Source code for cassandra.protocol

# Copyright 2013-2016 DataStax, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import absolute_import  # to enable import io from stdlib
from collections import namedtuple
import logging
import socket
from uuid import UUID

import six
from six.moves import range
import io

from cassandra import type_codes, DriverException
from cassandra import (Unavailable, WriteTimeout, ReadTimeout,
                       WriteFailure, ReadFailure, FunctionFailure,
                       AlreadyExists, InvalidRequest, Unauthorized,
                       UnsupportedOperation, UserFunctionDescriptor,
                       UserAggregateDescriptor, SchemaTargetType)
from cassandra.marshal import (int32_pack, int32_unpack, uint16_pack, uint16_unpack,
                               int8_pack, int8_unpack, uint64_pack, header_pack,
from cassandra.cqltypes import (AsciiType, BytesType, BooleanType,
                                CounterColumnType, DateType, DecimalType,
                                DoubleType, FloatType, Int32Type,
                                InetAddressType, IntegerType, ListType,
                                LongType, MapType, SetType, TimeUUIDType,
                                UTF8Type, VarcharType, UUIDType, UserType,
                                TupleType, lookup_casstype, SimpleDateType,
                                TimeType, ByteType, ShortType)
from cassandra.policies import WriteType
from cassandra.cython_deps import HAVE_CYTHON, HAVE_NUMPY
from cassandra import util

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class NotSupportedError(Exception):

class InternalError(Exception):

ColumnMetadata = namedtuple("ColumnMetadata", ['keyspace_name', 'table_name', 'name', 'type'])




_message_types_by_opcode = {}

_UNSET_VALUE = object()

def register_class(cls):
    _message_types_by_opcode[cls.opcode] = cls

def get_registered_classes():
    return _message_types_by_opcode.copy()

class _RegisterMessageType(type):
    def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        if not name.startswith('_'):

class _MessageType(object):

    tracing = False
    custom_payload = None
    warnings = None

    def update_custom_payload(self, other):
        if other:
            if not self.custom_payload:
                self.custom_payload = {}
            if len(self.custom_payload) > 65535:
                raise ValueError("Custom payload map exceeds max count allowed by protocol (65535)")

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s(%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join('%s=%r' % i for i in _get_params(self)))

def _get_params(message_obj):
    base_attrs = dir(_MessageType)
    return (
        (n, a) for n, a in message_obj.__dict__.items()
        if n not in base_attrs and not n.startswith('_') and not callable(a)

error_classes = {}

class ErrorMessage(_MessageType, Exception):
    opcode = 0x00
    name = 'ERROR'
    summary = 'Unknown'

    def __init__(self, code, message, info):
        self.code = code
        self.message = message = info

    def recv_body(cls, f, protocol_version, user_type_map):
        code = read_int(f)
        msg = read_string(f)
        subcls = error_classes.get(code, cls)
        extra_info = subcls.recv_error_info(f)
        return subcls(code=code, message=msg, info=extra_info)

    def summary_msg(self):
        msg = 'Error from server: code=%04x [%s] message="%s"' \
              % (self.code, self.summary, self.message)
        if six.PY2 and isinstance(msg, six.text_type):
            msg = msg.encode('utf-8')
        return msg

    def __str__(self):
        return '<%s>' % self.summary_msg()
    __repr__ = __str__

    def recv_error_info(f):

    def to_exception(self):
        return self

class ErrorMessageSubclass(_RegisterMessageType):
    def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        if cls.error_code is not None:  # Server has an error code of 0.
            error_classes[cls.error_code] = cls

class ErrorMessageSub(ErrorMessage):
    error_code = None

class RequestExecutionException(ErrorMessageSub):

class RequestValidationException(ErrorMessageSub):

class ServerError(ErrorMessageSub):
    summary = 'Server error'
    error_code = 0x0000

class ProtocolException(ErrorMessageSub):
    summary = 'Protocol error'
    error_code = 0x000A

class BadCredentials(ErrorMessageSub):
    summary = 'Bad credentials'
    error_code = 0x0100

