Source code for cassandra.metadata
# Copyright 2013-2015 DataStax, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from bisect import bisect_right
from collections import defaultdict
from hashlib import md5
from itertools import islice, cycle
import json
import logging
import re
from threading import RLock
import six
murmur3 = None
from cassandra.murmur3 import murmur3
except ImportError as e:
import cassandra.cqltypes as types
from cassandra.marshal import varint_unpack
from cassandra.util import OrderedDict
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_keywords = set((
'select', 'from', 'where', 'and', 'key', 'insert', 'update', 'with',
'limit', 'using', 'use', 'count', 'set',
'begin', 'apply', 'batch', 'truncate', 'delete', 'in', 'create',
'keyspace', 'schema', 'columnfamily', 'table', 'index', 'on', 'drop',
'primary', 'into', 'values', 'timestamp', 'ttl', 'alter', 'add', 'type',
'compact', 'storage', 'order', 'by', 'asc', 'desc', 'clustering',
'token', 'writetime', 'map', 'list', 'to'
_unreserved_keywords = set((
'key', 'clustering', 'ttl', 'compact', 'storage', 'type', 'values'
[docs]class Metadata(object):
Holds a representation of the cluster schema and topology.
cluster_name = None
""" The string name of the cluster. """
keyspaces = None
A map from keyspace names to matching :class:`~.KeyspaceMetadata` instances.
partitioner = None
The string name of the partitioner for the cluster.
token_map = None
""" A :class:`~.TokenMap` instance describing the ring topology. """
def __init__(self):
self.keyspaces = {}
self._hosts = {}
self._hosts_lock = RLock()
[docs] def export_schema_as_string(self):
Returns a string that can be executed as a query in order to recreate
the entire schema. The string is formatted to be human readable.
return "\n".join(ks.export_as_string() for ks in self.keyspaces.values())
def rebuild_schema(self, ks_results, type_results, cf_results, col_results, triggers_result):
Rebuild the view of the current schema from a fresh set of rows from
the system schema tables.
For internal use only.
cf_def_rows = defaultdict(list)
col_def_rows = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
usertype_rows = defaultdict(list)
trigger_rows = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
for row in cf_results:
for row in col_results:
ksname = row["keyspace_name"]
cfname = row["columnfamily_name"]
for row in type_results:
for row in triggers_result:
ksname = row["keyspace_name"]
cfname = row["columnfamily_name"]
current_keyspaces = set()
for row in ks_results:
keyspace_meta = self._build_keyspace_metadata(row)
keyspace_col_rows = col_def_rows.get(, {})
keyspace_trigger_rows = trigger_rows.get(, {})
for table_row in cf_def_rows.get(, []):
table_meta = self._build_table_metadata(
keyspace_meta, table_row, keyspace_col_rows,
keyspace_meta.tables[] = table_meta
for usertype_row in usertype_rows.get(, []):
usertype = self._build_usertype(, usertype_row)
keyspace_meta.user_types[] = usertype
old_keyspace_meta = self.keyspaces.get(, None)
self.keyspaces[] = keyspace_meta
if old_keyspace_meta:
# remove not-just-added keyspaces
removed_keyspaces = [ksname for ksname in self.keyspaces.keys()
if ksname not in current_keyspaces]
self.keyspaces = dict((name, meta) for name, meta in self.keyspaces.items()
if name in current_keyspaces)
for ksname in removed_keyspaces:
def keyspace_changed(self, keyspace, ks_results):
if not ks_results:
if keyspace in self.keyspaces:
del self.keyspaces[keyspace]
keyspace_meta = self._build_keyspace_metadata(ks_results[0])
old_keyspace_meta = self.keyspaces.get(keyspace, None)
self.keyspaces[keyspace] = keyspace_meta
if old_keyspace_meta:
keyspace_meta.tables = old_keyspace_meta.tables
keyspace_meta.user_types = old_keyspace_meta.user_types
if (keyspace_meta.replication_strategy != old_keyspace_meta.replication_strategy):
def usertype_changed(self, keyspace, name, type_results):
if type_results:
new_usertype = self._build_usertype(keyspace, type_results[0])
self.keyspaces[keyspace].user_types[name] = new_usertype
# the type was deleted
self.keyspaces[keyspace].user_types.pop(name, None)
def table_changed(self, keyspace, table, cf_results, col_results, triggers_result):
keyspace_meta = self.keyspaces[keyspace]
except KeyError:
# we're trying to update a table in a keyspace we don't know about
log.error("Tried to update schema for table '%s' in unknown keyspace '%s'",
table, keyspace)
if not cf_results:
# the table was removed
keyspace_meta.tables.pop(table, None)
assert len(cf_results) == 1
keyspace_meta.tables[table] = self._build_table_metadata(
keyspace_meta, cf_results[0], {table: col_results},
{table: triggers_result})
def _keyspace_added(self, ksname):
if self.token_map:
self.token_map.rebuild_keyspace(ksname, build_if_absent=False)
def _keyspace_updated(self, ksname):
if self.token_map:
self.token_map.rebuild_keyspace(ksname, build_if_absent=False)
def _keyspace_removed(self, ksname):
if self.token_map:
def _build_keyspace_metadata(self, row):
name = row["keyspace_name"]
durable_writes = row["durable_writes"]
strategy_class = row["strategy_class"]
strategy_options = json.loads(row["strategy_options"])
return KeyspaceMetadata(name, durable_writes, strategy_class, strategy_options)
def _build_usertype(self, keyspace, usertype_row):
type_classes = list(map(types.lookup_casstype, usertype_row['field_types']))
return UserType(usertype_row['keyspace_name'], usertype_row['type_name'],
usertype_row['field_names'], type_classes)
def _build_table_metadata(self, keyspace_metadata, row, col_rows, trigger_rows):
cfname = row["columnfamily_name"]
cf_col_rows = col_rows.get(cfname, [])
if not cf_col_rows: # CASSANDRA-8487
log.warning("Building table metadata with no column meta for %s.%s",, cfname)
comparator = types.lookup_casstype(row["comparator"])
if issubclass(comparator, types.CompositeType):
column_name_types = comparator.subtypes
is_composite_comparator = True
column_name_types = (comparator,)
is_composite_comparator = False
num_column_name_components = len(column_name_types)
last_col = column_name_types[-1]
column_aliases = row.get("column_aliases", None)
clustering_rows = [r for r in cf_col_rows
if r.get('type', None) == "clustering_key"]
if len(clustering_rows) > 1:
clustering_rows = sorted(clustering_rows, key=lambda row: row.get('component_index'))
if column_aliases is not None:
column_aliases = json.loads(column_aliases)
column_aliases = [r.get('column_name') for r in clustering_rows]
if is_composite_comparator:
if issubclass(last_col, types.ColumnToCollectionType):
# collections
is_compact = False
has_value = False
clustering_size = num_column_name_components - 2
elif (len(column_aliases) == num_column_name_components - 1
and issubclass(last_col, types.UTF8Type)):
# aliases?
is_compact = False
has_value = False
clustering_size = num_column_name_components - 1
# compact table
is_compact = True
has_value = column_aliases or not cf_col_rows
clustering_size = num_column_name_components
# Some thrift tables define names in composite types (see PYTHON-192)
if not column_aliases and hasattr(comparator, 'fieldnames'):
column_aliases = comparator.fieldnames
is_compact = True
if column_aliases or not cf_col_rows:
has_value = True
clustering_size = num_column_name_components
has_value = False
clustering_size = 0
table_meta = TableMetadata(keyspace_metadata, cfname)
table_meta.comparator = comparator
# partition key
partition_rows = [r for r in cf_col_rows
if r.get('type', None) == "partition_key"]
if len(partition_rows) > 1:
partition_rows = sorted(partition_rows, key=lambda row: row.get('component_index'))
key_aliases = row.get("key_aliases")
if key_aliases is not None:
key_aliases = json.loads(key_aliases) if key_aliases else []
# In 2.0+, we can use the 'type' column. In 3.0+, we have to use it.
key_aliases = [r.get('column_name') for r in partition_rows]
key_validator = row.get("key_validator")
if key_validator is not None:
key_type = types.lookup_casstype(key_validator)
key_types = key_type.subtypes if issubclass(key_type, types.CompositeType) else [key_type]
key_types = [types.lookup_casstype(r.get('validator')) for r in partition_rows]
for i, col_type in enumerate(key_types):
if len(key_aliases) > i:
column_name = key_aliases[i]
elif i == 0:
column_name = "key"
column_name = "key%d" % i
col = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, column_name, col_type)
table_meta.columns[column_name] = col
# clustering key
for i in range(clustering_size):
if len(column_aliases) > i:
column_name = column_aliases[i]
column_name = "column%d" % i
col = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, column_name, column_name_types[i])
table_meta.columns[column_name] = col
# value alias (if present)
if has_value:
value_alias_rows = [r for r in cf_col_rows
if r.get('type', None) == "compact_value"]
if not key_aliases: # TODO are we checking the right thing here?
