About system keyspace tables

Provides details about database objects and cluster configuration in the system keyspace tables.

The system keyspace includes a number of tables that contain details about your database objects and cluster configuration.
Table 1. Columns in system tables
Table name Column names Comment
available_ranges keyspace_name, ranges
batches id, mutations, version
batchlog id, data, version, written_at
built_views keyspace_name, view_name Information on materialized views.
compaction_history id, bytes_in, bytes_out, columnfamily_name, compacted_at, keyspace_name, rows_merged Information on compaction history.
"IndexInfo" table_name, index_name Information on indexes.
local key, bootstrapped, broadcast_address, cluster_name, cql_version, data_center, dse_version, gossip_generation, graph, host_id, jmx_port, listen_address, native_protocol_version, native_transport_address, native_transport_port, native_transport_port_ssl, partitioner, rack, release_version, rpc_address, schema_version, server_id, storage_port, storage_port_ssl, tokens, truncated_at, workload, workloads Information that a node has about itself and a superset of gossip.
paxos row_key, cf_id, in_progress_ballot, most_recent_commit, most_recent_commit_at, most_recent_commit_version, proposal, proposal_ballot, proposal_version Information on lightweight Paxos transactions.
peers peer, data_center, dse_version, graph, host_id, jmx_port, native_transport_address, native_transport_port, native_transport_port_ssl, preferred_ip, rack, release_version, rpc_address, schema_version, server_id, storage_port, storage_port_ssl, tokens, workload, workloads Each node records what other nodes tell it about themselves over the gossip.
peer_events peer, hints_dropped

prepared_id, logged_keyspace, query_string

Prepared statements used by drivers for queries.
range_xfers token_bytes,requested_at
size_estimates keyspace_name, table_name, range_start, range_end, mean_partition_size, partitions_count Information on partitions.
sstable_activity keyspace_name, columnfamily_name, generation, rate_120m, rate_15m
views_builds_in_progress keyspace_name, view_name, generation_number, last_token
Table 2. Columns in system_schema tables
Table name Column names Comment
aggregates keyspace_name, aggregate_name, argument_types, final_func, initcond, return_type, state_func, state_type Information about user-defined aggregates.
columns keyspace_name, table_name, column_name, clustering_order, column_name_bytes, kind, position, type Information about table columns.
dropped_columns keyspace_name, table_name, column_name, dropped_time, type Information about dropped columns.
functions keyspace_name, function_name, argument_types, argument_names, body, called_on_null_input, language, return_type Information on user-defined functions.
indexes keyspace_name, table_name, index_name, kind,options Information about indexes.
keyspaces keyspace_name, durable_writes, replication Information on keyspace durable writes and replication.
tables keyspace_name, table_name, bloom_filter_fp_chance, caching, comment, compaction, compression, crc_check_chance, default_time_to_live, extensions, flags, gc_grace_seconds, id, max_index_interval, memtable_flush_period_in_ms, min_index_interval, speculative_retry Information on columns and column indexes. Used internally for compound primary keys.
types keyspace_name, type_name, field_names, field_types Information about user-defined types.
views keyspace_name, view_name, base_table_id, base_table_name, bloom_filter_fp_chance, caching, comment, compaction, compression, crc_check_chance, default_time_to_live, extensions, flags,gc_grace_seconds, include_all_columns, max_index_interval, memtable_flush_period_in_ms, min_index_interval, speculative_retry, where_clause Information about materialized views.
Table 3. Columns in system_distributed tables
Table name Column names Comment
repair_history keyspace_name, columnfamily_name, id, coordinator, exception_message, exception_stacktrace, finished_at, parent_id, participants, range_begin, range_end, started_at, status Contains detailed information on keyspace nodetool repair history.
nodesync_status keyspace_name, table_name, range_group, start_token, end_token, last_successful_validation, last_unsuccessful_validation, locked_by Contains NodeSync status for segments on the local system. See NodeSync Validation process and status.
nodesync_user_validations id, node, keyspace_name, table_name, ended_at, metrics, outcomes, segments_to_validate, segments_validated, started_at, status, validated_ranges Contains details of NodeSyncs operations that were manually started.
parent_repair_history parent_id, columnfamily_names, exception_message, exception_stacktrace, finished_at, keyspace_name, options, requested_ranges, started_at, successful_ranges
view_build_status keyspace_name, view_name, host_id, status

Security keyspaces and tables

Read access to these system tables is implicitly given to every authenticated user because the tables are used by most DSE tools:

system_auth keyspace

Contains authorization and internal authentication data.

Table 4. system_auth tables
Table Columns Description
role_permissions role (PK), resource, permissions Stores the role, resource (for example keyspace_name/table_name), and the permission that the role has to access the resource.
role_members role (PK), member Stores the roles and role members.
roles role (PK), can_login, is_superuser, member_of, salted_hash Stores the role name, whether the role can be used for login, whether the role is a superuser, what other roles the role may be a member of, and a bcrypt salted hash password for the role.

dse_security keyspace

Contains DSE Spark, Kerberos digest data, and role options.

Table 5. dse_security tables
Table Columns Description
role_options role, options Role options.
digest_tokens id, password Kerberos digest tokens when enabled.
spark_security dc, shared_secret Share secret for Spark.