Backup and restore
Active Astra DB Serverless databases automatically create hourly backups. At the end of each UTC day, the last successful hourly backup of the day becomes a daily backup.
The backup retention schedule is as follows:
DataStax retains the most recent hourly backups for 24 hours on a rolling basis.
DataStax retains the most recent daily backups for 19 days on a rolling basis.
At any time, an active database can have up to 24 hours of hourly backups and 19 days of daily backups. This assumes the database never hibernates and all backups are recorded successfully.
Hibernated databases do not record backups. A database that is hibernated for more than 19 consecutive days has no backups. |
Database backups are snapshots that include SSTables only. They don’t include commit logs, and Astra DB flushes memtables before recording a snapshot.
Restore data
Contact DataStax Support to recover data from a backup. You must be able to verify that you are the Organization Administrator or Database Administrator for the database you are attempting to restore.
You can restore lost or corrupted data for an existing database that has at least one backup recorded. If a database has multiple hourly backups available, you can choose which backup to restore.
You can’t restore data for deleted databases. Terminating a database destroys all associated data, including recorded backups, and prevents data recovery. |
When restoring data, you can do the following:
Restore data to the same database by replacing the current data with data from the backup. This overwrites any changes that occurred after the backup was recorded, including additions, removals, and edits.
Restore data to a new database with the same configuration as the original database, including database type, cloud provider, and region.
Restore one or more specific keyspaces and the associated collections/tables from a backup.
Regardless of the amount or type of data restored, databases are in Maintenance status for the duration of the restoration. Restoration time depends on a number of factors. Communicate with DataStax Support to understand the scope and potential duration of your restoration.
For multi-region databases, backups are recorded only from the original region you selected when you created the database. When you restore a multi-region database from a backup, data is restored to the original region and then replicated to the additional regions.
Self-managed backups
For more control over backup retention, you can contact DataStax Support to request self-managed backup storage.