class UnavailableErrorMessage(RequestExecutionException):
    summary = 'Unavailable exception'
    error_code = 0x1000

    def recv_error_info(f):
        return {
            'consistency': read_consistency_level(f),
            'required_replicas': read_int(f),
            'alive_replicas': read_int(f),

    def to_exception(self):
        return Unavailable(self.summary_msg(), **

class OverloadedErrorMessage(RequestExecutionException):
    summary = 'Coordinator node overloaded'
    error_code = 0x1001

class IsBootstrappingErrorMessage(RequestExecutionException):
    summary = 'Coordinator node is bootstrapping'
    error_code = 0x1002

class TruncateError(RequestExecutionException):
    summary = 'Error during truncate'
    error_code = 0x1003

class WriteTimeoutErrorMessage(RequestExecutionException):
    summary = "Coordinator node timed out waiting for replica nodes' responses"
    error_code = 0x1100

    def recv_error_info(f):
        return {
            'consistency': read_consistency_level(f),
            'received_responses': read_int(f),
            'required_responses': read_int(f),
            'write_type': WriteType.name_to_value[read_string(f)],

    def to_exception(self):
        return WriteTimeout(self.summary_msg(), **

class ReadTimeoutErrorMessage(RequestExecutionException):
    summary = "Coordinator node timed out waiting for replica nodes' responses"
    error_code = 0x1200

    def recv_error_info(f):
        return {
            'consistency': read_consistency_level(f),
            'received_responses': read_int(f),
            'required_responses': read_int(f),
            'data_retrieved': bool(read_byte(f)),

    def to_exception(self):
        return ReadTimeout(self.summary_msg(), **

class ReadFailureMessage(RequestExecutionException):
    summary = "Replica(s) failed to execute read"
    error_code = 0x1300

    def recv_error_info(f):
        return {
            'consistency': read_consistency_level(f),
            'received_responses': read_int(f),
            'required_responses': read_int(f),
            'failures': read_int(f),
            'data_retrieved': bool(read_byte(f)),

    def to_exception(self):
        return ReadFailure(self.summary_msg(), **

class FunctionFailureMessage(RequestExecutionException):
    summary = "User Defined Function failure"
    error_code = 0x1400

    def recv_error_info(f):
        return {
            'keyspace': read_string(f),
            'function': read_string(f),
            'arg_types': [read_string(f) for _ in range(read_short(f))],

    def to_exception(self):
        return FunctionFailure(self.summary_msg(), **

class WriteFailureMessage(RequestExecutionException):
    summary = "Replica(s) failed to execute write"
    error_code = 0x1500

    def recv_error_info(f):
        return {
            'consistency': read_consistency_level(f),
            'received_responses': read_int(f),
            'required_responses': read_int(f),
            'failures': read_int(f),
            'write_type': WriteType.name_to_value[read_string(f)],

    def to_exception(self):
        return WriteFailure(self.summary_msg(), **

class SyntaxException(RequestValidationException):
    summary = 'Syntax error in CQL query'
    error_code = 0x2000

class UnauthorizedErrorMessage(RequestValidationException):
    summary = 'Unauthorized'
    error_code = 0x2100

    def to_exception(self):
        return Unauthorized(self.summary_msg())

class InvalidRequestException(RequestValidationException):
    summary = 'Invalid query'
    error_code = 0x2200

    def to_exception(self):
        return InvalidRequest(self.summary_msg())

class ConfigurationException(RequestValidationException):
    summary = 'Query invalid because of configuration issue'
    error_code = 0x2300

class PreparedQueryNotFound(RequestValidationException):
    summary = 'Matching prepared statement not found on this node'
    error_code = 0x2500

    def recv_error_info(f):
        # return the query ID
        return read_binary_string(f)

class AlreadyExistsException(ConfigurationException):
    summary = 'Item already exists'
    error_code = 0x2400

    def recv_error_info(f):
        return {
            'keyspace': read_string(f),
            'table': read_string(f),

    def to_exception(self):
        return AlreadyExists(**

class StartupMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x01
    name = 'STARTUP'


