discriminator_column = discriminator_column or polymorphic_key self.polymorphic_key = self.discriminator_column # the column name in the model definition self.column_name = None self.static = static self.value = None # keep track of instantiation order self.position = Column.instance_counter Column.instance_counter += 1 def validate(self, value): """ Returns a cleaned and validated value. Raises a ValidationError if there's a problem """ if value is None: if self.required: raise ValidationError('{} - None values are not allowed'.format(self.column_name or self.db_field)) return value def to_python(self, value): """ Converts data from the database into python values raises a ValidationError if the value can't be converted """ return value def to_database(self, value): """ Converts python value into database value """ if value is None and self.has_default: return self.get_default() return value @property def has_default(self): return self.default is not None @property def is_primary_key(self): return self.primary_key @property def can_delete(self): return not self.primary_key def get_default(self): if self.has_default: if callable(self.default): return self.default() else: return self.default def get_column_def(self): """ Returns a column definition for CQL table definition """ static = "static" if self.static else "" return '{} {} {}'.format(self.cql, self.db_type, static) # TODO: make columns use cqltypes under the hood # until then, this bridges the gap in using types along with cassandra.metadata for CQL generation def cql_parameterized_type(self): return self.db_type def set_column_name(self, name): """ Sets the column name during document class construction This value will be ignored if db_field is set in __init__ """ self.column_name = name @property def db_field_name(self): """ Returns the name of the cql name of this column """ return self.db_field or self.column_name @property def db_index_name(self): """ Returns the name of the cql index """ return 'index_{}'.format(self.db_field_name) @property def cql(self): return self.get_cql() def get_cql(self): return '"{}"'.format(self.db_field_name) def _val_is_null(self, val): """ determines if the given value equates to a null value for the given column type """ return val is None @property def sub_columns(self): return []
[docs]class Blob(Column): """ Stores a raw binary value """ db_type = 'blob' def to_database(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (six.binary_type, bytearray)): raise Exception("expecting a binary, got a %s" % type(value)) val = super(Bytes, self).to_database(value) return bytearray(val) def to_python(self, value): return value
Bytes = Blob
[docs]class Ascii(Column): """ Stores a US-ASCII character string """ db_type = 'ascii'
class Inet(Column): """ Stores an IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format """ db_type = 'inet'
[docs]class Text(Column): """ Stores a UTF-8 encoded string """ db_type = 'text' def __init__(self, min_length=None, max_length=None, **kwargs): """ :param int min_length: Sets the minimum length of this string, for validation purposes. Defaults to 1 if this is a ``required`` column. Otherwise, None. :param int max_lemgth: Sets the maximum length of this string, for validation purposes. """ self.min_length = min_length or (1 if kwargs.get('required', False) else None) self.max_length = max_length super(Text, self).__init__(**kwargs) def validate(self, value): value = super(Text, self).validate(value) if value is None: return if not isinstance(value, (six.string_types, bytearray)) and value is not None: raise ValidationError('{} {} is not a string'.format(self.column_name, type(value))) if self.max_length: if len(value) > self.max_length: raise ValidationError('{} is longer than {} characters'.format(self.column_name, self.max_length)) if self.min_length: if len(value) < self.min_length: raise ValidationError('{} is shorter than {} characters'.format(self.column_name, self.min_length)) return value
[docs]class Integer(Column): """ Stores a 32-bit signed integer value """ db_type = 'int' def validate(self, value): val = super(Integer, self).validate(value) if val is None: return try: return int(val) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValidationError("{} {} can't be converted to integral value".format(self.column_name, value)) def to_python(self, value): return self.validate(value) def to_database(self, value): return self.validate(value)
[docs]class BigInt(Integer): """ Stores a 64-bit signed long value """ db_type = 'bigint'
