All Classes and Interfaces

Execute the command and parse results throwing DataApiResponseException when needed.
Helper to log with colors.
Represents a segment of the response payload for a JSON API, encapsulating the data returned from a query or operation.
Encapsulates error details from a JSON API response.
Represents the generic response structure for API calls.
Response HTTP.
Syntaxic sugar for common validations.
Create an endpoint to connect to a database.
Main Client for AstraDB, it implements administration and Data Api Operations.
Implementation of the DatabaseAdmin interface for Astra.
Specialized Error.
Implementation of the Embedding Auth Provider for AWS.
Options used in the `bulkWrite` command.
Builder for creating FindOneAndUpdateOptions instances with a fluent API.
Store the list of responses returned by the bulk write.
A Data API collection, the main object to interact with the Data API, especially for DDL operations.
List of possible types for the collection 'defaultId'.
Represents the Collection definition with its name and metadata.
Set of options to define and initialize a collection.
Builder for CollectionInfo.
Subclass representing the indexing options.
Subclass representing the indexing options.
Subclass representing a parameters for LLM Services
Subclass representing the services options.
Subclass representing the vector options.
Represent a command to be executed against the Data API.
Custom serializer for Command class.
Defines the contract for observers that react to command executions within the DataApiClient.
Options that will be provided to all commands for this collection.
Use to initialize the HTTPClient.
Utilities to work with Async functions.
List Options for a FindOne command.
Custom deserializer for EJson Date type.
Custom Serializer for EJson Date type.
Custom deserializer for EJson Date type.
Custom Serializer for EJson Date type.
Custom deserializer for EJson Date type.
Custom Serializer for EJson Date type.
Custom deserializer for EJson Date type.
Object Id Could be objectId|uuid|uuidv6|uuidv7
Custom deserializer for EJson Date type.
Object Id Could be objectId|uuid|uuidv6|uuidv7
Object Id Could be objectId|uuid|uuidv6|uuidv7
Object Id Could be objectId|uuid|uuidv6|uuidv7
Serves as the primary entry point to the Data API client, offering streamlined access to the functionalities provided by the Data API, whether deployed within Astra environments or on-premise DataStax Enterprise installations.
Provides utility methods for initializing and configuring clients to interact with the Data API.
Implementation of Client.
Represents a runtime exception that occurs within the Data API client.
Represents a specific kind of DataApiException that is thrown when the response received from the Data API does not match the expected format or content.
Constants in the JSON API.
Options to set up the client for DataApiClient.
Builder for the DataAPIClientOptions.
Represent the destination of the data API.
Subclass to represent an http proxy.
Extends DataApiException to specifically address errors encountered during the processing of responses from the Data API.
A Data API database.
Defines the core client interface for interacting with the Data API, focusing on CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for namespaces.
Bean representing the database information.
Options to delete many documents.
Options to delete One document.
Hold the result of delete commands (deleteOne, deleteMany).
Iterator to get all distinct value for a particular field.
Iterator to retrieve distinct values of a field in a document.
Represents a document without schema constraints as a Map<String, Object>.
Default header when working with an embedding service provider.
To use the interface embeddings API the user needs to be authenticated against the embedding provider
Class representing the Embedding Provider returned by findEmbeddingProviders command.
Authentication method.
Model for the service.
Parameters for the service.
Token method.
Validation Component for the parameter.
List Options for a FindOne command.
Encapsulates detailed information about the execution of a command, including the original request, the raw response, HTTP response details, and timing information.
Builder class for execution information
Filter Builder.
Helper to build a where clause in natural language (fluent API).
Ease process of creating a where clause.
Helper to create Filter
Wrapper to get information about the findEmbeddingProviders.
Represents the result of a 'find' command executed on a collection, providing an iterable interface to navigate through the result set.
Implementing a custom iterator that will load next page if needed when hitting the last item of page.
Options to find one and delete.
Options used in the `findAndReplace` command.
Store the result of a findOneAndReplace operation.
List options for a findOneAndUpdate command.
List Options for a FindOne command.
List Options for a FindOne command.
Options to set up http Client.
Options for InsertMany
Represents the result returned by command 'insertMany()', mainly the insertedIds.
Options for InsertOne
Represents the result returned by command 'insertOne()', mainly the insertedI
Custom implementation of serialization : faster + no jackson dependency
Implements a CommandObserver that logs command execution details.
Represents the Namespace (keyspac) definition with its name and metadata.
Replication strategies
Options to create a Namespace.
A globally unique identifier for objects.
Reuse of treatments for options
Hold results for paging
Helping Iteration on Pages and Documents for DataApi.
Encode the presence of a field in the result.
Encode the presence of a field in the result.
Options for the replaceOne operation.
Http Client using JDK11 client with a retry mechanism.
Enum to define the return document option.
Similarity metric.
Class to help building a projection.
Encode the sort order in results.
Utility class to hold the sort options for a query.
Static token, never expires..
To work the APi needs a token.
Error when too many documents in the collection
Encore the update document
Options for the updateOne operation
Options for the updateOne operation
Return update result.
Helper for Syntax with updates.
Creating a token with base64 encoded credentials.
Materializing the UUIDv6 as a specialization class to drive serialization and deserialization.
Materializing the UUIDv6 as a specialization class to drive serialization and deserialization.