    def __init__(self, cqlversion, options):
        self.cqlversion = cqlversion
        self.options = options

    def send_body(self, f, protocol_version):
        optmap = self.options.copy()
        optmap['CQL_VERSION'] = self.cqlversion
        write_stringmap(f, optmap)

class ReadyMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x02
    name = 'READY'

    def recv_body(cls, f, protocol_version, user_type_map):
        return cls()

class AuthenticateMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x03
    name = 'AUTHENTICATE'

    def __init__(self, authenticator):
        self.authenticator = authenticator

    def recv_body(cls, f, protocol_version, user_type_map):
        authname = read_string(f)
        return cls(authenticator=authname)

class CredentialsMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x04
    name = 'CREDENTIALS'

    def __init__(self, creds):
        self.creds = creds

    def send_body(self, f, protocol_version):
        if protocol_version > 1:
            raise UnsupportedOperation(
                "Credentials-based authentication is not supported with "
                "protocol version 2 or higher.  Use the SASL authentication "
                "mechanism instead.")
        write_short(f, len(self.creds))
        for credkey, credval in self.creds.items():
            write_string(f, credkey)
            write_string(f, credval)

class AuthChallengeMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x0E
    name = 'AUTH_CHALLENGE'

    def __init__(self, challenge):
        self.challenge = challenge

    def recv_body(cls, f, protocol_version, user_type_map):
        return cls(read_binary_longstring(f))

class AuthResponseMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x0F
    name = 'AUTH_RESPONSE'

    def __init__(self, response):
        self.response = response

    def send_body(self, f, protocol_version):
        write_longstring(f, self.response)

class AuthSuccessMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x10
    name = 'AUTH_SUCCESS'

    def __init__(self, token):
        self.token = token

    def recv_body(cls, f, protocol_version, user_type_map):
        return cls(read_longstring(f))

class OptionsMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x05
    name = 'OPTIONS'

    def send_body(self, f, protocol_version):

class SupportedMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x06
    name = 'SUPPORTED'

    def __init__(self, cql_versions, options):
        self.cql_versions = cql_versions
        self.options = options

    def recv_body(cls, f, protocol_version, user_type_map):
        options = read_stringmultimap(f)
        cql_versions = options.pop('CQL_VERSION')
        return cls(cql_versions=cql_versions, options=options)

# used for QueryMessage and ExecuteMessage

class QueryMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x07
    name = 'QUERY'

    def __init__(self, query, consistency_level, serial_consistency_level=None,
                 fetch_size=None, paging_state=None, timestamp=None):
        self.query = query
        self.consistency_level = consistency_level
        self.serial_consistency_level = serial_consistency_level
        self.fetch_size = fetch_size
        self.paging_state = paging_state
        self.timestamp = timestamp
        self._query_params = None  # only used internally. May be set to a list of native-encoded values to have them sent with the request.

    def send_body(self, f, protocol_version):
        write_longstring(f, self.query)
        write_consistency_level(f, self.consistency_level)
        flags = 0x00
        if self._query_params is not None:
            flags |= _VALUES_FLAG  # also v2+, but we're only setting params internally right now

        if self.serial_consistency_level:
            if protocol_version >= 2:
                flags |= _WITH_SERIAL_CONSISTENCY_FLAG
                raise UnsupportedOperation(
                    "Serial consistency levels require the use of protocol version "
                    "2 or higher. Consider setting Cluster.protocol_version to 2 "
                    "to support serial consistency levels.")

        if self.fetch_size:
            if protocol_version >= 2:
                flags |= _PAGE_SIZE_FLAG
                raise UnsupportedOperation(
                    "Automatic query paging may only be used with protocol version "
                    "2 or higher. Consider setting Cluster.protocol_version to 2.")

        if self.paging_state:
            if protocol_version >= 2:
                flags |= _WITH_PAGING_STATE_FLAG
                raise UnsupportedOperation(
                    "Automatic query paging may only be used with protocol version "
                    "2 or higher. Consider setting Cluster.protocol_version to 2.")

