Performing Cluster Operations

Cluster operations include initiating administrative actions on nodes, such as garbage collection, in a Cassandra or DSE cluster, rebalancing a cluster, and managing API requests sent to cluster.

Node Administration Methods  
Perform bulk Operations POST /{cluster_id}/ops
Initiate JVM garbage collection on a node. GET /{cluster_id}/ops/gc/{node_ip}
Assign a new token to the node. PUT /{cluster_id}/ops/move/{node_ip}
Drain a node. GET /{cluster_id}/ops/drain/{node_ip}
Decommission a node. POST /{cluster_id}/ops/decommission/{node_ip}
Clean up a keyspace. POST /{cluster_id}/ops/cleanup/{node_ip}/{ks_name}
Flush memtables from a keyspace. POST /{cluster_id}/ops/flush/{node_ip}/{ks_name}
Repair a keyspace. POST /{cluster_id}/ops/repair/{node_ip}/{ks_name}
Compact a keyspace. POST /{cluster_id}/ops/compact/{node_ip}/{ks_name}
Process Management Methods  
Start Cassandra/DSE on a node POST /{cluster_id}/ops/start/{node_ip}
Stop Cassandra/DSE on a node POST /{cluster_id}/ops/stop/{node_ip}
Restart Cassandra/DSE on a node POST /{cluster_id}/ops/restart/{node_ip}
Perform a rolling restart of the cluster POST /{cluster_id}/ops/restart
Cluster Rebalancing Methods  
List moves to balance a cluster. GET /{cluster_id}/ops/rebalance
Run a list of moves to balance a cluster. POST /{cluster_id}/ops/rebalance
Cluster Services  
Get the status of cluster services. GET /{cluster_id}/services
Cluster Repair Service  
Turn on the cluster repair service. POST /{cluster_id}/services/repair
Turn off the cluster repair service. DELETE /{cluster_id}/services/repair
Get the status of the repair service. GET /{cluster_id}/services/repair
Get a summary of the repair service progress. GET /{cluster_id}/repair-status
Get details of the repair service progress. GET /{cluster_id}/repair-details
NodeSync Service  
Turn on/off NodeSync for tables. POST /{cluster_id}/nodesync
Get the NodeSync status. GET /{cluster_id}/nodesync
Get the summary of NodeSync progress. GET /{cluster_id}/nodesync/summary
Get per-keyspace summary of NodeSync progress. GET /{cluster_id}/nodesync/summary/keyspace
Get per-table summary of NodeSync progress. GET /{cluster_id}/nodesync/summary/table
Get per-table summary of NodeSync progress in keyspace. GET /{cluster_id}/nodesync/summary/table/{keyspace}
Request Management Methods  
Get the status of a long-running request. GET /request/{request_id}/status
Cancel a request. POST /request/{request_id}/cancel
List requests of a specific type GET /{cluster_id}/request/{request_type}

Node Administration Methods

POST /{cluster_id}/ops

Initiate a bulk set of operations on one or more nodes


A JSON dictionary with the following keys:

  • ips: List of IPs that represent the nodes the operations will run on:
  • action: The operation that should be performed on the node. Values
    are (cleanup, compact, flush, perform_gc, repair, restart, start, stop)
  • is_rolling: Whether the jobs are running in a rolling or parallel fashion
  • sleep: Seconds between each grouping of jobs. Default is 60
  • args: Arguments in a list, to pass to each operation.

Returns a Request ID.


curl -X POST
    -d '{"ips":[""],"action":"cleanup", "is_rolling": true, "sleep": 1, "args":["OpsCenter", "events"]}'
GET /{cluster_id}/ops/gc/{node_ip}

Initiate JVM garbage collection on a Node.

Path arguments:

Returns null.


curl -X GET
PUT /{cluster_id}/ops/move/{node_ip}

Assign a new token to the node.

Path arguments:

New token to assign to node.

Returns a Request ID.


curl -X PUT
  -d '"85070591730234615865843651857942052864"'


GET /{cluster_id}/ops/drain/{node_ip}

Initiate a drain operation to flush all memtables from the node.

Path arguments:

Returns null.


curl -X GET
POST /{cluster_id}/ops/decommission/{node_ip}

Initiate decommissioning of a node.