value_alias = "value"
value_alias = row.get("value_alias", None)
if value_alias is None and value_alias_rows: # CASSANDRA-8487
# In 2.0+, we can use the 'type' column. In 3.0+, we have to use it.
value_alias = value_alias_rows[0].get('column_name')
default_validator = row.get("default_validator")
if default_validator:
validator = types.lookup_casstype(default_validator)
if value_alias_rows: # CASSANDRA-8487
validator = types.lookup_casstype(value_alias_rows[0].get('validator'))
col = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, value_alias, validator)
if value_alias: # CASSANDRA-8487
table_meta.columns[value_alias] = col
# other normal columns
for col_row in cf_col_rows:
column_meta = self._build_column_metadata(table_meta, col_row)
table_meta.columns[] = column_meta
if trigger_rows:
for trigger_row in trigger_rows[cfname]:
trigger_meta = self._build_trigger_metadata(table_meta, trigger_row)
table_meta.triggers[] = trigger_meta
table_meta.options = self._build_table_options(row)
table_meta.is_compact_storage = is_compact
return table_meta
def _build_table_options(self, row):
""" Setup the mostly-non-schema table options, like caching settings """
options = dict((o, row.get(o)) for o in TableMetadata.recognized_options if o in row)
# the option name when creating tables is "dclocal_read_repair_chance",
# but the column name in system.schema_columnfamilies is
# "local_read_repair_chance". We'll store this as dclocal_read_repair_chance,
# since that's probably what users are expecting (and we need it for the
# CREATE TABLE statement anyway).
if "local_read_repair_chance" in options:
val = options.pop("local_read_repair_chance")
options["dclocal_read_repair_chance"] = val
return options
def _build_column_metadata(self, table_metadata, row):
name = row["column_name"]
data_type = types.lookup_casstype(row["validator"])
is_static = row.get("type", None) == "static"
column_meta = ColumnMetadata(table_metadata, name, data_type, is_static=is_static)
index_meta = self._build_index_metadata(column_meta, row)
column_meta.index = index_meta
return column_meta
def _build_index_metadata(self, column_metadata, row):
index_name = row.get("index_name")
index_type = row.get("index_type")
if index_name or index_type:
options = row.get("index_options")
index_options = json.loads(options) if options else {}
return IndexMetadata(column_metadata, index_name, index_type, index_options)
return None
def _build_trigger_metadata(self, table_metadata, row):
name = row["trigger_name"]
options = row["trigger_options"]
trigger_meta = TriggerMetadata(table_metadata, name, options)
return trigger_meta
def rebuild_token_map(self, partitioner, token_map):
Rebuild our view of the topology from fresh rows from the
system topology tables.
For internal use only.
self.partitioner = partitioner
if partitioner.endswith('RandomPartitioner'):
token_class = MD5Token
elif partitioner.endswith('Murmur3Partitioner'):
token_class = Murmur3Token
elif partitioner.endswith('ByteOrderedPartitioner'):
token_class = BytesToken
self.token_map = None
token_to_host_owner = {}
ring = []
for host, token_strings in six.iteritems(token_map):
for token_string in token_strings:
token = token_class(token_string)
token_to_host_owner[token] = host
all_tokens = sorted(ring)
self.token_map = TokenMap(
token_class, token_to_host_owner, all_tokens, self)
[docs] def get_replicas(self, keyspace, key):
Returns a list of :class:`.Host` instances that are replicas for a given
partition key.
t = self.token_map
if not t:
return []
return t.get_replicas(keyspace, t.token_class.from_key(key))
except NoMurmur3:
return []
def can_support_partitioner(self):
if self.partitioner.endswith('Murmur3Partitioner') and murmur3 is None:
return False
return True
[docs] def add_or_return_host(self, host):
Returns a tuple (host, new), where ``host`` is a Host
instance, and ``new`` is a bool indicating whether
the host was newly added.
with self._hosts_lock:
return self._hosts[host.address], False
except KeyError:
self._hosts[host.address] = host
return host, True
def remove_host(self, host):
with self._hosts_lock:
return bool(self._hosts.pop(host.address, False))
def get_host(self, address):
return self._hosts.get(address)
[docs] def all_hosts(self):
Returns a list of all known :class:`.Host` instances in the cluster.