[docs]class VarInt(Column): """ Stores an arbitrary-precision integer """ db_type = 'varint' def validate(self, value): val = super(VarInt, self).validate(value) if val is None: return try: return int(val) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValidationError( "{} {} can't be converted to integral value".format(self.column_name, value)) def to_python(self, value): return self.validate(value) def to_database(self, value): return self.validate(value)
class CounterValueManager(BaseValueManager): def __init__(self, instance, column, value): super(CounterValueManager, self).__init__(instance, column, value) self.value = self.value or 0 self.previous_value = self.previous_value or 0
[docs]class Counter(Integer): """ Stores a counter that can be inremented and decremented """ db_type = 'counter' value_manager = CounterValueManager def __init__(self, index=False, db_field=None, required=False): super(Counter, self).__init__( primary_key=False, partition_key=False, index=index, db_field=db_field, default=0, required=required, )
[docs]class DateTime(Column): """ Stores a datetime value """ db_type = 'timestamp' def to_python(self, value): if value is None: return if isinstance(value, datetime): return value elif isinstance(value, date): return datetime(*(value.timetuple()[:6])) try: return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(value) except TypeError: return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(DateType.deserialize(value)) def to_database(self, value): value = super(DateTime, self).to_database(value) if value is None: return if not isinstance(value, datetime): if isinstance(value, date): value = datetime(value.year, value.month, else: raise ValidationError("{} '{}' is not a datetime object".format(self.column_name, value)) epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=value.tzinfo) offset = epoch.tzinfo.utcoffset(epoch).total_seconds() if epoch.tzinfo else 0 return int(((value - epoch).total_seconds() - offset) * 1000)
[docs]class Date(Column): """ *Note: this type is overloaded, and will likely be changed or removed to accommodate distinct date type in a future version* Stores a date value, with no time-of-day """ db_type = 'timestamp' def to_python(self, value): if value is None: return if isinstance(value, datetime): return elif isinstance(value, date): return value try: return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(value).date() except TypeError: return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(DateType.deserialize(value)).date() def to_database(self, value): value = super(Date, self).to_database(value) if value is None: return if isinstance(value, datetime): value = if not isinstance(value, date): raise ValidationError("{} '{}' is not a date object".format(self.column_name, repr(value))) return int((value - date(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() * 1000)
[docs]class UUID(Column): """ Stores a type 1 or 4 UUID """ db_type = 'uuid' re_uuid = re.compile(r'[0-9a-f]{8}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{12}') def validate(self, value): val = super(UUID, self).validate(value) if val is None: return from uuid import UUID as _UUID if isinstance(val, _UUID): return val if isinstance(val, six.string_types) and self.re_uuid.match(val): return _UUID(val) raise ValidationError("{} {} is not a valid uuid".format(self.column_name, value)) def to_python(self, value): return self.validate(value) def to_database(self, value): return self.validate(value)
from uuid import UUID as pyUUID, getnode
[docs]class TimeUUID(UUID): """ UUID containing timestamp """ db_type = 'timeuuid' @classmethod def from_datetime(self, dt): """ generates a UUID for a given datetime :param dt: datetime :type dt: datetime :return: """ global _last_timestamp epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=dt.tzinfo) offset = epoch.tzinfo.utcoffset(epoch).total_seconds() if epoch.tzinfo else 0 timestamp = (dt - epoch).total_seconds() - offset node = None clock_seq = None nanoseconds = int(timestamp * 1e9) timestamp = int(nanoseconds // 100) + 0x01b21dd213814000 if clock_seq is None: import random clock_seq = random.randrange(1 << 14) # instead of stable storage time_low = timestamp & 0xffffffff time_mid = (timestamp >> 32) & 0xffff time_hi_version = (timestamp >> 48) & 0x0fff clock_seq_low = clock_seq & 0xff clock_seq_hi_variant = (clock_seq >> 8) & 0x3f if node is None: node = getnode() return pyUUID(fields=(time_low, time_mid, time_hi_version, clock_seq_hi_variant, clock_seq_low, node), version=1)
