Connecting to your DataStax Astra database using a secure connection bundle


Use the ClientOptions property cloud to connect to your DataStax Astra database using your secure connection bundle ( and credentials property to provide your CQL credentials.

Here is an example of the minimum configuration needed to connect to your DataStax Astra database using the secure connection bundle:

const client = new Client({
  cloud: { secureConnectBundle: 'path/to/' },
  credentials: { username: 'user_name', password: 'p@ssword1' }

Configurable settings when using a secure connection bundle

You can configure your Client instance using other ClientOptions properties, for example:

const client = new Client({
  cloud: { secureConnectBundle: 'path/to/' },
  credentials: { username: 'user_name', password: 'p@ssword1' },
  keyspace: 'my_ks'

Note that contactPoints and sslOptions should not be set when using secureConnectBundle.