with self._hosts_lock:
return self._hosts.values()
REPLICATION_STRATEGY_CLASS_PREFIX = "org.apache.cassandra.locator."
def trim_if_startswith(s, prefix):
if s.startswith(prefix):
return s[len(prefix):]
return s
_replication_strategies = {}
class ReplicationStrategyTypeType(type):
def __new__(metacls, name, bases, dct):
dct.setdefault('name', name)
cls = type.__new__(metacls, name, bases, dct)
if not name.startswith('_'):
_replication_strategies[name] = cls
return cls
class _ReplicationStrategy(object):
options_map = None
def create(cls, strategy_class, options_map):
if not strategy_class:
return None
strategy_name = trim_if_startswith(strategy_class, REPLICATION_STRATEGY_CLASS_PREFIX)
rs_class = _replication_strategies.get(strategy_name, None)
if rs_class is None:
rs_class = _UnknownStrategyBuilder(strategy_name)
_replication_strategies[strategy_name] = rs_class
rs_instance = rs_class(options_map)
except Exception as exc:
log.warning("Failed creating %s with options %s: %s", strategy_name, options_map, exc)
return None
return rs_instance
def make_token_replica_map(self, token_to_host_owner, ring):
raise NotImplementedError()
def export_for_schema(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
ReplicationStrategy = _ReplicationStrategy
class _UnknownStrategyBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
def __call__(self, options_map):
strategy_instance = _UnknownStrategy(, options_map)
return strategy_instance
class _UnknownStrategy(ReplicationStrategy):
def __init__(self, name, options_map): = name
self.options_map = options_map.copy() if options_map is not None else dict()
self.options_map['class'] =
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, _UnknownStrategy)
and ==
and self.options_map == other.options_map)
def export_for_schema(self):
Returns a string version of these replication options which are
suitable for use in a CREATE KEYSPACE statement.
if self.options_map:
return dict((str(key), str(value)) for key, value in self.options_map.items())
return "{'class': '%s'}" % (, )
def make_token_replica_map(self, token_to_host_owner, ring):
return {}
[docs]class SimpleStrategy(ReplicationStrategy):
replication_factor = None
The replication factor for this keyspace.
def __init__(self, options_map):
self.replication_factor = int(options_map['replication_factor'])
except Exception:
raise ValueError("SimpleStrategy requires an integer 'replication_factor' option")
def make_token_replica_map(self, token_to_host_owner, ring):
replica_map = {}
for i in range(len(ring)):
j, hosts = 0, list()
while len(hosts) < self.replication_factor and j < len(ring):
token = ring[(i + j) % len(ring)]
host = token_to_host_owner[token]
if host not in hosts:
j += 1
replica_map[ring[i]] = hosts
return replica_map
[docs] def export_for_schema(self):
Returns a string version of these replication options which are
suitable for use in a CREATE KEYSPACE statement.
return "{'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '%d'}" \
% (self.replication_factor,)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, SimpleStrategy):
return False
return self.replication_factor == other.replication_factor
[docs]class NetworkTopologyStrategy(ReplicationStrategy):
dc_replication_factors = None
A map of datacenter names to the replication factor for that DC.
def __init__(self, dc_replication_factors):
self.dc_replication_factors = dict(
(str(k), int(v)) for k, v in dc_replication_factors.items())
def make_token_replica_map(self, token_to_host_owner, ring):
# note: this does not account for hosts having different racks
replica_map = defaultdict(list)
ring_len = len(ring)
ring_len_range = range(ring_len)
dc_rf_map = dict((dc, int(rf))
for dc, rf in self.dc_replication_factors.items() if rf > 0)
dcs = dict((h, h.datacenter) for h in set(token_to_host_owner.values()))
# build a map of DCs to lists of indexes into `ring` for tokens that
# belong to that DC
dc_to_token_offset = defaultdict(list)
for i, token in enumerate(ring):
host = token_to_host_owner[token]
# A map of DCs to an index into the dc_to_token_offset value for that dc.
# This is how we keep track of advancing around the ring for each DC.
dc_to_current_index = defaultdict(int)
for i in ring_len_range:
remaining = dc_rf_map.copy()
replicas = replica_map[ring[i]]
# go through each DC and find the replicas in that DC
for dc in dc_to_token_offset.keys():
if dc not in remaining:
# advance our per-DC index until we're up to at least the
# current token in the ring
token_offsets = dc_to_token_offset[dc]
index = dc_to_current_index[dc]
num_tokens = len(token_offsets)
while index < num_tokens and token_offsets[index] < i:
index += 1
dc_to_current_index[dc] = index
# now add the next RF distinct token owners to the set of
# replicas for this DC
for token_offset in islice(cycle(token_offsets), index, index + num_tokens):
host = token_to_host_owner[ring[token_offset]]
if host in replicas:
dc_remaining = remaining[dc] - 1
if dc_remaining == 0:
del remaining[dc]
remaining[dc] = dc_remaining
return replica_map
[docs] def export_for_schema(self):
Returns a string version of these replication options which are
suitable for use in a CREATE KEYSPACE statement.
