- Recommended production settings
Recommended settings for Linux platforms on DataStax Enterprise (DSE).
- YAML and configuration properties
Information on how to configure DSE using the cassandra.yaml, dse.yaml,, and files.
- Configure snitches for cloud providers
Set up Ec2Snitch, Ec2MultiRegionSnitch, GoogleCloudSnitch, or CloudstackSnitch.
- Set system properties during startup
Modify DSE system properties from the startup command line or file.
- Choose a compaction strategy
How to choose the best compaction strategy.
- NodeSync service
Continuous background repair that virtually eliminates manual efforts to run repair operations in a DataStax cluster.
- Use multiple network interfaces
Steps for configuring DSE for multiple network interfaces or when using different regions in cloud implementations.
- Configure gossip settings
Using the cassandra.yaml file to configure gossip.
- Configure the heap dump directory
Analyzing the heap dump file can help troubleshoot memory problems.
- Configure Virtual Nodes
Topics about setting up and enabling virtual nodes (vnodes).
- Log configuration
Topics about changing logging locations, setting logging levels, archiving logs, and CDC logging.