CQL quick reference

Provides a consolidated syntax list of Cassandra Query Language (CQL) commands for quick reference.

Provides a consolidated syntax list of Cassandra Query Language (CQL) commands for quick reference.

See this quick reference guide for other CQL versions: 5.1 | 6.0 | 6.7.

Download a printable CQL reference with the ten most frequently use CQL commands and a list of the CQL data types.


ALTER  KEYSPACE keyspace_name 
   WITH REPLICATION = {replication_map}
   [AND DURABLE_WRITES =  true|false] ;
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Change the cycling keyspace to NetworkTopologyStrategy in a single datacenter and turn off durable writes (not recommended). This example uses the default datacenter name with a replication factor of 3.

  'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy',
  'datacenter1' : 3 } 


ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [keyspace_name.]view_name 
  WITH table_options [ AND table_options ... ] ;
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Modifying table properties

For an overview of properties that apply to materialized views, see table_options .

ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW cycling.cyclist_by_age 
WITH comment = 'A most excellent and useful view'
AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.02;

Modifying compression and compaction

Use a property map to specify new properties for compression or compaction.

ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW cycling.cyclist_by_age 
WITH compression = { 
   'sstable_compression' : 'DeflateCompressor', 
   'chunk_length_kb' : 64 }
AND compaction = {
   'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 
   'max_threshold': 64};

Changing caching

You can create and change caching properties using a property map.

This example changes the keys property to NONE (the default is ALL) and changes the rows_per_partition property to 15.

ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW cycling.cyclist_by_age 
WITH caching = { 
   'keys' : 'NONE', 
   'rows_per_partition' : '15' };

Viewing current materialized view properties

Use DESCRIBE MATERIALIZED VIEW to see all current properties.

DESCRIBE MATERIALIZED VIEW cycling.cyclist_by_age
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW cycling.cyclist_by_age AS
    SELECT age, cid, birthday, country, name
    FROM cycling.cyclist_mv
    PRIMARY KEY (age, cid)
    AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.02
    AND caching = {'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'NONE'}
    AND comment = 'A most excellent and useful view'
    AND compaction = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32', 'min_threshold': '4'}
    AND compression = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '64', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.DeflateCompressor'}
    AND crc_check_chance = 1.0
    AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1
    AND default_time_to_live = 0
    AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
    AND max_index_interval = 2048
    AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
    AND min_index_interval = 128
    AND read_repair_chance = 0.0
    AND speculative_retry = '99PERCENTILE';


ALTER ROLE role_name 
[ WITH [ PASSWORD = 'password'
   | LOGIN = (true | false) 
   | SUPERUSER = (true | false) 
   | OPTIONS = option_map ]
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Change the password for coach:


ALTER TABLE [keyspace_name.]table_name 
  [ ADD ( column_definition | column_definition_list ) ]
  [ DROP ( column | column_list | COMPACT STORAGE ) ]
  [ RENAME column_name TO column_name ]
  [ WITH table_properties [ , ... ] ] ;
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Specifying the table and keyspace

You can qualify the table name by prepending the name of its keyspace. For example, to specify the teams table in the cycling keyspace:

ALTER TABLE cycling.teams
ADD manager uuid;

Adding a column

To add a column to a table, use the ADD instruction; for example:

ALTER TABLE cycling.cyclist_races 
ADD firstname text;

To add a column of a collection type:

ALTER TABLE cycling.upcoming_calendar 
ADD events list<text>;

This operation does not validate the existing data.

You cannot use the ADD instruction to add:

  • A column with the same name as an existing column.
  • A static column if the table has no clustering columns and uses COMPACT STORAGE.

Dropping a column

To remove a column from the table, use the DROP instruction:
ALTER TABLE cycling.basic_info 
DROP birth_year;

DROP removes the column from the table definition. The column becomes unavailable for queries immediately after it is dropped. The database drops the column data during the next compaction.

  • If you drop a column then re-add it, DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra does not restore the values written before the column was dropped.
  • Do not re-add a dropped column that contained timestamps generated by a client; you can re-add columns with timestamps generated by the write time facility.
  • You cannot drop columns from tables defined with the COMPACT STORAGE option.

Renaming a column

The main purpose of RENAME is to change the names of CQL-generated primary key and column names that are missing from a legacy table. The following restrictions apply to the RENAME operation:
  • You can only rename clustering columns, which are part of the primary key.
  • You cannot rename the partition key because the partition key determines the data storage location on a node. If a different partition name is required, the table must be recreated and the data migrated.
    Note: There are many restrictions when using RENAME because SSTables are immutable. To change the state of things on disk, everything must be rewritten.
  • You can index a renamed column.
  • You cannot rename a column if an index has been created on it.
  • You cannot rename a static column.

Modifying table properties

To change an existing table's properties, use ALTER TABLE and WITH. You can specify a:

This example uses the WITH instruction to modify the read_repair_chance property, which configures read repair for tables that use for a non-quorum consistency and how to change multiple properties using AND:

ALTER TABLE cyclist_mv
WITH comment = 'ID, name, birthdate and country'
AND read_repair_chance = 0.2;

Enclose a text property value in single quotation marks. You cannot modify properties of a table that uses COMPACT STORAGE.

Modifying compression and compaction

Use a property map to alter a table's compression or compaction setting:

ALTER TABLE cycling_comments 
WITH compression = { 
  'sstable_compression' : 'DeflateCompressor', 
  'chunk_length_kb' : 64

Enclose the name of each key in single quotes. If the value is a string, enclose this in quotes as well.

CAUTION: If you change the compaction strategy of a table with existing data, the database rewrites all existing SSTables using the new strategy. This can take hours, which can be a major problem for a production system. For strategies to minimize this disruption, see How to change the compaction strategy on a production cluster and Impact of Changing Compaction Strategy.

Changing caching

Set the number of rows per partition to store in the row cache for a table to 10 rows:

ALTER TABLE cycling.events 
WITH caching = {
  'keys': 'NONE', 
  'rows_per_partition': 10

Reviewing the table definition

Use DESCRIBE or DESC to view the table definition.
DESC TABLE cycling.events;

The table details including the column names are returned.

CREATE TABLE cycling.events (
  month int,
  end timestamp,
  class text,
  title text,
  location text,
  start timestamp,
  type text,
  PRIMARY KEY (month, end, class, title)
AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
AND caching = {'keys': 'NONE', 'rows_per_partition': '10'}
AND comment = ''
AND compaction = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy',
  'max_threshold': '32', 'min_threshold': '4'}
AND compression = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '64',
  'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.LZ4Compressor'}
AND crc_check_chance = 1.0
AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1
AND default_time_to_live = 0
AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
AND max_index_interval = 2048
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
AND min_index_interval = 128
AND read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND speculative_retry = '99PERCENTILE';


ALTER TYPE field_name 
  ( ADD field_name cql_datatype
  | RENAME field_name TO new_field_name [ AND field_name TO new_field_name ... ] ) ;
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Adding a field

To add a new field to a user-defined type, use ALTER TYPE and the ADD keyword. For existing UDTs, the field value is null.

ALTER TYPE fullname ADD middlename text ;

Changing a field name

To change the name of a field in a user-defined type, use the RENAME old_name TO new_name syntax. Rename multiple fields by separating the directives with AND.

Remove name from all the field names in the cycling.fullname UDT.
ALTER TYPE cycling.fullname 
RENAME middlename TO middle 
AND lastname to last 
AND firstname to first;
Verify the changes using describe:
DESC TYPE cycling.fullname
The new field names appear in the description.
CREATE TYPE cycling.fullname (
    first text,
    last text,
    middle text


ALTER USER user_name 
WITH PASSWORD 'password' 
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Alter a user's password:
ALTER USER moss WITH PASSWORD 'bestReceiver';
Alter a user to make that a superuser:


  [ USING TIMESTAMP [ epoch_microseconds ] ]
  dml_statement [ USING TIMESTAMP [ epoch_microseconds ] ] ;
  [ dml_statement [ USING TIMESTAMP [ epoch_microseconds ] ] [ ; ... ] ] ;
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Applying a client supplied timestamp to all DMLs

Insert meals paid for Vera Adrian using the user-defined date when inserting the records:


  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'Vera ADRIAN', 2, 13.44, 'Lunch', true

  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'Vera ADRIAN', 3, 25.00, 'Dinner', true

Note: Combining two statements for the same partition results in a single table mutation.
View the records vertically:
Verify that the timestamps are all the same:
   cyclist_name, expense_id,
   amount, WRITETIME(amount),
   description, WRITETIME(description),
   paid, WRITETIME(paid)
    cyclist_name = 'Vera ADRIAN';
Both records were entered with the same timestamp.
@ Row 1
 cyclist_name           | Vera ADRIAN
 expense_id             | 2
 amount                 | 13.44
 writetime(amount)      | 1481124356754405
 description            | Lunch
 writetime(description) | 1481124356754405
 paid                   | True
 writetime(paid)        | 1481124356754405

@ Row 2
 cyclist_name           | Vera ADRIAN
 expense_id             | 3
 amount                 | 25
 writetime(amount)      | 1481124356754405
 description            | Dinner
 writetime(description) | 1481124356754405
 paid                   | False
 writetime(paid)        | 1481124356754405

(2 rows)

If any DML statement in the batch uses compare-and-set (CAS) logic, for example the following batch with IF NOT EXISTS, an error is returned:


  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'Vera ADRIAN', 2, 13.44, 'Lunch', true

  INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_expenses (
    cyclist_name, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'Vera ADRIAN', 3, 25.00, 'Dinner', false

InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="Cannot provide custom timestamp for conditional BATCH"

Batching conditional updates

Batch conditional updates introduced as lightweight transactions. However, a batch containing conditional updates can only operate within a single partition, because the underlying Paxos implementation only works at partition-level granularity. If one statement in a batch is a conditional update, the conditional logic must return true, or the entire batch fails. If the batch contains two or more conditional updates, all the conditions must return true, or the entire batch fails. This example shows batching of conditional updates:

The statements for inserting values into purchase records use the IF conditional clause.

