Initialize a DataStax Enterprise cluster
Complete the following tasks before initializing a DataStax Enterprise (DSE) cluster.
Establish a firm understanding of how the database works. Be sure to read at least Understanding the database architecture and Data replication.
Ensure the environment is suitable for the use case and workload.
Review recommended production settings.
Choose a name for the cluster.
For a mixed-workload cluster, determine the purpose of each node.
Determine the snitch and replication strategy. The GossipingPropertyFileSnitch and NetworkTopologyStrategy are recommended for production environments.
Obtain the IP address of each node.
Ensure that you install DSE on each node.
Determine which nodes are seed nodes. Do not make all nodes seed nodes.
Seed nodes are not required for DSE Search datacenters, see Internode communications (gossip).
Review and make appropriate changes to other property files, such as
Set virtual nodes correctly for the type of datacenter. DataStax recommends using 8 vnodes (tokens). See Virtual nodes for more information.
- Initializing datacenters
Determine whether to use a single or multiple datacenter deployment per workload type.
- Setting seed nodes for a single datacenter
Overview of setting seed nodes for a new datacenter.
- Use cases for listen address
Various use cases and correct cassandra.yaml settings for listen_address.
- Initializing single-token architecture datacenters
Deploy a single-token datacenter when not using virtual nodes (vnodes).