        if self.timestamp is not None:
            flags |= _PROTOCOL_TIMESTAMP

        write_byte(f, flags)

        if self._query_params is not None:
            write_short(f, len(self._query_params))
            for param in self._query_params:
                write_value(f, param)

        if self.fetch_size:
            write_int(f, self.fetch_size)
        if self.paging_state:
            write_longstring(f, self.paging_state)
        if self.serial_consistency_level:
            write_consistency_level(f, self.serial_consistency_level)
        if self.timestamp is not None:
            write_long(f, self.timestamp)

CUSTOM_TYPE = object()


class ResultMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x08
    name = 'RESULT'

    kind = None
    results = None
    paging_state = None

    # Names match type name in module scope. Most are imported from cassandra.cqltypes (except CUSTOM_TYPE)
    type_codes = _cqltypes_by_code = dict((v, globals()[k]) for k, v in type_codes.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_'))

    _HAS_MORE_PAGES_FLAG = 0x0002
    _NO_METADATA_FLAG = 0x0004

    def __init__(self, kind, results, paging_state=None):
        self.kind = kind
        self.results = results
        self.paging_state = paging_state

    def recv_body(cls, f, protocol_version, user_type_map):
        kind = read_int(f)
        paging_state = None
        if kind == RESULT_KIND_VOID:
            results = None
        elif kind == RESULT_KIND_ROWS:
            paging_state, results = cls.recv_results_rows(
                f, protocol_version, user_type_map)
        elif kind == RESULT_KIND_SET_KEYSPACE:
            ksname = read_string(f)
            results = ksname
        elif kind == RESULT_KIND_PREPARED:
            results = cls.recv_results_prepared(f, protocol_version, user_type_map)
        elif kind == RESULT_KIND_SCHEMA_CHANGE:
            results = cls.recv_results_schema_change(f, protocol_version)
            raise DriverException("Unknown RESULT kind: %d" % kind)
        return cls(kind, results, paging_state)

    def recv_results_rows(cls, f, protocol_version, user_type_map):
        paging_state, column_metadata = cls.recv_results_metadata(f, user_type_map)
        rowcount = read_int(f)
        rows = [cls.recv_row(f, len(column_metadata)) for _ in range(rowcount)]
        colnames = [c[2] for c in column_metadata]
        coltypes = [c[3] for c in column_metadata]
        parsed_rows = [
            tuple(ctype.from_binary(val, protocol_version)
                  for ctype, val in zip(coltypes, row))
            for row in rows]
        return (paging_state, (colnames, parsed_rows))

    def recv_results_prepared(cls, f, protocol_version, user_type_map):
        query_id = read_binary_string(f)
        column_metadata, pk_indexes = cls.recv_prepared_metadata(f, protocol_version, user_type_map)
        return (query_id, column_metadata, pk_indexes)

    def recv_results_metadata(cls, f, user_type_map):
        flags = read_int(f)
        glob_tblspec = bool(flags & cls._FLAGS_GLOBAL_TABLES_SPEC)
        colcount = read_int(f)

        if flags & cls._HAS_MORE_PAGES_FLAG:
            paging_state = read_binary_longstring(f)
            paging_state = None
        if glob_tblspec:
            ksname = read_string(f)
            cfname = read_string(f)
        column_metadata = []
        for _ in range(colcount):
            if glob_tblspec:
                colksname = ksname
                colcfname = cfname
                colksname = read_string(f)
                colcfname = read_string(f)
            colname = read_string(f)
            coltype = cls.read_type(f, user_type_map)
            column_metadata.append((colksname, colcfname, colname, coltype))
        return paging_state, column_metadata

    def recv_prepared_metadata(cls, f, protocol_version, user_type_map):
        flags = read_int(f)
        glob_tblspec = bool(flags & cls._FLAGS_GLOBAL_TABLES_SPEC)
        colcount = read_int(f)
        pk_indexes = None
        if protocol_version >= 4:
            num_pk_indexes = read_int(f)
            pk_indexes = [read_short(f) for _ in range(num_pk_indexes)]