  INSERT INTO purchases (
    user, balance
  ) VALUES (
    'user1', -8

  INSERT INTO purchases (
    user, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'user1', 1, 8, 'burrito', false


  UPDATE purchases
    SET balance = -208
    WHERE user='user1'
    IF balance = -8;

  INSERT INTO purchases (
    user, expense_id, amount, description, paid
  ) VALUES (
    'user1', 2, 200, 'hotel room', false

Conditional batches cannot provide custom timestamps. UPDATE and DELETE statements within a conditional batch cannot use IN conditions to filter rows.

A continuation of this example shows how to use a static column with conditional updates in batch.

Batching counter updates

A batch of counters should use the COUNTER option because, unlike other writes in DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra, a counter update is not an idempotent operation.


  UPDATE UserActionCounts
    SET total = total + 2
    WHERE keyalias = 523;

  UPDATE AdminActionCounts
    SET total = total + 2
    WHERE keyalias = 701;

Counter batches cannot include non-counter columns in the DML statements, just as a non-counter batch cannot include counter columns. Counter batch statements cannot provide custom timestamps.


CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] AGGREGATE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] [keyspace_name.]aggregate_name (cql_type)
  SFUNC udf_name 
  STYPE cql_type
  FINALFUNC udf_name
  INITCOND init_value
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Create an aggregate that calculates average in the cycling keyspace.
  1. Set up a test table with data:
    CREATE TABLE cycling.team_average (
      team_name text, 
      cyclist_name text, 
      cyclist_time_sec int, 
      race_title text, 
      PRIMARY KEY (team_name, race_title,cyclist_name)
    INSERT INTO cycling.team_average (
      team_name, cyclist_name, cyclist_time_sec, race_title
    ) VALUES (
      'UnitedHealthCare Pro Cycling Womens Team','Katie HALL',11449,
      'Amgen Tour of California Women''s Race presented by SRAM - Stage 1 - Lake Tahoe > Lake Tahoe'
    INSERT INTO cycling.team_average (
      team_name, cyclist_name, cyclist_time_sec, race_title
    ) VALUES (
      'UnitedHealthCare Pro Cycling Womens Team','Linda VILLUMSEN',11485,
      'Amgen Tour of California Women''s Race presented by SRAM - Stage 1 - Lake Tahoe > Lake Tahoe'
    INSERT INTO cycling.team_average (
      team_name, cyclist_name, cyclist_time_sec, race_title
    ) VALUES (
      'UnitedHealthCare Pro Cycling Womens Team','Hannah BARNES',11490,
      'Amgen Tour of California Women''s Race presented by SRAM - Stage 1 - Lake Tahoe > Lake Tahoe'
    INSERT INTO cycling.team_average (
      team_name, cyclist_name, cyclist_time_sec, race_title
    ) VALUES (
      'Velocio-SRAM','Alena AMIALIUSIK',11451,
      'Amgen Tour of California Women''s Race presented by SRAM - Stage 1 - Lake Tahoe > Lake Tahoe'
    INSERT INTO cycling.team_average (
      team_name, cyclist_name, cyclist_time_sec, race_title
    ) VALUES (
      'Velocio-SRAM','Trixi WORRACK',11453,
      'Amgen Tour of California Women''s Race presented by SRAM - Stage 1 - Lake Tahoe > Lake Tahoe'
    INSERT INTO cycling.team_average (
      team_name, cyclist_name, cyclist_time_sec, race_title
    ) VALUES (
      'TWENTY16 presented by Sho-Air','Lauren KOMANSKI',11451,
      'Amgen Tour of California Women''s Race presented by SRAM - Stage 1 - Lake Tahoe > Lake Tahoe'
  2. Create a function with a state parameter as a tuple that counts the rows (by incrementing 1 for each record) in the first position and finds the total by adding the current row value to the existing subtotal the second position, and returns the updated state.
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cycling.avgState (
      state tuple<int,bigint>, val int
      RETURNS tuple<int,bigint> 
      LANGUAGE java AS 
          if (val != null) { 
            state.setInt(0, state.getInt(0)+1); 
            state.setLong(1, state.getLong(1)+val.intValue()); 
          return state;
    Note: Use a simple test to verify that your function works properly.
    CREATE TABLE cycling.test_avg (
      id int PRIMARY KEY,
      state frozen<tuple<int, bigint>>,
      val int
    INSERT INTO cycling.test_avg (
      id, state, val
    ) VALUES (
      1, (6, 9949), 51
    INSERT INTO cycling.test_avg (
      id, state, val
    ) VALUES (
      2, (79, 10000), 9999
    SELECT state, avgState(state, val), val
    FROM cycling.test_avg;

    The first value was incremented by one and the second value is the results of the initial state value and val.

     state       | cycling.avgstate(state, val) | val
       (6, 9949) |                   (7, 10000) |   51
     (79, 10000) |                  (80, 19999) | 9999
  3. Create a function that divides the total value for the selected column by the number of records.
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cycling.avgFinal (
      state tuple<int, bigint>
      RETURNS double 
      LANGUAGE java AS 
          double r = 0; 
          if (state.getInt(0) == 0) return null; 
          r = state.getLong(1); 
          r/= state.getInt(0); 
          return Double.valueOf(r);
  4. Create the user-defined aggregate to calculate the average value in the column:
    CREATE OR REPLACE AGGREGATE cycling.average (
      SFUNC avgState 
      STYPE tuple<int,bigint> 
      FINALFUNC avgFinal 
      INITCOND (0, 0)
  5. Test the function using a select statement:
    SELECT cycling.average(cyclist_time_sec)
    FROM cycling.team_average 
    WHERE team_name = 'UnitedHealthCare Pro Cycling Womens Team' 
      AND race_title = 'Amgen Tour of California Women''s Race presented by SRAM - Stage 1 - Lake Tahoe > Lake Tahoe';


CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] FUNCTION [ IF NOT EXISTS ] [keyspace_name.]function_name (argument_list [ , ... ])
  [ MONOTONIC [ ON argument_name ] ]
  LANGUAGE language_name AS 'code_block' ; 
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Overwrite or create the fLog function that computes the logarithm of an input value. CALLED ON NULL INPUT ensures that the function will always be executed.

  input double
    'return Double.valueOf(Math.log(input.doubleValue()));'
Create a function that returns the first N characters from a text field in Javascript. RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT ensures that if the input value is null then the function is not executed.
  column TEXT, num int
  RETURNS text 
  LANGUAGE javascript AS 
    column.substring(0, num)
Use the function in requests:
SELECT left(firstname, 1), lastname
FROM cycling.cyclist_name;
 cycling.left(firstname, 1) | lastname
                          A |           FRAME
                          M |        MATTHEWS
                          P |       TIRALONGO
                          S |      KRUIKSWIJK
                          A | VAN DER BREGGEN


  ON [keyspace_name.]table_name
  ([ ( KEYS | FULL ) ] column_name) 
  (ENTRIES column_name);
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Creating an index on a clustering column

Define a table having a composite partition key, and then create an index on a clustering column.

CREATE TABLE mykeyspace.users (
   userID uuid,
   fname text,
   lname text,
   email text,
   address text,
   zip int,
   state text,
  PRIMARY KEY ((userID, fname), state)
CREATE INDEX ON mykeyspace.users (state);

Creating an index on a set or list collection

Create an index on a set or list collection column as you would any other column. Enclose the name of the collection column in parentheses at the end of the CREATE INDEX statement. For example, add a collection of phone numbers to the users table to index the data in the phones set.

ALTER TABLE users ADD phones set<text>;
CREATE INDEX ON users (phones);

If the collection is a map, you can create an index on map values. Assume the users table contains this map data from the example of a todo map:

{'2014-10-2 12:10' : 'die' }

The map key, the timestamp, is located to the left of the colon, and the map value is located to the right of the colon, 'die'. Indexes can be created on both map keys and map entries .

