Source code for cassandra.cqlengine.connection

# Copyright 2013-2016 DataStax, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
import logging
import six
import threading

from cassandra.cluster import Cluster, _NOT_SET, NoHostAvailable, UserTypeDoesNotExist
from cassandra.query import SimpleStatement, Statement, dict_factory

from cassandra.cqlengine import CQLEngineException
from cassandra.cqlengine.statements import BaseCQLStatement

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

NOT_SET = _NOT_SET  # required for passing timeout to Session.execute

Host = namedtuple('Host', ['name', 'port'])

cluster = None
session = None
lazy_connect_args = None
lazy_connect_lock = threading.RLock()

# Because type models may be registered before a connection is present,
# and because sessions may be replaced, we must register UDTs here, in order
# to have them registered when a new session is established.
udt_by_keyspace = defaultdict(dict)

class UndefinedKeyspaceException(CQLEngineException):

[docs]def default(): """ Configures the global mapper connection to localhost, using the driver defaults (except for row_factory) """ global cluster, session if session: log.warning("configuring new connection for cqlengine when one was already set") cluster = Cluster() session = cluster.connect() _setup_session(session) log.debug("cqlengine connection initialized with default session to localhost")
[docs]def set_session(s): """ Configures the global mapper connection with a preexisting :class:`cassandra.cluster.Session` Note: the mapper presently requires a Session :attr:`~.row_factory` set to ``dict_factory``. This may be relaxed in the future """ global cluster, session if session: log.warning("configuring new connection for cqlengine when one was already set") if s.row_factory is not dict_factory: raise CQLEngineException("Failed to initialize: 'Session.row_factory' must be 'dict_factory'.") session = s cluster = s.cluster # Set default keyspace from given session's keyspace if session.keyspace: from cassandra.cqlengine import models models.DEFAULT_KEYSPACE = session.keyspace _setup_session(session) log.debug("cqlengine connection initialized with %s", s)
[docs]def setup( hosts, default_keyspace, consistency=None, lazy_connect=False, retry_connect=False, **kwargs): """ Setup a the driver connection used by the mapper :param list hosts: list of hosts, (``contact_points`` for :class:`cassandra.cluster.Cluster`) :param str default_keyspace: The default keyspace to use :param int consistency: The global default :class:`~.ConsistencyLevel` - default is the same as :attr:`.Session.default_consistency_level` :param bool lazy_connect: True if should not connect until first use :param bool retry_connect: True if we should retry to connect even if there was a connection failure initially :param \*\*kwargs: Pass-through keyword arguments for :class:`cassandra.cluster.Cluster` """ global cluster, session, lazy_connect_args if 'username' in kwargs or 'password' in kwargs: raise CQLEngineException("Username & Password are now handled by using the native driver's auth_provider") from cassandra.cqlengine import models models.DEFAULT_KEYSPACE = default_keyspace if lazy_connect: kwargs['default_keyspace'] = default_keyspace kwargs['consistency'] = consistency kwargs['lazy_connect'] = False kwargs['retry_connect'] = retry_connect lazy_connect_args = (hosts, kwargs) return cluster = Cluster(hosts, **kwargs) try: session = cluster.connect() log.debug("cqlengine connection initialized with internally created session") except NoHostAvailable: if retry_connect: log.warning("connect failed, setting up for re-attempt on first use") kwargs['default_keyspace'] = default_keyspace kwargs['consistency'] = consistency kwargs['lazy_connect'] = False kwargs['retry_connect'] = retry_connect lazy_connect_args = (hosts, kwargs) raise if consistency is not None: session.default_consistency_level = consistency _setup_session(session)
def _setup_session(session): session.row_factory = dict_factory enc = session.encoder enc.mapping[tuple] = enc.cql_encode_tuple _register_known_types(session.cluster) def execute(query, params=None, consistency_level=None, timeout=NOT_SET): handle_lazy_connect() if not session: raise CQLEngineException("It is required to setup() cqlengine before executing queries") if isinstance(query, SimpleStatement): pass # elif isinstance(query, BaseCQLStatement): params = query.get_context() query = SimpleStatement(str(query), consistency_level=consistency_level, fetch_size=query.fetch_size) elif isinstance(query, six.string_types): query = SimpleStatement(query, consistency_level=consistency_level) log.debug(query.query_string) result = session.execute(query, params, timeout=timeout) return result def get_session(): handle_lazy_connect() return session def get_cluster(): handle_lazy_connect() if not cluster: raise CQLEngineException("%s.cluster is not configured. Call one of the setup or default functions first." % __name__) return cluster def handle_lazy_connect(): global lazy_connect_args # if lazy_connect_args is None, it means the cluster is setup and ready # No need to acquire the lock if not lazy_connect_args: return with lazy_connect_lock: # lazy_connect_args might have been set to None by another thread while waiting the lock # In this case, do nothing. if lazy_connect_args: log.debug("lazy connect") hosts, kwargs = lazy_connect_args setup(hosts, **kwargs) lazy_connect_args = None def register_udt(keyspace, type_name, klass): udt_by_keyspace[keyspace][type_name] = klass global cluster if cluster: try: cluster.register_user_type(keyspace, type_name, klass) except UserTypeDoesNotExist: pass # new types are covered in management sync functions def _register_known_types(cluster): from cassandra.cqlengine import models for ks_name, name_type_map in udt_by_keyspace.items(): for type_name, klass in name_type_map.items(): try: cluster.register_user_type(ks_name or models.DEFAULT_KEYSPACE, type_name, klass) except UserTypeDoesNotExist: pass # new types are covered in management sync functions