        if glob_tblspec:
            ksname = read_string(f)
            cfname = read_string(f)
        column_metadata = []
        for _ in range(colcount):
            if glob_tblspec:
                colksname = ksname
                colcfname = cfname
                colksname = read_string(f)
                colcfname = read_string(f)
            colname = read_string(f)
            coltype = cls.read_type(f, user_type_map)
            column_metadata.append(ColumnMetadata(colksname, colcfname, colname, coltype))
        return column_metadata, pk_indexes

    def recv_results_schema_change(cls, f, protocol_version):
        return EventMessage.recv_schema_change(f, protocol_version)

    def read_type(cls, f, user_type_map):
        optid = read_short(f)
            typeclass = cls.type_codes[optid]
        except KeyError:
            raise NotSupportedError("Unknown data type code 0x%04x. Have to skip"
                                    " entire result set." % (optid,))
        if typeclass in (ListType, SetType):
            subtype = cls.read_type(f, user_type_map)
            typeclass = typeclass.apply_parameters((subtype,))
        elif typeclass == MapType:
            keysubtype = cls.read_type(f, user_type_map)
            valsubtype = cls.read_type(f, user_type_map)
            typeclass = typeclass.apply_parameters((keysubtype, valsubtype))
        elif typeclass == TupleType:
            num_items = read_short(f)
            types = tuple(cls.read_type(f, user_type_map) for _ in range(num_items))
            typeclass = typeclass.apply_parameters(types)
        elif typeclass == UserType:
            ks = read_string(f)
            udt_name = read_string(f)
            num_fields = read_short(f)
            names, types = zip(*((read_string(f), cls.read_type(f, user_type_map))
                                 for _ in range(num_fields)))
            specialized_type = typeclass.make_udt_class(ks, udt_name, names, types)
            specialized_type.mapped_class = user_type_map.get(ks, {}).get(udt_name)
            typeclass = specialized_type
        elif typeclass == CUSTOM_TYPE:
            classname = read_string(f)
            typeclass = lookup_casstype(classname)

        return typeclass

    def recv_row(f, colcount):
        return [read_value(f) for _ in range(colcount)]

class PrepareMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x09
    name = 'PREPARE'

    def __init__(self, query):
        self.query = query

    def send_body(self, f, protocol_version):
        write_longstring(f, self.query)

class ExecuteMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x0A
    name = 'EXECUTE'

    def __init__(self, query_id, query_params, consistency_level,
                 serial_consistency_level=None, fetch_size=None,
                 paging_state=None, timestamp=None):
        self.query_id = query_id
        self.query_params = query_params
        self.consistency_level = consistency_level
        self.serial_consistency_level = serial_consistency_level
        self.fetch_size = fetch_size
        self.paging_state = paging_state
        self.timestamp = timestamp

    def send_body(self, f, protocol_version):
        write_string(f, self.query_id)
        if protocol_version == 1:
            if self.serial_consistency_level:
                raise UnsupportedOperation(
                    "Serial consistency levels require the use of protocol version "
                    "2 or higher. Consider setting Cluster.protocol_version to 2 "
                    "to support serial consistency levels.")
            if self.fetch_size or self.paging_state:
                raise UnsupportedOperation(
                    "Automatic query paging may only be used with protocol version "
                    "2 or higher. Consider setting Cluster.protocol_version to 2.")
            write_short(f, len(self.query_params))
            for param in self.query_params:
                write_value(f, param)
            write_consistency_level(f, self.consistency_level)
            write_consistency_level(f, self.consistency_level)
            flags = _VALUES_FLAG
            if self.serial_consistency_level:
                flags |= _WITH_SERIAL_CONSISTENCY_FLAG
            if self.fetch_size:
                flags |= _PAGE_SIZE_FLAG
            if self.paging_state:
                flags |= _WITH_PAGING_STATE_FLAG
            if self.timestamp is not None:
                if protocol_version >= 3:
                    flags |= _PROTOCOL_TIMESTAMP
                    raise UnsupportedOperation(
                        "Protocol-level timestamps may only be used with protocol version "
                        "3 or higher. Consider setting Cluster.protocol_version to 3.")
            write_byte(f, flags)
            write_short(f, len(self.query_params))
            for param in self.query_params:
                write_value(f, param)
            if self.fetch_size:
                write_int(f, self.fetch_size)
            if self.paging_state:
                write_longstring(f, self.paging_state)
            if self.serial_consistency_level:
                write_consistency_level(f, self.serial_consistency_level)
            if self.timestamp is not None:
                write_long(f, self.timestamp)

class BatchMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x0D
    name = 'BATCH'

    def __init__(self, batch_type, queries, consistency_level,
                 serial_consistency_level=None, timestamp=None):
        self.batch_type = batch_type
        self.queries = queries
        self.consistency_level = consistency_level
        self.serial_consistency_level = serial_consistency_level
        self.timestamp = timestamp

    def send_body(self, f, protocol_version):
        write_byte(f, self.batch_type.value)
        write_short(f, len(self.queries))
        for prepared, string_or_query_id, params in self.queries:
            if not prepared:
                write_byte(f, 0)
                write_longstring(f, string_or_query_id)
                write_byte(f, 1)
                write_short(f, len(string_or_query_id))
            write_short(f, len(params))
            for param in params:
                write_value(f, param)

        write_consistency_level(f, self.consistency_level)
        if protocol_version >= 3:
            flags = 0
            if self.serial_consistency_level:
                flags |= _WITH_SERIAL_CONSISTENCY_FLAG
            if self.timestamp is not None:
                flags |= _PROTOCOL_TIMESTAMP
            write_byte(f, flags)

            if self.serial_consistency_level:
                write_consistency_level(f, self.serial_consistency_level)
            if self.timestamp is not None:
                write_long(f, self.timestamp)

known_event_types = frozenset((

class RegisterMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x0B
    name = 'REGISTER'

    def __init__(self, event_list):
        self.event_list = event_list

    def send_body(self, f, protocol_version):
        write_stringlist(f, self.event_list)

class EventMessage(_MessageType):
    opcode = 0x0C
    name = 'EVENT'

    def __init__(self, event_type, event_args):
        self.event_type = event_type
        self.event_args = event_args

    def recv_body(cls, f, protocol_version, user_type_map):
        event_type = read_string(f).upper()
        if event_type in known_event_types:
            read_method = getattr(cls, 'recv_' + event_type.lower())
            return cls(event_type=event_type, event_args=read_method(f, protocol_version))
        raise NotSupportedError('Unknown event type %r' % event_type)

    def recv_topology_change(cls, f, protocol_version):
        # "NEW_NODE" or "REMOVED_NODE"
        change_type = read_string(f)
        address = read_inet(f)
        return dict(change_type=change_type, address=address)

    def recv_status_change(cls, f, protocol_version):
        # "UP" or "DOWN"
        change_type = read_string(f)
        address = read_inet(f)
        return dict(change_type=change_type, address=address)

    def recv_schema_change(cls, f, protocol_version):
        # "CREATED", "DROPPED", or "UPDATED"
        change_type = read_string(f)
        if protocol_version >= 3:
            target = read_string(f)
            keyspace = read_string(f)
            event = {'target_type': target, 'change_type': change_type, 'keyspace': keyspace}
            if target != SchemaTargetType.KEYSPACE:
                target_name = read_string(f)
                if target == SchemaTargetType.FUNCTION:
                    event['function'] = UserFunctionDescriptor(target_name, [read_string(f) for _ in range(read_short(f))])
                elif target == SchemaTargetType.AGGREGATE:
                    event['aggregate'] = UserAggregateDescriptor(target_name, [read_string(f) for _ in range(read_short(f))])
                    event[target.lower()] = target_name
            keyspace = read_string(f)
            table = read_string(f)
            if table:
                event = {'target_type': SchemaTargetType.TABLE, 'change_type': change_type, 'keyspace': keyspace, 'table': table}
                event = {'target_type': SchemaTargetType.KEYSPACE, 'change_type': change_type, 'keyspace': keyspace}
        return event