ret = "{'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy'"
for dc, repl_factor in sorted(self.dc_replication_factors.items()):
ret += ", '%s': '%d'" % (dc, repl_factor)
return ret + "}"
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, NetworkTopologyStrategy):
return False
return self.dc_replication_factors == other.dc_replication_factors
[docs]class LocalStrategy(ReplicationStrategy):
def __init__(self, options_map):
def make_token_replica_map(self, token_to_host_owner, ring):
return {}
[docs] def export_for_schema(self):
Returns a string version of these replication options which are
suitable for use in a CREATE KEYSPACE statement.
return "{'class': 'LocalStrategy'}"
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, LocalStrategy)
[docs]class KeyspaceMetadata(object):
A representation of the schema for a single keyspace.
name = None
""" The string name of the keyspace. """
durable_writes = True
A boolean indicating whether durable writes are enabled for this keyspace
or not.
replication_strategy = None
A :class:`.ReplicationStrategy` subclass object.
tables = None
A map from table names to instances of :class:`~.TableMetadata`.
user_types = None
A map from user-defined type names to instances of :class:`~cassandra.metadata..UserType`.
.. versionadded:: 2.1.0
def __init__(self, name, durable_writes, strategy_class, strategy_options): = name
self.durable_writes = durable_writes
self.replication_strategy = ReplicationStrategy.create(strategy_class, strategy_options)
self.tables = {}
self.user_types = {}
[docs] def export_as_string(self):
Returns a CQL query string that can be used to recreate the entire keyspace,
including user-defined types and tables.
return "\n\n".join([self.as_cql_query()] + self.user_type_strings() + [t.export_as_string() for t in self.tables.values()])
[docs] def as_cql_query(self):
Returns a CQL query string that can be used to recreate just this keyspace,
not including user-defined types and tables.
ret = "CREATE KEYSPACE %s WITH replication = %s " % (
return ret + (' AND durable_writes = %s;' % ("true" if self.durable_writes else "false"))
def user_type_strings(self):
user_type_strings = []
types = self.user_types.copy()
keys = sorted(types.keys())
for k in keys:
if k in types:
self.resolve_user_types(k, types, user_type_strings)
return user_type_strings
def resolve_user_types(self, key, types, user_type_strings):
user_type = types.pop(key)
for field_type in user_type.field_types:
if field_type.cassname == 'UserType' and field_type.typename in types:
self.resolve_user_types(field_type.typename, types, user_type_strings)
class UserType(object):
A user defined type, as created by ``CREATE TYPE`` statements.
User-defined types were introduced in Cassandra 2.1.
.. versionadded:: 2.1.0
keyspace = None
The string name of the keyspace in which this type is defined.
name = None
The name of this type.
field_names = None
An ordered list of the names for each field in this user-defined type.
field_types = None
An ordered list of the types for each field in this user-defined type.
def __init__(self, keyspace, name, field_names, field_types):
self.keyspace = keyspace = name
self.field_names = field_names
self.field_types = field_types
def as_cql_query(self, formatted=False):
Returns a CQL query that can be used to recreate this type.
If `formatted` is set to :const:`True`, extra whitespace will
be added to make the query more readable.
ret = "CREATE TYPE %s.%s (%s" % (
"\n" if formatted else "")
if formatted:
field_join = ",\n"
padding = " "
field_join = ", "
padding = ""
fields = []
for field_name, field_type in zip(self.field_names, self.field_types):
fields.append("%s %s" % (protect_name(field_name), field_type.cql_parameterized_type()))
ret += field_join.join("%s%s" % (padding, field) for field in fields)
ret += "\n);" if formatted else ");"
return ret
[docs]class TableMetadata(object):
A representation of the schema for a single table.
keyspace = None
""" An instance of :class:`~.KeyspaceMetadata`. """
name = None
""" The string name of the table. """
partition_key = None
A list of :class:`.ColumnMetadata` instances representing the columns in
the partition key for this table. This will always hold at least one
clustering_key = None
A list of :class:`.ColumnMetadata` instances representing the columns
in the clustering key for this table. These are all of the
:attr:`.primary_key` columns that are not in the :attr:`.partition_key`.
Note that a table may have no clustering keys, in which case this will
be an empty list.
def primary_key(self):
A list of :class:`.ColumnMetadata` representing the components of
the primary key for this table.
return self.partition_key + self.clustering_key
columns = None
A dict mapping column names to :class:`.ColumnMetadata` instances.
is_compact_storage = False
options = None
A dict mapping table option names to their specific settings for this
recognized_options = (
"dclocal_read_repair_chance", # kept to be safe, but see _build_table_options()
compaction_options = {
"min_compaction_threshold": "min_threshold",
"max_compaction_threshold": "max_threshold",
"compaction_strategy_class": "class"}
triggers = None
A dict mapping trigger names to :class:`.TriggerMetadata` instances.
def is_cql_compatible(self):
A boolean indicating if this table can be represented as CQL in export
# no such thing as DCT in CQL
incompatible = issubclass(self.comparator, types.DynamicCompositeType)
# no compact storage with more than one column beyond PK
incompatible |= self.is_compact_storage and len(self.columns) > len(self.primary_key) + 1
return not incompatible
def __init__(self, keyspace_metadata, name, partition_key=None, clustering_key=None, columns=None, triggers=None, options=None):
self.keyspace = keyspace_metadata = name
self.partition_key = [] if partition_key is None else partition_key
self.clustering_key = [] if clustering_key is None else clustering_key
self.columns = OrderedDict() if columns is None else columns
self.options = options
self.comparator = None
self.triggers = OrderedDict() if triggers is None else triggers
[docs] def export_as_string(self):
Returns a string of CQL queries that can be used to recreate this table
along with all indexes on it. The returned string is formatted to
be human readable.
if self.is_cql_compatible:
ret = self.all_as_cql()
# If we can't produce this table with CQL, comment inline
ret = "/*\nWarning: Table %s.%s omitted because it has constructs not compatible with CQL (was created via legacy API).\n" % \
ret += "\nApproximate structure, for reference:\n(this should not be used to reproduce this schema)\n\n%s" % self.all_as_cql()
ret += "\n*/"
return ret
def all_as_cql(self):
ret = self.as_cql_query(formatted=True)
ret += ";"
for col_meta in self.columns.values():
if col_meta.index:
ret += "\n%s;" % (col_meta.index.as_cql_query(),)
for trigger_meta in self.triggers.values():
ret += "\n%s;" % (trigger_meta.as_cql_query(),)
return ret
[docs] def as_cql_query(self, formatted=False):
Returns a CQL query that can be used to recreate this table (index
creations are not included). If `formatted` is set to :const:`True`,
extra whitespace will be added to make the query human readable.
ret = "CREATE TABLE %s.%s (%s" % (
"\n" if formatted else "")
if formatted:
column_join = ",\n"
padding = " "
column_join = ", "
padding = ""
columns = []
for col in self.columns.values():
columns.append("%s %s%s" % (protect_name(, col.typestring, ' static' if col.is_static else ''))
if len(self.partition_key) == 1 and not self.clustering_key:
columns[0] += " PRIMARY KEY"
ret += column_join.join("%s%s" % (padding, col) for col in columns)
# primary key
if len(self.partition_key) > 1 or self.clustering_key:
ret += "%s%sPRIMARY KEY (" % (column_join, padding)
if len(self.partition_key) > 1:
ret += "(%s)" % ", ".join(protect_name( for col in self.partition_key)
ret += self.partition_key[0].name
if self.clustering_key:
ret += ", %s" % ", ".join(protect_name( for col in self.clustering_key)
ret += ")"
# options
ret += "%s) WITH " % ("\n" if formatted else "")
option_strings = []
if self.is_compact_storage:
option_strings.append("COMPACT STORAGE")
if self.clustering_key:
cluster_str = "CLUSTERING ORDER BY "
clustering_names = protect_names([ for c in self.clustering_key])
if self.is_compact_storage and \
not issubclass(self.comparator, types.CompositeType):
subtypes = [self.comparator]
subtypes = self.comparator.subtypes
inner = []
for colname, coltype in zip(clustering_names, subtypes):
ordering = "DESC" if issubclass(coltype, types.ReversedType) else "ASC"
inner.append("%s %s" % (colname, ordering))
cluster_str += "(%s)" % ", ".join(inner)
join_str = "\n AND " if formatted else " AND "
ret += join_str.join(option_strings)
return ret
def _make_option_strings(self):
ret = []
options_copy = dict(self.options.items())
if not options_copy.get('compaction'):
options_copy.pop('compaction', None)
actual_options = json.loads(options_copy.pop('compaction_strategy_options', '{}'))
for system_table_name, compact_option_name in self.compaction_options.items():
value = options_copy.pop(system_table_name, None)
if value:
actual_options.setdefault(compact_option_name, value)
