An iterator that groups items having the same value of the given function (key).
To be included in the same group, items with the same key must be next to each other
in the original collection.
SpanningIterator buffers internally one group at a time and the wrapped iterator
is consumed in a lazy way.
val collection = Seq(1 -> "a", 1 -> "b", 1 -> "c", 2 -> "d", 2 -> "e")
val iterator = new SpanningIterator(collection.iterator, (x: (Int, String)) => x._1)
val result = iterator.toSeq // Seq(1 -> Seq("a", "b", "c"), 2 -> Seq("d", "e"))
Linear Supertypes
Iterator[(K, Seq[T])], TraversableOnce[(K, Seq[T])], GenTraversableOnce[(K, Seq[T])], AnyRef, Any
An iterator that groups items having the same value of the given function (key). To be included in the same group, items with the same key must be next to each other in the original collection.
buffers internally one group at a time and the wrapped iterator is consumed in a lazy way.Example: