
The cluster model is the parent (owner) of all other objects related to a DSE cluster, whether the cluster physically exists yet or not. In order to be valid for installation and/or configuration, the cluster must have the following:

Managing Clusters URL
Get a cluster object by ID GET /api/v2/lcm/clusters/{id}
Get a list of clusters GET /api/v2/lcm/clusters/
Get nodes in a cluster GET /api/v2/lcm/clusters/{id}/nodes/
Get datacenters in a cluster GET /api/v2/lcm/clusters/{id}/datacenters/
Get jobs run on a cluster GET /api/v2/lcm/clusters/{id}/jobs/
Get the cacert for a cluster GET /api/v2/lcm/clusters/{id}/cacert
Create a cluster POST /api/v2/lcm/clusters/
Update a cluster PUT /api/v2/lcm/clusters/{id}
Delete a cluster DELETE /api/v2/lcm/clusters/{id}

Managing Clusters

    "id" : <value>,
    "name" : <value>,
    "comment" : <value>,
    "repository-id" : <value>,
    "machine-credential-id" : <value>,
    "config-profile-id" : <value>,
    "ssh-management-port" : <value>,
    "managed" : <value>,
    "opsc-cluster-id" : <value>,
    "last-job-id" : <value>,
    "job-status" : <value>
Property Description of Values
id A UUID for the cluster.
name The name of the cluster. The normal rules for value cluster names apply.
ssh-management-port SSH port on managed nodes. This defaults to 22 and can be overridden at the Datacenter and/or Node level.
config-profile-id The ID of the Config Profile to use for this cluster. Can be overridden at the Datacenter and/or Node level.
machine-credential-id The ID of the Machine Credentials to use for this cluster. Can be overridden at the Datacenter and/or Node level.
repository-id The ID of the Repository to use for this cluster.
managed Does LCM manage this cluster and configuration file - should always be set to true. This is used by OpsCenter to support agent installation through LCM without using LCM for DSE installation or configuration.
last-job-id The ID of the last job run on this cluster. See Jobs.
opsc-cluster-id A unique ID to link the LCM cluster model with the OpsCenter cluster configuration. This is set automatically at the end of the first successful install job.
comment A generic field for user comments.
old-password When internal authentication is enabled, LCM automatically changes the password for the built-in CQL user named cassandra. If LCM can access the cassandra user with the old password, LCM changes the old password to the new password. For new installs of DSE, the old-password must initially be set to: cassandra.
new-password The desired password for the user named cassandra. See the old-password property above for details.
ldap-username For DSE clusters using LDAP for CQL authentication, this value is the username for the LDAP account used by OpsCenter for CQL access to the DSE cluster.
GET /api/v2/lcm/clusters/{id}

Gets a specific cluster record by ID.

Path arguments:id – A Cluster ID.

Returns a Cluster object.


curl http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/108f74ab-0c5c-4bf7-8527-695e3e630e1a


    "id" : "108f74ab-0c5c-4bf7-8527-695e3e630e1a",
    "name" : "test-cluster-01",
    "comment" : null,
    "repository-id" : "7db37bd2-c23a-4ea6-a415-e9faaeb2060f",
    "machine-credential-id" : "0f03dff7-1874-4c17-a823-ff79dba6e694",
    "config-profile-id" : "4ff7a9ae-257c-4a6c-bfb0-b47299f39795",
    "ssh-management-port" : 22
    "managed" : true,
    "opsc-cluster-id" : null,
    "last-job-id" : null,
    "modified-on" : "2016-06-21T14:33:11.859Z",
    "type" : "cluster",
    "job-status" : null,
    "datacenter" : [],
    "created-on" : "2016-06-21T14:33:11.859Z",
    "created-by" : "system",
    "modified-by" : "system",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/108f74ab-0c5c-4bf7-8527-695e3e630e1a",
    "related-resources" : {
       "datacenters" : "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/108f74ab-0c5c-4bf7-8527-695e3e630e1a/datacenters/"
GET /api/v2/lcm/clusters/{id}/nodes/

Gets a list of nodes associated with a specific cluster record using the cluster ID.

Path arguments:id – A Cluster ID.

