Manage your Astra account

In the Astra Portal, you can manage your Astra account, including editing your profile and changing your password.

Create an account and sign in

If another user invited you to their Astra DB organization, you must sign in or create an account with the same email address that received the invitation. For more information, see Accept the invite.

You can create an Astra account manually or use SSO to automatically provision an account through your SAML IdP profile, Google account, or GitHub account.

Your email address is the unique identifier for your Astra account.

  • SAML IdP

  • Google

  • GitHub

  • Username and password

You can sign in to the Astra Portal through your SAML IdP if your Organization Administrator has enabled SSO. DataStax supports any SAML-compatible IdP, including Entra ID, Okta, OneLogin, Google Identity Platform, and Ping Identity. For more information, see Configure single sign-on.

You can use your Gmail or Google Workspace account to create an Astra account and sign in to the Astra Portal.

You can use your GitHub account to create an Astra account and sign in to the Astra Portal.

To use GitHub for Astra DB authentication, you must have a public email address in your GitHub profile.

If you are a new user, make your email public before you create an Astra account.

If you are an existing user and you selected keep my email address private in your GitHub profile, you must make your email address public, and then change your password to switch to Astra DB local authentication. Alternatively, you can use another SSO option with the same email address as your GitHub account.

If you don’t want to make your email address public, you must use a different SSO option or username and password authentication.

If you can’t use SSO, you can create an Astra account and sign in to the Astra Portal with a username and password:

  1. Navigate to the Astra Portal.

  2. On the Sign In page, click Sign Up.

  3. Follow the prompts to create your account.

Your personal organization

When you create an Astra account, an initial organization is created for you. This is your default or personal organization, and it is named after your account’s email address. When you sign in to Astra DB, your personal organization is selected by default.

DataStax doesn’t recommend using the default organization for production workloads because certain features aren’t available to the default organization, such as SSO. Instead, create additional, non-default organizations.

You can’t delete or leave your default organization. However, you can transfer organization ownership when you delete your account. If you are the only Organization Administrator in your default organization, the organization is deleted when you delete your account.

Switch organizations

If you create organizations or get invited to other organizations, you must switch organizations to work with the databases and other resources in those organizations:

  1. In the Astra Portal header, click the current organization name.

  2. From the list of organizations, select the organization that you want to switch to.

Sign out

In the Astra Portal header, click your avatar, and then select Logout.

Edit your profile

In the Astra Portal header, click your avatar, select Account, and then edit your profile:

  • To change your name, click Edit, enter your desired first and last name, and then click Update Name.

  • To change your account’s email address, contact DataStax Support.

Change your password

  • SSO

  • Username and password

If you sign in through SSO, you must change your password in your IdP profile, GitHub account, or Google account.

If you sign in to Astra DB with a username and password, you can change your password through the Astra Portal.

  • Forgot password

  • Reset known password

  1. On the Astra Portal sign-in page, click Forgot Password.

  2. Enter the email address for your account. If an Astra account exists for the specified email address, DataStax sends a password reset email to that address.

  3. Follow the instructions in the email and the Astra Portal to reset your password.

    Astra account passwords must meet the following requirements:

    • At least 8 characters, including a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, and a number.

    • Doesn’t include parts of your email address.

    • Doesn’t match any of your last four passwords.

  4. Sign in to the Astra Portal with your new password.

  1. In the Astra Portal, click your avatar, and then select Account.

  2. Click Reset My Password.

  3. If the email address is correct, click Confirm. If you need to change your email address, see Edit your profile.

    DataStax sends a password reset email to your account’s email address.

  4. Follow the instructions in the email and the Astra Portal to reset your password.

    Astra account passwords must meet the following requirements:

    • At least 8 characters, including a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, and a number.

    • Doesn’t include parts of your email address.

    • Doesn’t match any of your last four passwords.

  5. Sign in to the Astra Portal with your new password.

Delete your account

To delete your Astra account, you must prepare your account for deletion and then delete the account:

  1. Clean up organization assets or transfer ownership of any organizations where you are an Organization Administrator:

    • If your default organization has multiple Organization Administrators, ownership is transferred to another Organization Administrator when you delete your account.

      If you want to delete your default organization when you delete your account, you must remove all other Organization Administrators and all resources (databases, streaming tenants, built-in integrations, and SSO configurations) from your default organization.

      If you are the only Organization Administrator in your default organization, the organization is deleted when you delete your account, and you must delete all resources (databases, streaming tenants, built-in integrations, and SSO configurations) before you can delete your account.

    • If you are the only Organization Administrator in a non-default organization, you can do either of the following:

      • Transfer ownership: If you want to delete your account without deleting the organization, you must transfer organization ownership to another user by granting them the Organization Administrator role.

      • Delete the organization: If you want to delete your account and the organization, you must delete the organization, and then delete your account.

    • If you belong to any organizations where you are not an Organization Administrator you don’t need to take any action in those organizations.

  2. In the Astra Portal header, click your avatar, and then select Account.

  3. On your Profile page, click Delete My Account.

    If there are any unresolved resource issues blocking account deletion, Astra DB prompts you to resolve those. For more information, see the preceding information about preparing to deleting your account.

  4. Enter your email address, select a reason for deleting your account, and acknowledge the risk of deleting your account.

  5. Click Delete Account.

Your account is automatically deleted, you are signed out of the Astra Portal, and you receive a confirmation email with information about financial records and data retention following account deletion.

It is your responsibility to clean up any external assets that you created for your databases or organizations, such as private endpoints, custom DNS, or customer keys. Deleting your Astra account does not delete external assets managed outside Astra DB, such as those managed in your cloud provider console.

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