Filtering on terms

Filter rows on terms using the Solr Standard Parser syntax in CQL.

Filter rows returned by a CQL SELECT statement on terms using the Solr Standard Parser syntax.

The basic syntax to limit queries has the following syntax:
SELECT column_list FROM table_name
WHERE solr_query = 'standard_term_expression ...';
The Solr Standard Parser is a case-sensitive term search that supports boolean expressions with wildcards.
Tip: CQL for DSE Search also supports more complex searches using JSON-formatted query strings.
This section uses the Wikipedia Demo included in DataStax Enterprise. Replace standard_term_expression with the solr_query value from corresponding tables below to return the results:
SELECT count(*) FROM solr
WHERE solr_query = 'q_search_expression';
Attention: CQL Solr queries do not support native functions or column aliases as selectors. Only count(*) is supported with search index queries. Results use the Solr count process. Results might vary from the native CQL count function.