compaction_option_strings = ["'%s': '%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in actual_options.items()]
ret.append('compaction = {%s}' % ', '.join(compaction_option_strings))
for system_table_name in self.compaction_options.keys():
options_copy.pop(system_table_name, None) # delete if present
options_copy.pop('compaction_strategy_option', None)
if not options_copy.get('compression'):
params = json.loads(options_copy.pop('compression_parameters', '{}'))
param_strings = ["'%s': '%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in params.items()]
ret.append('compression = {%s}' % ', '.join(param_strings))
for name, value in options_copy.items():
if value is not None:
if name == "comment":
value = value or ""
ret.append("%s = %s" % (name, protect_value(value)))
return list(sorted(ret))
if six.PY3:
def protect_name(name):
return maybe_escape_name(name)
def protect_name(name): # NOQA
if isinstance(name, six.text_type):
name = name.encode('utf8')
return maybe_escape_name(name)
def protect_names(names):
return [protect_name(n) for n in names]
def protect_value(value):
if value is None:
return 'NULL'
if isinstance(value, (int, float, bool)):
return str(value).lower()
return "'%s'" % value.replace("'", "''")
valid_cql3_word_re = re.compile(r'^[a-z][0-9a-z_]*$')
def is_valid_name(name):
if name is None:
return False
if name.lower() in _keywords - _unreserved_keywords:
return False
return valid_cql3_word_re.match(name) is not None
def maybe_escape_name(name):
if is_valid_name(name):
return name
return escape_name(name)
def escape_name(name):
return '"%s"' % (name.replace('"', '""'),)
[docs]class ColumnMetadata(object):
A representation of a single column in a table.
table = None
""" The :class:`.TableMetadata` this column belongs to. """
name = None
""" The string name of this column. """
data_type = None
The data type for the column in the form of an instance of one of
the type classes in :mod:`cassandra.cqltypes`.
index = None
If an index exists on this column, this is an instance of
:class:`.IndexMetadata`, otherwise :const:`None`.
is_static = False
If this column is static (available in Cassandra 2.1+), this will
be :const:`True`, otherwise :const:`False`.
def __init__(self, table_metadata, column_name, data_type, index_metadata=None, is_static=False):
self.table = table_metadata = column_name
self.data_type = data_type
self.index = index_metadata
self.is_static = is_static
def typestring(self):
A string representation of the type for this column, such as "varchar"
or "map<string, int>".
if issubclass(self.data_type, types.ReversedType):
return self.data_type.subtypes[0].cql_parameterized_type()
return self.data_type.cql_parameterized_type()
def __str__(self):
return "%s %s" % (, self.data_type)
[docs]class IndexMetadata(object):
A representation of a secondary index on a column.
column = None
The column (:class:`.ColumnMetadata`) this index is on.
name = None
""" A string name for the index. """
index_type = None
""" A string representing the type of index. """
index_options = {}
""" A dict of index options. """
def __init__(self, column_metadata, index_name=None, index_type=None, index_options={}):
self.column = column_metadata = index_name
self.index_type = index_type
self.index_options = index_options
[docs] def as_cql_query(self):
Returns a CQL query that can be used to recreate this index.
table = self.column.table
if self.index_type != "CUSTOM":
index_target = protect_name(
if self.index_options is not None:
option_keys = self.index_options.keys()
if "index_keys" in option_keys:
index_target = 'keys(%s)' % (index_target,)
elif "index_values" in option_keys:
# don't use any "function" for collection values
# it might be a "full" index on a frozen collection, but
# we need to check the data type to verify that, because
# there is no special index option for full-collection
# indexes.
data_type = self.column.data_type
collection_types = ('map', 'set', 'list')
if data_type.typename == "frozen" and data_type.subtypes[0].typename in collection_types:
# no index option for full-collection index
index_target = 'full(%s)' % (index_target,)
return "CREATE INDEX %s ON %s.%s (%s)" % (, # Cassandra doesn't like quoted index names for some reason
return "CREATE CUSTOM INDEX %s ON %s.%s (%s) USING '%s'" % (, # Cassandra doesn't like quoted index names for some reason
[docs]class TokenMap(object):
Information about the layout of the ring.
token_class = None
A subclass of :class:`.Token`, depending on what partitioner the cluster uses.
token_to_host_owner = None
A map of :class:`.Token` objects to the :class:`.Host` that owns that token.
tokens_to_hosts_by_ks = None
A map of keyspace names to a nested map of :class:`.Token` objects to
sets of :class:`.Host` objects.
ring = None
An ordered list of :class:`.Token` instances in the ring.
