Manage Astra DB organizations

You can create multiple Astra DB organizations to separate resources, billing, access, teams, customers, environments, or any other categories that are useful for you. Other users can also invite you to their Astra DB organizations.

Your personal organization

When you create an Astra account, an initial organization is created for you. This is your default or personal organization, and it is named after your account’s email address. When you sign in to Astra DB, your personal organization is selected by default.

DataStax doesn’t recommend using the default organization for production workloads because certain features aren’t available to the default organization, such as SSO. Instead, create additional, non-default organizations.

You can’t delete or leave your default organization. However, you can transfer organization ownership when you delete your account. If you are the only Organization Administrator in your default organization, the organization is deleted when you delete your account.

Create an organization

  1. In the Astra Portal header, click Settings.

  2. In the Settings navigation menu, click the name of the current organization, and then select Create Organization.

  3. Enter a name for the organization and an optional description.

    When you create an organization, you are the initial Organization Administrator, and the Organization email defaults to your Astra account email address. After you create the organization, you can change the Organization email.

  4. Click Create Organization.

  5. (Recommended) Invite users to the new organization.

Switch organizations

If you create organizations or get invited to other organizations, you must switch organizations to work with the databases and other resources in those organizations:

  1. In the Astra Portal header, click the current organization name.

  2. From the list of organizations, select the organization that you want to switch to.

Get your organization ID

  • Astra Portal

  • DevOps API

You can get your organization ID from any Astra Portal URL, such as

You can also get your organization ID from your organization settings:

  1. In the Astra Portal header, click Settings.

  2. In the Settings navigation menu, click the name of the current organization, and then select the organization for which you need an ID.

  3. In the Settings navigation menu, click General.

  4. Locate the Organization ID, and then click Copy to copy the organization ID.

You can use GET /v2/currentOrg to get the organization ID associated with a given application token:

curl -sS -L -X GET "" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer APPLICATION_TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"

A successful request returns the organization ID associated with the token:

{ "id": "**ORG_ID**" }

Edit organization settings

To change an organization’s display name, description, or email address, do the following:

  1. In the Astra Portal header, click Settings.

  2. In the Settings navigation menu, click the name of the current organization, and then select the organization you want to edit.

  3. In the Settings navigation menu, click General.

  4. Edit the organization name, description, or email address:

    • To change the organization’s display name and description, click Edit, enter the new name and description, and then click Update Organization.

    • To change the organization’s administrative email address, click Update Email, enter the desired email address, and then click Update Email.

      DataStax sends a verification email to the new email address. To confirm this change, you or another Organization Administrator must have access to the new email address. Follow the link in the verification email to finalize the change.

For information about other organization settings, see the following:

Leave an organization

To leave an organization, you must ask an Organization Administrator to remove you from the organization.

Alternatively, if you have an application token with sufficient privileges, you can use the DevOps API to remove yourself from the organization.

For more information, see Remove a user or revoke an invitation.

Delete an organization

If you are the Organization Administrator for multiple organizations, you can delete organizations you no longer need.

You can’t delete your default (personal) organization unless you delete your account.

Deleting an organization is permanent and irreversible.

To delete an organization, do the following:

  1. Clean up organization resources to prepare for deletion:

  2. In the Astra Portal header, click Settings.

  3. In the Settings navigation menu, click the name of the current organization, and then select the organization you want to delete.

  4. In the Settings navigation menu, click General.

  5. Click Delete organization.

  6. Enter the organization’s name, and then click Delete Organization to permanently delete the organization.

Billing and usage for deleted organizations is included in the current billing period up until the time of deletion.

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