[docs]class Boolean(Column): """ Stores a boolean True or False value """ db_type = 'boolean' def validate(self, value): """ Always returns a Python boolean. """ value = super(Boolean, self).validate(value) if value is not None: value = bool(value) return value def to_python(self, value): return self.validate(value)
[docs]class Float(Column): """ Stores a floating point value """ db_type = 'double' def __init__(self, double_precision=True, **kwargs): self.db_type = 'double' if double_precision else 'float' super(Float, self).__init__(**kwargs) def validate(self, value): value = super(Float, self).validate(value) if value is None: return try: return float(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValidationError("{} {} is not a valid float".format(self.column_name, value)) def to_python(self, value): return self.validate(value) def to_database(self, value): return self.validate(value)
[docs]class Decimal(Column): """ Stores a variable precision decimal value """ db_type = 'decimal' def validate(self, value): from decimal import Decimal as _Decimal from decimal import InvalidOperation val = super(Decimal, self).validate(value) if val is None: return try: return _Decimal(val) except InvalidOperation: raise ValidationError("{} '{}' can't be coerced to decimal".format(self.column_name, val)) def to_python(self, value): return self.validate(value) def to_database(self, value): return self.validate(value)
class BaseContainerColumn(Column): """ Base Container type for collection-like columns. """ def __init__(self, value_type, **kwargs): """ :param value_type: a column class indicating the types of the value """ inheritance_comparator = issubclass if isinstance(value_type, type) else isinstance if not inheritance_comparator(value_type, Column): raise ValidationError('value_type must be a column class') if inheritance_comparator(value_type, BaseContainerColumn): raise ValidationError('container types cannot be nested') if value_type.db_type is None: raise ValidationError('value_type cannot be an abstract column type') if isinstance(value_type, type): self.value_type = value_type self.value_col = self.value_type() else: self.value_col = value_type self.value_type = self.value_col.__class__ super(BaseContainerColumn, self).__init__(**kwargs) def validate(self, value): value = super(BaseContainerColumn, self).validate(value) # It is dangerous to let collections have more than 65535. # See: if value is not None and len(value) > 65535: raise ValidationError("{} Collection can't have more than 65535 elements.".format(self.column_name)) return value def _val_is_null(self, val): return not val @property def sub_columns(self): return [self.value_col] class BaseContainerQuoter(ValueQuoter): def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.value)
[docs]class Set(BaseContainerColumn): """ Stores a set of unordered, unique values """ class Quoter(BaseContainerQuoter): def __str__(self): cq = cql_quote return '{' + ', '.join([cq(v) for v in self.value]) + '}' def __init__(self, value_type, strict=True, default=set, **kwargs): """ :param value_type: a column class indicating the types of the value :param strict: sets whether non set values will be coerced to set type on validation, or raise a validation error, defaults to True """ self.strict = strict self.db_type = 'set<{}>'.format(value_type.db_type) super(Set, self).__init__(value_type, default=default, **kwargs) def validate(self, value): val = super(Set, self).validate(value) if val is None: return types = (set,) if self.strict else (set, list, tuple) if not isinstance(val, types): if self.strict: raise ValidationError('{} {} is not a set object'.format(self.column_name, val)) else: raise ValidationError('{} {} cannot be coerced to a set object'.format(self.column_name, val)) if None in val: raise ValidationError("{} None not allowed in a set".format(self.column_name)) return {self.value_col.validate(v) for v in val} def to_python(self, value): if value is None: return set() return {self.value_col.to_python(v) for v in value} def to_database(self, value): if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, self.Quoter): return value return self.Quoter({self.value_col.to_database(v) for v in value})
