The Playlist tutorial
An introduction to web application development using DataStax Enterprise and Apache Cassandra.
Setting up your environment
Configure your environment to begin assembling the Playlist example application.
Architecture of the Playlist example application
The Playlist example application is a Java web application that manages a music library.
Step 1: Connecting to Cassandra from a web application
The simplest version of Playlist shows how to connect to Cassandra and display information from the system table.
Step 2: Adding artist and track features
Enhance the Playlist application by adding the ability to search the song catalog by track and artist name, with corresponding tables and CQL queries.
Building and running step 2
Create the database keyspace, create the artist and track tables, populate the tables, and then build and run the Playlist example application.
Step 3: Adding hot tracks
You can alter existing tables to add new columns.
Building and running step 3
Alter the tables to add a new boolean column, and modify the application to allow users to select starred tracks.
Step 4: Adding users and custom playlists
Enhance the Playlist application to store user playlists.
Building and running step 4
Add new tables and modify the application code to allow users to log in and create music playlists that contain different music tracks.
Step 5: Add statistics views to monitor Playlist
Enhance the Playlist application by adding counters to collect statistics.
Building and running step 5
Add a table to collect the statistics of the Playlist application, and modify Playlist to display the statistics to users.
Step 6: Optimize the Playlist application
Optimize the Playlist application with paging result sets and caching.
Building and running step 6
Row caches and query paging help improve the performance of Cassandra when running queries that return large result sets.