Creating an index on map keys

You can create an index on map collection keys. If an index of the map values of the collection exists, drop that index before creating an index on the map collection keys.

To index map keys, you use the KEYS keyword and map name in nested parentheses. For example, index the collection keys, the timestamps, in the todo map in the users table:
CREATE INDEX todo_dates ON users (KEYS(todo));

To query the table, you can use CONTAINS KEY in WHERE clauses.

Creating an index on the map entries

You can create an index on map entries. An ENTRIES index can be created only on a map column of a table that doesn't have an existing index.

To index collection entries, you use the ENTRIES keyword and map name in nested parentheses. For example, index the collection entries in a list in a race table:
CREATE INDEX entries_idx ON race (ENTRIES(race_wins));

To query the table, you can use a WHERE clause.

Creating an index on a full collection

You can create an index on a full FROZEN collection. An FULL index can be created on a set, list, or map column of a table that doesn't have an existing index.

To index collection entries, you use the FULL keyword and collection name in nested parentheses. For example, index the list rnumbers.
CREATE INDEX rnumbers_idx 
ON cycling.race_starts (FULL(rnumbers));

To query the table, you can use a WHERE clause.


   WITH REPLICATION = {replication_map}
   [AND DURABLE_WRITES =  true|false] ;
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Create a keyspace for a single node evaluation cluster

Create cycling keyspace on a single node evaluation cluster:

   'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 
   'replication_factor' : 1 

Create a keyspace NetworkTopologyStrategy on an evaluation cluster

This example shows how to create a keyspace with network topology in a single node evaluation cluster.
   'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 
   'datacenter1' : 1 
  } ;
Note: datacenter1 is the default datacenter name. To display the datacenter name, use nodetool status.
nodetool status
The node tool returns the data center name, rack name, host name, and IP address.
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address    Load       Tokens  Owns    Host ID                               Rack
UN  46.59 KB   256     100.0%  dd867d15-6536-4922-b574-e22e75e46432  rack1

Create the cycling keyspace in an environment with multiple data centers

Set the replication factor for the Boston, Seattle, and Tokyo datacenters. The data center name must match the name configured in the snitch.

   'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 
   'boston'  : 3 , // Datacenter 1 
   'seattle' : 2 , // Datacenter 2
   'tokyo'   : 2   // Datacenter 3
Note: For more about replication strategy options, see Changing keyspace replication strategy.

Disabling durable writes

Disable write commit log for the cycling keyspace. Disabling the commit log increases the risk of data loss. Do not disable in SimpleStrategy environments.

   'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy',
   'datacenter1' : 3 


CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW [ IF NOT EXISTS ] [keyspace_name.]view_name
  AS SELECT [ (column_list) ]
  FROM [keyspace_name.]table_name
  WHERE column_name IS NOT NULL [ AND column_name IS NOT NULL ... ]
    [ AND relation [ AND ... ] ] 
  PRIMARY KEY (column_list)
  [ WITH [ table_properties ]
    [ [ AND ] CLUSTERING ORDER BY (cluster_column_name order_option) ] ] ;
Learn more.


This section shows example scenarios that illustrate the use of materialized views.

Basic example of a materialized view

This cyclist_base table is used in the first example scenario:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cycling.cyclist_base (
  name text, 
  age int, 
  birthday date, 
  country text
The following materialized view cyclist_by_age uses the base table cyclist_base. The WHERE clause ensures that only rows whose age and cid columns are non-NULL are added to the materialized view. In the materialized view, age is the partition key, and cid is the clustering column. In the base table, cid is the partition key.
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW cycling.cyclist_by_age AS
  SELECT age, cid, birthday, country, name
  FROM cycling.cyclist_base 
  PRIMARY KEY (age, cid)
    AND caching = { 'keys' : 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition' : '100' }
    AND comment = 'Based on table cyclist';
The results of this query:
FROM cycling.cyclist_by_age;
 age | cid                                  | birthday   | country       | name
  28 | 6ab09bec-e68e-48d9-a5f8-97e6fb4c9b47 | 1987-06-07 |   Netherlands | Steven KRUIKSWIJK
  18 | 15a116fc-b833-4da6-ab9a-4a7775752836 | 1997-08-19 | United States |      Adrien COSTA
  18 | 18f471bf-f631-4bc4-a9a2-d6f6cf5ea503 | 1997-03-29 |   Netherlands |       Bram WELTEN
  18 | ffdfa2a7-5fc6-49a7-bfdc-3fcdcfdd7156 | 1997-02-08 |   Netherlands |  Pascal EENKHOORN
  22 | e7ae5cf3-d358-4d99-b900-85902fda9bb0 | 1993-06-18 |   New Zealand |        Alex FRAME
  27 | c9c9c484-5e4a-4542-8203-8d047a01b8a8 | 1987-09-04 |        Brazil |   Cristian EGIDIO
  27 | d1aad83b-be60-47a4-bd6e-069b8da0d97b | 1987-09-04 |       Germany |   Johannes HEIDER
  20 | 862cc51f-00a1-4d5a-976b-a359cab7300e | 1994-09-04 |       Denmark |     Joakim BUKDAL
  38 | 220844bf-4860-49d6-9a4b-6b5d3a79cbfb | 1977-07-08 |         Italy |   Paolo TIRALONGO

(9 rows)

Using a materialized view to perform queries that are not possible on a base table

The following scenario shows how to use a materialized view to perform queries that are not possible on a base table unless ALLOW FILTERING is used. ALLOW FILTERING is not recommended because of the performance degradation. This table stores the cycling team mechanic information:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cycling.mechanic (
  emp_id int,
  dept_id int,
  name text,
  age int,
  birthdate date,
  PRIMARY KEY (emp_id, dept_id)
The table contains these rows:
 emp_id | dept_id | age | birthdate  | name
      5 |       3 |  25 | 1996-10-04 | Lisa SMITH
      1 |       1 |  21 | 1992-06-18 | Fred GREEN
      2 |       1 |  22 | 1993-01-15 | John SMITH
      4 |       2 |  24 | 1995-08-19 | Jack JONES
      3 |       2 |  23 | 1994-02-07 |   Jane DOE

(5 rows)
This materialized view selects the columns from the previous table and contains a different primary key from the table:
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW cycling.mechanic_view AS
  SELECT emp_id, dept_id, name, age, birthdate
  FROM cycling.mechanic
    AND dept_id IS NOT NULL
    AND name IS NOT NULL
    AND birthdate IS NOT NULL
  PRIMARY KEY (age, emp_id, dept_id);
This query retrieves the rows where the age is 21:
FROM cycling.mechanic_view
WHERE age = 21;
The previous query cannot be run on the base table without ALLOW FILTERING. The output from the previous query is as follows:
 age | emp_id | dept_id | birthdate  | name
  21 |      1 |       1 | 1992-06-18 | Fred GREEN

(1 rows)


  [ WITH [ SUPERUSER = ( true | false ) ]
  [ [ AND ] LOGIN = ( true | false ) ]
  [ [ AND ] PASSWORD = 'role_password' ] 
  [ [ AND ] OPTIONS = option_map ] ] ;
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Creating a login account

  1. Create a login role for coach.
    CREATE ROLE coach 
    WITH PASSWORD = 'All4One2day!' 
    AND LOGIN = true;
    Internal authentication requires the role to have a password.
  2. Verify that the account works by logging in:
    LOGIN coach
  3. Enter the password at the prompt.
  4. The cqlsh prompt includes the role name:

Creating a role

A best practice when using internal authentication is to create separate roles for permissions and login accounts. Once a role has been created it can be assigned as permission to another role, see GRANT for more details. Roles for externally authenticators users are mapped to the user's group name; LDAP mapping is case sensitive.

Create a role for the cycling keyspace administrator, that is a role that has full permission to only the cycling keyspace.

  1. Create the role:
    CREATE ROLE cycling_admin;
    At this point the role has no permissions. Manage permissions using GRANT and REVOKE.
    Note: A role can only modify permissions of another role and can only modify (GRANT or REVOKE) role permissions that it also has.
  2. Assign the role full access to the cycling keyspace:
    GRANT ALL PERMISSIONS on KEYSPACE cycling to cycling_admin;
  3. Now assign the role to the coach.
    GRANT cycling_admin TO coach;
    This allows you to manage the permissions of all cycling administrators by modifying the cycling_admin role.
  4. View the coach's permissions.
     role           | username       | resource           | permission
      cycling_admin |  cycling_admin | <keyspace cycling> |     CREATE
      cycling_admin |  cycling_admin | <keyspace cycling> |      ALTER
      cycling_admin |  cycling_admin | <keyspace cycling> |       DROP
      cycling_admin |  cycling_admin | <keyspace cycling> |     SELECT
      cycling_admin |  cycling_admin | <keyspace cycling> |     MODIFY
      cycling_admin |  cycling_admin | <keyspace cycling> |  AUTHORIZE
      cycling_admin |  cycling_admin |        <all roles> |  AUTHORIZE

Changing a password

A role can change the password to itself, or another role that it has permission to modify. A superuser can change the password of any role. Use ALTER to change a role's password:
ALTER ROLE coach WITH PASSWORD = 'NewPassword' 


CREATE TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] [keyspace_name.]table_name
  ( column_definition [ , ... ] | PRIMARY KEY (column_list) )
  [ WITH [ table_options ]
  [ [ AND ] CLUSTERING ORDER BY [ clustering_column_name order ] ]
  [ [ AND ] ID = 'table_hash_tag' ]
Learn more.

