
Utility for resetting the level to zero on a given set of SSTables.

This tool is intended to mark specific SSTables as repaired or unrepaired. It is used to set the repairedAt status on a given set of SSTables. This metadata facilitates incremental repairs. It can take in the path to an individual SSTable or the path to a file containing a list of SSTables paths.
Warning: Do not run this command until you have stopped Cassandra on the node.

Use this tool in the process of migrating an installation to incremental repair.

install_location/tools/bin/sstablerepairedset [--really-set] [--is-repaired | --is-unrepaired] 
[-f sstable-list | sstables]


  • Choose SSTables to mark as repaired.
    $ sstablerepairedset --really-set --is-repaired data/data/cycling/cyclist_name-a882dca02aaf11e58c7b8b496c707234/la-1-big-Data.db
  • Use a file to list the SSTable to mark as unrepaired.
    $ /sstablerepairedset --is-unrepaired -f repairSetSSTables.txt
    A file like repairSetSSTables.txt would contain a list of SSTable (.db) files, as in the following example:
    Use the following command to list all the Data.db files in a keyspace:
    find '/home/user/datastax-ddc-3.2.0/data/keyspace1/' -iname "*Data.db*"