.. _security: Security ======== The two main security components you will use with the Python driver are Authentication and SSL. Authentication -------------- Versions 2.0 and higher of the driver support a SASL-based authentication mechanism when :attr:`~.Cluster.protocol_version` is set to 2 or higher. To use this authentication, set :attr:`~.Cluster.auth_provider` to an instance of a subclass of :class:`~cassandra.auth.AuthProvider`. When working with Cassandra's ``PasswordAuthenticator``, you can use the :class:`~cassandra.auth.PlainTextAuthProvider` class. For example, suppose Cassandra is setup with its default 'cassandra' user with a password of 'cassandra': .. code-block:: python from cassandra.cluster import Cluster from cassandra.auth import PlainTextAuthProvider auth_provider = PlainTextAuthProvider(username='cassandra', password='cassandra') cluster = Cluster(auth_provider=auth_provider, protocol_version=2) When working with version 2 or higher of the driver, the protocol version is set to 2 by default, but we've included it in the example to be explicit. Custom Authenticators ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you're using something other than Cassandra's ``PasswordAuthenticator``, :class:`~.SaslAuthProvider` is provided for generic SASL authentication mechanisms, utilizing the ``pure-sasl`` package. If these do not suit your needs, you may need to create your own subclasses of :class:`~.AuthProvider` and :class:`~.Authenticator`. You can use the Sasl classes as example implementations. Protocol v1 Authentication ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When working with Cassandra 1.2 (or a higher version with :attr:`~.Cluster.protocol_version` set to ``1``), you will not pass in an :class:`~.AuthProvider` instance. Instead, you should pass in a function that takes one argument, the IP address of a host, and returns a dict of credentials with a ``username`` and ``password`` key: .. code-block:: python from cassandra.cluster import Cluster def get_credentials(host_address): return {'username': 'joe', 'password': '1234'} cluster = Cluster(auth_provider=get_credentials, protocol_version=1) SSL --- To enable SSL you will need to set :attr:`.Cluster.ssl_options` to a dict of options. These will be passed as kwargs to ``ssl.wrap_socket()`` when new sockets are created. This should be used when client encryption is enabled in Cassandra. By default, a ``ca_certs`` value should be supplied (the value should be a string pointing to the location of the CA certs file), and you probably want to specify ``ssl_version`` as ``ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1`` to match Cassandra's default protocol. For example: .. code-block:: python from cassandra.cluster import Cluster from ssl import PROTOCOL_TLSv1 ssl_opts = {'ca_certs': '/path/to/my/ca.certs', 'ssl_version': PROTOCOL_TLSv1} cluster = Cluster(ssl_options=ssl_opts) For further reading, Andrew Mussey has published a thorough guide on `Using SSL with the DataStax Python driver `_.