Returns a paginated list of all relevant Node records. See Paginated Results for an overview of the query string parameters that can be used.


curl http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/108f74ab-0c5c-4bf7-8527-695e3e630e1a/nodes/


    "previous" : null,
    "current" : 1,
    "next" : null,
    "last" : 1,
    "count" : 1,
    "per-page" : 50,
    "results" : [
            "ssh-management-address" : "",
            "datacenter-id" : "42f611b7-44ef-4fda-8903-b6aa75862ac2",
            "href" : "",
            "modified-on" : "2016-10-11T00:08:27.456Z",
            "machine-credential-id" : null,
            "comment" : null,
            "listen-address" : null,
            "native-transport-address" : null,
            "id" : "211c7598-70e3-4c50-9c29-bad2aacff127",
            "rack" : "rack1",
            "created-on" : "2016-07-07T22:18:48.239Z",
            "broadcast-address" : null,
            "last-job-id" : "a6e88a46-bcec-46ab-9fdb-71ba32a14c59",
            "job-status" : "TERMINATED",
            "type" : "node",
            "native-transport-broadcast-address" : null,
            "name" : "501-node",
            "ssh-management-port" : null,
            "config-profile-id" : null,
            "seed" : true,
            "related-resources" : {
                "datacenter" : ""
GET /api/v2/lcm/clusters/{id}/datacenters/

Gets a list of datacenters associated with a specific cluster record using the cluster ID. This endpoint performs a 302 redirect, which api clients must follow.

Path arguments:id – A Cluster ID.

Returns a paginated list of all relevant Datacenter records. See Paginated Results for an overview of the query string parameters that can be used.


curl -L http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/716c1c44-4cc9-4080-9025-aea0a6bafb9d/datacenters/


     "last" : 1,
     "per-page" : 50,
     "previous" : null,
     "current" : 1,
     "count" : 1,
     "next" : null,
     "results" : [
             "modified-on" : "2016-07-07T22:26:40.087Z",
             "solr-enabled" : false,
             "job-status" : "TERMINATED",
             "last-job-id" : null,
             "cluster-id" : "716c1c44-4cc9-4080-9025-aea0a6bafb9d",
             "hadoop-enabled" : false,
             "spark-enabled" : false,
             "graph-enabled" : false,
             "comment" : null,
             "created-on" : "2016-07-07T22:16:28.217Z",
             "id" : "42f611b7-44ef-4fda-8903-b6aa75862ac2",
             "type" : "datacenter",
             "name" : "501-dc",
             "machine-credential-id" : null,
             "converged-on" : "2016-07-07T22:26:40.084Z",
             "href" : "",
             "ssh-management-port" : null,
             "config-profile-id" : null,
             "related-resources" : {
                 "cluster" : "",
                 "nodes" : ""
GET /api/v2/lcm/clusters/{id}/jobs/

Gets a list of jobs associated with a specific cluster record using the cluster ID. This endpoint performs a 302 redirect, which api clients must follow.

Path arguments:id – A Cluster ID.

Returns a paginated list of all relevant Job records. See Paginated Results for an overview of the query string parameters that can be used.


curl -L http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/716c1c44-4cc9-4080-9025-aea0a6bafb9d/jobs/


     "current" : 1,
     "next" : null,
     "results" : [
         "cluster-id" : "716c1c44-4cc9-4080-9025-aea0a6bafb9d",
         "id" : "f0a56ab3-1ec9-4f5a-8f53-cb4c683f2179",
         "modified-on" : "2016-10-07T22:00:19.854Z",
         "created-on" : "2016-07-07T22:19:00.860Z",
         "href" : "",
         "job-type" : "install",
         "dry-run" : false,
         "datacenter-name" : null,
         "status" : "FAILED",
         "node-name" : null,
         "datacenter-id" : null,
         "type" : "job",
         "description" : null,
         "node-id" : null,
        "cluster-name" : "501cl-01",
         "related-resources" : {
             "job-nodes" : "",
             "cluster" : "",
             "job-events" : ""
GET /api/v2/lcm/clusters/{id}/cacert

Gets the certificate-authority certificate that has been automatically generated for the cluster by LCM. This certificate will only be available if internode or client encryption has been enabled for the cluster, and a job has been successfully executed. If the cluster is not configured to require a certificate, or if it has not yet been created, this endpoint returns 404 not found.

Path arguments:id – A Cluster ID.

