CQL data types to JavaScript types

When retrieving the value of a column from a Row object, the value is typed according to the following table.

CQL data type JavaScript type
ascii String
bigint Long
blob Buffer
boolean Boolean
counter Long
date LocalDate
decimal BigDecimal
double Number
float Number
inet InetAddress
int Number
list Array
map Object / ECMAScript 6 Map
set Array / ECMAScript 6 Set
smallint Number
text String
time LocalTime
timestamp Date
timeuuid TimeUuid
tinyint Number
tuple Tuple
uuid Uuid
varchar String
varint Integer

Encoding data

When encoding data, on a normal execute with parameters, the driver tries to guess the target type based on the input type. Values of type Number will be encoded as double (because Number is IEEE 754 double).

Consider the following example:

var key = 1000;
client.execute('SELECT * FROM table1 where key = ?', [key], callback);

If the key column is of type int, the execution fails. There are two possible ways to avoid this type of problem, as detailed below.

Using prepared statements provides multiple benefits. Prepared statements are parsed and prepared on the Cassandra nodes and are ready for future execution. Also, the driver retrieves information about the parameter types which allows an accurate mapping between a JavaScript type and a Cassandra type.

Using the previous example, setting the prepare flag in the queryOptions will fix it:

// prepare the query before execution 
client.execute('SELECT * FROM table1 where key = ?', [key], { prepare : true }, callback);

When using prepared statements, the driver prepares the statement once on each host to execute multiple times.

Hinting the target data type

Providing parameter hints in the query options is another way around it.

// Hint that the first parameter is an integer 
client.execute('SELECT * FROM table1 where key = ?', [key], { hints : ['int'] }, callback);