Starting DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra 3.11

Steps for starting the DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra 3.11.

Steps for starting the DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra (DDAC).

  1. From the install directory, start the node:
    cd installation_location
  2. To check that the node is up and running, from the install directory:
    bin/nodetool status

    The nodetool command shows the node type and the status. For a node running in a normal state (UN) with virtual nodes (vnodes) enabled shows:

    Datacenter: Cassandra
    |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
    --  Address    Load       Tokens  Owns    Host ID                               Rack
    UN  82.43 KB   128     ?       40725dc8-7843-43ae-9c98-7c532b1f517e  rack1