Returns a PEM encoded x509 certificate with an http content-type of application/x-x509-ca-cert. Unlike most endpoints, this does not return JSON, but a bare certificate.


curl http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/716c1c44-4cc9-4080-9025-aea0a6bafb9d/cacert


GET /api/v2/lcm/clusters/

Gets a paginated list of all Cluster records. See Paginated Results for an overview of the query string parameters that can be used.


curl http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/


    "last" : 1,
    "per-page" : 50,
    "previous" : null,
    "next" : null,
    "current" : 1,
    "count": 1,
    "results": [
            "type" : "cluster",
            "opsc-cluster-id" : null,
            "id" : "591ae107-2ef8-4c0f-b603-3b9f2d722d2f",
            "href" : "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/591ae107-2ef8-4c0f-b603-3b9f2d722d2f",
            "config-profile-id" : "4ff7a9ae-257c-4a6c-bfb0-b47299f39795",
            "managed" : true,
            "ssh-management-port" : 22,
            "job-status" : "COMPLETE",
            "modified-on" : "2016-06-06T17:12:00.738Z",
            "created-on" : "2016-06-02T14:33:59.700Z",
            "last-job-id" : "0370f668-3f53-478f-b29e-78d6bcc778d6",
            "related-resources" : {
                "datacenters" : "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/591ae107-2ef8-4c0f-b603-3b9f2d722d2f/datacenters/"
POST /api/v2/lcm/clusters/

Creates a new cluster record.

Body:A Cluster object (with no ID property).

When authentication is enabled for the configuration profile associated with the cluster, as is the case by default, it is necessary to provide old-password and new-password fields so that LCM can set a secure password on installation. For initial install, the old-password should be set to ‘cassandra’, which is the default out-of-the box password.

Returns the newly created Cluster object.


curl -X POST \
     -d '{"name": "test-cluster-01", \
          "machine-credential-id": "0f03dff7-1874-4c17-a823-ff79dba6e694", \
          "repository-id": "7db37bd2-c23a-4ea6-a415-e9faaeb2060f", \
          "old-password": "cassandra", \
          "new-password": "datastax", \
          "config-profile-id": "4ff7a9ae-257c-4a6c-bfb0-b47299f39795"}' \


    "created-by": "system",
    "created-on": "2016-06-21T14:33:11.859Z",
    "datacenter": [],
    "type": "cluster",
    "job-status": null,
    "config-profile-id": "4ff7a9ae-257c-4a6c-bfb0-b47299f39795",
    "modified-by": "system",
    "opsc-cluster-id": null,
    "ssh-management-port": 22,
    "managed": true,
    "repository-id": "7db37bd2-c23a-4ea6-a415-e9faaeb2060f",
    "modified-on": "2016-06-21T14:33:11.859Z",
    "machine-credential-id": "0f03dff7-1874-4c17-a823-ff79dba6e694",
    "name": "test-cluster-01",
    "comment": null,
    "last-job-id": null,
    "id": "108f74ab-0c5c-4bf7-8527-695e3e630e1a",
    "href": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/108f74ab-0c5c-4bf7-8527-695e3e630e1a",
    "related-resources": {"datacenters": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/108f74ab-0c5c-4bf7-8527-695e3e630e1a/datacenters/"}
PUT /api/v2/lcm/clusters/{id}

Updates an existing cluster record by ID. The cluster password can be changed by including old-password and new-password in the request body. The password change does not take effect until the next configure or upgrade job.

Path arguments:id – A Cluster ID.

Returns the updated Cluster object.


curl -X PUT -d '{"comment": "This is my new comment."}' http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/108f74ab-0c5c-4bf7-8527-695e3e630e1a


    "id": "108f74ab-0c5c-4bf7-8527-695e3e630e1a",
    "name": "test-cluster-01",
    "comment": "This is my new comment.",
    "repository-id": "7db37bd2-c23a-4ea6-a415-e9faaeb2060f",
    "machine-credential-id": "0f03dff7-1874-4c17-a823-ff79dba6e694",
    "config-profile-id": "4ff7a9ae-257c-4a6c-bfb0-b47299f39795",
    "datacenter": [],
    "type": "cluster",
    "job-status": null,
    "related-resources": {
        "datacenters": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/108f74ab-0c5c-4bf7-8527-695e3e630e1a/datacenters/"
    "modified-by": "system",
    "created-on": "2016-06-21T14:33:11.859Z",
    "opsc-cluster-id": null,
    "ssh-management-port": 22,
    "managed": true,
    "modified-on": "2016-06-21T15:10:06.635Z",
    "last-job-id": null,
    "href": "http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/108f74ab-0c5c-4bf7-8527-695e3e630e1a",
    "created-by": "system"
DELETE /api/v2/lcm/clusters/{id}

Deletes an existing cluster record by ID. This is subject to foreign key constraint violations.

Path arguments:id – A Cluster ID.

Returns the IDs of the deleted objects.


curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/v2/lcm/clusters/108f74ab-0c5c-4bf7-8527-695e3e630e1a


{"deleted": {"cluster": ["108f74ab-0c5c-4bf7-8527-695e3e630e1a"]}}