Path arguments:

Returns null.


curl -X POST
POST /{cluster_id}/ops/cleanup/{node_ip}/{ks_name}

Initiate a cleanup operation for the specified keyspace.

Path arguments:
  • cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.
  • node_ipNode that initiates cleaning of the keyspace.
  • ks_name – Name of the keyspace to be cleaned. If empty, all keyspaces will be cleaned up

List of tables to cleanup. If empty, all tables will be cleaned up.

Returns null.


curl -X POST
  -d '["ColFam1", "ColFam2"]'
POST /{cluster_id}/ops/flush/{node_ip}/{ks_name}

Flush memtables for a keyspace.

Path arguments:
  • cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.
  • node_ipNode to be flushed of memtables for a keyspace.
  • ks_name – Keyspace of the memtables to be flushed. If empty, all keyspaces will be cleaned up

List of tables to flush. If empty, all tables will be flushed.

Returns null.


curl -X POST
  -d '["ColFam1", "ColFam2"]'
POST /{cluster_id}/ops/repair/{node_ip}/{ks_name}

Initiates repair of a keyspace.

Path arguments:
  • cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.
  • node_ipNode that initiates repair.
  • ks_name – Keyspace to be repaired.

A JSON dictionary with the following keys:

  • is_sequential: A boolean indicating whether to run the repair sequentially or
    not, default is true.
  • is_local: A boolean indicating whether to use only nodes in the same
    datacenter during the repair or not. Default is false.
  • primary_range: Repair just the primary range for that node or else
    will repair all ranges. A boolean, default is false.
  • cfs: List of tables (column families) to repair. If this is empty, all tables
    will be repaired.

Returns null.


curl -X POST
  -d '{"is_sequential": false, cfs":["ColFam1", "ColFam2"]}'
POST /{cluster_id}/ops/compact/{node_ip}/{ks_name}

Initiates a major compaction on a keyspace.

Path arguments:
  • cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.
  • node_ipNode that initiates the compaction.
  • ks_name – Keyspace to be compacted. If empty, all keyspaces will be cleaned up

List of tables to compact. If this is empty, all tables will be compacted.

Returns null.


curl -X POST
  -d '["ColFam1", "ColFam2"]'

Process Management Methods

POST /{cluster_id}/ops/start/{node_ip}

Start the Cassandra/DSE process on a single node.

Path arguments:

Returns a Request ID.


curl -X POST


POST /{cluster_id}/ops/stop/{node_ip}

Stop the Cassandra/DSE process on a single node.

Path arguments:

A JSON dictionary with an optional key:

  • drain_first: A boolean to first perform a drain operation before stopping a node.

Returns a Request ID.


curl -X POST
  -d '{"drain_first": true}'


POST /{cluster_id}/ops/restart/{node_ip}

Restart the Cassandra/DSE process on a single node.

Path arguments:

A JSON dictionary with two optional keys:

  • wait_for_cassandra: A boolean that waits until DSE is fully started before completing the request asynchronously.
  • drain_first: A boolean to first perform a drain operation before stopping a node.

Returns a Request ID.


curl -X POST
  -d '{"wait_for_cassandra": true, "drain_first": true}'


POST /{cluster_id}/ops/restart

Perform a rolling restart of the entire cluster or a select list of nodes.

Path arguments:

A JSON dictionary with three optional keys:

  • sleep: Amount of time in seconds to sleep between restarting each node. Default is 60.
  • ips: A list of ips to restart. If left empty, all nodes will be restarted (this is the default behavior).
  • drain_first: A boolean to first perform a drain operation before stopping a node.

Returns a Request ID.


curl -X POST



Cluster Rebalancing Methods

GET /{cluster_id}/ops/rebalance

Return a list of proposed moves to run to balance a cluster. Will throw an error if called on a cluster using vnodes

Path arguments:cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.

Returns a list of moves, where each move is a token and the IP address of its assigned node. The result of this call is passed to POST /{cluster_id}/ops/rebalance.




POST /{cluster_id}/ops/rebalance

Run the specified list of moves to balance a cluster. Will throw an error if called on a cluster using vnodes

Path arguments:cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.
Opt. params:sleep – An optional number of seconds to wait between each move.
Body:A list of moves to run to balance this cluster. This is typically the result of GET /{cluster_id}/ops/rebalance.

