Configuring the Apache Spark™ ODBC Driver (Windows)
Configure an ODBC data source for ODBC applications, including business intelligence (BI) tools like Tableau or Microsoft Excel.
Launch the ODBC Data Source Administrator:
32-bit driver: Click Start > Program Files > Simba Spark ODBC Driver > 32 bit ODBC Data Source Administrator.
64-bit driver: Click Start > Program Files > Simba Spark ODBC Driver > 64 bit ODBC Data Source Administrator.
On the Drivers tab, make sure the Simba Spark ODBC Driver is present.
Create either a User or System DSN (data source name) for your ODBC tool connection. Click the User DSN or System DSN tab, and then click Add > Simba Spark ODBC Driver > Finish.
In the Simba Spark ODBC Driver DSN Setup dialog, enter the following:
Field Input Data Source Name
The name for your DSN.
Optional description of your DSN.
Spark Server Type
SparkThriftServer (Spark 1.1 and later)
IP or hostname of your Spark SQL Thrift Server.
Listening port for the Spark SQL Thrift Server (default 10000)
to load all tables into the default database. Or pick a specific keyspace.Auth Mechanism
User Name
User Name
Leave this field blank.
Click Test, and then confirm that the test succeeded.
For advanced configuration options, see the DataStax ODBC install documentation and the DataStax Support ODBC/JDBC drivers article.
Next steps
Use the newly created data source in ODBC applications like Tableau and Microsoft Excel.
After the ODBC query is transmitted to the Spark SQL Thrift server, the appropriate Spark jobs are executed, and then the data is returned through ODBC to the application.
To troubleshoot and inspect queries executed at the Spark SQL Thrift server, navigate to the Spark Master web interface on the DSE cluster at \http://NODE_NAME:4040
, click the Thrift server application, and then click the SQL tab.