Apache Solr and Apache Lucene limitations
Apache Solr™ and Apache Lucene® limitations
This topic lists the Apache Solr and Apache Lucene limitations that apply to DSE Search.
The 2.1 billion records limitation, per index on each node, as described in Lucene limitations.
The 1024 maxBoolean clause limit in SOLR-4586.
Solr field name policy applies to the indexed field names:
Every field must have a
. -
Field names must consist of alphanumeric or underscore characters only.
Fields cannot start with a digit.
Names with both leading and trailing underscores (for example,
) are reserved.Non-compliant field names are not supported from all components. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed.
Limitations and known Apache Solr issues apply to DSE Search queries. For example: incorrect SORT results for tokenized text fields.