[docs]class _ProtocolHandler(object): """ _ProtocolHander handles encoding and decoding messages. This class can be specialized to compose Handlers which implement alternative result decoding or type deserialization. Class definitions are passed to :class:`cassandra.cluster.Cluster` on initialization. Contracted class methods are :meth:`_ProtocolHandler.encode_message` and :meth:`_ProtocolHandler.decode_message`. """ message_types_by_opcode = _message_types_by_opcode.copy() """ Default mapping of opcode to Message implementation. The default ``decode_message`` implementation uses this to instantiate a message and populate using ``recv_body``. This mapping can be updated to inject specialized result decoding implementations. """ @classmethod
[docs] def encode_message(cls, msg, stream_id, protocol_version, compressor): """ Encodes a message using the specified frame parameters, and compressor :param msg: the message, typically of cassandra.protocol._MessageType, generated by the driver :param stream_id: protocol stream id for the frame header :param protocol_version: version for the frame header, and used encoding contents :param compressor: optional compression function to be used on the body """ flags = 0 body = io.BytesIO() if msg.custom_payload: if protocol_version < 4: raise UnsupportedOperation("Custom key/value payloads can only be used with protocol version 4 or higher") flags |= CUSTOM_PAYLOAD_FLAG write_bytesmap(body, msg.custom_payload) msg.send_body(body, protocol_version) body = body.getvalue() if compressor and len(body) > 0: body = compressor(body) flags |= COMPRESSED_FLAG if msg.tracing: flags |= TRACING_FLAG buff = io.BytesIO() cls._write_header(buff, protocol_version, flags, stream_id, msg.opcode, len(body)) buff.write(body) return buff.getvalue()
@staticmethod def _write_header(f, version, flags, stream_id, opcode, length): """ Write a CQL protocol frame header. """ pack = v3_header_pack if version >= 3 else header_pack f.write(pack(version, flags, stream_id, opcode)) write_int(f, length) @classmethod
[docs] def decode_message(cls, protocol_version, user_type_map, stream_id, flags, opcode, body, decompressor): """ Decodes a native protocol message body :param protocol_version: version to use decoding contents :param user_type_map: map[keyspace name] = map[type name] = custom type to instantiate when deserializing this type :param stream_id: native protocol stream id from the frame header :param flags: native protocol flags bitmap from the header :param opcode: native protocol opcode from the header :param body: frame body :param decompressor: optional decompression function to inflate the body :return: a message decoded from the body and frame attributes """ if flags & COMPRESSED_FLAG: if decompressor is None: raise RuntimeError("No de-compressor available for compressed frame!") body = decompressor(body) flags ^= COMPRESSED_FLAG body = io.BytesIO(body) if flags & TRACING_FLAG: trace_id = UUID( flags ^= TRACING_FLAG else: trace_id = None if flags & WARNING_FLAG: warnings = read_stringlist(body) flags ^= WARNING_FLAG else: warnings = None if flags & CUSTOM_PAYLOAD_FLAG: custom_payload = read_bytesmap(body) flags ^= CUSTOM_PAYLOAD_FLAG else: custom_payload = None if flags: log.warning("Unknown protocol flags set: %02x. May cause problems.", flags) msg_class = cls.message_types_by_opcode[opcode] msg = msg_class.recv_body(body, protocol_version, user_type_map) msg.stream_id = stream_id msg.trace_id = trace_id msg.custom_payload = custom_payload msg.warnings = warnings if msg.warnings: for w in msg.warnings: log.warning("Server warning: %s", w) return msg