Create a table that has a frozen user-defined type.

CREATE TABLE cycling.race_winners (
   race_name text, 
   race_position int, 
   cyclist_name FROZEN<fullname>, 
   PRIMARY KEY (race_name, race_position)

See "Creating a user-defined type" for information on creating UDTs. In DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra (DDAC), UDTs can be created unfrozen if only non-collection fields are used in the user-defined type creation. If the table is created with an unfrozen UDT, then individual field values can be updated and deleted.

Create the cyclist_name table with UUID as the primary key:
CREATE TABLE cycling.cyclist_name ( 
   lastname text, 
   firstname text

Creating a compound primary key

Create the cyclist category table and store the data in reverse order:
CREATE TABLE cycling.cyclist_category (
   category text, 
   points int, 
   id UUID, 
   lastname text, 
   PRIMARY KEY (category, points)) 

Creating a composite partition key

Create a table that is optimized for query by cyclist rank by year:
CREATE TABLE cycling.rank_by_year_and_name ( 
   race_year int, 
   race_name text, 
   cyclist_name text, 
   rank int, 
   PRIMARY KEY ((race_year, race_name), rank)

Setting caching

The database caches only the first N rows in a partition, as determined by the clustering order.

For example, to cache all riders in each age partition:
ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW cycling.cyclist_by_age 
WITH caching = { 
 'keys' : 'ALL', 
 'rows_per_partition' : 'ALL'

Creating a table with a CDC log:

Create a change log for the cyclist name table:
CREATE TABLE cycling.cyclist_name 
WITH cdc = TRUE;

Adding a comment

For example, note the base table for the materialized view:
ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW cycling.cyclist_by_age 
WITH comment = "Basetable: cyclist_mv";

Change the speculative retries

Modify the user table to use 10 miliseconds:
ALTER TABLE users WITH speculative_retry = '10ms';
Modify the user table to 99 percent:
ALTER TABLE users WITH speculative_retry = '99percentile';

Enabling and disabling background compaction

The following example sets the enable property to disable background compaction:
ALTER TABLE mytable 
   'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 
   'enabled': 'false'

Disabling background compaction can be harmful: without it, the database does not regain disk space, and may allow zombies to propagate. Although compaction uses I/O, it is better to leave it enabled in most cases.

Reading extended compaction logs

Set the log_all subproperty to true to collect in-depth information about compaction activity on a node in a dedicated log file.

Important: If you enable extended logging for any table on any node, it is enabled for all tables on all nodes in the cluster.

When extended compaction is enabled, the database creates a file named compaction-%d.log (where %d is a sequential number) in home/logs.

The compaction logging service logs detailed information about four types of compaction events:
  • type:enable

    Lists SSTables that have been flushed previously

      [    {"strategyId":"0","type":"LeveledCompactionStrategy","tables":[],"repaired":true,"folders":
  • type: flush

    Logs a flush event from a memtable to an SSTable on disk, including the CompactionStrategy for each table.

      [    {"strategyId":"1","table":
  • type: compaction

    Logs a compaction event.

      [    {"strategyId":"1","table":
      [    {"strategyId":"1","table":
  • type: pending

    Lists the number of pending tasks for a compaction strategy


Storing data in descending order

The following example shows a table definition stores the categories with the highest points first.
CREATE TABLE cycling.cyclist_category ( 
   category text, 
   points int, 
   id UUID, 
   lastname text, 
   PRIMARY KEY (category, points)) 

Using compaction storage

Use compact storage for the category table.
CREATE TABLE cycling.cyclist_category ( 
   category text, 
   points int, 
   id UUID, 
   lastname text, 
   PRIMARY KEY (category, points)) 

Restoring from commit log replayer

Restore the user table from the commit log:
CREATE TABLE cycling.cyclist_emails (
  userid text PRIMARY KEY,
  emails set<text>
) WITH ID='5a1c395e-b41f-11e5-9f22-ba0be0483c18';
To retrieve a table's ID, query the id column of system_schema.tables. For example:
FROM system_schema.tables
WHERE keyspace_name = 'cycling'
  AND table_name = 'cyclist_emails';  

To perform a point-in-time restoration of the table, see Restoring a backup to a specific point-in-time.


CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name
  ON [keyspace_name.]table_name
  USING 'org.apache.cassandra.triggers.AuditTrigger' ;
Learn more.


CREATE TYPE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] [keyspace_name.]type_name
  (field_name cql_datatype [ , field_name cql_datatype ... ]) ;
Learn more.


This example creates a user-defined type cycling.basic_info that consists of personal data about an individual cyclist.

CREATE TYPE cycling.basic_info (
  birthday timestamp,
  nationality text,
  weight text,
  height text

After defining the UDT, you can create a table that has columns with the UDT. CQL collection columns and other columns support the use of user-defined types, as shown in Using CQL examples.


DELETE [ column_name [ term ] [ , ... ] ]
  FROM [keyspace_name.]table_name 
  [ USING TIMESTAMP timestamp_value ]
  WHERE PK_column_conditions 
  [ ( IF EXISTS | IF static_column_conditions ) ] ;
Learn more.


Delete data from row

Delete the data in specific columns by listing them after the DELETE command, separated by commas. The deleted values are set to null.

DELETE firstname, lastname FROM cycling.cyclist_name 
WHERE id = e7ae5cf3-d358-4d99-b900-85902fda9bb0;

Delete an entire row

Entering no column names after DELETE, removes the entire matching row. Remove a cyclist entry from the cyclist_name table and return an error if no rows match.

DELETE FROM cycling.cyclist_name 
WHERE id=e7ae5cf3-d358-4d99-b900-85902fda9bb0 IF EXISTS;
Delete row based on static column condition

IF limits the where clause, allowing selection based on values in non-PRIMARY KEY columns, such as first and last name; remove the cyclist record if the first and last name do not match.

DELETE FROM cycling.cyclist_name 
WHERE id =e7ae5cf3-d358-4d99-b900-85902fda9bb0 
if firstname='Alex' and lastname='Smith';

The results show all the data

 [applied] | firstname | lastname
     False |      Alex |    FRAME

Conditionally deleting columns

You can conditionally delete columns using IF or IF EXISTS. Deleting a column is similar to making an insert or update conditionally.

Add IF EXISTS to the command to ensure that the operation is not performed if the specified row does not exist:

DELETE id FROM cyclist_id 
WHERE lastname = 'WELTEN' and firstname = 'Bram' 

Without IF EXISTS, the command proceeds with no standard output. If IF EXISTS returns true (if a row with this primary key does exist), standard output displays a table like the following:

Standard output if DELETE ... IF EXISTS returns TRUE

If no such row exists, however, the conditions returns FALSE and the command fails. In this case, standard output looks like:

Standard output if DELETE ... IS EXISTS returns FALSE

Use IF condition to apply tests to one or more column values in the selected row:
DELETE id FROM cyclist_id 
WHERE lastname = 'WELTEN' AND firstname = 'Bram' 
IF age = 2000;
If all the conditions return TRUE, standard output is the same as if IF EXISTS returned true (see above). If any of the conditions fails, standard output displays False in the [applied] column and also displays information about the condition that failed:

Standard output if DELETE ... IF returns FALSE

Conditional deletions incur a non-negligible performance cost and should be used sparingly.

Deleting old data using TIMESTAMP

The TIMESTAMP is an integer representing microseconds. You can identify the column for deletion using TIMESTAMP.

DELETE firstname, lastname
  FROM cycling.cyclist_name
  USING TIMESTAMP 1318452291034
  WHERE lastname = 'VOS';

Deleting more than one row

The WHERE clause specifies which row or rows to delete from the table.

DELETE FROM cycling.cyclist_name 
WHERE id = 6ab09bec-e68e-48d9-a5f8-97e6fb4c9b47;

To delete more than one row, use the keyword IN and supply a list of values in parentheses, separated by commas:

DELETE FROM cycling.cyclist_name 
WHERE firstname IN ('Alex', 'Marianne');

CQL supports an empty list of values in the IN clause, useful in Java Driver applications.

Deleting from a collection set, list or map

To delete an element from a map that is stored as one column in a row, specify the column_name followed by the key of the element in square brackets:

DELETE sponsorship ['sponsor_name'] FROM cycling.races 
WHERE race_name = 'Criterium du Dauphine';

To delete an element from a list, specify the column_name followed by the list index position in square brackets:

DELETE categories[3] FROM cycling.cyclist_history 
WHERE lastname = 'TIRALONGO';

To delete all elements from a set, specify the column_name by itself:

DELETE sponsorship FROM cycling.races 
WHERE race_name = 'Criterium du Dauphine';


DROP AGGREGATE [ IF EXISTS ] [keyspace_name.]aggregate_name [ (argument_name [ , ... ]) ] ;
Learn more.


Drop the avgState aggregate from the cycling keyspace.



DROP FUNCTION [ IF EXISTS ] [keyspace_name.]function_name [ (argument_name [ , ... ]) ] ;
Learn more.


Drops the UDF from the cycling keyspace.



DROP INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] [keyspace.]index_name ;
Learn more.


Drop the index ryear from the cycling.rank_by_year_and_name table.

DROP INDEX cycling.ryear;


DROP KEYSPACE [ IF EXISTS ] keyspace_name ;
Learn more.


Drop the cycling keyspace:


DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] [keyspace_name.]view_name ;
Learn more.


DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW cycling.cyclist_by_age;


DROP ROLE [ IF EXISTS ] role_name ;
Learn more.


Drop the team manager role.

DROP ROLE IF EXISTS team_manager;


DROP TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] [keyspace_name.]table_name ;
Learn more.


Attempting to drop a table with materialized views that are based on it:
DROP TABLE cycling.cyclist_mv ;
Error message lists the materialized views that are based on this table:
InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="Cannot drop table when materialized views still depend on it (cycling.{cyclist_by_age,cyclist_by_country})"
Drop the cyclist_name table:
DROP TABLE cycling.cyclist_name;


DROP TRIGGER [ IF EXISTS ] trigger_name 
  ON [keyspace_name.]table_name ;
Learn more.


DROP TYPE [ IF EXISTS ] [keyspace_name]type_name ;
Learn more.


Attempting to drop a type that is in use by a table:
DROP TYPE cycling.basic_info ;
Error message with the table names that contain the type:
InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="Cannot drop user type cycling.basic_info as it is still used by table cycling.cyclist_stats"
Drop the table:
DROP TABLE cycling.cyclist_stats ;
Drop the type:
DROP TYPE cycling.basic_info ;


GRANT permission
  [ ON object ]
  TO role_name ;
Learn more.


In most environments, user authentication is handled by a plug-in that verifies users credentials against an external directory service such as LDAP. The CQL role is mapped to the external group by matching the role name to a group name. For simplicity, the following examples use internal users.

Give the role coach permission to perform SELECT statements on all tables in all keyspaces:
Give the role manager permission to perform INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and TRUNCATE statements on all tables in the field keyspace:
Give the role coach the permission to run ALTER KEYSPACE statements on the cycling keyspace, and also ALTER TABLE, CREATE INDEX, and DROP INDEX statements on all tables in the cycling keyspace:
Give the role coach permission to run all statements on the cycling.name table:
GRANT ALL PERMISSIONS ON cycling.name TO coach;
Create an administrator role with full access to the cycling keyspace:
GRANT ALL ON KEYSPACE cycling TO cycling_admin;
Give the role sponsor permission to perform SELECT statements on rows that contain 'SPONSORED' in the cycling.rank table:
GRANT SELECT ON 'SPONSORED' ROWS IN cycling.rank TO sponsor;
Note: The filtering_data string is case-sensitive.
To view permissions:

To grant create permissions on a work pool in a specific datacenter:

GRANT CREATE ON WORKPOOL datacenter_name TO role_name;


INSERT INTO [keyspace_name.]table_name
  [ column_list VALUES column_values ]
  [ USING [ TTL seconds ] [ [ AND ] TIMESTAMP epoch_in_microseconds ] ] ;
Learn more.


Specifying TTL and TIMESTAMP

Insert a cyclist name using both a TTL and timestamp.

INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_name (
  id, lastname, firstname
  6ab09bec-e68e-48d9-a5f8-97e6fb4c9b47, 'KRUIKSWIJK', 'Steven'
AND TIMESTAMP 123456789;
  • Time-to-live (TTL) in seconds
  • Timestamp in microseconds since epoch

Inserting values into a collection (set and map)

To insert data into a collection, enclose values in curly brackets. Set values must be unique.

Insert a list of categories for a cyclist.
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_categories (
  id, lastname, categories
    'GC', 'Time-trial', 'Sprint'
Insert a map named teams that lists two recent team memberships for the user VOS.
INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_teams (
  id, lastname, teams
    2015 : 'Rabobank-Liv Woman Cycling Team', 
    2014 : 'Rabobank-Liv Woman Cycling Team'

The size of one item in a collection is limited to 64K.

To insert data into a collection column of a user-defined type, enclose components of the type in parentheses within the curly brackets, as shown in "Using a user-defined type."

Inserting a row only if it does not already exist

Add IF NOT EXISTS to the command to ensure that the operation is not performed if a row with the same primary key already exists:

INSERT INTO cycling.cyclist_name (
  id, lastname, firstname
  c4b65263-fe58-4846-83e8-f0e1c13d518f, 'RATTO', 'Rissella'
Without IF NOT EXISTS, the command proceeds with no standard output. If IF NOT EXISTS is included and there is no row with the same primary key, the command is performed and returns true in the [applied] column of the results. For example:
With IF NOT EXISTS, if the row already exists, the command returns false in the [applied] column and returns the values for the existing row. For example:
 [applied] | id                                   | firstname | lastname
     False | c4b65263-fe58-4846-83e8-f0e1c13d518f |  Rissella |    RATTO
Note: Using IF NOT EXISTS incurs a performance hit associated with using Paxos internally. For information about Paxos, see Linearizable consistency.


LIST permission
  [ ON resource_name ]
  [ OF role_name ] 
Learn more.


List all permissions given to coach:

OF coach;

Output is:

 rolename | resource           | permission
    coach | <keyspace field>   |     MODIFY

List permissions given to all the roles:


Output is:

 rolename | resource             | permission
    coach |     <keyspace field> |     MODIFY
    manager | <keyspace cyclist> |      ALTER
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |     CREATE
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |      ALTER
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |       DROP
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |     SELECT
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |     MODIFY
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |  AUTHORIZE
    coach |      <all keyspaces> |     SELECT

List all permissions on the cyclist.name table:

ON cyclist.name;

Output is:

 username | resource             | permission
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |     CREATE
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |      ALTER
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |       DROP
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |     SELECT
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |     MODIFY
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |  AUTHORIZE
    coach |      <all keyspaces> |     SELECT

List all permissions on the cyclist.name table and its parents:

ON cyclist.name 

Output is:

 username | resource             | permission
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |     CREATE
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |      ALTER
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |       DROP
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |     SELECT
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |     MODIFY
    manager | <table cyclist.name> |  AUTHORIZE


  [ OF role_name ] 
Learn more.


Show all the roles that the current role has permission to describe.
Returns all roles:
 role                       | super | login | options
                      alice | False |  True |        {}
                  cassandra |  True |  True |        {}
              cycling_admin | False | False |        {}
            cycling_analyst | False | False |        {}
                cycling_app | False |  True |        {}
 cycling_expense_management | False | False |        {}
                   dantest1 | False |  True |        {}
             hockey_analyst | False | False |        {}
                       jane | False |  True |        {}
                      jason | False |  True |        {}
                       john | False |  True |        {}
             keyspace_admin | False | False |        {}
                     martin | False |  True |        {}
                  read_race | False | False |        {}
                 role_admin | False | False |        {}
                       root |  True |  True |        {}
                      sandy | False |  True |        {}
                  sys_admin | False |  True |        {}
            update_accounts | False | False |        {}
               update_races | False | False |        {}
               update_teams | False | False |        {}

(21 rows)
Show the roles for a particular role. Sufficient privileges are required to show this information.
Returns only the roles assigned to martin:
 role           | super | login | options
 keyspace_admin | False | False |        {}
         martin | False |  True |        {}

(2 rows)


  ON [keyspace_name.]table_name 
  USING pk_column_name ;
Learn more.


For the cyclist_expenses table, configure the cyclist_name column for filtering so that permissions can be assigned. In this example, we identify the column so that each cyclist can view only their own expenses:

RESTRICT ROWS ON cyclist_expenses USING cyclist_name;
RLAC requires two commands: a single RESTRICT and one or more GRANT commands. For example, cyclist Vera Adrian can view her expenses:
GRANT SELECT ON 'Vera ADRIAN' ROWS IN cyclist_expenses TO cycling_accounts;
Note: The filtering_data string is case-sensitive.


REVOKE privilege
  ON resource_name
  FROM role_name ;
Learn more.


The role manager can no longer perform SELECT queries on the cycling.name table.
ON cycling.name 
FROM manager;
Exceptions: Because of inheritance, the user can perform SELECT queries on cycling.name if one of these conditions is met:
  • The user is a superuser.
  • The user has SELECT on ALL KEYSPACES permissions.
  • The user has SELECT on the cycling keyspace.
The role coach can no longer perform GRANT, ALTER or REVOKE commands on all roles:
FROM coach;


SELECT selectors 
  FROM [keyspace_name.]table_name 
  [ WHERE [ primary_key_conditions ] [ AND ] [ index_conditions ]
  [ GROUP BY column_name [ , ... ] ]
  [ ORDER BY PK_column_name [ , ... ] ( ASC | DESC ) ] 
Learn more.


