Retrieving Cluster and Node Information

These resources give you information about your cluster and its nodes. For example, you can get a map of node information including the current OS load, the data held in storage, or the status of streaming or compaction operations underway.

Cluster and Node Retrieval Methods URL
Retrieve cluster data size GET /{cluster_id}/datasize/keyspaces
Retrieve cluster configuration information. GET /{cluster_id}/cluster
Retrieve information about a cluster property. GET /{cluster_id}/cluster/{property}
Retrieve information about nodes in the cluster. GET /{cluster_id}/nodes
Retrieve information about a specific node. GET /{cluster_id}/nodes/{node_ip}
Retrieve information about the property of a node. GET /{cluster_id}/nodes/{node_ip}/{property}
Retrieve information about a property for all nodes. GET /{cluster_id}/nodes/all/{property}
Retrieve cluster-wide storage capacity information. GET /{cluster_id}/storage-capacity
Download a diagnostic tarball of cluster data. GET /{cluster_id}/diagnostics.tar.gz

Cluster Properties

GET /{cluster_id}/datasize/keyspaces

Retrieve data size of the cluster. Can be broken down by keyspaces and datacenter

Path arguments:
  • cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.
  • keyspaces – List of keyspaces to get the size of. If blank, size of all keyspaces will be returned.
  • datacenters – List of datacenters to get the size of. If blank, size all datacenters will be returned.

Returns size of the data in bytes




GET /{cluster_id}/cluster

Retrieve information about the cluster.

Path arguments:cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.

Returns a Cluster object.

   "endpoint_snitch": Full class name of snitch,
   "name": Name of the cluster,
   "partitioner": Full class name of partitioner,
   "status": Status if the cluster is being restarted




   "endpoint_snitch": "org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleSnitch",
   "name": "Test Cluster",
   "partitioner": "org.apache.cassandra.dht.RandomPartitioner",
   "status": "Restarting"
GET /{cluster_id}/cluster/{property}

Retrieve a single cluster property.

Path arguments:

Returns a string.





Node Properties

GET /{cluster_id}/nodes

Retrieve a list of all nodes and node properties in the cluster.

Path arguments:cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.

Returns a list of Node objects.


A property is null if it is not applicable to the node or if there is no data to report.

  "node_ip": <value>,
  "node_name": <value>,
  "token": <value>,
  "node_version": <name:value>,
  "load": <value>,
  "data_held": <value>,
  "mode": <value>,
  "streaming": <name:value, name:value, . . .>,
  "task_progress": <name:value, name:value, . . .>,
  "last_seen": <value>,
  "num_procs": <value>,
  "rpc_ip": <value>,
  "dc": <value>,
  "rack": <value>,
  "network_interfaces": <value array>,
  "partitions": {
    "data": <value list>,
    "commitlog": <value>,
    "saved_caches": <value>,
    "other": <value list>
  "devices": {
    "data": <value list>,
    "commitlog": <value>,
    "saved_caches": <value>,
    "other": <value list>
  "os": <value>,
  "has_jna": <value>,
  "ec2": {
    "instance-id": <value>,
    "instance-type": <value>,
    "ami-id": <value>,
    "placement": <value>

This table describes the property values of a Node:

Property Description of Values
node_ip IP address
node_name Hostname
token Token assignment (string). If the node has multiple tokens (part of vnode support in Cassandra 1.2 and later), this will be a single randomly selected token from the node’s set of tokens.
Dictionary of component versions:
  • cassandra: Cassandra version
  • dse: DSE version
  • jobtracker: Job Tracker version
  • tasktracker: Task Tracker version
  • search: Solr version
load OS load, which corresponds to the command, 1min avg from uptime
data_held Amount of Cassandra data on the node (in bytes)
mode Examples are “normal”, “decommissioned”, “leaving”. Controlled by Cassandra.
streaming Dictionary of active outbound streams in the form {<destination_node_ip>: <progress>}, where <progress> is a float between 0.0 and 1.0. For example, 0.8 means the stream is 80% complete.
task_progress Dictionary of active tasks in the form {<task-name-string>: <progress>}. Example task names include “major-compaction” and “minor-compaction”. <progress> is the same format as it is for streaming.
last_seen 0 if the node is up, a UNIX timestamp indicating when the node went down if it is currently down, or null if the node state is unknown
num_procs Number of processor cores
rpc_ip The rpc_address set in cassandra.yaml, which is usually the same as the node_ip property
dc Name of node’s data center
rack Name of node’s rack
network_interfaces Array of network interface names
Dictionary of partitions on the node grouped by category:
  • data: List of partitions where Cassandra data is stored
  • commitlog: Partition where the commitlog resides
  • saved_caches: Partition where caches are saved
  • other: List of other partitions on the node that are not used by Cassandra
Dictionary of devices on the node grouped by category:
  • data: List of devices where Cassandra data is stored
  • commitlog: Device where the commitlog resides
  • saved_caches: Device where caches are saved
  • other: List of other devices on the node that are not used by Cassandra
os Name of the operating system that will contain “linux”, “mac”, or “windows”
has_jna True if the node has JNA enabled, false otherwise
Dictionary of ec2 information:
  • instance_id: the EC2 instance ID
  • instance-type: the size and type of the node’s EC2 instance
  • ami-id: what AMI was used for the instance
  • placement: what AWS region and availability zone the node is located in




  "": {
    "data_held": 53067368.0,
    "dc": "Cassandra",
    "devices": {
      "commitlog": "disk0",
      "data": [
      "other": [],
      "saved_caches": "disk0"
    "ec2": {
      "ami-id": "ami-82fa58eb",
      "instance-id": "i-1c264a66",
      "instance-type": "m1.large",
      "placement": "us-east-1d"
    "has_jna": true,
    "last_seen": 0,
    "load": 0.20000000000000001,
    "mode": "normal",
    "network_interfaces": [
    "node_ip": "",
    "node_name": "cassandra08",
    "node_version": {
      "cassandra": "1.0.8",
      "dse": "2.0-1",
      "jobtracker": null,
      "search": null,
      "tasktracker": null
    "num_procs": 8,
    "os": "mac os x",
    "partitions": {
      "commitlog": "/dev/disk0s2",
      "data": [
      "other": [],
      "saved_caches": "/dev/disk0s2"
    "rack": "rack1",
    "rpc_ip": "",
    "streaming": {
      "": 0.23,
      "": 0.97,
    "task_progress": {
      "minor-compaction": 0.447
    "token": "34478773810192488084662817292306645152"
  "": {
GET /{cluster_id}/nodes/{node_ip}

Retrieve data for a specific node.

Path arguments:
  • cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.
  • node_ip – IP address matching the node_ip for the Node.

Returns a Node object.

GET /{cluster_id}/nodes/{node_ip}/{property}

Retrieve a single property for a node or all nodes.

Path arguments:
  • cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.
  • node_ip – IP address matching the node_ip for the Node.
  • property – A property name, such as token, for a Node object.

Returns a single property from a Node object.




GET /{cluster_id}/nodes/all/{property}

Retrieve a single property for all nodes.

Path arguments:
  • cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.
  • property – A property name for a Node object, such as “token”.

Returns a dictionary of {<node_ip>: <property value>} for all nodes in the cluster.




  "": "0",
  "": "34478773810192488084662817292306645152",
  "": "14981209899913204811852010238019834127"

Storage Capacity

GET /{cluster_id}/storage-capacity

Retrieve cluster-wide storage capacity information.

Path arguments:cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.


  "free_gb": Total free space in the cluster in GB,
  "used_gb": Total c* used space in the cluster in GB,
  "reporting_nodes": How many nodes are included in the first two numbers




  "free_gb": 627,
  "reporting_nodes": 1,
  "used_gb": 70

Diagnostic Tarball

GET /{cluster_id}/diagnostics.tar.gz

Download a diagnostic tarball of cluster data.

Note: Collecting the cluster data and logs can take a few minutes to complete before the download begins.

Path arguments:cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.


Binary download of the diagnostic tarball.


curl > Test_Cluster.tar.gz