Returns a Request ID for determining the status of, or cancelling, a running rebalance.


curl -X POST



Cluster Services

GET /{cluster_id}/services

Get the status of cluster services.

Returns a dictionary with service names as keys and the status, parameters, and associated activity or progress of the service as the values.


curl "http://localhost:8888/Test_Cluster/services"
    "repair": {
        "progress": {
            "completed": 26,
            "total": 256
        "status": {
            "parameters": {
                "time_to_completion": 100000
            "status": true

Cluster Repair Service

POST /{cluster_id}/services/repair

Start the cluster repair service with the given parameters.


A dictionary of repair service parameters.

  • time_to_completion: The time in seconds to complete a repair cycle of the entire
    cluster. For example, 864000 (10 days).
DELETE /{cluster_id}/services/repair

Stop the cluster repair service.

GET /{cluster_id}/services/repair

Get the status of the repair service.

Returns a dictionary describing the status and parameters of the service.


curl ""
    "status": true,
    "parameters": {"time_to_completion": 100000}
GET /{cluster_id}/repair-status

Get a status summary of the repair service progress.

Returns a progress summary for the current repair cycle. Includes statistics on pending, in progress, any errors, and completed repairs in total.


curl ""
    "config": {
        "cluster_stabilization_period": "30",
        "error_logging_window": "86400",
        "ignore_keyspaces": "",
    "status": "active",
    "time_to_completion": 777600
    "overview": {
        "completed": 36,
        "failed": 0,
        "in_progress": 1,
        "remaining": 19,
        "repair_times": {
            "50": 1,
            "75": 1,
            "90": 1,
            "99": 5,
            "average": 1.3611111111111112,
            "max": 7,
            "min": 1
        "total": 56
    "incremental": {
        "completed": 8,
        "completed_bytes": 40000,
        "estimated_time": 0,
        "job_state": "success",
        "last_repair_ts": 0,
        "remaining": 0,
        "remaining_bytes": 0,
        "throughput": 1.0,
        "throughput_bytes": 5000,
        "total": 8,
        "total_bytes": 40000,
        "ttc_remaining": 777329
    "subrange": {
        "completed": 28,
        "completed_bytes": 445648829,
        "estimated_time": 190,
        "job_state": "running",
        "last_repair_ts": 0,
        "remaining": 19,
        "remaining_bytes": 164736194,
        "throughput": 0.6829268292682927,
        "throughput_bytes": 11141095,
        "total": 48,
        "total_bytes": 610390023,
        "ttc_remaining": 777329
    "details": {
        "OpsCenter.backup_reports": {
            "attempts": 0,
            "average_time": 0,
            "state": {
                "aborted": 0,
                "failure": 0,
                "pending": 4,
                "running": 0,
                "success": 0
            "time": 0,
            "type": "incremental"
GET /{cluster_id}/repair-details

Gets a detailed list of current cycle’s repairs.

Opt. params:
  • keyspace – Limits results to only the specified keyspace. Optional.
  • table – Limits results to only the specified table. Optional.

Returns a detailed list of every repair and its present status in the current repair cycle.


curl ""
        "attempts": 0,
        "executing": false,
        "ksname": "blackhat",
        "last_error": "",
        "node": "",
        "repair_range": [
        "size": 281480,
        "start_ts": 1492099955.84,
        "tables": [
        "time": 1,
        "type": "subrange"
        "attempts": 0,
        "executing": false,
        "ksname": "OpsCenter",
        "last_error": "",
        "node": "",
        "size": 5000,
        "start_ts": 1492099102.985,
        "table": "settings",
        "time": 1,
        "type": "incremental"

NodeSync Service


Target for the maximum time between 2 validations of the same data. As long as the deadline is met, all parts of the ring (for the table) are validated at least that often. Deadline could be set via deadline_target_sec property of the table, or inferred from the gc_grace_seconds property. The deadline should always be less than or equal to the grace period. As long as the deadline is met, no data is resurrected due to tombstone purging. NodeSync prioritize segments in order to try to meet the deadline. The next segment to validate at any given time is the one the closest to missing its deadline.
A segment is a small local token range of a table. NodeSync recursively splits local ranges in half a certain number of times (depth) to create segments. The depth is calculated using the total table size, assuming equal distribution of data. Typically segments cover no more than 200 MB. The token ranges can be no smaller than a single partition, so very large partitions can result in segments larger than the configured size.
POST /{cluster_id}/nodesync

Enable or disable NodeSync for specified tables. Please note that there is a limit on maximum number of the tables for which NodeSync could be enabled or disabled in one request. See documentation about nodesync.max_request_tables configuration parameter.