Using a column alias

When your selection list includes functions or other complex expressions, use aliases to make the output more readable. This example applies aliases to the dateOf(created_at) and blobAsText(content) functions:

  dateOf(created_at) AS creation_date,
  blobAsText(content) AS content 
FROM timeline;

The output labels these columns with more understandable names:

 event_id                | creation_date            | content
 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716 | 2013-07-26 10:44:33+0200 | Some stuff

(1 rows)

The number of rows returned by the query is shown at the bottom of the output.

Specifying the source table using FROM

The following example SELECT statement returns the number of rows in the IndexInfo table in the system keyspace:

FROM system.IndexInfo;

Controlling the number of rows returned using LIMIT

The LIMIT option sets the maximum number of rows that the query returns:

SELECT lastname 
FROM cycling.cyclist_name 
LIMIT 50000;

Even if the query matches 105,291 rows, the database only returns the first 50,000.

The cqlsh shell has a default row limit of 10,000. The Cassandra server and native protocol do not limit the number of returned rows, but they apply a timeout to prevent malformed queries from causing system instability.

Selecting partitions

Simple partition key, select a single partition:
partition_column = value
Simple partition key, select multiple partitions:
partition_column IN ( value1, value2 [ , ... ] )
For compound partition keys, create a condition for each key separated by AND:
partition_column1 = value1 
AND partition_column2 = value2 [ AND ... ] )

Controlling the number of rows returned using PER PARTITION LIMIT

In Cassandra, the PER PARTITION LIMIT option sets the maximum number of rows that the query returns from each partition. For example, create a table that will sort data into more than one partition.

CREATE TABLE cycling.rank_by_year_and_name ( 
  race_year int, 
  race_name text, 
  cyclist_name text, 
  rank int, 
  PRIMARY KEY ((race_year, race_name), rank)

After inserting data, the table contains these rows:

 race_year | race_name                                  | rank | cyclist_name
      2014 |                        4th Tour of Beijing |    1 |    Phillippe GILBERT
      2014 |                        4th Tour of Beijing |    2 |        Daniel MARTIN
      2014 |                        4th Tour of Beijing |    3 | Johan Esteban CHAVES
      2015 |   Giro d'Italia - Stage 11 - Forli > Imola |    1 |        Ilnur ZAKARIN
      2015 |   Giro d'Italia - Stage 11 - Forli > Imola |    2 |      Carlos BETANCUR
      2015 | Tour of Japan - Stage 4 - Minami > Shinshu |    1 |      Benjamin PRADES
      2015 | Tour of Japan - Stage 4 - Minami > Shinshu |    2 |          Adam PHELAN
      2015 | Tour of Japan - Stage 4 - Minami > Shinshu |    3 |         Thomas LEBAS

To get the top two racers in every race year and race name, use the SELECT statement with PER PARTITION LIMIT 2.

FROM cycling.rank_by_year_and_name 


 race_year | race_name                                  | rank | cyclist_name
      2014 |                        4th Tour of Beijing |    1 | Phillippe GILBERT
      2014 |                        4th Tour of Beijing |    2 |     Daniel MARTIN
      2015 |   Giro d'Italia - Stage 11 - Forli > Imola |    1 |     Ilnur ZAKARIN
      2015 |   Giro d'Italia - Stage 11 - Forli > Imola |    2 |   Carlos BETANCUR
      2015 | Tour of Japan - Stage 4 - Minami > Shinshu |    1 |   Benjamin PRADES
      2015 | Tour of Japan - Stage 4 - Minami > Shinshu |    2 |       Adam PHELAN

Filtering data using WHERE

The WHERE clause introduces one or more relations that filter the rows returned by SELECT.

The column specifications

The column specification of the relation must be one of the following:
  • One or more members of the partition key of the table
  • A clustering column, only if the relation is preceded by other relations that specify all columns in the partition key
  • A column that is indexed using CREATE INDEX.
Restriction: In the WHERE clause, refer to a column using the actual name, not an alias.

Filtering on the partition key

For example, the following table definition defines id as the table's partition key:
CREATE TABLE cycling.cyclist_career_teams (
  lastname text,
  teams set<text>
In this example, the SELECT statement includes in the partition key, so the WHERE clause can use the id column:
SELECT id, lastname, teams 
FROM cycling.cyclist_career_teams 
WHERE id=5b6962dd-3f90-4c93-8f61-eabfa4a803e2;

Filtering on a clustering column

Use a relation on a clustering column only if it is preceded by relations that reference all the elements of the partition key.


CREATE TABLE cycling.cyclist_points (
  id UUID, 
  firstname text, 
  lastname text, 
  race_title text, 
  race_points int, 
  PRIMARY KEY (id, race_points )
SELECT sum(race_points) 
FROM cycling.cyclist_points 
WHERE id=e3b19ec4-774a-4d1c-9e5a-decec1e30aac 
AND race_points > 7;



(1 rows)

In DataStax Enteprise 5.1 and later, it is possible to add ALLOW FILTERING to filter on a non-indexed cluster column.

CAUTION: Avoid ALLOW FILTERING because it impacts performance.

The table definition is included in this example to show that race_start_date is a clustering column without a secondary index:

CREATE TABLE cycling.calendar (
  race_id int, 
  race_name text, 
  race_start_date timestamp, 
  race_end_date timestamp, 
  PRIMARY KEY (race_id, race_start_date, race_end_date)
FROM cycling.calendar 
WHERE race_start_date='2015-06-13' 


 race_id | race_start_date                 | race_end_date                   | race_name
     102 | 2015-06-13 07:00:00.000000+0000 | 2015-06-13 07:00:00.000000+0000 | Tour de Suisse
     103 | 2015-06-13 07:00:00.000000+0000 | 2015-06-17 07:00:00.000000+0000 | Tour de France

It is possible to combine the partition key and a clustering column in a single relation. For details, see Comparing clustering columns.

Filtering on indexed columns

A WHERE clause in a SELECT on an indexed table must include at least one equality relation to the indexed column. For details, see Indexing a column.

Using the IN operator

Use IN, an equals condition operator, to list multiple possible values for a column. Thjs example selects two columns, first_name and last_name, from three rows having employee ids (primary key) 105, 107, or 104:

SELECT first_name, last_name 
FROM emp 
WHERE empID IN (105, 107, 104);

The list can consist of a range of column values separated by commas.

Using IN to filter on a compound or composite primary key

Use an IN condition on the last column of the partition key only when it is preceded by equality conditions for all preceding columns of the partition key. For example:
  part_type text, 
  part_name text, 
  part_num int, 
  part_year text, 
  serial_num text, 
  PRIMARY KEY ((part_type, part_name), part_num, part_year)
FROM parts 
WHERE part_type = 'alloy'
  AND part_name = 'hubcap' 
  AND part_num = 1249
  AND part_year IN ('2010', '2015');
When using IN, you can omit the equality test for clustering columns other than the last. But this usage may require the use of ALLOW FILTERING, so it impacts performance. For example:
FROM parts 
WHERE part_num = 123456
  AND part_year IN ('2010', '2015') 

CQL supports an empty list of values in the IN clause, useful in Java Driver applications when passing empty arrays as arguments for the IN clause.

When not to use IN

Under most conditions, using IN in relations on the partition key is not recommended. To process a list of values, the SELECT may have to query many nodes, which degrades performance. For example, consider a single local datacenter cluster with 30 nodes, a replication factor of 3, and a consistency level of LOCAL_QUORUM. A query on a single partition key query goes out to two nodes. But if the SELECT uses the IN condition, the operation can involve more nodes — up to 20, depending on where the keys fall in the token range.

Using IN for clustering columns is safer. See Cassandra Query Patterns: Not using the “in” query for multiple partitions for additional logic about using IN.

Filtering on collections

Your query can retrieve a collection in its entirety. It can also index the collection column, and then use the CONTAINS condition in the WHERE clause to filter the data for a particular value in the collection, or use CONTAINS KEY to filter by key. This example features a collection of tags in the playlists table. The query can index the tags, then filter on 'blues' in the tag set.

SELECT album, tags 
FROM playlists 
WHERE tags CONTAINS 'blues';

After indexing the music venue map, filter on map values, such as 'The Fillmore':
FROM playlists 
WHERE venue CONTAINS 'The Fillmore';
After indexing the collection keys in the venues map, filter on map keys.
FROM playlists 
WHERE venue CONTAINS KEY '2014-09-22 22:00:00-0700';

Filtering a map's entries

Follow this example query to retrieve rows based on map entries. (This method only works for maps.)
cycling.birthday_list (ENTRIES(blist));
This query finds all cyclists who are 23 years old based on their entry in the blist map of the table birthday_list.
FROM cycling.birthday_list 
WHERE blist['age'] = '23';

Filtering a full frozen collection

This example presents a query on a table containing a FROZEN collection (set, list, or map). The query retrieves rows that fully match the collection's values.
CREATE INDEX rnumbers_idx ON
cycling.race_starts (FULL(rnumbers));
The following SELECT finds any cyclist who has 39 Pro wins, 7 Grand Tour starts, and 14 Classic starts in a frozen list.
FROM cycling.race_starts 
WHERE rnumbers = [39, 7, 14];

Range relations

Cassandra supports greater-than and less-than comparisons, but for a given partition key, the conditions on the clustering column are restricted to the filters that allow selection of a contiguous set of rows.

