cassandra.cqlengine.connection - Connection management for cqlengine


Configures the global mapper connection to localhost, using the driver defaults (except for row_factory)


Configures the global mapper connection with a preexisting cassandra.cluster.Session

Note: the mapper presently requires a Session row_factory set to dict_factory. This may be relaxed in the future

cassandra.cqlengine.connection.setup(hosts, default_keyspace, consistency=1, lazy_connect=False, retry_connect=False, **kwargs)[source]

Setup a the driver connection used by the mapper

  • hosts (list) – list of hosts, (contact_points for cassandra.cluster.Cluster)
  • default_keyspace (str) – The default keyspace to use
  • consistency (int) – The global default ConsistencyLevel
  • lazy_connect (bool) – True if should not connect until first use
  • retry_connect (bool) – True if we should retry to connect even if there was a connection failure initially
  • **kwargs – Pass-through keyword arguments for cassandra.cluster.Cluster