_metadata = None
def __init__(self, token_class, token_to_host_owner, all_tokens, metadata):
self.token_class = token_class
self.ring = all_tokens
self.token_to_host_owner = token_to_host_owner
self.tokens_to_hosts_by_ks = {}
self._metadata = metadata
self._rebuild_lock = RLock()
def rebuild_keyspace(self, keyspace, build_if_absent=False):
with self._rebuild_lock:
current = self.tokens_to_hosts_by_ks.get(keyspace, None)
if (build_if_absent and current is None) or (not build_if_absent and current is not None):
replica_map = self.replica_map_for_keyspace(self._metadata.keyspaces[keyspace])
self.tokens_to_hosts_by_ks[keyspace] = replica_map
def replica_map_for_keyspace(self, ks_metadata):
strategy = ks_metadata.replication_strategy
if strategy:
return strategy.make_token_replica_map(self.token_to_host_owner, self.ring)
return None
def remove_keyspace(self, keyspace):
self.tokens_to_hosts_by_ks.pop(keyspace, None)
[docs] def get_replicas(self, keyspace, token):
Get a set of :class:`.Host` instances representing all of the
replica nodes for a given :class:`.Token`.
tokens_to_hosts = self.tokens_to_hosts_by_ks.get(keyspace, None)
if tokens_to_hosts is None:
self.rebuild_keyspace(keyspace, build_if_absent=True)
tokens_to_hosts = self.tokens_to_hosts_by_ks.get(keyspace, None)
if not tokens_to_hosts:
return []
# token range ownership is exclusive on the LHS (the start token), so
# we use bisect_right, which, in the case of a tie/exact match,
# picks an insertion point to the right of the existing match
point = bisect_right(self.ring, token)
if point == len(self.ring):
return tokens_to_hosts[self.ring[0]]
return tokens_to_hosts[self.ring[point]]
[docs]class Token(object):
Abstract class representing a token.
def hash_fn(cls, key):
return key
def from_key(cls, key):
return cls(cls.hash_fn(key))
def __cmp__(self, other):
if self.value < other.value:
return -1
elif self.value == other.value:
return 0
return 1
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.value == other.value
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.value < other.value
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.value)
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.value)
__str__ = __repr__
MIN_LONG = -(2 ** 63)
MAX_LONG = (2 ** 63) - 1
class NoMurmur3(Exception):
[docs]class Murmur3Token(Token):
A token for ``Murmur3Partitioner``.
def hash_fn(cls, key):
if murmur3 is not None:
h = int(murmur3(key))
return h if h != MIN_LONG else MAX_LONG
raise NoMurmur3()
def __init__(self, token):
""" `token` should be an int or string representing the token. """
self.value = int(token)
[docs]class MD5Token(Token):
A token for ``RandomPartitioner``.
def hash_fn(cls, key):
if isinstance(key, six.text_type):
key = key.encode('UTF-8')
return abs(varint_unpack(md5(key).digest()))
def __init__(self, token):
""" `token` should be an int or string representing the token. """
self.value = int(token)
[docs]class BytesToken(Token):
A token for ``ByteOrderedPartitioner``.
def __init__(self, token_string):
""" `token_string` should be string representing the token. """
if not isinstance(token_string, six.string_types):
raise TypeError(
"Tokens for ByteOrderedPartitioner should be strings (got %s)"
% (type(token_string),))
self.value = token_string
class TriggerMetadata(object):
A representation of a trigger for a table.
table = None
""" The :class:`.TableMetadata` this trigger belongs to. """
name = None
""" The string name of this trigger. """
options = None
A dict mapping trigger option names to their specific settings for this
def __init__(self, table_metadata, trigger_name, options=None):
self.table = table_metadata = trigger_name
self.options = options
def as_cql_query(self):
ret = "CREATE TRIGGER %s ON %s.%s USING %s" % (
return ret