A dictionary of parameters.

  • enable: array of table names for which NodeSync should be enabled. Table name could be specified as full name in form keyspace.table, or as wildcards, keyspace.* (all tables in given keyspace), or * (all tables);
  • disable: array of table names for which NodeSync should be disabled. If table name is specified in both sections, enable wins.
  "enable": ["test.t1", "test.t2"],

Returns true if request was accepted, or JSON object describing error.

  "brief": "error",
  "message": "Please select fewer tables and try again. To maximize performance, OpsCenter has been configured to limit the number of concurrent updates to 50 tables. The total number of tables to process in this request, after expanding wild card selectors, was 102.",
  "type": "InvalidArguments"
GET /{cluster_id}/nodesync

Retrieve the NodeSync status.

Returns JSON object with following fields:

  • status: boolean value describing status of NodeSync support in cluster - it will be false for DSE 5.1, for example, as it doesn’t have NodeSync. The actual status of NodeSync could be obtained via BestPractice rule check-nodesync-running;
  • enabled: array of table names for which NodeSync is enabled;
  • disabled: array of table names for which NodeSync is disabled;
  • pending: array of table names for which status of NodeSync is changing (being enabled or disabled);
  • ineligible: JSON object with following fields: - system: array of system table names; - rf1: array of table names in keyspaces with RF=1.
    "pending": [],
    "enabled": [
    "ineligible": {
        "system": [
        "rf1": [
    "disabled": [
    "status": true
GET /{cluster_id}/nodesync/summary

Get a summary of the NodeSync progress.

Returns JSON object with following fields:

  • last_updated: timestamp of last update of NodeSync status (in seconds);
  • segment_sync_counts: array of 4 numbers: - the count of segments whose timestamp occurred at most half of the deadline ago - the count of segments whose timestamp occurred at most 90% of the deadline ago - the count of segments whose timestamp occurred no older than the deadline - the count of segments whose timestamp occurred longer ago than the deadline
  • segment_sync_percentages: array of 4 numbers that express data in segment_sync_counts as percentage of total counts.
GET /{cluster_id}/nodesync/summary/keyspace

Get a per-keyspace summary of the NodeSync progress.

Path arguments:
  • page – (optional) page number to retrieve, starting with 1;
  • per_page – (optional) how many results return per page;

Returns JSON object with following fields:

  • next: number of the next page, or null if it’s the last page;

  • per_page: how many results are per page;

  • previous: number of the previous page, or null if it’s the first page;

  • last: number of the last page;

  • count: total number of results;

  • current: number of current page;

  • proximate: JSON object describing navigation to previous and next page;

  • results: array of JSON objects, consisting of following fields: - keyspace: name of the keyspace; - last_updated: timestamp of last update of NodeSync status (in seconds); - segment_sync_counts: array of 4 numbers:

    • the count of segments whose timestamp occurred at most half of the deadline ago
    • the count of segments whose timestamp occurred at most 90% of the deadline ago
    • the count of segments whose timestamp occurred no older than the deadline
    • the count of segments whose timestamp occurred longer ago than the deadline
    • segment_sync_percentages: array of 4 numbers that express data in segment_sync_counts as percentage of total counts.
GET /{cluster_id}/nodesync/summary/table

Get a per-table summary of the NodeSync progress.

