Database statuses
A database can have one of several statuses. Each status has a different impact on your ability to use a database.
In the Astra Portal, go to Databases to see the status of all your databases. To see the status of a specific database, select the database in the navigation menu.
Active status means your database is available and ready to use.
Paused statuses
There are several paused statuses that indicate a database is unavailable.
For Astra DB organizations on the Free plan, any databases that are idle for more than 48 hours are automatically paused and enter Hibernated status. After 30 consecutive days of hibernation, the database is automatically deleted. DataStax sends email notifications when your databases are hibernated and scheduled for deletion.
You must resume a hibernated database to continue using it.
Astra Portal
Astra CLI
Data API
For organizations on the Free plan, there are two ways to resume hibernated databases in the Astra Portal:
To resume all databases, go to Databases, and then click Resume Databases.
To resume individual databases, select the database in the navigation menu, and then click Resume Database.
It can take a few minutes for hibernated databases to resume and return to Active status.
For organizations on the Free plan, you can use the Astra CLI to resume hibernated databases:
astra db resume DB_ID
To get the DB_ID
, see Get your database ID.
For more information, see the Astra CLI documentation.
Sending a Data API request to a hibernated database automatically begins resuming the database and returns a 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
status code.
Wait a few minutes for the database to reach Active status before reissuing your request.
Database hibernation occurs on Free plans only. To avoid hibernation, and get access to additional Astra DB functionality, upgrade your plan.
For Astra DB organizations on the Free plan, databases are suspended if your monthly credits run out. While suspended, you can’t access the data in the database.
To reactivate a Suspended database, you must provide a payment method or wait for your free monthly credits to refresh. For more information, see Subscriptions and billing.
Once reactivated, you can resume database operations and access the data in the database.
Error status indicates something is wrong with the database. Contact DataStax Support.
A database in Terminated status is deleted and permanently unavailable. You can’t restore deleted databases.
Transitional statuses
Databases can enter various transitional statuses while some operations complete or the database transitions from one static status to another.
When you create a database, it remains in Initializing status while being provisioned. It can take some time for new Astra DB Serverless databases to be provisioned.
Once provisioning is complete, the database enters Active status.
A database passes through Maintenance status while undergoing regional maintenance or any process where the database is temporarily partially unavailable, such as restoring from a backup or deploying secondary regions.
While in Maintenance status, you can’t add or remove regions, truncate tables, or delete keyspaces, tables, or collections.
Maintenance status doesn’t impact reads and writes.
When you delete a database, it enters Terminating status while the database and all of its data are being deleted.