



Consistency levels

Name Type Description
any Number

Writing: A write must be written to at least one node. If all replica nodes for the given row key are down, the write can still succeed after a hinted handoff has been written. If all replica nodes are down at write time, an ANY write is not readable until the replica nodes for that row have recovered.

one Number

Returns a response from the closest replica, as determined by the snitch.

two Number

Returns the most recent data from two of the closest replicas.

three Number

Returns the most recent data from three of the closest replicas.

quorum Number

Reading: Returns the record with the most recent timestamp after a quorum of replicas has responded regardless of data center. Writing: A write must be written to the commit log and memory table on a quorum of replica nodes.

all Number

Reading: Returns the record with the most recent timestamp after all replicas have responded. The read operation will fail if a replica does not respond. Writing: A write must be written to the commit log and memory table on all replica nodes in the cluster for that row.

localQuorum Number

Reading: Returns the record with the most recent timestamp once a quorum of replicas in the current data center as the coordinator node has reported. Writing: A write must be written to the commit log and memory table on a quorum of replica nodes in the same data center as the coordinator node. Avoids latency of inter-data center communication.

eachQuorum Number

Reading: Returns the record once a quorum of replicas in each data center of the cluster has responded. Writing: Strong consistency. A write must be written to the commit log and memtable on a quorum of replica nodes in all data centers.

serial Number

Achieves linearizable consistency for lightweight transactions by preventing unconditional updates.

localSerial Number

Same as serial but confined to the data center. A write must be written conditionally to the commit log and memtable on a quorum of replica nodes in the same data center.

localOne Number

Similar to One but only within the DC the coordinator is in.



CQL data types

Name Type Description
custom Number

A custom type.

ascii Number

ASCII character string.

bigint Number

64-bit signed long.

blob Number

Arbitrary bytes (no validation).

boolean Number

true or false.

counter Number

Counter column (64-bit signed value).

decimal Number

Variable-precision decimal.

double Number

64-bit IEEE-754 floating point.

float Number

32-bit IEEE-754 floating point.

int Number

32-bit signed integer.

text Number

UTF8 encoded string.

timestamp Number

A timestamp.

uuid Number

Type 1 or type 4 UUID.

varchar Number

UTF8 encoded string.

varint Number

Arbitrary-precision integer.

timeuuid Number

Type 1 UUID.

inet Number

An IP address. It can be either 4 bytes long (IPv4) or 16 bytes long (IPv6).

date Number

A date without a time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system.

time Number

A value representing the time portion of the day.

smallint Number

16-bit two’s complement integer.

tinyint Number

8-bit two’s complement integer.

list Number

A collection of elements.

map Number

Key/value pairs.

set Number

A collection that contains no duplicate elements.

udt Number

User-defined type.

tuple Number

A sequence of values.



Represents the distance of Cassandra node as assigned by a LoadBalancingPolicy relatively to the driver instance.

Name Type Description
local Number

A local node.

remote Number

A remote node.

ignored Number

A node that is meant to be ignored.



Contains information for the different protocol versions supported by the driver.

Name Type Description
v1 Number

Cassandra protocol v1, supported in Apache Cassandra 1.2–>2.2.

v2 Number

Cassandra protocol v2, supported in Apache Cassandra 2.0–>2.2.

v3 Number

Cassandra protocol v3, supported in Apache Cassandra 2.1–>3.x.

v4 Number

Cassandra protocol v4, supported in Apache Cassandra 2.2–>3.x.

v5 Number

Cassandra protocol v5, in beta from Apache Cassandra 3.x+. Currently not supported by the driver.

maxSupported Number

Returns the higher protocol version that is supported by this driver.

minSupported Number

Returns the lower protocol version that is supported by this driver.

isSupported function

A function that returns a boolean determining whether a given protocol version is supported.


Server error codes returned by Cassandra


Unset representation.

Use this field if you want to set a parameter to unset. Valid for Cassandra 2.2 and above.



([Date date], [Number microseconds])

Generates a value representing the timestamp for the query in microseconds based on the date and the microseconds provided

Name Type Description
date optional Date

The date to generate the value, if not provided it will use the current date.

microseconds optional Number

A number from 0 to 999 used to build the microseconds part of the date.

Type Description


([Object options], [Buffer buffer], [Number offset])

Backward compatibility only, use TimeUuid instead.

Generates and returns a RFC4122 v1 (timestamp based) UUID in a string representation.

Name Type Description
options optional Object
buffer optional Buffer
offset optional Number



Backward compatibility only, use Uuid class instead.

Generate and return a RFC4122 v4 UUID in a string representation.