Installing DataStax Enterprise 6.8 using the binary tarball

Some things to know about installing DataStax Enterprise:

  • These instructions apply to all versions of DataStax Enterprise 6.8. For specific changes please see the DSE 6.8 release notes.

  • When installed from the binary tarball:

    • DataStax Enterprise runs as a stand-alone process.

    • You can install DSE with or without root permissions.

When DSE is installed, it creates a cassandra user in the database. Do not use the cassandra user in production. Failing to do so is a security risk. See Adding a superuser login.

The default location of the file depends on the type of installation:

Package installations


Tarball installations



The location of the cassandra.yaml file depends on the type of installation:

Package installations


Tarball installations




End User License Agreement (EULA). By downloading this DataStax product, you agree to the terms of the EULA.

In a terminal window:

  1. Verify that a required version of Java is installed:

    java -version

    DataStax recommends the latest build of a Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) Certified OpenJDK version 8.

    If OpenJDK, the results should look like:

    openjdk version "1.8.0_242"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_242-b09)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.242-b09, mixed mode)

    If Oracle Java, the results should look like:

    java version "1.8.0_241"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_241-b13)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.241-b13, mixed mode)

    If not OpenJDK 8 or Oracle Java 8, see Installing the JDK.

  2. Install the libaio package. For example:

    • RHEL platforms:

      sudo yum install libaio
    • Debian platforms:

      sudo apt-get install libaio1
  3. When installing from the binary tarball, you can either download the tarball and then extract the files, or use curl.

    • Download and extract the tarball (latest version (6.8.x only):

      1. Download the tarball from Download DataStax Enterprise.

      2. Extract the files. For example:

        tar -xzvf dse-6.8.x-bin.tar.gz
    • Use curl to install the selected version:

      If you choose this method, your password is retained in the shell history. To avoid this security issue, DataStax recommends using curl with the --netrc or --netrc-file option.

      1. Download and extract the tarball using curl:

        Latest version:

        curl -L | tar xz

        Earlier versions:

        curl -L | tar xz

        For example:

        curl -L | tar xz

        The files are downloaded and extracted into the 6.8 directory.

  4. You can use either the default data and logging directory locations or define your locations:

    • Default directory locations: If you want to use the default data and logging directory locations, create and change ownership for the following:

      • /var/lib/cassandra

      • /var/log/cassandra

        sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/cassandra; sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP /var/lib/cassandra &&
        sudo mkdir -p /var/log/cassandra; sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP /var/log/cassandra
    • Define your own directory locations: If you want to define your own data and logging directory locations:

      1. In the installation_location, make the directories for data and logging directories. For example:

        mkdir dse-data &&
        cd dse-data &&
        mkdir data &&
        mkdir commitlog &&
        mkdir saved_caches &&
        mkdir hints &&
        mkdir cdc_raw
      2. Go the directory containing the cassandra.yaml file:

        cd installation_location/resources/cassandra/conf
      3. Update the following lines in the cassandra.yaml file to match the custom locations:

          - full_path_to_installation_location/dse-data/data
          commitlog_directory: full_path_to_installation_location/dse-data/commitlog
          saved_caches_directory: full_path_to_installation_location/dse-data/saved_caches
          hints_directory: full_path_to_installation_location/dse-data/hints
          cdc_raw_directory: full_path_to_installation_location/cdc_raw


+ DataStax Enterprise is ready for additional configuration:

+ For production, be sure to change the cassandra user. Failing to do so is a security risk. See Adding a superuser login. DataStax Enterprise provides several types of workloads (default is transactional). See startup options for service or stand-alone installations. ** Next Steps below provides links to related tasks and information.

  1. Optional: If using DSE analytics, you can use either the default Spark data and logging directory locations or define your locations:

    • Default directory locations: If you want to use the default Spark directory locations, create and change ownership for the following:

      • /var/lib/dsefs

      • /var/lib/spark

      • /var/log/spark

        sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/dsefs; sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP /var/lib/dsefs &&
        sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/spark; sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP /var/lib/spark &&
        sudo mkdir -p /var/log/spark; sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP /var/log/spark &&
        sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/spark/rdd; sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP /var/lib/spark/rdd  &&
        sudo mkdir -p /var/log/spark/master; sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP /var/log/spark/master  &&
        sudo mkdir -p /var/log/spark/alwayson_sql; sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP /var/log/spark/alwayson_sql  &&
        sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/spark/worker; sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP /var/lib/spark/worker
    • Define your own directory locations: If you want to define your own Spark directory locations:

      1. In the installation_location, make the directories for data and logging directories. For example:

        mkdir dsefs &&
        mkdir spark &&
        cd spark &&
        mkdir log &&
        mkdir rdd &&
        mkdir worker &&
        cd log &&
        mkdir worker &&
        mkdir master &&
        mkdir alwayson_sql
      2. Go the directory containing the file:

        cd installation_location/resources/spark/conf
      3. Uncomment and update the following lines in the file:

        export SPARK_WORKER_DIR="full_path_to_installation_location/spark/worker"
        export SPARK_EXECUTOR_DIRS="full_path_to_installation_location/spark/rdd"
        export SPARK_WORKER_LOG_DIR="full_path_to_installation_location/spark/log/worker"
        export SPARK_MASTER_LOG_DIR="full_path_to_installation_location/spark/log/master"
        export ALWAYSON_SQL_LOG_DIR="full_path_to_installation_location/spark/log/alwayson_sql"
      4. Go to the directory containing the dsefs_options file:

        cd installation_location/resources/dse/conf
      5. Uncomment and update the DSEFS directory in dse.yaml:

        work_dir: full_path_to_installation_location/dsefs

        DataStax Enterprise is ready for additional configuration. See Next Steps.

  2. Single-node cluster installations only:

    1. Start DataStax Enterprise from the installation directory:

      bin/dse cassandra

      where the installation directory is the directory where you installed DSE.

    2. Verify that DataStax Enterprise is running from the installation directory:

      bin/nodetool status

      Results using vnodes:

      Datacenter: Cassandra
      |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
      --  Address    Load       Tokens  Owns    Host ID                               Rack
      UN  82.43 KB   128     ?       40725dc8-7843-43ae-9c98-7c532b1f517e  rack1

      Results not using vnodes:

      Datacenter: Analytics
      |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
      --  Address         Load       Owns    Host ID                               Token                 Rack
      UN  103.24 KB  ?       3c1d0657-0990-4f78-a3c0-3e0c37fc3a06  1647352612226902707   rack1

Next Steps

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