For example:
CREATE TABLE ruling_stewards (
  steward_name text,
  king text,
  reign_start int,
  event text,
  PRIMARY KEY (steward_name, king, reign_start)
This query constructs a filter that selects data about stewards whose reign started by 2450 and ended before 2500. If king were not a component of the primary key, you would need to create an index on king to use this query:
SELECT * FROM ruling_stewards
WHERE king = 'Brego'
  AND reign_start >= 2450
  AND reign_start < 2500 
The output:
 steward_name | king  | reign_start | event
      Boromir | Brego |        2477 |   Attacks continue
       Cirion | Brego |        2489 | Defeat of Balchoth
(2 rows)

To allow selection of a contiguous set of rows, the WHERE clause must apply an equality condition to the king component of the primary key. The ALLOW FILTERING clause is also required. ALLOW FILTERING provides the capability to query the clustering columns using any condition.


ALLOW FILTERING is intended for development environments only and is not recommended for production. When you attempt a potentially expensive query, such as searching a range of rows, Cassandra displays this message:

Bad Request: Cannot execute this query as it might involve data
filtering and thus may have unpredictable performance. If you want
to execute this query despite the performance unpredictability,

To run this type of query, use ALLOW FILTERING, and restrict the output to n rows using LIMIT n. For example:

FROM ruling_stewards
WHERE king = 'none'
  AND reign_start >= 1500
  AND reign_start < 3000 

Using LIMIT does not prevent all problems caused by ALLOW FILTERING. In this example, if there are no entries without a value for king, the SELECT scans the entire table, no matter what the LIMIT is.

It is not necessary to use LIMIT with ALLOW FILTERING, and LIMIT can be used by itself. But LIMIT can prevent a query from ranging over all partitions in a datacenter, or across multiple datacenters..

Using compound primary keys and sorting results

These restrictions apply when using an ORDER BY clause with a compound primary key:
  1. Only include clustering columns in the ORDER BY clause.
  2. In the WHERE clause, provide all the partition key values and clustering column values that precede the column(s) in the ORDER BY clause. In DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra (DDAC), the columns specified in the ORDER BY clause must be an ordered subset of the columns of the clustering key, starting from the first column of the clustering key.
  3. When sorting multiple columns, the columns must be listed in the same order in the ORDER BY clause as they are listed in the PRIMARY KEY clause of the table definition.
  4. Sort ordering is limited. For example, if your table definition uses CLUSTERING ORDER BY (start_month ASC, start_day ASC), then you can use ORDER BY start_day, race in your query (ASC is the default). You can also reverse the sort ordering if you apply it to all of the columns; for example, ORDER BY start_day DESC, race DESC.
  5. Refer to a column using the actual name, not an alias.

For example, set up the playlists table (which uses a compound primary key), and use this query to get information about a particular playlist, ordered by song_order. You do not need to include the ORDER BY column in the select expression.

SELECT * FROM playlists 
WHERE id = 62c36092-82a1-3a00-93d1-46196ee77204
ORDER BY song_order DESC 


Or, create an index on playlist artists, and use this query to get titles of Fu Manchu songs on the playlist:

CREATE INDEX ON playlists(artist);
SELECT album, title 
FROM playlists 
WHERE artist = 'Fu Manchu';


Grouping results

A GROUP BY clause condenses the selected rows that share the same values for a set of columns into a group.

For example, this query groups the rows by the race date in the race_times table:

SELECT race_date, race_name 
FROM cycling.race_times
GROUP BY race_date;
The output:
 race_date  | race_name
 2017-04-14 | 17th Santos Tour Down Under

(1 rows)

Computing aggregates

Cassandra provides standard built-in functions that return aggregate values to SELECT statements.

Using COUNT() to get the non-null value count for a column

A SELECT expression using COUNT(column_name) returns the number of non-null values in a column. COUNT ignores null values.

For example, count the number of last names in the cyclist_name table:

SELECT COUNT(lastname) 
FROM cycling.cyclist_name;

Getting the number of matching rows and aggregate values with COUNT()

A SELECT expression using COUNT(*) returns the number of rows that matched the query. Use COUNT(1) to get the same result. COUNT(*) or COUNT(1) can be used in conjunction with other aggregate functions or columns.

This example counts the number of rows in the cyclist name table:

FROM cycling.cyclist_name;

This example calculates the maximum value for start day in the cycling events table and counts the number of rows returned:

SELECT start_month, MAX(start_day), COUNT(*)
FROM cycling.events
WHERE year = 2017
  AND discipline = 'Cyclo-cross';

This example provides a year that is not stored in the events table:

SELECT start_month, MAX(start_day)
FROM cycling.events
WHERE year = 2022
In the output, notice that the columns are null, and one row is returned:
 start_month | system.max(start_day)
        null |                  null

(1 rows)
Getting maximum and minimum values in a column
A SELECT expression using MAX(column_name) returns the maximum value in a column. When the column's data type is numeric (bigint, decimal, double, float, int, smallint), this is the highest value.
SELECT MAX(points) 
FROM cycling.cyclist_category;


MIN returns the minimum value. If the query includes a WHERE clause, MAX or MIN returns the largest or smallest value from the rows that satisfy the WHERE condition.
SELECT category, MIN(points) 
FROM cycling.cyclist_category 
WHERE category = 'GC';


Note: If the column referenced by MAX or MIN has an ascii or text data type, these functions return the last or first item in an alphabetic sort of the column values. If the specified column has data type date or timestamp, these functions return the most recent or least recent times and dates. If a column has a null value, MAX and MIN ignores that value; if the column for an entire set of rows contains null, MAX and MIN return null.

Getting the sum or average of a column of numbers

Cassandra computes the sum or average of all values in a column when SUM or AVG is used in the SELECT statement:

Note: If any of the rows returned have a null value for the column referenced for a SUM or AVG aggregation, Cassandra includes that row in the row count, but uses a zero value to calculate the average.
Note: The SUM and AVG functions do not work with text, uuid or date fields.

Retrieving the date/time a write occurred

The WRITETIME function applied to a column returns the date/time in microseconds at which the column was written to the database.

For example, to retrieve the date/time that a write occurred to the first_name column of the user whose last name is Jones:

SELECT WRITETIME (first_name) 
FROM users 
WHERE last_name = 'Jones';

The WRITETIME output in microseconds converts to November 15, 2012 at 12:16:34 GMT-8.

Retrieving the time-to-live of a column

The time-to-live (TTL) value of a cell is the number of seconds before the cell is marked with a tombstone. To set the TTL for a single cell, a column, or a column family, for example:
INSERT INTO cycling.calendar (
  race_id, race_name, race_start_date, race_end_date
  200, 'placeholder', '2015-05-27', '2015-05-27'
UPDATE cycling.calendar 
SET race_name = 'dummy' 
WHERE race_id = 200 
  AND race_start_date = '2015-05-27' 
  AND race_end_date = '2015-05-27';
After inserting the TTL, use this SELECT statement to check its current value:
SELECT TTL(race_name) 
FROM cycling.calendar 
WHERE race_id = 200;

(1 rows) 

Retrieving values in the JSON format

This option is available in DDAC. For details, see Retrieval using JSON.


TRUNCATE [ TABLE ] [keyspace_name.]table_name ;
Learn more.


To remove all data from a table without dropping the table:
  1. If necessary, use the cqlsh CONSISTENCY command to set the consistency level to ALL.
  2. Use nodetool status or some other tool to make sure all nodes are up and receiving connections.
  3. Use TRUNCATE or TRUNCATE TABLE, followed by the table name. For example:
    TRUNCATE cycling.user_activity;
    TRUNCATE TABLE cycling.user_activity;
Note: TRUNCATE sends a JMX command to all nodes, telling them to delete SSTables that hold the data from the specified table. If any of these nodes is down or doesn't respond, the command fails and outputs a message like the following:
truncate cycling.user_activity;
Unable to complete request: one or more nodes were unavailable.


UNRESTRICT ROWS ON [keyspace_name.]table_name ;
Learn more.


Remove row-level permissions from the currently selected column:
UNRESTRICT ROWS ON cyclist_name;


UPDATE [keyspace_name.]table_name
  [ USING TTL time_value ]
  [ [ AND ] USING TIMESTAMP timestamp_value ]
  SET assignment [ , assignment , ... ]
  WHERE row_specification
  [ ( IF EXISTS | IF NOT EXISTS | IF condition [ AND condition ... ] ) ] ;
Learn more.