def cython_protocol_handler(colparser): """ Given a column parser to deserialize ResultMessages, return a suitable Cython-based protocol handler. There are three Cython-based protocol handlers: - obj_parser.ListParser decodes result messages into a list of tuples - obj_parser.LazyParser decodes result messages lazily by returning an iterator - numpy_parser.NumPyParser decodes result messages into NumPy arrays The default is to use obj_parser.ListParser """ from cassandra.row_parser import make_recv_results_rows class FastResultMessage(ResultMessage): """ Cython version of Result Message that has a faster implementation of recv_results_row. """ # type_codes = ResultMessage.type_codes.copy() code_to_type = dict((v, k) for k, v in ResultMessage.type_codes.items()) recv_results_rows = classmethod(make_recv_results_rows(colparser)) class CythonProtocolHandler(_ProtocolHandler): """ Use FastResultMessage to decode query result message messages. """ my_opcodes = _ProtocolHandler.message_types_by_opcode.copy() my_opcodes[FastResultMessage.opcode] = FastResultMessage message_types_by_opcode = my_opcodes col_parser = colparser return CythonProtocolHandler if HAVE_CYTHON: from cassandra.obj_parser import ListParser, LazyParser ProtocolHandler = cython_protocol_handler(ListParser()) LazyProtocolHandler = cython_protocol_handler(LazyParser()) else: # Use Python-based ProtocolHandler ProtocolHandler = _ProtocolHandler LazyProtocolHandler = None if HAVE_CYTHON and HAVE_NUMPY: from cassandra.numpy_parser import NumpyParser NumpyProtocolHandler = cython_protocol_handler(NumpyParser()) else: NumpyProtocolHandler = None def read_byte(f): return int8_unpack( def write_byte(f, b): f.write(int8_pack(b)) def read_int(f): return int32_unpack( def write_int(f, i): f.write(int32_pack(i)) def write_long(f, i): f.write(uint64_pack(i)) def read_short(f): return uint16_unpack( def write_short(f, s): f.write(uint16_pack(s)) def read_consistency_level(f): return read_short(f) def write_consistency_level(f, cl): write_short(f, cl) def read_string(f): size = read_short(f) contents = return contents.decode('utf8') def read_binary_string(f): size = read_short(f) contents = return contents def write_string(f, s): if isinstance(s, six.text_type): s = s.encode('utf8') write_short(f, len(s)) f.write(s) def read_binary_longstring(f): size = read_int(f) contents = return contents def read_longstring(f): return read_binary_longstring(f).decode('utf8') def write_longstring(f, s): if isinstance(s, six.text_type): s = s.encode('utf8') write_int(f, len(s)) f.write(s) def read_stringlist(f): numstrs = read_short(f) return [read_string(f) for _ in range(numstrs)] def write_stringlist(f, stringlist): write_short(f, len(stringlist)) for s in stringlist: write_string(f, s) def read_stringmap(f): numpairs = read_short(f) strmap = {} for _ in range(numpairs): k = read_string(f) strmap[k] = read_string(f) return strmap def write_stringmap(f, strmap): write_short(f, len(strmap)) for k, v in strmap.items(): write_string(f, k) write_string(f, v) def read_bytesmap(f): numpairs = read_short(f) bytesmap = {} for _ in range(numpairs): k = read_string(f) bytesmap[k] = read_value(f) return bytesmap def write_bytesmap(f, bytesmap): write_short(f, len(bytesmap)) for k, v in bytesmap.items(): write_string(f, k) write_value(f, v) def read_stringmultimap(f): numkeys = read_short(f) strmmap = {} for _ in range(numkeys): k = read_string(f) strmmap[k] = read_stringlist(f) return strmmap def write_stringmultimap(f, strmmap): write_short(f, len(strmmap)) for k, v in strmmap.items(): write_string(f, k) write_stringlist(f, v) def read_value(f): size = read_int(f) if size < 0: return None return def write_value(f, v): if v is None: write_int(f, -1) elif v is _UNSET_VALUE: write_int(f, -2) else: write_int(f, len(v)) f.write(v) def read_inet(f): size = read_byte(f) addrbytes = port = read_int(f) if size == 4: addrfam = socket.AF_INET elif size == 16: addrfam = socket.AF_INET6 else: raise InternalError("bad inet address: %r" % (addrbytes,)) return (util.inet_ntop(addrfam, addrbytes), port) def write_inet(f, addrtuple): addr, port = addrtuple if ':' in addr: addrfam = socket.AF_INET6 else: addrfam = socket.AF_INET addrbytes = util.inet_pton(addrfam, addr) write_byte(f, len(addrbytes)) f.write(addrbytes) write_int(f, port)