nodetool sequence

Run multiple nodetool commands from a file, resource, or standard input (StdIn) sequentially.

  • The file is located in the installation_location/conf directory.

Run multiple nodetool commands from a file, resource, or standard input (StdIn) sequentially.


install_location/bin/nodetool [options] sequence 
[--failonerror] [(-i <input> | --input <input>)...] [--stoponerror] [--] [<commands>...] 

Common options

These options apply to all nodetool commands.

Table 1. Options
Short Long Description
-h --host Hostname or IP address.
-p --port Remote JMX agent port number.
-pw --password Password.
-pwf --password-file Password file path.
-u --username Remote JMX agent user name.
-- Separates an option from an argument that could be mistaken for a option.
  • If a username and password for RMI authentication are set explicitly in the file for the host, then you must specify credentials.

Sequence options

The following options are specific to the sequence command:

Table 2. sequence options
Short Long Description
--failonerror By default, the sequence command will not fail (return an error exit code) if one or more child commands fail. Set this option to true to return an error exit code if a child command fails.
-iinput --inputinput The file or classpath resource to read nodetool commands from, one command per line. Use /dev/stdin to read from standard input. Multiple input can be entered.
--stoponerror By default, if one child command fails, the sequence command continues with remaining commands. Set this option to true to stop on error.
commands Commands to execute. Separate individual commands using a colon surrounded by whitespaces (' : '). For example: nodetool sequence info : gettimeout read : gettimeout write : status


Run multiple nodetool commands from a file, resource, or standard input (StdIn) sequentially. Common options (host, port, username, password) are passed to child commands. This command reduces overhead and is faster than running nodetool commands individually from a shell script because the JVM doesn't have to restart for each command.


For example, create a text file with one command per line, and specify the file name and location file in the command. Each command in the file runs sequentially.
nodetool sequence -i path_to_text_file
#nodetool sequence sample file
gettimeout read
gettimeout write