Path arguments:
  • page – (optional) page number to retrieve, starting with 1;
  • per_page – (optional) how many results return per page;

Returns JSON object with following fields:

  • next: number of the next page, or null if it’s the last page;

  • per_page: how many results are per page;

  • previous: number of the previous page, or null if it’s the first page;

  • last: number of the last page;

  • count: total number of results;

  • current: number of current page;

  • proximate: JSON object describing navigation to previous and next page;

  • results: array of JSON objects, consisting of following fields: - keyspace: name of the keyspace; - table: name of the table; - last_updated: timestamp of last update of NodeSync status (in seconds); - segment_sync_counts: array of 4 numbers:

    • the count of segments whose timestamp occurred at most half of the deadline ago
    • the count of segments whose timestamp occurred at most 90% of the deadline ago
    • the count of segments whose timestamp occurred no older than the deadline
    • the count of segments whose timestamp occurred longer ago than the deadline
    • segment_sync_percentages: array of 4 numbers that express data in segment_sync_counts as percentage of total counts.
GET /{cluster_id}/nodesync/summary/table/{keyspace}

Get a per-table summary of the NodeSync progress in specific keyspace.

Path arguments:
  • keyspace – name of the keyspace
  • page – (optional) page number to retrieve, starting with 1;
  • per_page – (optional) how many results return per page;

Returns JSON object with following fields:

  • next: number of the next page, or null if it’s the last page;

  • per_page: how many results are per page;

  • previous: number of the previous page, or null if it’s the first page;

  • last: number of the last page;

  • count: total number of results;

  • current: number of current page;

  • proximate: JSON object describing navigation to previous and next page;

  • results: array of JSON objects, consisting of following fields: - table: name of the table; - last_updated: timestamp of last update of NodeSync status (in seconds); - segment_sync_counts: array of 4 numbers:

    • the count of segments whose timestamp occurred at most half of the deadline ago
    • the count of segments whose timestamp occurred at most 90% of the deadline ago
    • the count of segments whose timestamp occurred no older than the deadline
    • the count of segments whose timestamp occurred longer ago than the deadline
    • segment_sync_percentages: array of 4 numbers that express data in segment_sync_counts as percentage of total counts.

Request Management Methods


Requests are the method that OpsCenter uses to track potentially long-running requests that must be completed asynchronously. When these potentially long-running API calls are made, opscenterd will immediately return a Request ID that can be used to look up the status of the request.

Once a Request is started, you can fetch the status information for it until opscenterd is restarted or a large number of Requests have been started.

A Request status takes the following form:

   "id": ID,
   "state": STATE,
   "started": STARTED,
   "finished": FINISHED,
   "cluster_id": CLUSTER_ID,
   "details": DETAILS
  • ID (string) – The unique UUID for this Request. When an operation is potentially long-running, opscented will return this ID immediately.
  • STATE (string) – Either “running”, “success”, or “error”
  • STARTED (int) – A unix timestamp representing when the Request started
  • FINISHED (int) – A unix timestamp representing when the Request finished, or null if it has not finished yet
  • CLUSTER_ID (string) – The name of the cluster that the Request is operating on
  • DETAILS – Typically a string containing a status or error message, but may be a dictionary in the form {<subrequest_id>: <Request>} when the Request holds a collection of subrequests.
Content Types:
  • JSON
GET /request/{request_id}/status

Check the status of an asynchronous request sent to OpsCenter.

Path arguments:
  • cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.
  • request_id – The ID returned by the API call that triggered the request.

Return a dictionary describing the status of the request.


  "status": "running",
  "started": 1334856122,
  "error_message": null,
  "finished": null,
  "moves": [
     "status": null,
     "ip": "",
     "old": "2",
     "new": "85070591730234615865843651857942052864"
  "id": "6b6b15aa-df8a-43f1-aab3-efce6b8589e4"
POST /request/{request_id}/cancel

Cancel an asynchronous request sent to OpsCenter. Not all requests can be cancelled.

Path arguments:
  • cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.
  • request_id – The ID returned by the API call that triggered the request.

Returns null.


curl -X POST

The request is canceled.

GET /{cluster_id}/request/{request_type}

List requests of a particular type. Default is the latest request of that type.

Path arguments:
  • cluster_id – The ID of a cluster returned from GET /cluster-configs.
  • request_type – Either “rolling-restart”, “restore” or “bulk-operations”
Query params:

list_all – A boolean (0 or 1) indicating whether all of the requests should be returned or just the latest. Default is 0 (false).

Returns a Request ID. If list is true, then an array of Request IDs


curl -X GET
curl -X GET