[docs]class List(BaseContainerColumn): """ Stores a list of ordered values """ class Quoter(BaseContainerQuoter): def __str__(self): cq = cql_quote return '[' + ', '.join([cq(v) for v in self.value]) + ']' def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.value) def __init__(self, value_type, default=list, **kwargs): """ :param value_type: a column class indicating the types of the value """ self.db_type = 'list<{}>'.format(value_type.db_type) return super(List, self).__init__(value_type=value_type, default=default, **kwargs) def validate(self, value): val = super(List, self).validate(value) if val is None: return if not isinstance(val, (set, list, tuple)): raise ValidationError('{} {} is not a list object'.format(self.column_name, val)) if None in val: raise ValidationError("{} None is not allowed in a list".format(self.column_name)) return [self.value_col.validate(v) for v in val] def to_python(self, value): if value is None: return [] return [self.value_col.to_python(v) for v in value] def to_database(self, value): if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, self.Quoter): return value return self.Quoter([self.value_col.to_database(v) for v in value])
[docs]class Map(BaseContainerColumn): """ Stores a key -> value map (dictionary) """ class Quoter(BaseContainerQuoter): def __str__(self): cq = cql_quote return '{' + ', '.join([cq(k) + ':' + cq(v) for k, v in self.value.items()]) + '}' def get(self, key): return self.value.get(key) def keys(self): return self.value.keys() def items(self): return self.value.items() def __init__(self, key_type, value_type, default=dict, **kwargs): """ :param key_type: a column class indicating the types of the key :param value_type: a column class indicating the types of the value """ self.db_type = 'map<{}, {}>'.format(key_type.db_type, value_type.db_type) inheritance_comparator = issubclass if isinstance(key_type, type) else isinstance if not inheritance_comparator(key_type, Column): raise ValidationError('key_type must be a column class') if inheritance_comparator(key_type, BaseContainerColumn): raise ValidationError('container types cannot be nested') if key_type.db_type is None: raise ValidationError('key_type cannot be an abstract column type') if isinstance(key_type, type): self.key_type = key_type self.key_col = self.key_type() else: self.key_col = key_type self.key_type = self.key_col.__class__ super(Map, self).__init__(value_type, default=default, **kwargs) def validate(self, value): val = super(Map, self).validate(value) if val is None: return if not isinstance(val, dict): raise ValidationError('{} {} is not a dict object'.format(self.column_name, val)) return {self.key_col.validate(k): self.value_col.validate(v) for k, v in val.items()} def to_python(self, value): if value is None: return {} if value is not None: return {self.key_col.to_python(k): self.value_col.to_python(v) for k, v in value.items()} def to_database(self, value): if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, self.Quoter): return value return self.Quoter({self.key_col.to_database(k): self.value_col.to_database(v) for k, v in value.items()}) @property def sub_columns(self): return [self.key_col, self.value_col]
class UDTValueManager(BaseValueManager): @property def changed(self): return self.value != self.previous_value or self.value.has_changed_fields() def reset_previous_value(self): self.value.reset_changed_fields() self.previous_value = copy(self.value)
[docs]class UserDefinedType(Column): """ User Defined Type column These columns are represented by a specialization of :class:`cassandra.cqlengine.usertype.UserType`. Please see :ref:`user_types` for examples and discussion. """ value_manager = UDTValueManager def __init__(self, user_type, **kwargs): """ :param type user_type: specifies the :class:`~.UserType` model of the column """ self.user_type = user_type self.db_type = "frozen<%s>" % user_type.type_name() super(UserDefinedType, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def sub_columns(self): return list(self.user_type._fields.values())
def resolve_udts(col_def, out_list): for col in col_def.sub_columns: resolve_udts(col, out_list) if isinstance(col_def, UserDefinedType): out_list.append(col_def.user_type) class _PartitionKeysToken(Column): """ virtual column representing token of partition columns. Used by filter(pk__token=Token(...)) filters """ def __init__(self, model): self.partition_columns = model._partition_keys.values() super(_PartitionKeysToken, self).__init__(partition_key=True) @property def db_field_name(self): return 'token({})'.format(', '.join(['"{}"'.format(c.db_field_name) for c in self.partition_columns])) def to_database(self, value): from cqlengine.functions import Token assert isinstance(value, Token) value.set_columns(self.partition_columns) return value def get_cql(self): return "token({})".format(", ".join(c.cql for c in self.partition_columns))