Updating a column

Update a column in several rows at once:

UPDATE users
SET state = 'TX'
WHERE user_uuid
  IN (
CQL supports an empty list of values in the IN clause, useful in Java Driver applications when passing empty arrays as arguments for the IN clause.

Update several columns in a single row:

UPDATE cycling.cyclists
  firstname = 'Marianne',
  lastname = 'VOS'
WHERE id = 88b8fd18-b1ed-4e96-bf79-4280797cba80;

Update a row in a table with a complex primary key

To do this, specify all keys in a table having compound and clustering columns. For example, update the value of a column in a table having a compound primary key, userid and url:

UPDATE excelsior.clicks
USING TTL 432000
SET user_name = 'bob'
WHERE userid = cfd66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40cd6
  AND url = 'http://google.com';

SET col1 = val1, col2 = val2
WHERE movieID = key1;

SET col3 = val3
WHERE movieID IN (key1, key2, key3);

SET col4 = 22
WHERE movieID = key4;

Updating a counter column

To update a counter column value in a counter table, specify the increment or decrement to apply to the current value.

UPDATE cycling.popular_count
SET popularity = popularity + 2
WHERE id = 6ab09bec-e68e-48d9-a5f8-97e6fb4c9b47;

To use a lightweight transaction on a counter column to ensure accuracy, put one or more counter updates in the batch statement. For details, see Performing conditional updates in a batch.

Creating a partition using UPDATE

Since the database processes an UPDATE as an upsert, it is possible to create a new row by updating it in a table. Example: to create a new partition in the cyclists table, whose primary key is (id), you can UPDATE the partition with id e7cd5752-bc0d-4157-a80f-7523add8dbcd, even though it does not exist yet:
UPDATE cycling.cyclists
SET firstname = 'Anna', lastname = 'VAN DER BREGGEN'
WHERE id = e7cd5752-bc0d-4157-a80f-7523add8dbcd;

Updating a list

To insert values into the list:

UPDATE cycling.upcoming_calendar 
SET events = ['Criterium du Dauphine','Tour de Suisse'];

To prepend an element to the list, enclose it in square brackets and use the addition (+) operator:

UPDATE cycling.upcoming_calendar 
SET events = ['Tour de France'] + events
WHERE year = 2015 AND month = 06;

To append an element to the list, switch the order of the new element data and the list name:

UPDATE cycling.upcoming_calendar 
SET events = events + ['Tour de France']
WHERE year = 2017 AND month = 05;

To add an element at a particular position, use the list index position in square brackets:

UPDATE cycling.upcoming_calendar 
SET events[4] = 'Tour de France'
WHERE year = 2016 AND month = 07;

To remove all elements having a particular value, use the subtraction operator (-) and put the list value in square brackets:

UPDATE cycling.upcoming_calendar 
SET events = events - ['Criterium du Dauphine']
WHERE year = 2016 AND month = 07;

To update data in a collection column of a user-defined type, enclose components of the type in parentheses within the curly brackets, as shown in "Using a user-defined type."

CAUTION: The Java List Index is not thread safe. The set or map collection types are safer for updates.

Updating a set

To add an element to a set, use the UPDATE command and the addition (+) operator:

UPDATE cycling.cyclist_career_teams
SET teams = teams + {'Team DSB - Ballast Nedam'}
WHERE id = 5b6962dd-3f90-4c93-8f61-eabfa4a803e2;

To remove an element from a set, use the subtraction (-) operator:

UPDATE cycling.cyclist_career_teams
SET teams = teams - {'DSB Bank Nederland bloeit'}
WHERE id = 5b6962dd-3f90-4c93-8f61-eabfa4a803e2;

To remove all elements from a set:

UPDATE cycling.cyclist_career_teams
SET teams = {}
WHERE id = 5b6962dd-3f90-4c93-8f61-eabfa4a803e2;

Updating a map

To set or replace map data, enclose the values in map syntax: strings in curly brackets, separated by a colon.

UPDATE cycling.upcoming_calendar 
SET description = description + {'Criterium du Dauphine' : 'Easy race'}
WHERE year = 2015;

To update or set a specific element, such as adding a new race to the calendar in a map named events:

UPDATE cycling.upcoming_calendar 
SET events[2] = 'Vuelta Ciclista a Venezuela'
WHERE year = 2016 AND month = 06;

To set the a TTL for each map element:

UPDATE cycling.upcoming_calendar USING TTL <ttl_value>
SET events[2] = 'Vuelta Ciclista a Venezuela'
WHERE year = 2016 AND month = 06;

You can update the map by adding one or more elements separated by commas:

UPDATE cycling.upcoming_calendar 
SET description = description + {'Criterium du Dauphine' : 'Easy race', 'Tour du Suisse' : 'Hard uphill race'}
WHERE year = 2015 AND month = 6;

Remove elements from a map in the same way using - instead of +.

About updating sets and maps caution

CQL supports alternate methods for updating sets and maps. These alternatives may seem to accomplish the same tasks, but the database handles them differently in important ways.

For example: CQL provides a straightforward method for creating a new row containing a collection map:
UPDATE cycling.upcoming_calendar 
SET description = 
{'Criterium du Dauphine' : 'Easy race', 
 'Tour du Suisse' : 'Hard uphill race'} 
WHERE year = 2015 AND month = 6;
The easiest way to add a new entry to the map is to use the + operator as described above:
UPDATE cycling.upcoming_calendar 
SET description = description + { 'Tour de France' : 'Very competitive'} 
WHERE year = 2015 AND month = 6;
You may, however, try to add the new entry with a command that overwrites the first two and adds the new one:
UPDATE cycling.upcoming_calendar 
SET description = 
{'Criterium du Dauphine' : 'Easy race', 
 'Tour du Suisse' : 'Hard uphill race',
 'Tour de France' : 'Very competitive'} 
WHERE year = 2015 AND month = 6;

These two statements seem to do the same thing. But behind the scenes, the database processes the second statement by deleting the entire collection and replacing it with a new collection containing three entries. This creates tombstones for the deleted entries, even though these entries are identical to the entries in the new map collection. If your code updates all map collections this way, it generates many tombstones, which may slow the system down.

The examples above use map collections, but the same caution applies to updating sets.

Updating a UDT with non-collection fields

In DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra (DDAC), to change the value of an individual field value in a user-defined type with non-collection fields, use the UPDATE command:

UPDATE cyclist_stats
SET basics.birthday = '2000-12-12'
WHERE id = 220844bf-4860-49d6-9a4b-6b5d3a79cbfb;

Conditionally updating columns

You can conditionally update columns using IF or IF EXISTS.

Add IF EXISTS to the command to ensure that the operation is not performed if the specified row exists:

UPDATE cycling.cyclist_id
SET age = 28
WHERE lastname = 'WELTEN'
  AND firstname = 'Bram'

Without IF EXISTS, the command proceeds with no standard output. If IF EXISTS returns true (if a row with this primary key does exist), standard output displays a table like the following:

Standard output if UPDATE ... IF EXISTS returns TRUE

If no such row exists, however, the condition returns FALSE and the command fails. In this case, standard output looks like:

Standard output if UPDATE ... IS EXISTS returns FALSE

Use IF condition to apply tests to one or more column values in the selected row:
UPDATE cyclist_id
SET id = 15a116fc-b833-4da6-ab9a-4a3775750239
WHERE lastname = 'WELTEN'
  AND firstname = 'Bram'
IF age = 18;
If all the conditions return TRUE, standard output is the same as if IF EXISTS returned true (see above). If any of the conditions fails, standard output displays False in the [applied] column and also displays information about the condition that failed:

Standard output if UPDATE ... IF returns FALSE

Conditional updates are examples of lightweight transactions. They incur a non-negligible performance cost and should be used sparingly.

Performing conditional updates in a BATCH

The UPDATE command creates a new row if no matching row is found. New rows are not immediately available for lightweight transactions applied in the same BATCH.

For example, consider a simple table with four defined columns:

CREATE TABLE mytable (a int, b int, s int static, d text, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))

  INSERT INTO mytable (a, b, d) values (7, 7, 'a')
  UPDATE mytable SET s = 7 WHERE a = 7 IF s = NULL;

In the first batch above, the insert command creates a partition with primary key values (7,7) but does not set a value for the s column. Even though the s column was not defined for this row, the IF s = NULL conditional succeeds, so the batch succeeds. (In previous versions, the conditional would have failed,and that failure would have caused the entire batch to fail.)

The second batch demonstrates more complex handling of a lightweight transaction:

  INSERT INTO mytable (a, b, d) values (7, 7, 'a')
  UPDATE mytable SET s = 1 WHERE a = 1 IF s = NULL;

In this case, the IF statement tests the value of a column in a partition that does not even exist before it is created by the UPDATE. Even so, Cassandra recognizes the implicit presence of the partition and its column s, and lets the conditional test succeed. This allows the batch to succeed.


USE keyspace_name ;
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USE PortfolioDemo;
USE "Excalibur";